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Amaranto 12-14-2020 04:32 PM

Roswell Fanfiction Appreciation Thread #3: Happy writing everyone!
:read: Welcome to the Roswell Fanfiction Thread! :read:


“There's a time and place for everything, and I believe it’s called 'fan fiction'.”
-Joss Whedon

fan fic·tion

fiction written by a fan of, and featuring characters from, a particular TV series, movie, etc.

Roswell Fan Fiction official site: Roswell Fanatics
Roswell Fanatics • Index page Basic Fanfiction Terminology Guide:
  • A/N (or AN) - Author's Note
-refers to an author's personal notes about the story, writing experience, or whatever else the author wants to talk to their readers about.
  • Angst
-refers to a genre of stories with prevalent physical or, mainly, emotional torment of characters. Most stories with an angst description contain significant levels of characters feeling emotions such as fear, anxiety, or sadness.
  • Alternate Universe (or AU)
-refers to a story of which there is a (often major) plot, setting, or character deviation away from established canon. AUs can be AU with aliens or AU without aliens; genre in which authors create and develop their own unique worlds in which to place familiar characters.
  • Canon
-refers to elements established by the original source material (TV show, book, movie, etc...) itself for either plot, setting, or character developments. The official details, as it were.
  • CC (Conventional Couples)
-refers to stories in which the romantic and/or sexual relationships depicted were also depicted on the show; generally viewed as canonical relationships.
  • Crossover
-refers to stories in which the characters, premises, or settings of more than one fandom coincide.
  • Fanon
-refers to common plot or character elements that were not established by the original source material, but are generally accepted to be true by the fans anyway. These are the un-official details, folks. Fanon concepts have often become so prevalent in the fandom that their origins (which fan came up with the idea first) are no longer remembered.
  • Ficlet
-refers to a complete short story, usually only a few thousand words long.
  • Fluff
-refers to stories in which there is no angst or, often, any real plot either. Fluff fics tend to be short and sweet, with little to no depth, but often quite comforting to read.
  • Het (or m/f)
-refers to the presence of a heterosexual relationship featuring at least one canon character.
  • OC (Original Character)
-refers to a non-canon character created by the author that is featured prominently in the story. May be male or female, and either a major or minor character in comparison to the canon characters.
  • OTP (One True Pairing)
-refers to an author's preferred relationship pairing between certain characters within a fandom.
  • PWP (Plot Without Plot/Plot? What Plot?) (AKA: Smut)
-refers to stories with a defining characteristic of little to absolutely no plot. May be vignettes, character studies or, most frequently, strictly pure sex.
  • Slash (f/f or m/m)
-refers to the presence of a homosexual relationship featuring at least one canon character. May or may not include graphic or explicit sexual content.
  • Tag (or Episode Tag)
-refers to a, usually, short story that picks up from the end of a canon episode and adds to or fleshes out the episode in whole or in part.
  • UC (Unconventional Couple/s)
-refers to a story in which characters who are not typically (canonically) linked on the show develop a romantic and/or sexual relationship
  • WIP (Work in Progress)
-refers to the fact that the story is not yet completely written, but is actively undergoing updates and revisions.
“If a story is in you, it has got to come out.”
-William Faulkner

Fanfiction Ratings Guide:

:innocent: K (formerly G)
Intended for general audience 5 years and older. Content should be free of any coarse language, violence, and adult themes.

:back_hug: K+ (formerly PG)
Suitable for more mature childen, 9 years and older, with minor action violence without serious injury. May contain mild coarse language. Should not contain any adult themes.

:cute_love_3: T/Teen (formerly PG-13)
Suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.

:make_out: M/Mature (formerly R)
Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with non-explicit suggestive adult themes, references to some violence, or coarse language.

:censored: MA/Adult (formerly NC-17)
Content is only suitable for mature adults. May contain explicit language and adult themes.


“Fanfiction isn't copying - it's a celebration. One long party, from the first capital letter to the last full stop!”
-Jasper Fforde


“Fanfiction is what literature might look like if it were reinvented from scratch
after a nuclear apocalypse by a band of brilliant pop-culture junkies trapped in a sealed bunker.
They don't do it for money. That's not what it's about.
The writers write it and put it up online just for the satisfaction.
They're fans, but they're not silent, couchbound consumers of media.
The culture talks to them, and they talk back to the culture in its own language.”

