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Old 07-15-2023, 02:04 AM
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Smallville {Clark Kent} #8: Just Because Tom Is Super, Man!

Welcome to the {8th}
Clark Kent
Appreciation Thread!

Taken from Wiki
"So what are you, man or superman?"
—Lana Lang to Clark Kent in to Pilot

Clark Kent, aka Superman, is Earth's greatest hero
and the main protagonist of Smallville. Hailing from
the planet Krypton, Clark is a super-powered alien who
was raised in Smallville, Kansas. He resided there until
his early adult years, when he moved to Metropolis.

Born as Kal-El to Jor and Lara-El, Clark was sent to Earth
by his parents to fulfill a destiny in which he would become
the savior of humanity: he was rocketed off of the planet just
minutes before its destruction. Accompanied by a massive
meteor shower, his spaceship crash-landed in Miller's Field in
Smallville: there, he was found by farmers Jonathan Kent and
Martha Kent to which they raised him as their son, instilling in him
strong moral principles and teaching him to use his abilities for good.
Thanks to the yellow sun, Clark developed many Kryptonian powers
that grew stronger as he got older. He learned much about his origins
from Dr. Virgil Swann, a journal and an artificial intelligence version
of Jor-El. Clark secretly fought crime around his hometown during his
high school years and moonlit as a vigilante throughout Metropolis
initially known as the Good Samaritan, then as the Red-Blue Blur,
and then simply as the Blur. By day, he works as a reporter at the
Daily Planet and manages his family's farm.

For many years, Clark maintained an association with Lex Luthor
that started as a friendship before evolving into mutual enmity, a
complicated relationship with his first love Lana Lang, and finally
met Lois Lane, with whom he began a relationship after they were
assigned as co-workers at the Daily Planet. He also developed an
unbreakable bond with his childhood friend Chloe Sullivan, an
association with Lionel Luthor, a friendship with Oliver Queen
with whom he works to fight for good, and an acquaintance
with Tess Mercer.

After Jonathan's death, Clark started to mature more and
began to worry more about the consequences of his actions.
After several incidents involving his Kryptonian heritage
(i.e. Kal-El's deadly encounters with Brainiac and a bond with
his cousin Kara Kent), Lana's departure and Lex's constant
attempts to discover his secret, Clark began to embrace his
destiny as a hero, culminating in Jimmy Olsen's published
photograph of the super-powered "Red-Blue Blur" on the Planet
front page and the citizens adopting that name for their own
vigilante. Following Jimmy's death as consequence of Clark's
mistakes while trying to stop Davis Bloome/Doomsday, Clark
dropped the red-and-blue look and embraced his Kryptonian side,
starting to leave his family crest as a symbol of hope at the sites
of his heroic feats. When Zod returned to Earth as a younger
clone of himself with his army and declared war on Earth, Kal-El
had several encounters with Zod. After he used the Book of Rao
to send all the army to a new world, Kal-El won over Zod in a deadly battle.

When he was warned about Darkseid coming to Earth, Clark's
future as a hero fell into question due to the doubts and fears
in his heart. But after going with Brainiac 5 to the future, he
came back with a new purpose for his crusade and recently
took the next step toward the future he saw by revealing his
secret to Lois, who surprised him by telling him she already knew.
With his secret out of the way, and seeing how well his relationship
with Lois strengthened him, Clark decided to take the next step by
proposing to Lois, who accepted with great delight. He also mentored
his "brother" Alexander Luthor/Conner Kent.

Clark and his allies began making preparations to defend Earth
from the coming of Darkseid. In the midst of his and Lois' wedding
and after a final reunion with Lex, Clark won the battle with Darkseid
by mastering his ability to fly, putting on the suit, pushing Apokolips
away from Earth, and finally fulfilling his destiny by becoming the
Earth's greatest savior known as Superman.


"You are my home, you're my family. You make me feel
like I actually belong." – Clark, to Kara Kent, Bloodline.

taken from Wiki
Clark was born as Kal-El, the only son of Jor-El and Lara,
on the planet Krypton. Kal-El was a few weeks old when
Krypton was about to be destroyed after his uncle Zor-El
ignited Krypton's core and also due to General Zod's attempt
to conquer its people, Jor-El placed Kal-El in a spaceship,
to send him to a good family on the planet Earth where he
visited years ago. Though Lara wondered if the people of
Earth would accept and love him, Jor-El reassured her that
the family he chose would be good to him.

