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Old 04-19-2017, 02:46 AM
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Destiny {Clark ღ Lois} #16: Because they're destined for each other in any reality

C l a r k L o i s
appreciation • thread

"Guess I'm a sucker for stray dogs and naked guys"

"Lois I promise someday, you'll meet someone even more special"

"Well, he was holding me in his arms, and Ollie's a good kisser, don't get wrong, but that Green Arrow, he could teach Ollie a thing or two."

Shippers ;

01. Elyx
02. Katka
03. bryangreenbergfan
04. Sweet_Honeycomb
05. CTUgal21
06. Lessie
07. wbjunkie
08. narahelissa
09. PiCkLeS4dAwSoN
10. Spike it up
11. valiy5
12. Bella Grint
13. LittleLoLo
14. Nymph Marty
15. wbjunkie
16. Barb B
17. Leneoth
18. Jershey
19. D'oh!
20. Name removed
21. BrathanSupporter
22. JR Abraxas
23. evielost
24. missingOTH
25. Pink77
26. TVJunkie22
27. kassandrajones
28. Brooke08
29. lisagslack14
30. ~Phoenix~
31. *Helena*
32. Pemberley21
33. Motoko Ayoama
34. kat99
35. *Karen*
36. autumn song
37. Melanie Garcia
38. lisagslack14
39. CJG18
40. Tears of an Angel
41. buffyandspike4ever
42. B.Chambers
43. buffy4ever
44. Sharon86
45. starryeyed15
46. Two-Core-Aura
47. dancing in the rain
48. Kp1227
49. BOK
50. nazira
51. *OldHollywoodStarlet*
52. dwoods87
53. -Fated to Love-
54. livstevi21
55. *Stephie*
56: tvchick1191
57: onelove.oneheart
58. CloisFan
59. Lauren James

I, Clark Kent, take you, Lois Lane, to be my companion forever.
With you by my side, I will never be alone. Though the world sees
a strong independent woman, I've never known someone with
such gentle grace and more pure heart. When I've been lost you've
always been there to bring me back, so on this day, at this moment,
I pledge the rest of my life to you. You've always believed in me, and
I believe in you. When you believe in someone it's not for a minute, or
just for now, it's forever. - Clark Kent
I wanted these vows to be perfect, but perfection is a hard thing
to get your hands on. But life is meant to be a little messy and,
when it comes to love I think it's like my dad always said about
the army : You only sign up if it's the only thing you could ever imagine
doing. Clark, I can not imagine spending a moment of my life without
you. I promise that I will always have your back, as you will always have
mine. You're my best friend, you're my home, and you are my true love,
and I am yours and will be forever. - Lois Lane
The r e a s o n s ;

1. B/c she went to Smallville to look for him (Crusade)
2. B/c she had a hard time just looking at his face (Crusade)
3. B/c she has a soft spot for stray dogs and naked guys (Crusade)
4. B/c "give [her] a nerd with glasses anyday" (Crusade)
5. B/c she's not alone anymore (Crusade)
6. B/c he invited her to stay on the farm with him (Crusade)
7. B/c he only remember her and flying (Crusade)
8. B/c she thinks his mom's cool (Crusade)
9. B/c she calls him Smallville
10. B/c he was impressed by her kung fu fighting skills (Gone)
11. B/c he checked out her legs (Gone)
12. B/c they just shower together (Gone)
13. B/c she finishes his thoughts (Gone)
14. B/c they found Chloe together (Gone)
15. B/c "the best ones always start that way"
16. B/c he does check her out (Facade)
17. B/c they saved each other (Facade)
18. B/c she wanted to see him in a wet t-shirt (Facade)
19. B/c she ruffled his hair (Facade)
20. B/c he wanted her opinion on his letterman jacket (Devoted)
21. B/c she checked him out (Devoted)
22. B/c they make a good investigative team (Devoted)
23. B/c she'll visit (Devoted)
24. B/c they planned Chloe's party together (Spell)
25. B/c she can calm him down (when he was about to kill Alicia's killer) (Pariah)
26. B/c she makes him laugh
27. B/c they cover for each other (Recruit)
28. B/c he freaked out when he found out she was missing (Recruit)
29. B/c he saved her life (Recruit)
30. B/c he said that she could stay with him (Recruit)
31. B/c she named Shelby "Clarkie" after him (Krypto)
32. B/c even Lucy noticed the sparks between them (Lucy)
33. B/c he listens to her (Lucy)
34. B/c she opens up to him (Lucy)
35. B/c they tease each other (Lucy)
36. B/c they're secret friends(Lucy)
37. B/c he knows when to give her her space (Lucy)
