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Old 01-03-2009, 08:45 AM
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Jeah (Jacob♥Leah) # 26 B/C true love is blind but they sniffed each other out

Welcome to the 26th Jacob/Leah appreciation thread!

1.Walkin' with a ghost 2.funfuzgirlstalkermagnet 3.truroswellian
4.JenMixelle 5.Lôwrane 6.Lives in the Stars 7.EmptySmile 8.Jess<3
9.Haebrethilien 10.Emmaaa23 11.MellyBelly 12.Jennnyy 13.Kaley25
14.AnABlu 15.letsgosailing 16.iAm... 17.Ghost.Of.You 18.paire_gal21
19.Serenachan 20.Dorkodancer147 21.Chris 22.Katlyn 23.xxstACEyxx
24.NateScottLover 25.Buttermilk_Moon 26.barrette 27.lakers0604
28.Alessia20 29.brathanfan27 30.courtneybangelcakes 31.MissSullivan
32.njbrc 33.colorblind 34.breakmyheart 35.technobabble 36. Eviekins15

I first realized how amazing they would be as a couple when I was reading the epilogue of Eclipse.
Their snarky comebacks immediately give the impression that this was not going to be a fairytale couple, but a real life one, with issues and fights.
They soon became one of my favourite couples. I love how she's strong and independent and he's her male equivalent. They both don't take bull**** from anyone, not in the least each other.
I also love their angst. That's why they became the couple of my first fanfic ever! Even though I'm disappointed they never got passed friendship, I still adore them.
-funfuzgirlstalkermagnet (Pita)
I am in love with Jeah because their love is not a fairytale, it is a real love, messy not always ideal, yet passionate and full of hope, both were in love with other people and thought that was it, but they found each other and slowly let their guard down. Jacob defends her and Leah defends him. There is one quote for me that sums it all up "I want to stay with you" she chose to spend her days with him.
-AnABlu (Ana)
In all trueness, I've always been drawn to angsty couples who have that underlying love between them, and Jeah is one of those couples. They have so much undeniable chemistry between them even in the short time we have seen them illustrated for us in the books. This couple is one of my favorites and has potential to be great.
-truroswellian (Mel)

  • - Because hot sex and cute babies? These two have it going on!
  • - Because OMG! The angst!
  • - Because wolf on wolf action.
  • - Because they will find love again.
  • - Because werewolf babies have got to be adorable.
  • - Because smothering looks and russet skin.
  • - Because all the hate will soon turn into love.
  • - Because he got hurt protecting her
  • - Because they call each other on their BS.
  • - Because they're the only people who can understand.
  • - Because they're moving through their relationship at werewolf speed!
  • - Because they know each other's thoughts.
  • - Because life's a struggle and men are bandits. Sometimes they're even wolfs!
  • - Because they secretly love each other but don't know how to show it.
  • - Because he'd take her frybread over muffins any day.
  • - Because Jacob used to think she was beautiful.
  • - Because he felt guilty for hurting her.
  • - Because we can't wait for the passionate fighting to turn into passionate sex.
  • - Because under that cold shoulder beats a warm heart.
  • - Because they're annoying the hell out of each other and enjoying every second of it.
  • - Because they don't need their wolf form to know what's on the other's mind.
  • - Because she's his personal pornstar.
  • - Because think of the bright side of phasing...
  • - Because their bond is so much stronger than imprinting
  • - Because Leah told Jake about her fears and finally let her guard down
  • - Because Jake´s the one Leah decided to open up to
  • - Because their loyal to one another
  • - Because they´re each other´s family
  • - Because they would choose each other over imprinting any day
  • - Because they don´t need to be in wolf form to know what the other thinks
  • - Because she chose to be part of his pack
  • - Because she stays with him even though he reeks of vamps
  • - Because Leah is the only one that make Jake really howl
  • - Because they see each other naked more then most.
  • - Because he risked his life for her
  • - Because he saved her life