Kal-El came to Earth during the meteor shower which struck
the community of Smallville, Kansas, on October 16, 1989.
He was sent from Krypton as an infant, but because of the
distance from Earth, Kal-El appeared to be between the ages
of two and three when his ship crash-landed. Jonathan and
Martha Kent found him in Miller's Field: unable to have children
themselves, the Kents adopted the young orphan and raised him
as their son. Because he owed a favor from Lionel Luthor, Jonathan
allowed him to produce forged paperwork that made it official.
They arbitrarily picked a May 13, 1987 birth date for their new son
and named him Clark, Martha's maiden name.

Clark formed a friendship with another farmer's son, Pete Ross
in early childhood. Clark has been in love with Lana Lang for most
of his life. Lana lived a mile away and while growing up, Clark used
his telescope in his loft to spy on her. However, Lana almost always
wore a necklace with a meteor rock charm on it. As a result, Clark
could not even come into close physical proximity without being
physically affected but never understood why. Clark met
Chloe Sullivan in eighth grade and along with Pete Ross,
the three formed an inseparable trio.

Clark was considerably stronger than other children at an early age.
Martha noticed his strength the day she brought him home.
He even cracked the kitchen table in half and occasionally put
holes in the walls during tantrums. He once lifted a 500-pound
bed frame as a toddler.

Because Jonathan and Martha did not want him to inadvertently
injure other children, Clark was not allowed in playgroups or to
play on sports teams as a child. His father also once mentioned
that he was never allowed to play baseball with other kids.
Indeed, in an attempt to protect Pete from a bully, he once threw
the other child through a door. Clark developed super-speed around
age six. Jonathan and Martha taught Clark that his abilities were "gifts",
but also that he should never tell anyone else about them. By the time
he was 14, he knew that he was adopted, but he seriously began to
question his strange powers and confronted his parents, demanding answers.

| |

"You do know, of course, you look absolutely ridiculous in that, right?
And I got a great tailor, hook you up with a little color, maybe."
— Oliver Queen, to Clark, Roulette
"You talk like a cop, you walk like a fireman. Heck, you beat us
to most of our own crime scenes. You might as well put an "S"
on your chest." — Bert Camp, to Clark, Masquerade

In Seasons 1-8, Clark often wore a red jacket and blue t-shirt
or the other way around. In Season Eight's Infamous, he stopped
wearing red and blue while working at the Daily Planet so that he
could start to create a dual identity. As a reporter, Clark wore dress
shirts, ties and dark suits. Clark once showed Lois a pair of thick-lenses
black-rimmed glasses. Once he began to step out more into the public
eye as a superhero, Clark decided to wear the glasses more regularly in
order to mask his true identity.

As the Red-Blue Blur, Clark wore a bright blue short-sleeved t-shirt,
a dark red jacket, a black belt, light blue jeans and brown work boots.
In Season Nine, Clark started to wear attire consisting of a black low-collar
long-sleeved double-breasted twin-tailed trench coat, black pocketed denim
pants, black belt, black riding boots, and a high-collar short-sleeved black
shirt that bears a gray Mark of El. Since Sacrifice, he started to wear a
white version of the Mark of El which shined brightly enough to be seen
clearly if he was standing in the shadows.
In Season Nine, Clark started to wear a black carhartt jacket with a
black t-shirt underneath, black jeans and black boots to reflect his
Kandorian Blur costume. This clothing is reminiscent to the red jacket
and blue t-shirt.

After his near-death experience in Lazarus, Clark returned to his
"Red-Blue Blur" look. He wore a bright blue low-collar short-sleeved
t-shirt, a dark red leather low-collar long-sleeved, a dark red leather
zip-up jacket with the Mark of El on the front, a black belt, black pants,
and brown work boots.

Martha made Clark a costume that consisted of a blue low-collar
long-sleeved shirt with a diamond-shaped, red-lined and yellow
shield emblem with a red Mark of El in the middle on the chest,
with blue pants with red trunks, a yellow belt, a pair of red boots
and a flowing low-collar long red cape. Due to Clark's inner doubts
and fears, Jor-El kept the costume in the Fortress of Solitude for
the time being. Once Clark fully embraced his powers, Jor-El
unveiled the costume, which was then presented to Clark by
the spirit of Jonathan.