38. B/c "now it all begins" (Lucy)
39. B/c they're written in the stars (Lucy)
40. B/c they "keep it quiet in public but mack on the downlow" (Spirit)
41. B/c going to the prom together wasn't in the realm of possibilities but they ended up going together anyways (Spirit)
42. B/c he visibly gulped and was impressed when he saw her in her prom dress (Spirit)
43. B/c "a little close to the boob don't ya think?" (Spirit)
44. B/c she tells it to him like it is (Blank)
45. B/c she knows how to deal with memory wiped Clark(Blank)
46. B/c she guesses that she can't call him Smallville anymore (Blank)
47. B/c he cradled her in his arms and tenderly looked at her when she was about to be broken (Forever)
48. B/c she dreams about a guy in a red cape (Commencement)
49. B/c he'll try not to miss her too much (Commencement)
50. B/c she knows that she's always welcome in his home (Commencement)
51. B/c even his parents love her (Commencement)
52. B/c he suggested a career in journalism for her (Commencement)
53. B/c with her luck she'd end up partnered with the most bumbling reporter on the masthead (Commencement)
54. B/c she tied his tie for him (Commencement)
55. B/c he "actually looks handsome for a change" (Commencement)
56. B/c when she sees him going up on the stage she'll be thinking one thing, "Dear God please don't let him trip." (Commencement)
57. B/c she slugs him in the arm
58. B/c he smiles more around her
59. B/c she whistled when he got his diploma (Commencement)
60. B/c they hugged and it was awesome! (Arrival)
61. B/c she went back to help out his parents (Arrival)
62. B/c he thanked her for helping his parents (Arrival)
63. B/c he wanted to be the one to save her (Aqau)
64. B/c if Lois didn't know better she'd say he was jealous (Aqua)
65. B/c "someday she'll meet someone even more special" (Aqua)
66. B/c Clark couldn't tear his eyes away from her when he saw her dance (Exposed)
67. B/c she gave him a lap dance (Exposed)
68. B/c "dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like [Lois]?" (Exposed)
69. B/c "give me a twenty and meet me out back" (Exposed)
70. B/c he super jumped and brought down a helicopter to save her life (Exposed)
71. B/c she called him "007" (Exposed)
72. B/c "love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction" (Exposed)
73. B/c he was disappointed to see her leave (Exposed)
74. B/c he helped her move out (Exposed)
75. B/c they congratulated Chloe in unison (Exposed)
76. B/c she thanked him for being a good friend (Exposed)
77. B/c she tell everyone about his Elmer Fudd nightlight if he tells anyone about the lapdance (Exposed)
78. B/c "Aye, aye sailor" (Exposed)
79. B/c Lois understands his family (Fanatic)
80. B/c she became his dad's campaign manager (Fanatic)
81. B/c Lois has a thing for heroes (Fanatic)
82. B/c when Clark said he couldn't imagine loving someone else, who should drive up but Lois? (Lockdown)
83. B/c "turn that frown upside down, Skippy" (Lockdown)
84. B/c she'd "be lucky to end up with someone as honorable as Clark Kent someday" (Reckoning)
85. B/c when Clark turned back the clock he almost lost Lois (Reckoning)
86. B/c Clark immediately noticed when Lois wasn't there (Reckoning)
87. B/c she realized right away that something wasn't right with him (Hypnotic)
89. B/c when she found out what was wrong she immediately went to his farm to snap him out of it (Hypnotic)
90. B/c if it's necessary, she'll take him down (Hypnotic)
91. B/c he gave her a love tap (Hypnotic)
92. B/c his mom called Lois when she thought Clark needed help with Maddie (Fragile)
93. B/c he went to see her in the hospital when she was injured (Fragile)
94. B/c he brought her back to her apartment and told her to take it easy after she was hurt (Fragile)
95. B/c he got her a glass of water without her asking him for one (Fragile)
96. B/c Graham assumed Lois was Clark's girlfriend (Fade)
97. B/c when he saw her naked he was stunned and amazed (Fade)
98. B/c long after she closed the door he couldn't stop staring (Fade)
99. B/c they both take marathon showers (Fade)
100. B/c he feels the need to lob a grenade at every guy she dates (Fade)
101. B/c when she found out her was in trouble, she frantically tried to save him (Fade)
102. B/c she wants to meet a decent guy from a decent family (Fade)
