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My Kind Of Crazy 11-14-2015 02:16 PM

iZombie 2x07 Abra Cadaver - Episode Discussion (airdate 11/17/2015)


“Abra Cadaver” — (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DLV) (HDTV)

IT’S ALL AN ILLUSION — Liv (Rose McIver) consumes the brains of a death-obsessed illusionist who was murdered in cold blood during a magicians’ convention in Seattle. As Liv and Detective Babineaux (Malcolm Goodwin) investigate the case, she uses her new skills to help narrow down the suspect pool. Meanwhile, Blaine (David Anders) gives Liv some interesting news, and Ravi (Rahul Kohli) makes a decision but things don’t end up going quite as planned. Lastly, Major (Robert Buckley) continues to distance himself from Liv. Viet Nguyen directed the episode written by Justin Halpern & Patrick Schumacker (#206). Original airdate 11/17/2015.


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indigo sunrise 11-15-2015 06:49 AM


Looking forward to this one!

Mazza d'Evill 11-15-2015 10:13 AM

Thanks for opening, Jen! :D

My Kind Of Crazy 11-15-2015 08:26 PM

your welcome. cant wait to watch :)

Superhero 11-17-2015 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by My Kind Of Crazy (Post 84010865)

Major (Robert Buckley) continues to distance himself from Liv.

I'd just assume be done with those two as a couple. I don't mind Major as the zombie-hunting roommate of Ravi, just not as a love interest for our alabaster heroine.

My Kind Of Crazy 11-17-2015 08:05 PM

ok i loved the liv/blaine scenes. just made me love blaine even more. their banter is great.

does blaine know that major and ravi have that dog? he seemed to recognize it when going through the files when searching for info on the missing zombies. cuz he didnt say anything to liv when he saw the photo.

i knew ravi and stef wasnt going to last. she surprising took the breakup well considering how badly he went about doing it.

now its only a matter of time before ravi and peyton gets back together. he already tried to make a move, although it was way too soon since you JUST broke up with stef.

nice to see clive is having some romance in his life.

so the mystery girl outside the house who dropped the package on his steps? daughter he didnt know he had? but whats in the package?

Mazza d'Evill 11-18-2015 04:29 AM

Ahhhh, I really loved this episode :lmao: Too many awesome quotes :lmao:

Ooh, Blaine saw the pic of the dog... what if he'll visit their homes and sees Minor... Hmz.

Is Clive gonna stop digging now that he thinks it's cow brain? Don't think so.

So that's what they meant by 'Major distancing himself from Liv", he can't handle the mood swings :P Oh well, this was just ONE really weird brain. But it fitted her :lol: Dark Liv was cool!

And come on, wasn't it obvious that little lady was wearing a wig? Already though "he" looked weird and definitely thought something was up with that. Couldn't lay my finger on it though, until they mentioned the maid ;)

Ahhh, can't wait for next episode! This show it not letting me down this season :lol:

Ohhhh, and Ravi breaking up with Steph, that was sudden :lmao: Last week (or the week before?) she was cute, and now suddenly she was totally weird :lol: Oh well, are they paving the road for Ravi & Peyton once more? :D Loved their scenes together. Now Blaine will just have to step out of their way, but I guess that's not happening any time soon :lol: Until she finds out what kind of guy he really it (the one you love to hate! And hate to love)

WyleCor 11-18-2015 05:03 AM

"I try not to make a habit of fraternizing with murderers."
"That's no way to go through life, is it?"

Oh my god, so many brilliant lines in this episode. I feel like I need to start making quotes lists, if only not to forget them.

Loving the Blaine and Liv banter as well, let's hope there will be more to come.

And the singing?? :thud:

Hmm, I don't think Blaine recognized the dog, but he could in a future episode? I could see him walking into the house (more likely now that Peyton has his number), notice the dog and be something like: Wait a minute, dead zombie's dog ends up with Liv's bf? Priceless.
Maybe that's just my wishful thinking.

I am curious about how Ravi/Peyton are going to get on now, especially want to see his reaction to her hanging out with their least favourite zombie.

Clive and Dale have looked really good together. Just got a bad feeling it's not going to last.

The daughter idea seems more plausible than anything I have for the girl. But why label the envelope 'occupant'? And was that even Clive's or Dale's place? Could also be a lead for the investigation.

Ugh, the two-week wait will be horrible.

Mazza d'Evill 11-18-2015 05:10 AM

Nha, Blaine hasn't seen the dog yet. :) But I really really really hope that Minor will be the reason Blaine finds out about Major's 'secret' :lmao: Wishful thinking for the win! :high_five:

I think it was Dale's place, since all the stuff on her investigation was there, and she left for the gym before Blaine and Liv broke in. That's no hard evidence, but I have a feeling it's Dale's place :wiggle:
But yeah, who's that woman? Hmzzz...

Gotta wait 2 weeks for a new episode of everything :bawl: What is it with the US and their stupid Thanksgiving?! Gimme my shows! :lol:

Superhero 11-18-2015 11:23 AM

I'm loving Ravi this season.

"This is the best brain ever! I almost wanna start killing magicians so it never ends." -Ravi

"You know what this means, right? The murder is a magic trick. Sometimes I really love this job!" -Ravi

My Kind Of Crazy 11-18-2015 11:53 AM

maybe we should start a favorite quote thread. cuz there really was so many great lines in this episode.


And come on, wasn't it obvious that little lady was wearing a wig? Already though "he" looked weird and definitely thought something was up with that. Couldn't lay my finger on it though, until they mentioned the maid
i know i was thinking the same thing. something was just off with the face but i couldnt figure out what it was till she ripped the mustache off and i was like yep thats the maid.

Superhero 11-18-2015 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by My Kind Of Crazy (Post 84058444)
we should start a favorite quote thread.

Good call. And while we're at it, how about a "What brain would you like to see Liv eat?" thread, as well...

indigo sunrise 11-18-2015 12:42 PM

Great ep! Lots of funny bits :D

My heart almost stopped when Blaine saw the picture of Minor :lol: man, that's going to be what gives Major away in the end, isn't it? :thud:

Was great seeing Liv and Blaine work together. I also really like the chemistry between Blaine and Peyton (but who on this show doesn't have great chemistry? :lol: ) but I do hope she finds out sooner rather than later who he is.

The scene with Ravi and Peyton was also great. I hope they can work it out at some point! I'm glad Ravi broke up with his girlfriend cause that really wasn't going too well :lol:

Also uhmmm I'm drawing a blank but are we supposed to know who the girl was who dropped the envelope off and who saw Liv from her car, or have we not seen her before?

Superhero 11-18-2015 12:58 PM

If anyone's interested in reading it, Amy Ratcliffe's review is up over at IGN:

iZombie: "Abra Cadaver" Review - IGN

My Kind Of Crazy 11-18-2015 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by indigo sunrise (Post 84058799)

Also uhmmm I'm drawing a blank but are we supposed to know who the girl was who dropped the envelope off and who saw Liv from her car, or have we not seen her before?

no we havent seen her before. she is a mystery. we have been trying to figure her out in the previous posts in this thread. why did the package say "occupant" ? does she have info on the zombie case?

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