Clark has been seen wearing his glasses as his mild-mannered
disguise in the following episodes:

S3: Whisper
S6: Noir
S7: Apocalypse
S9: Idol, Salvation
S10: Homecoming, Masquerade, Booster, Prophecy,
Finale Part 1 & Finale Part 2
Season Eleven: Guardian, Haunted, Argo, Olympus
Smallville Miniseries: Alien, Lantern, Continuity

The Red-Blue Blur/The Blur
Chloe: "You know, Clark, maybe you can have your cape
and wear it, too. Say that Clark Kent, the unassuming journalist,
buttoned up in a starched shirt and tie, but then, when he's
playing the hero, he—"
Clark: "Steps out of the shadow into his red and blue,
creating two completely separate identities?"
Season Eight, Infamous

When Clark began anonymously saving strangers in Metropolis,
he became known as the Good Samaritan. Jimmy Olsen began
tracking his saves, determined to get to the bottom of it.
Finally, Jimmy was able to capture a picture of Clark
super-speeding. His red jacket and blue shirt appeared
on the image, causing Jimmy to name him the Red-Blue Blur.
The final Blur outfit.
With the start of Season Nine, Clark went by the Blur.
As the Blur, Clark wore dark clothing with his family's
Kryptonian symbol on his chest, alluding to the Superman
costume and also to the fact that Clark was still in mourning
over Jimmy's death. He also left the Mark of El burned onto an
object wherever he saved lives or stopped a crime. For a short
while, Clark left his human life behind, but returned to his life
as Clark Kent to keep an eye on Lois, though he still mainly
focused on his Kryptonian training with Jor-El.
After Cat Grant told him that the world needs an all-American
hero who doesn't hide in the shadows, Clark was inspired to
make a change and started with his costume, donning a new
attire consisting of a red leather jacket with the Mark of El
engraved on it and a blue shirt underneath.

He has been seen wearing his costume in the following episodes:

Season Nine: Savior, Metallo, Rabid, Echo, Roulette, Crossfire, Idol,
Pandora, Disciple, Absolute Justice, Part 2, Warrior, Persuasion,
Conspiracy, Checkmate, Upgrade, Charade, Salvation
Season Ten: Lazarus, Shield, Homecoming, Ambush, Icarus,
Beacon, Masquerade, Scion, Booster, Prophecy


"What's real is your strength and integrity and compassion.
As long as you remain honest to those things, it doesn't matter
what you wear or what name you go by,'ll always
be my son." — Martha Kent, to Clark, Beacon

Two traits of Clark Kent that have been prominent for most
of the series have been his positive and optimistic view on
humanity as well as his self-loathing and self-pity of not
being human. Clark strongly believes that feelings such as
compassion are synonymous to the human race, and thinks
humans are, on the whole, noble beings. He has often expressed
a desire to be human and a disdain towards his alien heritage,
probably because he feels his biology hinders his humanity despite
several people telling him that humanity is more than biology.
Clark also has been told many times to have a hero complex
and that he often does good, selfless acts without any thought
for himself. Clark can sometimes be sarcastic with others, like
he was with Lois when they first met.

This self-loathing is probably why Clark internalizes situations
and believes everything is his fault or revolves around him in
some fashion. It deeply affects him when his loved ones suffer
because of his secret, as he fails to consider that people who love
him would willingly suffer for him and instead blames himself for
any trouble that befalls them, regardless as to whether he's
responsible or not. He considers knowing his secret a burden
to bear that puts the secret-keeper in danger. He often feels
guilt about things over which he had no control and, because
of this, does not consider himself a hero. It may also explain
part of his constant fear of sharing his secret, assuming that
he won't be accepted for what he is because he is not
comfortable with himself. Clark also struggles with the fact
that he cannot save every endangered person and, as such,
feels that his heroic deeds are inadequate.

This inferiority complex also extends to how Clark feels about
his own race, since he was quick to judge that Kryptonians were
evil until discovering that they, like humans, were capable of love
and compassion as well as hate and evil, his own father having been
a respected Kryptonian scientist who had his world's best interests at
heart. Throughout the series, Clark made improvements toward accepting
who he is, expressing gratefulness for his abilities and taking pride in
his compassion for the human race, which he views as a strength.
However, certain events and revelations caused Clark to abruptly
change his mind about his compassionate side, and he felt like
caring too much for humans limits his ability to save them. As he
grew older, Clark began to realize that the circumstances
surrounding his destiny affected a greater circle than his small hometown
and decided to embark on his Kryptonian training in the near
future. However, after he reunited with Lana in the fall of 2007, he
abandoned these plans and declared his intent to attempt to make
a "normal" life with her on the farm. After Lana moved away from
Smallville, accompanied by a near-death experience when he was
temporarily rendered powerless, Clark resolved to take a more active
role in his destiny and took a job at the Daily Planet to be certain of
being in "the thick of the action." In conjunction with this decision,
he begun to use his powers in a more active manner.