103. B/c he's her Jonathon (Fade)
104. B/c "maybe you have to get through all the wrong men to recognize the right one" (Fade)
105. B/c she threw him a birthday party (Oracle)
106. B/c she made her world famous rum cake for him (Oracle)
107. B/c she bought him a journal to let out his feelings (Oracle)
108. B/c she gave him the tough love she knew he needed (Oracle)
109. B/c "Sometimes you have to tuck your feelings away until it's the right time. Like stuffing dollars into a piggy bank for a bike you can't quite afford." (Oracle)
110. B/c she's the Harley he's been saving up for (Oracle)
111. B/c "there are times when I think you don't know me at all...and others when I think you know me better than anyone." (Oracle)
112. B/c "well, that's what I'm here for, Smallville. One save at a time." (Oracle)
113. B/c they have the best deep and meaningful conversations (Oracle)
114. B/c he asked her how she was feeling (Zod)
115. B/c the fortress of solitude is her heaven (Zod)
116. B/c "I'm glad you're back" (Zod)
117. B/c he held her hand (Zod)
118. B/c Lana is his past, Lois is his future! (Crimson)
119. B/c he has abs of steel (Combat)
120. B/c he comfort hers and she comforts him (Siren and Arctic)
121. B/c they care about each others happiness
122. B/c he was there when she needed a shoulder to cry on (Siren)
123. B/c she doesn't want to settle for anyone else! (Siren)
124. Because they will always be there for eachother no matter what happens (Siren and Arctic)
125. B/c they make the best partners ever! (Apocalypse)
126. B/c they literally collide (Apocalypse)
127. B/c she thought he was "clumsy but cute" (Apocalypse)
128. B/c he swept her off her feet (Apocalypse)
129. She tried to sneek a peak (Apocalypse)
130. Because she helped him into the suit and glasses (Apocalypse)
131. B/c he thinks she's a good friend (Apocalypse)
132. B/c nothing says I love you like a punch on the shoulder. (Apocalypse)
133. Because she bought him a drink (or more hopefully) (Apocalypse)
134. B/c they're destined for each other in any reality (Apocalypse)
135. Because she knows he can do better then be just a "farm boy" (Arctic)
136. Because in his darkness, she was his light. (Arctic)
137. B/c she instantlt trusted him (Apoclaypse)
138. B/c he didn't care that she knew about his Superpowers (Apocalypse)
139. B/c they were heading toward their future together
140. B/c he lept tall buildings in a single bound for her
141. B/c they kissed in a telephone booth, hello forshadowing
142. B/c he's being very bad (Crimson)
143. B/c he needed to know she didn't spell his name wrong
144. B/c she pushed him to take a job that would change his life
145. B/c he's masking his feelings with sarcasm
`46. B/c apparently she talks abouty him to Ollie
147. B/c even Ollie knows that Clark has feelings for her
148. b/c she her CLOIS tattoo just said it all (Crimson)
149. b/c she wanted to slow dance with him (Crimson)
150. b/c why settle for the rich & famous when she can hang out with CK? (Siren)
151. b/c he's destined for greater things than just being in a farm (Arctic)
152.B/c she's a good friend
153.B/c it was the first kiss of many (Hydro)
154.B/c she thinks he could teach Ollie a thing or two
155.B/c she recognised his kiss (Crimson)
156.B/c she can't wait to see what else he can do (Crimson)
157. B/c one day it will be for real (Crimson)
158.B/c he was showing off for her
159.B/c he wanted to prove he was better than Ollie (Crimson)
160.B/c they have the sexiest little spin (Crimson)
161.B/c she calls him Kent and he calls her Lane (Odyssey/Apocalypse)
161.B/c he's going to be a little closer to home (Odyssey)
162.B/c he recognised her voice (Odyssey)
163.B/c team Lane and Kent kick butt like no other (Odyssey)
164.B/c we know that he actually does appreciate her feminine charms (Odyssey)
165.B/c she brings out his sense of humour (Odyssey)
166.B/c if he sticks with her, she'll protect him (Odyssey)
167. B/c he checked on her to see if she was okay (Odyssey)
168. B/c he wanted Chloe to watch over her (Odyssey)
169.B/c they're going to be neighbours (Odyssey)
170.B/c he'll see her bright and early Monday morning (Odyssey)
171.B/c the legendary Lane and Kent partnership is just beginning.