-Lev Grossman

:healing_hand: In response to Majandra joking about Maria/Nasedo . . .

"That's some fanfiction."

-Brendan Fehr

The Day We Never Kissed by DocPaul

Guerin & DeLuca, P.I. T1: A Shadow in the Night by ArchAngel1973 & xmag

In Darkness, See Forever by Mnemosyne

The Man Who Didn't Belong by ArchAngel1973 & xmag

Passion by April

Persephone's Footfalls by Elizabeth

The Praetorians by DocPaul

Routines by Chicky

When I Have Fears by Shelbecat

Who I Am, What I'll Become, Where I'll Be by Rae


“Reading gives us some place to go when we have to stay where we are.”
-Mason Cooley

If you have Stargazer or Lamptrimmer recs, please post them!
Thank you!

Stargazer fanfic forum on

Stargazer fics on Roswell Fanatics
Roswell Fanatics • View topic - Links to Gazer stories

Lamptrimmer fan fic

AB Lamptrimmer Fanfiction Forum Ensemble/Multi-Couple Fanfics:

521 and 522 by April

Crush by nibbles2

Double Trouble by Double Trouble

Gold Diggers by nibbles2

In the Course of a Lifetime by Double Trouble


“Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.”
-Benjamin Franklin

A History of Roswell Fanfic
By Kath7

Fanfic Sites:
The largest collection of fanfic on the web. A reliable site with hundreds upon hundreds of stories.

Roswell Fanatics
A forum with generally high-quality writers and stories. Dreamer-dominated, but has seen the emergence of many ensemble fics over the years.

Roswell Heaven
Interactive forum with new fics as well as archives from many now-defunct sites.

Candy Is Dandy
A Michael/Maria fanfic forum. You may have difficult posting or reading if you are not already a registered member.

Roswell Desert Skies Fanfiction Archive
Wayback machine link to a site with fanfic for all couples.


“Writing and reading decrease our sense of isolation.
They deepen and widen and expand our sense of life: they feed the soul.”

-Anne Lamott

Fanfiction Trailers:

The Assassin by Double Trouble (WIP)

Somewhere, Anywhere by April (WIP)

Tic Tac by Double Trouble (WIP)

ENJOY the new thread, and post away!

Amaranto 12-14-2020 04:34 PM

from the last thread


Originally Posted by Jasper1975 (Post 102767236)
I am off and on with my writing. Taking my time since Story of My Life will take several more months to post because its a very long one.

And then I came up with another idea that seems to be driving my mind today. So, we shall see which one gets me somewhere.

I think it's my other story. Max and Liz have it too easy LOL. I need angst to keep me motivated LOL.

But then I like it, and I like that it's different for Max and Liz. So, we shall we where it goes.

Jasper1975 12-14-2020 07:57 PM

Thank you for the new thread...

Roswell 10/2/00 12-15-2020 10:11 PM

Love the new thread! Happy reading and writing everyone!

Here are my stories.

My first story is called the Journey Home
if you want to read that as well. Here is the link

My second Fan fic was called Waiting For You

I also wrote a one part fan fic about Liz and Tess called Sworn Enemies.

Sworn Enemies (CC L/M/T) COMPLETE 4/25/06 - Roswell Fanatics

I really hope to finished my story Abduction Seduction. I LOVE this fan fic. I love the storyline and the characters. I know I am going to be so sad when it is all finished. I love rereading it's well.

It has been years since I last updated. Last post was in 2014 and I started the story in 2005.

I am almost done with it. I just need time to get back into writing it. I was rereading it the other day and I want to eventually finish it. It all depends on when. Life is crazy.

How do you all as fan fic writers find time to balance writing and real life. Any tricks.

Here is Abduction Seduction in case any of you want to read it. It's still not done but I love feeback.

Jasper1975 12-22-2020 01:11 PM

Since this is a a new thread. My story, The Story of My Life, it's link to the story on Roswell Fanatics...

The Story of My Life (CC, Mature) - Chapter 24 - 12/22/2020 - Roswell Fanatics

Going on a short hiatus until after Christmas. I will be back with a chapter or two before the end of the year. As the quest to get Max free encounter some bumps, and next generation Zack and Olivia have to deal with learning to understand and trust each other. And lots of juicy stuff to come...

And some unique twists to come in the New Year. It's going to be a very long one...

