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shrrshrr 09-14-2006 04:38 PM

Is anyone else bored with current movies right now?
Don't get me wrong - I'm a movie addict and there are tons of films I haven't seen, want to see, and am working on seeing. I'm talking about the fact that there seem to be a whole heck of a lot of crap movies out there right now, and very little of real interest.

Sure - if you like a specific genre I'm sure there's lots for you to see, but aside from possibly the latest Casino Royale, which I'm mostly seeing out of curiosity and tradition (I always see Bond films with my grandmother in the theater, if we can), I'm not really interested in anything, nothing catches my attention.

I don't feels like the summer movie fare was a bit of a dud this year. Is it just me?

S.A.S.H.A. 09-14-2006 04:58 PM

Nah, it's not just you. Seems that for every 15 crap movies out, there's only one worth watching.


LilMouse 09-14-2006 05:39 PM

I haven't been to the theater since July and I really don't know the next time I will go

taovande 09-14-2006 05:55 PM

it's definitely not just you. I've only seen two movies in the theatre this summer.

Pirates and Little Miss Sunshine. And both were worth my time and money--I tend to be a lot pickier in the summer as most of what comes out is complete garbage.

There are a few that are coming out later this year that I'm really interested. It's getting closer to Award season so the better movies should start to roll out.

I mean look at the movies coming out...

Little Children, All the King's Men, The Last King of Scotland, Fur, Babel, The Science of Sleep, Sherrybaby, Goya's Ghost, The Good Shepherd, Flags of Our Father, Running with Scissors, etc.

Hopefully things will pick up and get more interesting.

I'm just sick and tired of the horror genre...The movie's are completely pointless, not scary and are just being made because they will put butts in the seats. Maybe it's not the studios at fault, it's the general viewing audience who isn't shelling out the money to see smart, well written, directed, and acted movies.

UnsilentMajorty 09-14-2006 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by taovande (Post 11934206)

I'm just sick and tired of the horror genre...The movie's are completely pointless, not scary and are just being made because they will put butts in the seats. Maybe it's not the studios at fault, it's the general viewing audience who isn't shelling out the money to see smart, well written, directed, and acted movies.

This is because studios don't make real horror movies anymore. They are all dumbed-down PG-13 movies for tired parents to give the automatic okay to their under-age kids to go see and give them (the parents) two hours of peace and quiet. This is not an exaggeration because half of the "horror" movies fit this mold to a tee. No real gore, no real voilence. Just a few stings (jump out of your seat moments) and that's it.

The classic case is "Aliens vs. Predator". Two of the most horrific and iconic cinema monsters in recent times... And the movie that finally has them together on screen battling it out is rated PG-13?! The movie itself is just plain bad too boot because of a terrible script and crappy directing on top of the kiddie rating it received.

There are still actual horror movies still being made for adults and older teens like the Saw series (Saw III is due this October) as well as smaller ones like "Hostel", but the actual horror genre has been neutered as far as mainstream studios go because while it have never been a mainstream genre, they at least appealed to a certain audience (older teens and adults), but apparently this isn't enough for greedy studios as they had to make them "kid safe" to get more under-age kids... Their parents permission, rather... Into the theater to fill seats.

This is in a nutshell why the horror genre is dead as far as major studios are concerned.

shrrshrr 09-15-2006 10:50 AM

Well, for me it's not even that there aren't movies to draw me to the theater, there aren't movies I'm excited to save on NetFlix! That's saying something!

Usually I'm constantly rotating my films around because I want to save one that'll come out on DVD soon, but little has appealed for quite a while, as you all say.

I'm hoping this upcoming season draws me out of the movie dulldrums, and certainly I have my favorites, classics, and indie films to watch. But sometimes I just want that excitement of having a bunch of fabulous movies to see and not knowing which one to choose first.

I haven't had that feeling in AGES... :(

Cereal Killer 09-15-2006 12:21 PM

I totally agree. I've been to theatre twice this year, I went to see Brokeback Mountain and Pirates of the Caribbean 2. Nothing else has interested me. And I don't know about the rest of the year either, there's nothing to look forward to, really. :shrug:

LittleMilkJug 09-16-2006 09:43 AM

Yes, I'm a bit 'filmed out'. I was so let down by the few films I have seen recently like Lady in the Water. It's just one big feeling of meh. Though, like Shrr, I am excited by the up coming Bond film (my husband always drags me to see them with him, it's tradition too!) as I never expect too much from them just some fun. And this year we have Daniel Craig who is causing a lot of contraversy over whether he is 'Bond' or not. I think he looks great, a bit rough around the edges..but I like my men and super dooper British spies that way :lol:

BabyJ 09-16-2006 10:53 AM

Yeah, the only movie I'm looking forward to is The Prestige, which comes out in late October.

Everything else is just blah.

Moonlight~Pixie 09-16-2006 01:22 PM

It's not just you. A lot of movies I've seen advertised haven't really caught my attention much lately.

carcrashes.. 09-19-2006 10:52 AM

I haven't been to the movies since July, and that was for Pirates. Which was one of the best movies I've ever seen. But other than that and X3 and V for Vendetta, I haven't seen anything this year worth the money. Everything's just been sucking so much. I have no idea when the next time I'll go to the theater...

shrrshrr 09-19-2006 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by LittleMilkJug (Post 11956821)
Yes, I'm a bit 'filmed out'. I was so let down by the few films I have seen recently like Lady in the Water. It's just one big feeling of meh. Though, like Shrr, I am excited by the up coming Bond film (my husband always drags me to see them with him, it's tradition too!) as I never expect too much from them just some fun. And this year we have Daniel Craig who is causing a lot of contraversy over whether he is 'Bond' or not. I think he looks great, a bit rough around the edges..but I like my men and super dooper British spies that way :lol:

:lmao: This just cracked me up.

As with the rest of you - you know, I'm kind of surprised everyone's in agreement! I thought someone would say we were just missing the good films! :lol:

carcrashes - welcome to the boards! I hope you enjoy posting here!

jmoney48 09-21-2006 06:35 PM

i heard the other week was the lowest week for the box office this year or something. it was good for the covenant.

Shera 09-21-2006 07:02 PM

Yeah, I agree. I just don't have the patience to sit through a whole movie. We've been renting a lot and about 15 minutes in I just kind of wander off (usually end up on FF :D)

ring of fire 09-21-2006 09:00 PM

I think last year and early this year there were some great films like Brokeback Mountain, Walk the line, Pride & Prejudice, Memoirs of a Geisha, Revenge of the Sith, etc.
But now most of the films are bad or average. Three weeks ago I was talking with a friend and we wanted to go to the cinema but there wasn't anything good. Last weekend it happened the same. I love going to the cinema and I go everytime I have money and time however, I'm not going to spend money in some crappy movie.
The only movie I'm excited to see is The Prestige. I'll probably see Casino Royale too because my dad loves Bond movies and he asks me to go with him, the movie doesn't look bad and I think most people is being too harsh with Daniel Craig.

About the horror genre, I couldn't agree more. Most movies are really stupid and made for pre teens, not even for teenagers.

UnsilentMajorty you have a point. I hate when I go to the cinema to WATCH a movie and some kid is all the time with his cellphone or talking. They usually do all those things because they don't want to be there, like you said his or her parents just left him or her so they don't bother them.

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