172.B/c they appreciate each others attempts at heroism (Odyssey)
173. B/c she gave him points for punctuality, but "what's with the wardrobe malfunction?" (Plastique)
174. B/c she got him dressed appropriately (Plastique)
175. B/c he got changed in a phone booth (Plastique)
176. B/c she wanted him to make a good impression on his first day at work (Plastique)
177. B/c he wanted her opinion on how he looked (Plastique)
178. B/c she visibly paused and gulped before she told him he looked good (Plastique)
179. B/c their scene paralleled Apocalypse (Plastique)
180. B/c he caught her when she fell (Plastique)
181. B/c their gazes lingered on each other (Plastique)
182. B/c he thinks she is the Goddess of Journalism
183. B/c she asked him if he was okay and what happened when he got back (Plastique)
184. B/c she took him under her wing and taught him the rules of journalism (Plastique)
185. B/c she wanted to know how his meeting with Tess went (Plastique)
186. B/c she thinks he has a charming smile (Plastique)
187. B/c he thinks she sounded like a jealous girlfriend (Plastique)
188. B/c when she can't get the info they need, he can (Plastique)
189. B/c he went to see Bette, since he knows she doesn't do well with kids (Plastique)
190. B/c he told her everything he knew about the story (Plastique)
191. B/c "You want to share a by-line with me?" (Plastique)
192. B/c she got him the obit (Plastique)
193. B/c they investigated the story together (Plastique)
194. B/c he looked slightly impressed by all the cards she had for breaking and entering (Plastique)
195. B/c he covered for her (Plastique)
196. B/c she allows him to think for himself (Plastique)
197. B/c he can recite her rules
198. B/c she got her first front page article while working with him (Plastique)
199. B/c she gave him encouraging advice (Plastique)
200. B/c she’s more proud that they uncovered the truth than she was with getting a front page story (Plastique)
201. B/c "Thanks for helping me break the story, Clark."
202. B/c she thinks he has a long career ahead of him at the Daily Planet
203. B/c now they're officially team Lane and Kent
204.Because they belong together.. end of freaking story.
205. B/c they're attached at the hip
206. B/c they see each other more than Chloe sees Jimmy
207. B/c she underlines his typos
208. B/c he offered her the silent support he knew she needed
209. B/c she stole his coffee
210. B/c he wanted to know where she was last night
211. B/c he knew giving up the story wasn't like her
212. B/c he knew she was burying her emotions in work
213. B/c they can talk to each other about their past relationships
214. B/c he wanted to give her advice and in the end she gave him some too
215.B/c she needs him (Instinct)
216. B/c he took on some of her work load for her (Instinct)
217 B/c she can dish out the tough love (Instinct)
218. B/c she wants him to "look outside his wheelhouse" (Instinct)
219. B/c he needs to "try another scoop of the 31 flavours" (Instinct)
220. B/c she's the "little less sweet vanilla and a lot more wild cherry" that he needs to try (Instinct)
221. B/c she was flirting with him when she mentioned an activity that two people share with repetitive motion that builds to a climax (Instinct)
222. B/c he made her giggle (Instinct)
223. B/c he held her coffee for her (Instinct)
224. B/c he just learned to dog paddle so she's not going to throw him into the deep end without a floatie (Instinct)
225. B/c he's lucky she came along (Instinct)
226. B/c when she saw Clark with Maxima she couldn't believe what she was seeing (Instinct)
227. B/c she was able to break the hold Maxima had on Clark (Instinct)
228. B/c their eye contact alone in that scene was electrifying (Instinct)
229. B/c she chose to take the stairs (Instinct)
230. B/c he couldn't just let her go (Instinct)
231. B/c he ran after her and tried to explain (Instinct)
232. B/c she rained on his orgy and sent Maxima away (Instinct)
233. B/c she was angry with him for making out with Maxima (Instinct)