Leah: Shut up, Jacob. Oops, I'm sorry -- I meant, shut up, most high Alpha.
Jacob: You're loyal to me now? Uh-huh. Right.
Jacob: Leah, you don't like me. I don't like you.
Leah: Thank you, Captain Obvious. That doesn't matter to me.
Leah: I belong to your pack, Jacob. The end.
Jacob: I knew what it was like for Leah, having to see that all the time. ... I would never blame her again.
Jacob: It was especially weird to have Leah thinking that way -- to have her be a solid part of the "us".
Leah: Give me a break, Jacob. Despite my best efforts, I've seen you naked before.
Jacob: We'd all caught a glimpse. And it wasn't like she wasn't worth looking at;
it was just that it was so not worth it when she caught you thinking about it later.
Jacob: She kept her nose in the air, very obviously not looking in my direction. I appreciated that.
Jacob: Leah very obviously looked at her brother and then at me.
Seth: Jake -- I was just checking to see if you were okay,
'cause you didn't ever phase back. Leah got worried.
Jacob: Running with Leah wasn't nearly as bad as I'd expected.
Leah: Thank you. For letting me be. For letting me stay. You've been nicer than I had any right to expect, Jacob.
Jacob: Er, no problem. Actually, I mean that. I don't mind having you here like I thought I would.
Leah: I think you make a good Alpha. You're worth following, Jacob.
Leah: I want to stay with you.
Leah: I'm happier now, as a part of your pack, than I have been in years.
Leah: Jacob is right.
Seth: You're agreeing with him?
Leah: Of course.
Jacob: A pack of the two of us? No matter the physical distance, I couldn't imagine the ... the intimacy of that situation.
Jacob: Leah didn't say anything as I chewed it over. It was like she was trying to prove how easy it would be if it was just us.
Jacob: Our minds were more closely linked than they ever had before, because we both were trying to think together.
Leah: I'm sorry about this, Jacob. I'm sorry you're in pain. I'm sorry it's getting worse an not better.
Jacob: I sighed big as I thought about what Leah wanted from me, because I knew now that she was going to get it.
I couldn't ignore the fact that I could make her life easier.
Jacob: It would be interesting to have Leah as a companion -- as a friend. We were going to get under each other's skin a lot,
that was for sure. She wouldn't be one to let me wallow, but I thought that was a good thing.
I'd probably need someone to kick my butt now and then. But when it came right down to it, she was the only friend
who had any chance of understanding what I was going through now.
Jacob: I didn't have to be all alone. And I knew Leah was strong enough to face with me the months that were coming.
Jacob: Leah was yelling at Bella about me?
Edward: You were quite vehemently championed.
Jacob: Who would've believed it? Leah walking into the bloodsuckers' place human to complain about how I was being treated.
Bella: She and Jacob had a new camaraderie that kept her close to us all. The relationship was so different from the way it used to be.
She was his second-in-command now. The new responsibility made Leah feel the need to check in with him often.
Jacob: I remembered back to when i used to think that Leah was pretty, maybe even beautiful.

The reasons I ship Jeah
Are because Jacob is a player
Leah has been burned
And she’s been howling for Jacob ever since she turned
Both their hearts have been broken
And still their true love for one another has never been spoken
The day its realized imprinting was all fake
Is the day Leah finally gets to get down and dirty with Jake
- paire gal21(lauren)

Jacob/Leah - Is it you?

Leah/Jacob -I Hate You; I Love You

We share the sadness
Split screen sadness
Two wrongs make it all alright tonight

Did love endure, suffice?
Or do you lament this journey,
This tossing of the dice?
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Old 01-03-2009, 08:46 AM
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Celebratory Jacob/Leah icons

by funfuzgirlstalkermagnet

I'm confusing as hell
I'm north and south
And I'll probably never have it all figured out
But what I know is I wasn't meant to walk this world without you
And I promise I'll try
Yeah I'm gonna try to give you every little part of me
Every single detail you missed with your eyes
Then maybe
Kelly Clarkson - Maybe

Jacob/Leah FanMix by walkin' with a ghost

Donwload here.