"That's why I'm lucky to have parents like you. Every time I
woke up and had a new ability, you were always there to help
me adjust and this time is no different." – Clark Kent, Arrival

Clark is the most powerful superhero on Earth, as well as one
of the most powerful beings in the entire universe. Clark's
superhuman abilities are the result of his cells' absorbing
solar energy from Earth's yellow sun; having spent a lifetime
under it have made his abilities virtually limitless, even surpassing
other Kryptonians in power due to this tremendous advantage.
As a Kryptonian, his cells are veritable organic solar batteries
that absorb and metabolize solar energy. He converts this
energy into his abilities. His abilities usually appear suddenly
and he must learn to control them. They evolved and
grew stronger to a degree as Clark got older.

In episodes like Slumber, Labyrinth, Fracture, and Collateral,
it is apparent that Clark's powers are tied to certain neuron
pathways in his brain which activates his abilities. While Clark
was kept asleep by Sarah Conroy, he didn't have his superpowers
at first but, when the sun hit him during the end of his dream,
he was able to use his heat vision ability to destroy the Traveler.
After phantom Hudson entered his mind, Clark was unable to
activate his powers but the Martian Manhunter, John Jones, was
able to exorcise the phantom using his red crystal, allowing Clark
to wake up. After Clark entered Lex Luthor's mind in order to obtain
certain memories that would help him find Lois and Kara, he was seen
powerless towards Lex, who easily picked him up with one hand,
but Clark eventually found his way out of Lex's mind and managed
to get back to reality.

Solar Battery - This ability is the primal core from which
all of Clark's superhuman powers and abilities manifest from.
The interior of his body stores sunlight emitted from the Earth's
yellow sun, and seems to operate like a battery. In outer space
this ability is amplified. Emil theorized that if Clark enters into
the Sun, his powers would become uncontrollable.
Super Strength - Clark's chief physical ability is his
superior superhuman strength. Direct exposure or contact
with the rays given off by Earth's yellow sun, makes him
much more powerful and his strength capacity gets magnified
to a degree.
Super Speed- Clark can move and or react at superhuman
speeds that far exceed the speed of sound barrier whether it is on
land or underwater. In season 5, Clark
can run from Metropolis to Honduras in seconds. (Void)
By season 10, Clark can run on water (in season 4 Clark
could not when chasing Bart) and was able to run back
to Metropolis from London England in just 2 seconds. (Masquerade)
Accelerated Perception - In super speed mode,
everything around him stops. Being coupled with his super
speed, he gained accelerated vision when he learned super
speed, at age six. This ability grew significantly more powerful
in eighth grade, where he was able to run from the Kent barn
to the Smallville library and back before Chloe could turn around.
Invulnerability - Under a yellow sun, Clark has an invisible
forcefield aura that renders him invulnerable to virtually any forms
of physical harm. However, despite his high resistance,
forms of Kryptonite, can greatly damage him.
Healing Factor - Clark is superhumanly regenerative
and can heal or recover from wounds instantly when he is
not exposed to green Kryptonite. Direct sunlight greatly
amplifies this capacity of this ability. (Alien)
Super Stamina - Clark can run, exercise,
or take part in strenuous action for days on end
without getting tired: he never sweats unless he
is exposed to Green kryptonite (Except season 2
episode 2 he sweat from temperature or because
he sees Desirée Atkins)
X-Ray Vision - Clark can see through any
type of matter, except for lead, just by concentrating.
It may appear as a skeletal image similar to the ones
seen on hospital x-rays, or it may be a full color image.
Originally, he appeared to have mastered the skeletal
images over full color. Just recently, however, he has
mastered both aspects of this ability.
Heat Vision - Clark can emit extreme pulses of
heat and fire beams from his eyes, which was first
triggered by his level of sexual stimulation. Over time
and training, he has learned to develop and control his
sexual urges and therefore his heat vision. He has fully
mastered this ability.
Super Hearing - Clark can hear indirect whispers,
frequencies, pitches, and other volumes of sound from vast
distances. As an adult, Clark can multitask and use super-hearing
and can also super-speed and hear conversations while he's moving.
Clarks super hearing may pick up things randomly
(such as someone in trouble) or Clark can focus listen to as specific sound.
Super Breath/Arctic breath - Clark can release strong pulses, currents,
or waves of air by exhaling. He can also freeze people and objects the same way.
At age 19, Clark was vulnerable in the Phantom Zone and returned to Earth
with super-strong sneezes. When he got better, he honed the sneezes as
super breath. He later learned how to use an arctic version of his super breath.
Super Dexterity - Clark is able to throw a basketball into a hoop
yards away easily and he never trips. (Duplicity) When he failed to
throw a football in a hoop, Martha was shocked and stated that she had
never seen him miss before. (Jinx)
Super Leap - Clark can combine his super strength and
dexterity to perform highly accurate super leaps. The first time
Clark jumped a vast distance, he displayed great hesitancy.
Since then, he's shown increasing amounts of confidence and
control over his super leaps. His "super leaps," as of before,
were a substitute for flying, as Clark had yet to fully learn how to fly.
Clark was able to jump higher the older he became.
Flight - After he fully embraced his destiny, he gained
the ability to fly, enabling him to hover, levitate, or transverse
through the air at fast velocities. Clark has the ability to defy
gravity by the means of gravitational manipulation or the ability
to generate an anti-gravity field aound himself. He has perfect
control over this, he can move perfectly in any direction and also
can levitate. Clark also has the ability to fly in outer space.
Under his own power he can fly through space at planetary
distances and to other galaxies. In a rather short amount of time,
Clark has proven to have completely mastered this ability. (Finale, Part 2).
Longevity - According to Jordan Cross, Clark will
live for an extremely long period of time, explaining it as
if he can "go on forever." While under the light of a yellow
sun Clark would age without appearing to do so. This power
retards his aging process making him effectively immortal.
Also, Jonathan and John Jones have stated that he may be
immortal or at least very long-lived.
Micro Vision - Clark has the ability to see things too
small for the human eye to normally see.
Telescopic Vision - Clark has the ability to see things miles away.
Infrared Vision - Clark is able to see heat signatures.