234. B/c he wanted her to calm down (Instinct)
235. B/c she "was perfectly calm" (a.k.a she was jealous) (Instinct)
236. B/c despite how much she protests she does care what he does with his love life (Instinct)
237. B/c after their argument he looked stunned (Instinct)
238. B/c she really does care who he "sucks face with" (Instinct)
239. B/c she didn't think that "****ty-anna" was his type (Instinct)
240. B/c Maxima couldn't kill Lois in front of Clark (Instinct)
241. B/c Maxima was threatened by Lois (Instinct)
242. B/c they have a deep connection (Instinct)
243. B/c he would never have been able to pull away from Maxima if he wasn't drawn by his attraction to Lois (Instinct)
244. B/c there's a bond that they don't know about yet (Instinct)
245. B/c he came back to stop Maxima from killing Lois (Instinct)
246. B/c he was concerned about what would have happened to Lois if he hadn't stopped Maxima (Instinct)
247. B/c he knew his destiny was on earth and that Maxima wasn't a part of it (Instinct)
248. B/c he thanked her for showing up when she did and for saving his life (Instinct)
248. B/c she looked nervous when she heard that Maxima said some weird things to Clark (Instinct)
249. B/c he realized that none of the women he's be interested in before were his soulmate (Instinct)
250. B/c she thinks he "can do a little bit better than a man-eating metero freak" (Instinct)
251. B/c his soulmate has been right in front of him all this time (Instinct)
252. B/c she thinks that "when the right girl walks into his life he'll know" (Instinct)
253. B/c he wanted to know what Maxima said to her (Instinct)
254. B/c she couldn't tell him what Maxima told her (Instinct)
255. B/c he offered her her old room back (Intinct)
256. B/c she winked at him (Instinct)
257. B/c she didn't want to tempt fate (Instinct)
258. B/c For a guy who is invincible, Lois Lane has the power even now to knock him off his feet (Instinct)
259. B/c he came to check on her at the party (Committed)
260. B/c she ordered ‘a Shirley Temple for the lady’ (Committed)
261. B/c He thinks she should pace herself (Committed)
262. B/c "Are you sure your not just jealous your little cousin is beating you to the altar?" (Committed)
263. B/c Clark think she should show support. (Committed)
264. B/c she’s not going to get married until she meets her soulmate (Committed)
265. B/c you can’t always predict who you’re going to end up with (Committed)
266. Because he grabbed her off the chair (Committed)
267. B/c he saved her from completely humiliating herself (Committed)
268. Because when he mentioned meeting someone special he looked at her (Committed)
269. B/c she spent the night at his place (Committed)
270. B/c she woke up in his football jersey (Committed)
271. B/c he took care of her when she was drunk (Committed)
272. B/c she thought that maybe they had sex (Committed)
273. B/c it echoed Crimson (Committed)
274. B/c he was up for the Whitesnake sing-a-long (Committed)
275. B/c he held her hair (Committed)
276. B/c he’s her designated driver (Committed)
277. he drove her back to the Talon (Committed)
278. she wore his plaid shirt (Committed)
279. B/c he came to her rescue (Committed)
280. B/c he’s the sweetest boy she has ever known (Committed)
281. B/c they work together so effortlessly (Committed)
282. B/c he was concerned that she could have been kidnapped too (Committed)
283. B/c she’s one step ahead of him (Committed)
284. He saved her from being hit by a car (Committed)
285. B/c he knew what she was going to say before she said it (Committed)
286. B/c “Clark Kent, will you marry me?” (Committed)
287. B/c they held hands walking into the jewellery store (Committed)
288. B/c ‘A smile now and then won’t kill you’ (Committed)
289. B/c who’s the luckiest girl in the world? Lois is! (Committed)
290. B/c “what about this one, Pumpkin?” (Committed)
291. B/c “anything you want, muffin” (Committed)
292. B/c “don’t get stage fright, Poodle, you’re going to have to do this in front of a packed house sooner than you think” (Committed)