And for anyone who has not read any of my stories, and have any interest. Here is the link to a page, that has all the links to my prior stories under my Roswell Fanatics ID: Parker1947

My Stories by Parker1947 - As of - 10/31/2020 - Roswell Fanatics

All the links to the stories are there, although they are all in the CC portion of the site, as they all deal with some sort of canon that the show gives us. With some changes here and there, and Isabel and Kyle are usually paired in my stories.

And currently working on a new story that has caught my imagination over the last week. I see the story, so we shall see where it leads us, and how I get the happy ending for Max and Liz which will be interesting given the perimeters I have set up. Although very doable.

I find angst makes me more interested in the story. Compared to my other story, Baby It's You. Which is more positive for Max and Liz, and I need a break from it.

The quirks of writing...

JournalingJedi 01-26-2021 05:52 PM

I just started Story of my Life! Liking it so far!!!

Jasper1975 01-26-2021 07:51 PM

I am glad. It's a story that surprised me. Started off going one way, and then it goes another after the next number of chapters. I liked thinking of Chant Down Babylon (and the side of the episode, the show did not explore) and the whole Max and Liz dynamic in the 2019 viewpoint. Given how we look at things today. Knowing 20 years ago, was different in ways.

It's a very long story. So a long road still to go.

Roswell 10/2/00 01-27-2021 12:54 PM

I love it when story surprise you. My story Abduction Seduction was going to just be a one part and now it is 35 chapters long. I didn't think that would happen but my muse had another plans.

I hope to get back into writing and finishing it. I did some writing during the lockdown and now I just have to reread and tweet it some more before I am back to officially posting. I can't wait to dive into more depth with some characters and tell their story in the next few chapters. I love writing and rereading this story so much and I will be so sad when it ends.

Here is Abduction Seduction in case any of you want to read it. It's still not done but I love feeback.

Jasper1975 01-27-2021 06:01 PM

It was a story. That I had the first chapters. I could see it. But then I was on my toes with each chapters, as it got longer and longer, as I had to figure out how to get Max out of prison LOL.

Now I am working on story I started last summer. "Baby it's You". I took the title from Season 2, and I am using the title for good LOL. Because of course Season 2 was bad, and the episode I took it was bad for Max and Liz. It has a lot of Max and Liz. Angsty, but it's the only story I have written to date, that is positive for Max and Liz. They have their issues. But Michael and Maria got the angsty storyline. Max and Liz are treated with kid gloves. With plenty of sexy times...

Like with most of stories. I take it into the future. But largely have kept everything except Liz did not come home from Vermont. Meta Chem did not happen. So, no Chant Down Babylon and the sacrifice.

My other story I am on hiatus for a bit. "Til We Meet Again" is the the working title. Deals with the idea things go badly for Max and Liz in the wake of graduation. And what if Liz does move on, and find someone good for her...

How does that for Max and Liz in the future. So, we shall see what happen. That is very angsty. So, I working on a the story that is less angsty at the moment.

JournalingJedi 01-28-2021 12:33 PM

I really enjoyed the Reunion series! Satisfied an itch for the 20+ years later genre.

Jasper1975 01-29-2021 10:48 AM

That definitely was a story that morphed into something completely different since I was working on for about seven years before I finished it. And another couple of years for the two other stories. I thought it would be a simple story, and that I would quickly do a clean up in the next story to finish off the threads because Reunion had grown so big. Boy, was I wrong.

I enjoyed the characters. And my angst, twisted mused was strong at the time LOL. And it grew into a trilogy.

I find I like using the concept of the next generation to challenge their parents. And echo the journey they went on now being revisited in their kids. And because to use them, as teenagers. I have to go into the future LOL.

And I hated the story on the show, and wished they had mindwarped him away. But I find baby Zan a useful tool at the moment to add to challenges.

That is the thing with fanfiction writing is that it can make you look at the show differently, and fresh in some ways.

Roswell 10/2/00 01-30-2021 04:31 PM

Jasper1975 I can't wait to read your story. It sounds so interesting!

Yes I love how writing can take you into a different direction at times. The journey of writing can be so much fun!

JournalingJedi 02-01-2021 08:49 AM

That is why I love reading long fan how they evolve.

Roswell 10/2/00 02-01-2021 10:05 PM

Me too!

Please let me know what you think of mine. I love feedback. Good or bad I love it all.

Happy reading and writing everyone. :read: :back_hug:

Roswell 10/2/00 03-03-2021 09:37 PM

Happy reading and writing everyone!

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