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Old 05-18-2017, 08:52 PM
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Old 05-18-2017, 09:09 PM
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Originally Posted by PhoenixRising (View Post)
Well, I'm still gonna go see Alien: Covenant and see how it is. Anything is preferable to an MCU movie these days for me.
I wouldn't go that far. As for Alien: Convent, the trailers just make me feel "Oh no, not more of THAT stuff. Been there, done, bored to sith by it."

Margot Robbie is Harley Quinn, not Harley Davidson. She's the Joker's sidekick, and was introduced in Batman: The Animated series back in 1992.
To quote you, "Dude, I know all that."

As for Batman and Robin, you're forgetting that the Batgirl that Alicia Silverstone played in that movie wasn't the real Batgirl. She played a character named "Barbara Wilson," who was Alfred's niece, not Barbara Gordon, daughter of Jim Gordon. It's basically like the "Patience Phillips" character that Halle Berry played in Catwoman. If it's not Selina Kyle, it's not Catwoman, and if it's not Barbara Gordon, it's not Batgirl.
Well, personally I don't give a rat's ass about DC outside of movies, so I just don't give a damn if they're faithful to the comics or not. Alicia Silverstone was quite Batgirl enough for me.

Well, James Gunn isn't entirely blameless either, sum1. He got into it with fans over the casting of Zendaya as Peter's love interest in the new Spider-Man film, and while it seems she's not actually playing Mary Jane after all, fans had a legitimate gripe over the idea of having her playing Mary Jane, and Gunn acted like a dick about it, accusing fans of racism, etc.
Calling fans racist, sexist, etc, seems to be a common tactic on the part of people involved in moviemaking these days. Sometimes I'm sure it's an accurate charge and sometimes it's probably not, but either way it's not a good way to get people to go to films.

Also, I'm not too keen on what Gunn has been doing with Guardians of the Galaxy. Ego, the Living Planet as Star Lord's father? Seriously? I enjoyed the first movie, but not having Adam Warlock in Guardians or Infinity War is an insult and defeats the entire purpose of the story. The only reason this iteration of the Guardians even exists is because they're the remnants of Adam Warlock's Infinity Watch team. And how can you even do the Infinity Gauntlet storyline without Adam Warlock? The Soul Gem is his signature accessory! He took the gauntlet from Thanos in the climax. And he's the one who defeated Thanos twice!
I just don't have your attachment to Adam Warlock. I've never given much of a damn about any version of Guardians of the Galaxy (the original bunch were way in the future AND out in space, so I didn't care, and the modern bunch are, well, modern, so I don't care), so I didn't require anything special out of the movie and I enjoyed it. The first one that is. I haven't seen the second one yet.

But as far as Zack Snyder goes, he managed to make the two worst reviewed DC movies in recent history, Man of Steel and Batman v Superman.
Also two of the best DC movies ever. Reviewers don't know sith. Batman vs Superman was one of the most satisfying superhero movies I've seen.

I still think Affleck is too old to play Batman, and it's really not correct to have a Batman who is close to retirement age before the Justice League is even formed. Bruce Wane is supposed to be in his 20 when the JL first got together, and he and Clark are supposed to be around the same age.
I don't see why they should have to keep to all the details of comics from what I feel is a second rate comic book company.

(Sorry, but I have little respect for DC. I know you like Batman, so I understand my view may not be to your liking. No offense is meant. It's nothing to do with you, just a longstanding feeling of mine about DC. Basically I feel DC became a dinosaur the day Marvel brought out Fantastic Four issue 1 and no matter how much DC tries to get away from that, that dinosaur element is stuck in the DNA of their characters. At their core they're still stuck in the 1950s.)

So basically I feel the moviemakers are entitled to adapt this second rate material (my view of DC comics) any way they like if it'll make a good movie. Which is what I feel they've done. Ben Affleck's Batman works as a character for me to a degree no version of Batman ever has before, on the page or on the screen. And a younger Batman wouldn't have intersted me as much. I'm not a big fan of keeping superheroes forever young and I want some representation for older people. Young fits Superman, but experience fits Batman.

I also didn't really think that they got Batman entirely right, but then neither did Christopher Nolan and Christian Bale. But I agree with Kevin Smith's opinion that Snyder directs like someone who only read Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns over and over again and nothing else.
Kevin Smith is a smug eejit.

I like Henry Cavill as Superman, I just wish he was given better material. A British guy on YouTube called Sam's Channel gave a really good assessment on why Man of Steel didn't work.
Man of Steel was both good and bad, but the good in it was better than most DC movie material from the past 4 decades. It's not a film I love, but I think it works a lot better than all those "classic" Superman and Batman movies from the '70s, '80s and '90s. Nolan's movies are great in some ways, but they're bogged down by Christian Bale playing Bruce Wayne as a cold fish. Man of Steel and Batman vs Superman really hit the Epic Granduer button and I liked that. They also piled on atmosphere and I liked that too.

I do like Gal Gadot, but I'm going to wait until Wonder Woman comes out before I give my opinion. I will say that I disagree with them having Diana in World War I instead of World War II, which is where her story actually belongs. WWI was a regional conflict limited to Europe, not a global one like WWII. It makes more sense for Diana and the Amazons to become involved in the conflict when it became a apparent that it could one day end up on the shores of their island. Switching the story from WWII to WWI just to avoid comparisons to Captain America is ridiculous in my opinion.
Well you know how I feel about beng faithful to DC comics. I care about being faithful to Marvel comics and can understand if you're into DC comics then being faithful to them would matter to you, but I've been firmly anti-DC for decades and I just don't care about beng faithful to their comics.