293. B/c “he has performance anxiety” (Committed)
294. B/c he shoved the ring on her finger (Committed)
295. B/c the ring was a perfect fit (Committed)
296. B/c “tell him, Cupcake!” (Committed)
297. B/c “Lois and I are- we’re getting married” (Committed)
298. They left Ollie speechless (Committed)
299. B/c they were friends for so long before one magical night (Committed)
301. B/c they couldn’t deny their feelings any more (Committed)
302. B/c “she has great taste” (Committed)
303. B/c he’s “a very lucky man” (Committed)
304. B/c she called him when she didn’t know what to do (Committed)
305. B/c he was freaking out when she was missing (Committed)
306. B/c he must really care to storm in here like this (Committed)
307. B/c he wanted the madman to let her go (Committed)
308. B/c she begged for his life (Committed)
309. B/c she couldn’t stand to see him get hurt (Committed)
310. B/c he wanted her to just tell the truth (Committed)
311. B/c she couldn’t deny that she loves him (Committed)
312. B/c she looked him in the eyes when she said that she loves him (Committed)
313. B/c he braced himself for the pain, then looked shocked when he realised that she was telling the truth (Committed)
314. B/c “are you all right?” (Committed)
315. B/c he wanted to get her out of there as soon as he could (Committed)
316. B/c they had a hard time looking at each other after her confession (Committed)
317. B/c she was avoiding him (Committed)
318. B/c he forced her to deal with him (Committed)
319. B/c she didn’t trust herself in an elevator alone with him (Committed)
320. B/c he gave her a way out (Committed)
321. B/c he was disappointed when she said she was lying (Committed)
322. B/c they make a great team (Committed)
323. B/c “who knows where we’d be if [he] had answered that question”? (Committed)
324. B/c he wondered where they’d be if he had answered that question too (Committed)
325. B/c it was the single most Clois packed episode ever!!!! (Committed)
326. B/c she complimented him and said he was "no hack"(Identity)
327. B/c she was nervous about Clark going to dinner with her and Jimmy (Identity)
328. B/c his first photographed save was with her (Identity)
329. B/c he doesn't mind being in her shadow (Identity)
330. B/c the UST in that zipper scene was palpable (Identity)
331. B/c she loved every minute of the zipper scene (Identity)
332. B/c he was obviously jealous and she was obviously trying to make him jealous (Identity)
333. B/c he zipped up her dress (Identity)
334. B/c the flashback was even better (Identity)
335. B/c he was staring at her bra (Identity)
336. B/c she makes him stutter (Identity)
337. B/c she makes him nervous (Identity)
338. B/c she put her hand on his chest (Identity)
339. B/c ‘sometimes when a guy likes a girl he asks her out’ hint, hint (Identity)
340. B/c their chemistry is so hot we're surprised it doesn't burn the bullpen down (Identity)
341. B/c she was so flirting with him (Identity)
342. B/c he kept checking out her butt (Identity)
343. B/c he went all Alpha male on her (Identity)
344. B/c he gets so protective of her (Identity)
345. B/c ‘behave your self (Identity)
346. B/c he cleared his throat so as to break up the moment between her and Sebastion (Identity)
347. B/c she didn’t allow them to shake hands. (Identity)
348. B/c she's destined to fall in love with a man who flies and likes to wear tights (Identity)
349. B/c she called Clark when she was in trouble (Identity)
350. B/c he dropped everything to come to her rescue (Identity)
351. B/c she wanted to protect him by not telling him her secret (Identity)
352. B/c he thanked her for looking out for him (Identity)
353. B/c she's a true believer in the red and blue superdude (Identity)
354. B/c it's her new mission in life to get the first worldwide exclusive interview with him (Identity)
355. Because they belong together.. end of freaking story. (Identity)
356. B/c even Faora knew that he had "feelings for this creature {she} inhabit{s}. (Bloodline)
357. B/c "no one is going to mess with Lois and Clark." (Bloodline)
358. B/c she landed on top of him (Bloodline)
359. B/c Clark was Lois's knight in shining armour (Bloodline)
360. B/c they took both of each other's breath away when they saw each other dressed up.
361. B/c Lois thought the vows Clark was saying was about her. (Bride)
362. B/c Oliver knows how much Clark needs Lois.
363. B/c Lois thought just for a second that someone (Clark) needed her.
364. B/c Jimmy feels it in his gut that Lois and Clark would be perfect together.
365. B/c she was impressed that he kept a gift from the past. (Bride)
366. B/c he glanced at her when everyone was dancing at the wedding.
367. B/c he he prevented Lois from leaving for he can have a dance with her. (Bride)
368. Because they almost kissed until the upsetting awakening interruption.
369. B/c Clark and Lois hugged in the hospital, he watched her walk away, and their eyes locked!
370. Because she's higher on his priority list than she realizes. (Infamous)