"We all have our weaknesses, I guess. Except for you, of course."
– Chloe Sullivan

Despite the fact that he is nearly impenetrable by
almost any means, Clark can be injured.

He is vulnerable to kryptonite, radioactive remnants
of his home planet Krypton. The known variations of
kryptonite affect him in different ways. Like Kryptonians,
kryptonite is affected by Earth's yellow sun which gives
these rocks abilities that greatly influence them.
Clark can protect himself from kryptonite radiation
using lead. Removal of the substance reverses the effects.
Red sun radiation - renders Clark mortal because
its radiation removes all of his of powers and abilities.
Green kryptonite - along with magic, is one of his greatest
weaknesses. It renders Clark physically weak. The effects will make
Clark weaker the longer he's exposed to its radiation. Sometimes
and depending on the circumstance, he can use his powers while in
its presence. (Jitters, Fever, Shattered, Resurrection, Crisis, Splinter,
and Abandoned). He once stated that green kryptonite exposure hurts
more than cracked ribs. While powerless, after getting thrown into a
car windshield, his ribs were fractured, and he stated, "I'd take this
over meteor rocks any day of the week", conforming to the statement
made above. As Clark got older and stronger, he developed some
resistance or tolerance to green kryptonite, though he is still
vulnerable to its affects.
Red kryptonite - Does't weaken him or physically affect
him in any way, so he can use his powers and abilities.
It's affects are psychological, making him lose his inhibitions
and social conscience: the effects strengthen over long periods
of exposure. Under the influence of red kryptonite, Clark usually
refers to himself as "Kal", short for his birth name, Kal-El.
Blue Kryptonite - robs Clark of his powers and
abilities but does not cause him any physical or mental ailment.
Gold kryptonite can give Clark permanent wounds
or scars that can't ever be healed and it can also cause him to
lose his powers and abilities forever.
Black kryptonite can separate Clark from his
Kryptonian persona, Kal-El.
Silver kryptonite is a synthetic kryptonite that doesn't
weaken Clark's abilities, though too much of exposure can make
him sweat, his eyes will start to dilate, his skin becomes pale.
It makes Clark dangerously paranoid and suspicious, inducing
hallucinations in the process. This rock is essentially made up
of organic matter that Brainiac is made up of.

Clark's Quotes

'''I'm sick of "hanging in there." All I want to do is go through high school without being a total loser.'''

''What are you trying to tell me, Dad? That I'm from another planet?!? And I suppose you stashed my spaceship in the attic?''

