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Old 11-25-2016, 09:43 PM
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That was amazing. I went in planning to just watch 2 episodes and save 2 for tomorrow.. that didn't happen lol.

So many great scenes and perfect acting. Great mix of laugh out loud moments and also dramatic ones. Lauren definitely needs an Emmy stat. That scene on the mountain when she calls Emily and cries telling the story of her and her dad at the mall was so well done.

I thought the Kraham scene was hilarious and a super fun surprise.

I loved the ending with the L/L wedding in the town square. It was so magical and cute. The song was icing on the cake. I do wish we could've seen the next day as well.

And the ending.. I definitely wish it had more closure than that (but it was to be expected from how the actors talked about it in interviews). Now I really want to see more. I didn't really understand Rory's scene with Christopher until I saw others comment about it. I guess Rory will be doing it on her own just like her mom. I'd love to see more episodes in the future to see how everything turns out.

They thought these episodes would stop all the questions they always get about more Gilmore Girls.. but I'm not sure it'll stop after an ending like this lol.
"There's an expression in the casting business: 'God does not give with both hands.' Meaning, he doesn't give looks plus talent plus comedy. But in her case, he definitely did. It's tough to find someone that pretty who's that funny and has got all the goods." -Mark Hirschfeld
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Old 11-25-2016, 10:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Shani313 (View Post)
They thought these episodes would stop all the questions they always get about more Gilmore Girls.. but I'm not sure it'll stop after an ending like this lol.
First thing I tweeted, when will there be more! Poor Lauren, She will be hounded by that question, for many more years to come! Lol
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Old 11-26-2016, 06:18 AM
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My thoughts (in no particular order):

a) Lauren was really born to play Lorelai - or in general for Amy's writing

b) the musical scene went way too long (although my love for Sutton Foster is immense)

c) Logan, really? I didn't like their relationship at all in the revival.

d) The LL wedding was perfect, I would have liked Emily to be there but it was perfect as it was

e) Emily killed it at the DAR meeting

f) Kirk rocked all his scenes especially the short film was as weird and as disturbing as you would suspect

g) I didn't like the whole breeding baby storyline. I get that it was the point to show Lorelai's insecurities but it left me with the feeling that Lorelai felt Luke was missing a kid in their life. Also that storyline got dropped in no time afterwards in true Amy style.

h) that end is way too open to not continue in the future

i) Sam Pancake got a lot of cameos. I bet Ausiello is crying his eyes out. His short scene made me laugh. And while I liked Peter's scene it felt weird seeing her flirting with him.

j) Luke ranting about him not wanting to lose Lorelai was pure gold

k) Lorelai and Emily rocked the shrink scenes, I also loved the shrink sessions where Lorelai went alone

l) Seeing Lorelai and Sookie together felt more like watching Lauren and Melissa bond again in real life, I'm so glad her cameo worked out

m) the funeral scenes were so sad

n) I do not care which category they have to invent but Lauren finally deserves her Emmy
I just have to quote 100% Ele. I feel the same way about most things.
I bawled like a baby at Rory reliving some of the Gilmore scenes in the mansion, and the whole "Reflecting Light" scene was perfect.

The last 4 words... I wasn't expecting those and now they make want to see more. I also think it's a lot less dramatic for Rory, she's a grown up and all.

I was a bit disappointed in Rory's general turnout. Such a great student and all, she didn't succeed as much as I was expecting her to.

I also adored how Emily's words about Lorelai needing money perfectly recalled the pilot.
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Last edited by valeposh; 11-26-2016 at 06:23 AM
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Old 11-26-2016, 07:54 AM
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Hi all thought I would pop in to let you know what I thought about the revival.

Overall I was happy. I loved that they were able to bring back almost every character. I wish they had more time with Sookie though. I just love Melissa McCarthy. I also loved all the Parenthood cast stopping by to make their little appearances.

