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ana_beatriz1984 06-06-2008 06:38 PM

:yay: I know I'm already excited, Portugal and Germany are my favorites to win the Euro this year :D

yes Izzie it is inspired in a book by Nicholas Sparks if u like sad romantic movies maybe this is for you ( I love angst :lol: )it made cry :cry:
YouTube - The Notebook trailer

yeah I felt sorry for Natalie cause it wasn't her fault , but hugh's speech after that :lol: made me laugh

chasin' the wind 06-08-2008 06:04 PM

So, who is everyone's favorite couple? :in_love:

ana_beatriz1984 06-09-2008 08:26 PM

My favorite couple is Juliet and Mark even tho they don't get together I loved their storyline :sigh: (the poor guy in love with his best friend's gf )

so_what? 06-12-2008 03:27 AM

Colin (i forgot his screen name in LA) and Aurélia... :love:
although i see myself in Sarah/Karl...

anaBe: thanks for the trailer! I read the book. Nicholas' books turned into movies i prefer "A walk to remember"... so sweet... :)

ally_likewoah 06-12-2008 08:12 AM

I absolutely love this movie!
*may I be added to the list?* (:

ana_beatriz1984 06-16-2008 11:18 PM


Colin (i forgot his screen name in LA) and Aurélia...

I think is Jamie :lol: and they are my second fave couple :sigh: then Karen and Harry.


although i see myself in Sarah/Karl...
:blush: I kinda see myself in Mark but that's another story :lol:

Izzie I haven't read " A walk to remenber" but I've seen a movie with the same tittle with Mandy Moore and Shane West , maybe is that one ?

so_what? 06-17-2008 03:04 AM

yes it is!... i haven't read it either but on youtube there loads of people saying we should there's even reports of guys crying while doing so and confessing worldwide.. :lol:


I confess I'm a young portuguese personna of Sarah... :lol:

so_what? 06-17-2008 03:05 AM

(OT now... Cristiano Ronaldo na sua imagem?... Portugal tem melhor gato para babar... :lol:)

ana_beatriz1984 06-18-2008 06:39 PM


there's even reports of guys crying while doing so and confessing worldwide
funny :lmao: cause actually it was a movie my brother made me watch :lol:


(OT now... Cristiano Ronaldo na sua imagem?... Portugal tem melhor gato para babar... )
sim, é Cristiano,IMO ele é um dos jogadores de futebol surpreendentes que Portugal tem :nod: ( hello Moutinho, :drool: pepe, nuno gomez :sigh: and on and on :thud: )

OT but i think they are gonna kick some german asses tomorrow :( and I would be a turmoil of emotions cause I support both teams :crazy:


I confess I'm a young portuguese personna of Sarah...
and I am a brazilian version of Mark i guess :lol:

so_what? 06-19-2008 06:23 AM

:lol: AnaBe you just make me laugh... we're personificating one of our favs movies... talk about love... :rtofl:

OT: i hope we do kiss some german asses... :nod: and I prefer moutinho and Nuno Gomes too... I really don't think Cristiano is that hot... ooh and it's gomes with an "s" in the end... ;)

ana_beatriz1984 06-20-2008 05:43 PM

I know , :lol: that's why a like LA i feel kinda related to it even tho I didn't act on my feelings like mark cause I chickened out :pout: like that song of Alanis Morrisete "Ironic" you met the man of your dreams but the man has a beautiful wife


ooh and it's gomes with an "s" in the end...
:blush: thanks , google does the same everytime i look for his pics :lol: i type his name wrong all the time. anyway I'm gonna miss captain gomes :( and shirtless moutinho :( my sig says it all ,
so OT i have the hots for Cris but did he play yesterday? :rolleyes:
many :hug: for you , your team really will be missed and I feel so bad my other team was the one who kicked them out :cry:

jessykabeth 06-21-2008 12:15 PM

This is one of my favourite movies. I always put this one on if I'm in need of a cheer up. Colin Firth, Alan Rickman, Hugh Grant and Liam Neeson all in one movie would always attract my attention :-)

Sheebs 06-23-2008 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by jessykabeth (Post 23957505)
This is one of my favourite movies. I always put this one on if I'm in need of a cheer up. Colin Firth, Alan Rickman, Hugh Grant and Liam Neeson all in one movie would always attract my attention :-)

True that. I love all four! :love:

Emma Thompson's character makes me tear up in this movie, the scene in her bedroom after she opens the christmas gift. :(

so_what? 06-23-2008 03:46 AM

From all the hunks in the movie I prefer Rodrigo Santoro... Colin is a cutie but too old for me... :lol:

Emma sure is something in this movie... but I think Laura does a grea great job too :nod:

Thanks AnaBe... it was disapointing :(... this Euro is turning out wierd... :lol:

marybongiovi 06-23-2008 07:03 PM

Can someone add me? This movie is AWESOME. Love it. :)

ana_beatriz1984 06-25-2008 08:22 PM

those brit actors are so :drool: colin is my favorite and then my fellow brazilian Rodrigo :thud: especially that bed scene :sigh:


Emma Thompson's character makes me tear up in this movie, the scene in her bedroom after she opens the christmas gift.
agreed! Emma is amazing in this movie, IMO maybe the best actress in LA that scene is so heartbreaking :cry:

Izzie: I think been called "favorites"was a curse for those teams (ie Portugal, Netherlands and Croatia) almost all of them lost ...:lol:......:pout:

chasin' the wind 06-25-2008 08:23 PM

I feel so sorry for Emma. :bawl: And she doesn't really get a happy ending either.

so_what? 06-26-2008 02:05 AM

yeah... she's the only one outta of a couple that gets a wierd ending... where's the "Xmas" love fore her?!... :rolleyes:


my fellow brazilian Rodrigo especially that bed scene
Rodrigo's bed scenes are always nice :drool: :lol:

AnaBe: i'm very happy Germany won last night... I'm rooting for a Spain/Germany final :)

ana_beatriz1984 06-26-2008 10:06 PM

did she forgive her husband? in the last scene she picks him up from the airport but then i don't know if they were back together, anyway she made cry when she realized the necklace her husband bought wasn't for her :cry: and then go with her kids and pretend everything was ok :(


Rodrigo's bed scenes are always nice
yes they are :nod: and better if he is shirtless and in a pair of boxer shorts :drool:
izzie: I'm happy too :yay: even tho Germany didn't play very well, they have the luck of the champions but i don't know if it will be enough to beat Spain :(especially mchottie Iker Casillas :drool:

so_what? 06-27-2008 03:14 AM


yes they are and better if he is shirtless and in a pair of boxer shorts
that's a sight for soar eyes! .nod: :drool:

I don't think Emma went back to her husband as they were pretty cold to each other on the airport...

ana_beatriz1984 06-27-2008 11:26 PM


that's a sight for soar eyes!
yes, Rodrigo is so easy on the eyes :sigh: ( the only time i didn't like him was in LOST but that wasn't his fault , his character was so bad-written )

i was looking for some resolution to their story (karen/harry) in the DVD and i didn't find anything , but there are other scenes that weren't include in the DVD that are worth it :)
from all the stories my least favorite would be probably the one of the guy who goes to America to find a gf , that one was funny but not so good IMO :)

so_what? 06-30-2008 02:05 AM

I didn't even saw him right in LOST... :rolleyes:

That character was there cause the actor is HUGE in the UK... and he's know for his comic characters... I think he's a bit off in that movie... but I'm a fan... so I end up liking him... :lol:

ana_beatriz1984 07-01-2008 08:06 PM

oh Rodrigo ,i think we have a crush on him, don't we? :sigh: we can share him i guess :lol:

:lol: I didn't know him really but he was funny ,I love LA, all of the stories are my favorites , let's say that one was at the bottom of my list but just because i found his story more funny than romantic :lol: really when she went to juliet's wedding and was hitting on that girl , talking about how awful the food was and the girl ended up being the one who prepared the buffet :lmao: his face was priceless .

so_what? 07-02-2008 02:53 AM

we do, we do! :nod: I think we can.. you have him Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays... I'll have him on every other day... and Sundays we let him rest :lol:

Yes very very famous there... his name is Kris Marshal if I'm correct he even had a statue at Madame's Tussards when i went to London... and pretty much all of his characters are like this.. I'd invite you to see him in two britcoms.. one is "My Family" where he plays Nick and the other is called something like "My life in a movie"...

ana_beatriz1984 07-02-2008 08:43 PM

:high_five: :nod: perfect and it's ok to let him free on sundays cause u know he may want to visit his family or w/e :lol:

:sigh: if he were my co-worker, probably i would spend all day staring at him and get fired cause i couldn't do my job at all :lol:

OMG if u are right and he has a statue at the Madame's Tussards museum he must be really famous, it makes me feel like if i had been living under a rock or sth :lol: i'll see if i find sth in youtube when i get home :)
btw u went to London :sigh: I so want to go there , hopefully for christmas i'll go there ,it looks like a beautiful place to visit :sigh:

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