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WildB 03-21-2005 08:32 PM

OT#26~When your bored, come here!
Here is the new thread!!!
I heard talk of chocolate....oooooh CHOCOLATE!!! GIMMEEEE!!!

Old thread Here

Brekkon 03-22-2005 12:49 AM

Thanks for starting a new thread, Sand!

I. Am. A. Chocaholic. :D

StrongPlacebo 03-22-2005 05:57 AM

Chocolate is good. Nestle chocolate is not as good as Cadbury's :nod: Lindt is better

Like that bit in Charlie and the Chocolate fFactory where tehre's a river of chocolate.

Okay, that would be too much

L i N d $ @ y 03-22-2005 07:55 AM

waaaaah!!! long time no post here! i miss you guys! :group_hug:

brek, sand, shelly, sara... who else is still here? :look:

Miss Magic 03-22-2005 09:41 AM

:wave: Hey guys!
Haven't posted here for a long time now. Sorry about that.

All this talk about chocolate has made me hungry for some. Good thing that I have chocolate at home :D

Hi Linds. I'm still here! Good to see you here aswell :hug:

one small hobbit lover 03-22-2005 10:51 AM

hello guys!

Hannah where did u say Caburys land is?

Chris 03-22-2005 11:38 AM

Chocolate? :drool: I hope you guys plan to share.:D

Lost in Oblivion 03-22-2005 11:50 AM

Hi everyone :wave:

Mmm chocolate... the secret to happiness! :D

Tara :wiggle:

StrongPlacebo 03-23-2005 04:01 AM

Emma - Cadbury's world is in Brimingham

Chocolate anyone?

one small hobbit lover 03-23-2005 04:24 AM


i'm joking of course, but i really havent had any for weeks now *craves*

if Cadburys world is in Birmingham, there must be another in Manchester, or wait, how close is Birmingham to Manchester?

StrongPlacebo 03-23-2005 10:14 AM

Um, they're a alittle close...My geography is totally crap. I pretty much think of places as 'up' 'down' left' or 'right'

one small hobbit lover 03-23-2005 03:34 PM

like me huh? its like its either up north or down south lol

Atti's Angel 03-24-2005 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by Brekkon

Hey Shell! Your absence here is missed! :hug: How's your computer going? I know how frustrating it is!!!

Yeah, everyone is alright. Thankfully, someone broke into the til when no one was actually at the til. If they were, that would have been scary for me!

That's okay, I'm over it. Of course, now I really wanna see these screencaps!!! I'm a longtime Sarkney too. :D

My computer sucks. I can't aford to fix it right now, but I have a friend of the family who is hopfully going to look at it this weekend. I hate being without a computer, and Zack's got a virus and went down too. So when were watching a movie and he says what else are they in. I can no longer jump on the computer and find out. I am going insane, did I mention that :lol: ?

I am so happy to hear no one was there. You had me worried.

I stopped watching Alias. I have no desire to sit and watch it anymore. I am so happy JJ gave us the :kiss:, but now the show just boars me :yawn:...


Originally Posted by L i N d $ @ y
waaaaah!!! long time no post here! i miss you guys! :group_hug:

brek, sand, shelly, sara... who else is still here? :look:

:hug: Miss you too!

Has anyone ever delt with someone who is Bi polar? I have this man who comes into my office every day and just sits in the corner and stares at me. Before he left today he mentioned that he lives up above my office and he told me which apartment. Now it creaped me out, so I told my boss and he called around and found out he is Bi polar and there are restraining orders out on him. The only experiance I have ever had with anyone in that state has been bad. One was threatning a co worker and one pulled a gun on my best friend and I. Now I am worried. Should I be?

The good news from today!!! I got a raise. My reivew was Exceeds Expectations. I am thinking that soon I can get rid of one of my part time jobs. Pretty sure it will be the grochry store, becaue I love selling jewerly!

:hug: Everyone I hope to be back soon, miss you all so much!

:love: Shelly

WildB 03-24-2005 07:27 PM

Shelly, Lindsay, :hug:

Shelly, I have lost interest in Alias this year too. It is all over the place this year. Just not thrilling me either. LOST is new again next week. :yay:

Brekkon 03-24-2005 11:52 PM

Looking forward to "Charlie And The Chocolate Factory", especially seeing Tim Burton is directing.

We didn't end up getting any easter eggs at the shop this year, we were really disappointed about that, we were really hanging out for it. I'll have to pick some up tomorrow.

Hey Linds! :wave: We miss you! What have you been up to?
We also have P, Emma, Hannah and Tara!

Hey Shell - I do that too. If we're watching a movie or a TV show, and am curious about an actor, we look them up on imdb, that site has helped a lot!!!

Sucks that "Alias" is boring, but I'll have to see this for myself, when it returns...

Bi polar? I don't think so. What are the symptoms? *shudder* That guy freaks me out, just reading about him! It totally scares me when you find people just staring at you.

We didn't have "Lost" this week! It's the #1/2 show in Melbourne! :yay:

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