I called the whole Rory thing from episode 1. I just had a feeling. Then once she talked to Christopher I kind of knew and it made me believe that the 4 words may have something to do with it.
But here is the thing. I thought this was supposed to be the end. A finale of tying everything and everyone up. If it ends like this and they don't plan on doing any more it kind of leaves me feeling empty. Selfishly I want more. I want to see the next chapter in this new adventure. I think they left it open ended like that so if they had the chance to do more they will. But if this is not in the plan then I don't like this ending.

So I will sum up what I am happy about and not:

Happy L&L got their happy ending.
LOVE LOVE LOVE PARIS. I could watch this girl all day.
Emily in her jeans and tshirt - #win
I think they handled Richards death well.
I like having the Parenthood characters there
Loved that most of the characters were there. I missed having Maury? Babette's man.
Loved Kirk. Quirky and fun as always. "ooo ber" lol


The musical stuff was way too long and drawn out. I didn't even really like it or think it made much sense.
The hiking stuff also was a bit blase for me.
Wish their was more Dean less Logan.
Not happy Rory is still tramping it around w him while he is engaged.
I honestly thought their would be more humor between Lorelai and Rory. I chuckled a few times at some lines but overall I didn't find the fast talking to be up to the Gilmore standard.

All in all if I rated it out of 5 stars it would get a 4. Only bc the ending left it so open wide and I really wish we did get a real L&L wedding with everyone involved - not to mention it was rushed in like 10 minutes.
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Old 11-26-2016, 08:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Gilmoregirl82 (View Post)
LOVE LOVE LOVE PARIS. I could watch this girl all day.
YES, I've always loved Paris, and she was absolutely fantastic! Lorelai, Emily, and Paris are my favorites, and I felt like the three actresses were at the top of their game in the revival.

I agree this ending begs for more, and I hope we do get more.
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Old 11-26-2016, 05:06 PM
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so it´s all over again, but it was a good ride. Sooo great to have a chance to revisit all these kooky characters, every single of them, it was six hours of heaven

The LDB scenes run too long I was afraid we won´t have enough time to resolve all the story lines.

Lorelai trying to hike was fun but it was too out of character for her that it will take few more viewings before I can completly embrace it.

I felt the wedding was perfect. Totally something Amy would do, I´m sure she didnt want a big full blow out wedding. And Reflecting light was total low blow, as if I wasn´t crying already!! I think the wedding will be my the most rewatched scene from the reviival, it already

Im really satisfied how they ended Emily´s story. She was able to move out, literally and psychologicaly. It made sense and her new view is a die for. Selling of the big house was sooo sad. We know Lorelai won´t miss the house, though. It looks like Emily found a maid she likes after all and her quiting DAR was classic Emily, heh.

Jason Ritter as renger was surprise and we were like "it would be fun if Peter was renger, too" and when he appeared we died I´m not very pro cameos on GG but oh well, it happend and it was fun.

Luke being friend with Kiefer Sutherland

And the last words, we almost stopped breating just to not miss them. I didn´t like them that much but they were kinda Full circle!!

I didn´t get the connection with Rory visiting Christopher so thanks for pointing that out to me.

Also Lorelai borrowing the money, "I´ll get the check". That was nice to see as well.

The episode was perfect minus the LDB scenes.

Oh, and I was sad that the episodes didn´t start with "Where you lead" cos I wanted to sing it but when they played it at the end of the last episode it made me cry so hard, realising it was end again.

Last edited by Danke; 11-26-2016 at 05:26 PM
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Old 11-27-2016, 12:13 AM
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Fall is my favourite Episode! Why???


I also love Winter and Spring but Summer killed it a little bit. I don't like this stupid Musical! And I don't know how you feel but all the scenes with Rory and Naomi or what her name was..... are boring. Waste of time. I know they wanted to show Rorys troubles to find a story/job but I don't like it.
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Old 11-27-2016, 04:31 AM
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Overall 'Fall' was my favorite episode.

