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AutumnColorsღ 06-06-2006 05:25 PM

Look Who's Talking (1989)

This is one of my favorite movies, I love Mikey, he is a cutie and James and Mollie were cute together.

~Unfaithful~ 06-06-2006 08:20 PM

Oh man I forgot this was an 80's movie..the part where the sperm and egg meet always (and still) skeeves me out, so I close my eyes! But the movie was cute. I love the part where Kirstie Alley smooshes Mikey's poopie diaper on his "father's" desk. That part gets me everytime!

Louisiana 06-07-2006 01:36 AM

That's one of my favorite 80's movies! I still love it. It's still funny to me and really cute. I never get tired of watching it. :love:

goodbreakingbad 06-07-2006 01:50 AM

The first is my fave, and I liked the 2nd and 3rd a bit, but they don't top the original. James and Molly were so meant to be together!

Louisiana 06-07-2006 04:32 AM

Yeah, they were. :sigh: They were so cute together and I love the ending so much with them kissing and smiling. :in_love:

goodbreakingbad 06-07-2006 05:49 AM

I know! After Mikey talks for the first official time, too great!

~Unfaithful~ 06-07-2006 09:04 AM

I liked the 2nd one, but didn't really like the 3rd one. I don't know about the whole dog thing

Dreamer who loves candy 06-07-2006 11:50 AM

This is one of my favorite movies ever! It's so hilarious. When I was younger I watched it over and over again. I'm gonna have to watch it again sometime. James and Mollie were so cute, and really funny! :lol: Mikey was a cutie, too. That scene with Mollie slamming the dirty diaper on Albert's desk is just too great! :lmao:

I also loved the second movie (I love it when Mollie tells Julie, all excited, that her brother peed on the toilet for the first time and Julie is like - I don't remember the exact words - "Big deal. I pooped." :lol: ) I didn't like the third movie that much, though.

AutumnColorsღ 06-07-2006 09:08 PM

I thought Bruce Willis did a great job at talking as baby Mikey, he was funny. The second film was cute with Julie being born, and the third film is okay with the talking dogs but the first one will always be my favorite from the films. I loved when James sung and danced at Mikeys daycare.

goodbreakingbad 06-07-2006 09:40 PM

Yes, I loved the singing and dancing scene too!

AutumnColorsღ 06-08-2006 10:48 PM

Here some quotes

James: Okay, if you're the father then maybe you can answer me these questions. What's Mikey's favorite cereal?
Albert: I don't know.
James: Cheerios. How many diapers does he go through a day? About six. Who's his favorite rock star? Michael Jackson. Don't you think a father should know some of these things?
Albert: Okay how much is she paying you? 5 dollars an hour?
[Gives James a 20]
Albert: Here go play some video games.
James: Don't give me that s**t
[They start fighting]

James: Mind if I borrow some of this?
[takes Mikey's bottle and pours the milk into his coffee cup]
James: Thank a lot, man.
[drinks coffee]
Mollie: Hey, you know, that's breast milk.
James: [spits out coffee] Really, now?
[turns to Mikey]
James: Why didn't you tell me?
Mikey: Hey, man, you're on your own.

Mollie: I'm sorry that I made you wear that stupid outfit, and I'm sorry that you had to meet that MEAN MAN. You'll never have to see him again. You know what I don't get? Every time I take you somewhere, everyone says how cute you are, and how crazy they are about you?
Mikey: Naturally.
Mollie: Then, the one person who has the genetic bondage treats you like a jerk. Here, let me dry it now. Everyone loves you. All the kids at the playground love you, Ma loves you, Rona loves you, everybody at work loves you, James loves you... Mikey, do you love James?
[Mikey picks up a toy telephone]
Mikey: Give him a call.
Mollie: What, honey? You want to play telephone?
Mikey: Call him.

James: Look, you gotta use Lamaze. It works. My sister-in-law used it. You don't use drugs, and it's better for the kid.
Mollie: You know, the only people who say stupid things like that are men, because they're idiots!

Mollie: I don't know who I love. And you know something, it doesn't make any difference, because the only thing that matters to me is who's best for Mikey. And Albert is successful, he's responsible, and he's real good to his *other* kids.
James: I've seen you. I've seen you use Mikey to push other guys away, and now you're doing it to me! That's it! I've had it! Now get out!
Mollie: I live here!
James: I know it!
[pauses, then slams out the door]

goodbreakingbad 06-08-2006 11:08 PM

Awwwwwwwwww, James and Molly had such great chemistry!

AutumnColorsღ 06-08-2006 11:58 PM

I love James's humor in the movie, he is great.

Dreamer who loves candy 06-09-2006 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Rainstorm18
I love James's humor in the movie, he is great.

He really is, I crack up with him. :lol:

Louisiana 06-09-2006 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by Rainstorm18
Mollie: I don't know who I love. And you know something, it doesn't make any difference, because the only thing that matters to me is who's best for Mikey. And Albert is successful, he's responsible, and he's real good to his *other* kids.
James: I've seen you. I've seen you use Mikey to push other guys away, and now you're doing it to me! That's it! I've had it! Now get out!
Mollie: I live here!
James: I know it!
[pauses, then slams out the door]

:lol: That's one of my favorite scenes. The last part is so funny.

Their chemistry was great. I really love the scene where they are standing next to Mickeys bed and start kissing. :sigh: The atmosphere with the lightning and all was great.

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