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*Stephie* 03-22-2015 10:30 AM

Updated with

livstevi21 05-13-2015 04:00 AM

Updated some other threads. :)

*Stephie* 06-16-2015 06:50 AM

New thread:

a fine mess 07-06-2015 12:47 PM

Name: Cece
Age: 20's
Birthday: January 3rd
Favorite Tom role: Clark Kent
Favorite Tom ship: I don't ship. :P
Why you love Tom: He was in Smallville, which is my first real show I began to fangirl over. And he's Superman! I always tell people that SV got me into the world of TV watching.

livstevi21 07-06-2015 12:53 PM

Hi Cece, welcome to the Tom board! :wave: :hug:

That's awesome! :) Smallville was what got me into the Superman universe and of course when I first laid eyes on Tom I was hooked. :D

a fine mess 07-06-2015 12:56 PM

Yes, me too! I was not a fan of Superman until Smallville and then I proceeded to watch all the Superman films with Chris Reeves.

livstevi21 07-06-2015 01:06 PM

Same here. :nod: I then went on to watch Lois and Clark: TNAOS which I also love.

Becwelling 07-07-2015 04:27 AM

Hi welcome to the Tom board, great to have you here :high_five:

a fine mess 07-07-2015 09:19 AM


Oh yeah, TNAOS was pretty good too. Dean Cain had such a memorable voice. I can hear him in my head right now. :lol: I loved Teri as Lois too! More than Erica. To me, it just felt like they introduced Lois too soon in Smallville, then dragged the show on for 6 more seasons after introducing her. :P Sorry if I offend anyone - just stating my thoughts. I'm good if you disagree. I'll still like you and we can still be friends!

Becwelling 07-08-2015 02:03 AM

Aww, you won't offend anyone here, it wouldn't be good if we all thought the same would it?

Everyone's opinion is welcome :hug:

I only watched a couple of episodes of TNAOS, so I can't really comment ;)

livstevi21 07-08-2015 02:25 AM

^ I second that, everyone's different opinions are welcome! :)

:lol: Who doesn't love Dean's voice? :D I loved Teri as Lois too, she's definitely one of the best Lois Lanes, but I couldn't choose between her and Erica, they are two different Lois's, I love them both. I guess they did bring Lois in too soon in Smallville, but I liked Erica a lot and I loved Clark and Lois's love-hate friendship they had going on in S4-S5. I think what they did with Lois in the earlier seasons was great, the only reservation I had was that they kinda re-tconned her interest in journalism - from hating to the career choice in S4 to suddenly getting interested in it in S6.

Rebecca, you need to watch more of TNAOS, it's so worth it. ;)

a fine mess 07-08-2015 09:49 AM

Erica did a great job, definitely. She was spot on with the humor and jokes. I loved the comic relief she brought to the show. It was much needed! I just felt more of a romantic chemistry between Clark and Lois on TNAOS, and perhaps it was suppose to be that way. Because SV was about the teenage years and not them as adults. But I didn't feel it with Smallville's Clark and Lois even towards the end. As you may have noticed in my signature, I lean more towards Clark and Chloe. And it could be because we've seen more scenes with them. *shrugs*

I guess I started a conversation about SV and TNAOS in an inappropriate place - the Intro thread. :lol: Thanks for your understandings!

livstevi21 07-08-2015 10:04 AM

I know what you mean, Lois and Clark were much more romantic on TNAOS, and it did feel like Lois and Clark's eventual relationship felt forced on Smallville since Clark was still in love with Lana in S8, and they were forced apart (which was pretty ridiculous if you ask me). However, when Clark and Lois eventually got together they were just too cute and I liked how their relationship builded slowly. I liked Tom & Erica's chemistry together. Although Clois will stay endgame for me in any universe, I am a huge Chlark fan and had always wanted them to be together. Before they bought Erica's Lois in, I thought Chloe would end up being Lois - that was the big theory before S4, I think.

Nah, it's ok, this thread doesn't get posted on a whole lot, I tend to forget to add new threads and stuff, so we can keep chatting on this thread…for a bit. ;)

a fine mess 07-08-2015 10:28 AM


Originally Posted by livstevi21 (Post 82348791)
I know what you mean, Lois and Clark were much more romantic on TNAOS, and it did feel like Lois and Clark's eventual relationship felt forced on Smallville since Clark was still in love with Lana in S8, and they were forced apart (which was pretty ridiculous if you ask me).

Yes, it made Lois look like the second wheel. Also Clark and Lana's love made me feel it was too early for Lois's introduction, especially when Lana came back and Clark was still head over heels in love with her. Clark obviously was not over Lana and still isn't in the Smallville universe. One of the many things I felt Smallville didn't do right. Again, back to the soap opera. Too much drama, not enough focus on the Superman story. :lol: They tried with Lois (in the sense of including her in SV) but it felt like a missed target...

livstevi21 07-10-2015 02:13 AM

Totally. :nod: It did make Lois look like the second wheel. I just think they should not have had Clark so in love with Lana for so long. She was really only supposed to be his high school sweetheart. By S6 Clark should have moved on and then they could have bought in Lois. But then they bought in the whole Clexana triangle. It was frustrating. It was definitely one thing Smallville got wrong looking back.

L i N d $ @ y 09-15-2015 12:52 AM

livstevi21 09-15-2015 06:18 AM

Thanks Lindsay, added! :)

livstevi21 09-27-2015 03:54 AM

Ok, it has taken a while, but I've pretty much updated all current threads, which has been long overdue. The whole board guide needs a big spruce up, but at least it's mostly updated now, which is important. I'll go through other old threads at some point and see if we can get them going again. I will also try and think of another survivor we can do in the meantime, should help our post count. :)

Becwelling 09-27-2015 04:50 AM

That's brilliant Liv, you've been working hard ;)

livstevi21 09-27-2015 09:06 AM

Thanks. :hug: It's hard work but worth it. :)

Becwelling 09-28-2015 12:47 PM

TOM is worth it, even if we're so busy ;)

swat_2015 09-29-2015 05:07 PM

Big fan from the UK
I love Tom Welling! Such a good actor but the main thing is I like his personality :)

livstevi21 09-30-2015 01:55 AM

^ I agree, and thanks for coming here! :flowers: We need all the fans we can get. ;) :hug:

Becwelling 09-30-2015 12:43 PM

Welcome to the Tom board, yes we need new fans, we're so quiet on here at the moment ;) feel free to post any Tom snippets you have!

livstevi21 10-01-2015 10:48 AM

^ I second that. :D

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