371. B/c he forgot about his superpowers girlfriend depression once Lois returned!
372. B/c he wanted her to write his story. (Infamous)
373. B/c he told her he was the Blur! she might not remember but he told her. (Infamous)
374. B/c it's because she is special.
375. B/c Lois wanted to discuss the almost kiss in the barn at dinner.
376. B/c when the day reset, he fixed his first error and arrived at the airport early! (Infamous)
377. B/c Lois showed up to the dinner to meet Clark.
378. B/c Clark didn't want to lead Lois on, which is why he lied to not showing up. (Infamous)
379. B/c Chloe realized that Clark never looked at her like he looked at Lois. (Hex)
380. B/c a guy in love and he doesn't even realize it yet. (Hex)
381. B/c he kept and framed Lois rules of reporting. (Hex)
382. B/c the fans are shipping Blur with Stiletto. (Stiletto)
383. B/c she can have a bag over her head and he'll still realize it's her. (Stiletto)
384. B/c he took a green kryptonite bullet for her. (Stiletto)
385. B/c she took his donut and ate it, just like a marriage. (Stiletto)
386. B/c as Blur, he made his first official phone call to Lois Lane. (Stiletto)
387. B/c Lois editor might be upset with her questions of the Blur, but she just wanted to know if he was okay, not his life story. (Stiletto)
388. B/c if he wants someone to talk with off the record, she's his call girl. (Stiletto)
389. B/c when he's ready to tell the world his secret, she'll be the first one to know. (Stiletto)
390. B/c he watched her from a distance as he chatted with her. (Stiletto)
391. B/c he's been keeping an eye on her. (Doomsday)
392. B/c when she was panicked and worried about Chloe to Clark, he had to assure her as Blur that everything would be alright. (Doomsday)
393. B/c she wants to meet him; see his face. (Doomsday)
394. B/c the day Lois went missing is the day Clark Kent died. (Doomsday)
395. B/c the day Lois came back from the future, The Blur suddenly realized what was missing. (Savior)
Previous t h r e a d s ;


Future t i t l e s ;

+ A hero needs more than power, he needs passion.
+ B/c their bond was powerful enough to break Maxima's spell.
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Last edited by livstevi21; 06-14-2017 at 01:36 AM
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Old 04-20-2017, 01:40 AM
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Wow! That's a lot of reasons why!
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Old 04-21-2017, 03:23 AM
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Yeah, it is!
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Old 04-22-2017, 01:29 AM
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^ It's amazing!
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Old 04-30-2017, 09:27 PM
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Originally Posted by TomsEnough (View Post)
Wow! That's a lot of reasons why!
And to think there are a looootttt more since that was last updated during Season 8. lol
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Old 05-01-2017, 03:05 AM
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Originally Posted by eternal◘fate (View Post)
And to think there are a looootttt more since that was last updated during Season 8. lol
Oh, Wow! That's Amazing!
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Old 05-03-2017, 03:05 AM
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Yeah, we need to update that list.
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Old 05-04-2017, 01:48 AM
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Good Luck!
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Old 05-05-2017, 02:06 AM
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Indeed, it'll probably take a while.
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Old 05-07-2017, 01:45 AM
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^ Take as much time as you need for this.
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Old 05-07-2017, 07:24 AM
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I will.
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Old 05-08-2017, 01:09 AM
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^ Good!
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Old 05-08-2017, 09:31 PM
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Originally Posted by livstevi21 (View Post)
Yeah, we need to update that list.
You gotta really have the time and want to do it.
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Old 05-08-2017, 10:12 PM
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I might not do it until my next time we off work at the end of June, I have two weeks off then, plenty to dedicate my time to it then.
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Old 05-09-2017, 01:13 AM
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^ Okay. I wish you lots of luck for then.
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