LDB, thing was too long, and at first I was confused because I thought it was dream, and then I realized maybe not...

Lorelai going away to do the "wild" thing was surprsing and a bit out of caracther since we know she`s not a nature girl. I liked that she didn`t get to go after all and decided to leave. and then came the phone call scene that broke me.. I cried so hard. and Lauren was amazing.

I loved that Emily sold the big house and moved away. it was the right thing to do. overall solid development for her.

I`m still undecided about the final four words, but I do get it, and it made sense. I was a open ending, and yes It would be nice to get a new episode.. so we find out how things went.

Loved the setting for that scene tho.. Rory/Lorelai sitting at the gazeboo alone looking at the empty town.

Overall I think The strongest storylines in the revival was Lorelai/Luke Lorelai/Emily.

Rory writing the book was so emotional and a very good idea. It was the best part of her Story.

The Wedding was perfect.
yes it would have been nice if the whole town had been there and Emily/Jess/April. but this way worked.

Also, Melissas voice was off in her scene right? she sounded so different. maybe she had a terrible cold of something?? idk. But anways.. it was wonderful to see them together again, and their scene was funny/cute/emotional.
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Old 11-27-2016, 04:45 AM
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Originally Posted by Laurenislove (View Post)
Also, Melissas voice was off in her scene right? she sounded so different. maybe she had a terrible cold of something?? idk.
heh, that´s what I said, too. She uses deeper voice in her roles now than when she played Sookie and I felt it took her a while to get back into Sookie.

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Old 11-27-2016, 05:08 AM
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Originally Posted by Laurenislove (View Post)

Also, Melissas voice was off in her scene right? she sounded so different. maybe she had a terrible cold of something?? idk. But anways.. it was wonderful to see them together again, and their scene was funny/cute/emotional.
Finally, I've noticed this for SO long. I don't think, she had a cold. I think Melissa's voice has changed, since she did the original Gilmore Girls. In all her Movies, she sounds, like she did in Fall. The original Sookie voice has gone!

Still can't get over how amazing this episode. I've replayed the ending, far too many times. I just adore the way, Lorelai, goes and to wake Rory up, and tell her, we're going to get married! Then Luke come behind, and smiles.

And I ADORE, that Kirk finally did something right.

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Old 11-27-2016, 03:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Kizzy81 (View Post)
Interesting, that if Amy has gotten her ending, all those years ago; Rory would have been 22 and pregnant.

I did think, could she be a surragant for Luke and Lorelai. But more likely, it's Logan's.
I'm almost happier we had to wait and she got pregnant at a later time.
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Old 12-06-2016, 03:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Kizzy81 (View Post)
Finally, I've noticed this for SO long. I don't think, she had a cold. I think Melissa's voice has changed, since she did the original Gilmore Girls. In all her Movies, she sounds, like she did in Fall. The original Sookie voice has gone!
Agreed, her voice has been different for a few years.
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Old 12-06-2016, 09:26 PM
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Well this explains why we didn't see a big townies wedding on screen, but in the end I think it worked out better.
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Old 12-07-2016, 03:20 AM
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Sookie's voice bothered me too. It didnt' sound like the Sookie we know. Weird that an adult's voice changed like that!
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Old 12-07-2016, 07:19 AM
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Originally Posted by lancer1993 (View Post)
Well this explains why we didn't see a big townies wedding on screen, but in the end I think it worked out better.
I read this yesterday. I LOVED that their first wedding, was just the three of them, with close friends. Everything about that scene, was PERFECT. And, if Amy hadn't said this, I wouldn't have thought any different, to how the wedding, originally was supposed to be. But now I know there should have been a bigger wedding. I think, I would have like to seen that too. Just to see Emily's reaction, to her daughter getting married.

This would also explain why, we never saw the wedding props, that fans posted from the Warner Brothers tour.

Her voice is so different. How does a persons voice change, I've wondered that too? Lol
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