I'm thinking that you know how it feels
so get in your car and drive
and I can tell you that I'll try
Terra Naomi - Vicodin Song

I would tell you
That I loved you
If I thought that you would stay
But I know that it's no use
That you've already
Gone away

The Cure - Boys Don't Cry

I feel in love with these two because they are so much alike. They have been through the same things apart but together they could get passed it. They are both werewolves and they have both couldn’t be with the ones they loved but they totally seek comfort in each other in many different ways .
- paire gal21(lauren)
They´re loyal to each other in a way no other couple in the books is and that really fascinated me because even though they aren´t really together they have a sense of family and take care of each other like they were a couple.
They tell each other and trust each other with things no one else knows about them and it´s really incredible to see how after everything with Sam Leah finally opens up to someone again and doesn´t tell Jake how she feels because he read it in her thoughts by accident, no she tells him because she wants him to know. And that´s just incredibly beautiful to read and hopefully to see on the big screen.
It´s great to read the development of their relationship - from the bickering that makes you grin while reading to their serious conversations during which you can sense their trust in one another.
And we as fans of the couple have the certainty that they would chose each other over imprinting if they could.
I think the best reason to ship Jeah is because those two just have everything together. And we´re the lucky people who have realised that.
-Alessia20 (Nikki)
I just love them.
- JenMixelle (Jen)
The Team Wolf Cheerleader and Mascot!
B/C we're kicking it old!Britney style and we're sure Jake doesn't mind!

Cheerleaders include:
funfuzgirlstalkermagnet aka Laure, Lupita, Pita (co-captain)
walking' with a ghost aka Rita (co-captain)
Truroswellian aka Melanie (mascot)
Paire_gal21 aka Lauren (manager)
Jess<3 aka Jess

Jeah Icons:

by walking with a ghost

by Ghost.Of.You

Previous threads:

Future Thread Title suggestions:
Jeah (Jacob/Leah) # B/C We're kicking it old!Britney style
Jeah (Jacob/Leah) # B/C Jeah is cheer-tastic!

Did love endure, suffice?
Or do you lament this journey,
This tossing of the dice?
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Old 01-03-2009, 12:11 PM
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New thread Thanks, Pita

Tho, I've a favour to ask: can u change the first banner to the one you PMed me that doesn't have the number on it?
There's so many wars we fought / There's so many things we're not
But with what we have / I promise you that
We're marchin' on

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Old 01-03-2009, 01:55 PM
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Old 01-03-2009, 02:48 PM
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You're welcome!!!!!

GTG sleep! holiday's almost over and tmorrow I'm not allowed on the comp!!!!!
Did love endure, suffice?
Or do you lament this journey,
This tossing of the dice?
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Old 01-03-2009, 02:55 PM
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Aw, Pita
There's so many wars we fought / There's so many things we're not
But with what we have / I promise you that
We're marchin' on

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Old 01-04-2009, 12:21 AM
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thanx pita
what is grief, if not love persevering
always ursღjasy
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Old 01-04-2009, 09:24 AM
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Thanks, sweeties!!!!

My mom's a sweetheart. My dad didn't want me to go on the comp today but my mom said I could go on for 1 hour...
I'm so addicted...
Did love endure, suffice?
Or do you lament this journey,
This tossing of the dice?
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Old 01-04-2009, 10:26 AM
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go pita
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Old 01-04-2009, 10:41 AM
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Did love endure, suffice?
Or do you lament this journey,
This tossing of the dice?
icon by ℓυριтα
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Old 01-04-2009, 04:27 PM
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i :loev: ur mum hehe
what is grief, if not love persevering
always ursღjasy
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Old 01-05-2009, 12:36 PM
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That makes 2 of us!
Did love endure, suffice?
Or do you lament this journey,
This tossing of the dice?
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Old 01-05-2009, 04:13 PM
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pitas mum :gopne:
what is grief, if not love persevering
always ursღjasy
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Old 01-05-2009, 06:04 PM
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YAY other Jeah fans! Before this forum, I thought I was alone lol.
I can't wait to see who they cast for Leah.

♥HP: Ron/Hermione, Harry/Luna, Draco/Ginny
♥TWILIGHT: Alice/Bella, Edward/Jasper, Jacob/Leah
livejournal | my fanfics
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Old 01-05-2009, 06:09 PM
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me too and welcoem to the thread!
what is grief, if not love persevering
always ursღjasy
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