''I'm sick of being punished because I have these gifts. Most parents would be happy if their son could be star of the football team.''

''You go through life with a gift you have to keep a secret. When you see everyone around you being normal, you get jealous. You just want to be somebody else.''

Let's continue discussing the character of Clark Kent from Smallville.

Alterna-Clark episodes.

Red, Rush, Exodus, Exile, Relic, Crusade, Transference, Unsafe, Spirit, Splinter, Crimson, Phantom, Bizarro, Persona, Hex, Persuasion and Upgrade. Maybe Gemini and Noir.

Video clips - Best Clark Kent moments:

List of fans:

-Fated to Love-
Lauren James

Previous threads
#1 | #2 | #3
Within Temptation | Met Tom Welling - celebrating 10 years as Mod at LFCC in 2018: He called me "so sweet" | Met Tom again with other Smallville cast at WCC in 2019

Last edited by livstevi21; 01-29-2024 at 04:45 AM
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Old 07-15-2023, 06:38 PM
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Thanks for the new thread, Liv!
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 07-15-2023, 11:48 PM
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No problem
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Old 07-16-2023, 05:27 AM
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Thanks for the new thread!
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Old 07-17-2023, 12:44 AM
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You're welcome!
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Old 07-17-2023, 06:43 PM
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Tom actually avoided reading any Superman comics while he was on Smallville. He didn't want them to influence his performance, even subconsciously.
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 07-17-2023, 11:35 PM
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I knew that. He wanted to be just as clueless as Clark was himself, and to learn as Clark was.
Within Temptation | Met Tom Welling - celebrating 10 years as Mod at LFCC in 2018: He called me "so sweet" | Met Tom again with other Smallville cast at WCC in 2019
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Old 07-18-2023, 02:20 AM
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I think that was deliberate.
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Old 07-18-2023, 03:39 AM
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It was.
Within Temptation | Met Tom Welling - celebrating 10 years as Mod at LFCC in 2018: He called me "so sweet" | Met Tom again with other Smallville cast at WCC in 2019
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Old 07-21-2023, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by livstevi21 (View Post)
I knew that. He wanted to be just as clueless as Clark was himself, and to learn as Clark was.
Well, it's not Tom's job to know what direction Clark is gonna go, it's the showrunners and the writers. And I'd have told them all to write something on a chalkboard a thousand times before the very first episode of Smallville was written:

"Lana Lang is NOT the woman Clark ends up with!"
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 07-21-2023, 11:36 PM
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True! And yeah, they should have done that.
Within Temptation | Met Tom Welling - celebrating 10 years as Mod at LFCC in 2018: He called me "so sweet" | Met Tom again with other Smallville cast at WCC in 2019
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Old 07-23-2023, 08:11 PM
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That will always be the most annoying aspect of Smallville, the fact that the network decided it should be the Lana Lang show. I really don't want to hate on Lana Lang because I love Kristen Kreuk, but even she had to realize that her character didn't belong there after season 5.
In Loving Memory of Christine Dettloff(cheekymonkey503). Rest In Peace, Dear Cheekymonkey. ~ Alex
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Old 07-23-2023, 11:34 PM
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Yeah...I mean, it was good for Kristin as an actress 'cause she was able to lots of different things and had a darker storyline to play with in S6/7. But I do think that because of that, the writers struggled to keep Lana interesting without going stale, and that's mostly because of how many times she and Clark get splitting up and then getting back together again. Sure, their S7 reunion is different 'cause she finally knows his secret, but that doesn't make it any less annoying that they tried to make their relationship work yet again, when they know deep down that it'll never work.
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Old 07-25-2023, 08:04 PM
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Well, again, the whole Clark/Lana thing should've ended after season 4 when high school ended. They had to know that when they introduced Lois that the clock was ticking on Lana. And even if Lois and Clark weren't going to get together until much later, they still had Chloe Sullivan as a love interest, who was basically a composite of Lana and Lois from the comics. They didn't need to keep Lana around as Clark's object of affection, and dragging that storyline out dragged down all of the other stories.

Think of all the cool DC Comics storylines they could've done if they hadn't devoted too much time on Lana. It also undermined Lois Lane, because after seven seasons of making it seem like Lana was the love of Clark's life, how exactly do you just shift gears and go into Clark/Lois? You need to put space in between the two relationships, not have them overlap, with one hanging like a shadow over the other.
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Old 07-25-2023, 11:25 PM
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Would have to 100% agree with you there.
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