Look, there's some pretty strong views in my post here, some that might be seen as controversial. I believe in the calm, free exchange of strongly opposing views. I'm not trying to attack anybody here. I just want to express my views. So I hope I don't piss you off too much.
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Old 05-18-2017, 09:24 PM
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Don't worry about it, sum1. I respect your opinions. I'll reply to your lengthy comment tomorrow. I'm falling asleep now, so I'll be back tomorrow. Have a good night!
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 05-18-2017, 09:31 PM
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Old 05-19-2017, 08:38 AM
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Originally Posted by sum1 (View Post)
God, I hope he doesn't waste too much of his career playing robots in scifi slasher movies.
interestingly, there was a lot of scope for acting with these robots. Subtle nuances that are actually harder to play than big displays of emotion.

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Old 05-19-2017, 10:48 AM
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I prefer him playing people.
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Old 05-19-2017, 01:01 PM
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How was the movie Alex?
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Old 05-19-2017, 05:34 PM
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I'm sure it was awful, though Alex may not think so.
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Old 05-20-2017, 07:26 AM
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Can't wait for Alex's thoughts
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Old 05-20-2017, 09:29 AM
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I'm curious!

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Old 05-20-2017, 04:56 PM
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Originally Posted by have a little faith (View Post)
Can't wait for Alex's thoughts
Don't worry, Sarah. I'm gonna post a full review as soon as I can. But I have a lot to write, so I may not post all of it right away. Let's just say that Fassy is a total Hollywood A-list actor and blockbuster movie star now after his recent string of hits. I must say I'm impressed. He managed to play both David and Walter(an updated version of David with an American accent) so convincingly I forgot they were being played by the same actor. Suffice to say, David is the film's villain and Walter the tragic hero. The film picks up ten years after Prometheus, but still doesn't align with Alien and Aliens, which continues to be frustrating.

The effects and acting were all really good, and the pacing was definitely an improvement over Prometheus, which tended to drag at times and got caught up on exposition. There was, however, one scene in Alien: Covenant which I thought was beneath Ridley Scott. A scene where the Alien attacks a couple in a shower, which seems right out of the 80's slasher film playbook. The Alien might as well have been wearing a hockey mask in that scene. It just seemed totally out of character for the movie and unnecessary. I also liked that the 'Life' musical theme from Prometheus was repeated at a certain point in the movie, and David even plays the theme for Walter on a wood flute. It's a beautiful, majestic piece of music, and I'm really glad that they kept the Life theme from Prometheus in Covenant. They also used Jerry Goldsmith's original themes from Alien in the opening credits and in individual scenes in the movie.

And Ridley Scott didn't just put the familiar Alien themes into this movie, he also put in a lot of the Blade Runner mythology into the film as well, as it pertains to artificial intelligence and the responsibility that mankind has when it plays God creates artificial life... and what happens when that A.I. starts to want to play God as well. David's been a bad, bad boy.

I'll post a more complete review when I have more time. Now, without giving too much away, for anyone who saw Prometheus and wants to know what happened to David and Elizabeth Shaw after they left the planet, here's a little prologue to Alien: Covenant that also acts as a epilogue to Prometheus:

In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 05-21-2017, 04:24 AM
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Old 05-21-2017, 06:20 AM
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Oh Fassy looking great at the premiere
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Old 05-21-2017, 07:48 AM
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Okay, since you were so curious about my thoughts on Alien: Covenant, Sarah, I'll repost for you.

Don't worry, Sarah. I'm gonna post a full review as soon as I can. But I have a lot to write, so I may not post all of it right away. Let's just say that Fassy is a total Hollywood A-list actor and blockbuster movie star now after his recent string of hits. I must say I'm impressed. He managed to play both David and Walter(an updated version of David with an American accent) so convincingly I forgot they were being played by the same actor. Suffice to say, David is the film's villain and Walter the tragic hero. The film picks up ten years after Prometheus, but still doesn't align with Alien and Aliens, which continues to be frustrating.

The effects and acting were all really good, and the pacing was definitely an improvement over Prometheus, which tended to drag at times and got caught up on exposition. There was, however, one scene in Alien: Covenant which I thought was beneath Ridley Scott. A scene where the Alien attacks a couple in a shower, which seems right out of the 80's slasher film playbook. The Alien might as well have been wearing a hockey mask in that scene. It just seemed totally out of character for the movie and unnecessary. I also liked that the 'Life' musical theme from Prometheus was repeated at a certain point in the movie, and David even plays the theme for Walter on a wood flute. It's a beautiful, majestic piece of music, and I'm really glad that they kept the Life theme from Prometheus in Covenant. They also used Jerry Goldsmith's original themes from Alien in the opening credits and in individual scenes in the movie.

And Ridley Scott didn't just put the familiar Alien themes into this movie, he also put in a lot of the Blade Runner mythology into the film as well, as it pertains to artificial intelligence and the responsibility that mankind has when it plays God creates artificial life... and what happens when that A.I. starts to want to play God as well. David's been a bad, bad boy.

I'll post a more complete review when I have more time. Now, without giving too much away, for anyone who saw Prometheus and wants to know what happened to David and Elizabeth Shaw after they left the planet, here's a little prologue to Alien: Covenant that also acts as a epilogue to Prometheus:

In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 05-21-2017, 08:07 AM
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Somebody wants his thoughts read.
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