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ComeAwayWithMe 05-05-2005 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by gabby089
Does anybody think we're going to see a jealous Warrick in tonights ep?

I hope so! But I'm not getting my hopes up 'cause we haven't been getting a whole lot of YoBling lately. :no:

hellogoodbye 05-05-2005 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by gabby089
Does anybody think we're going to see a jealous Warrick in tonights ep?

Only if they decide to ignite the Yo!Bling tonight. Other than that, no. Sadly.

Miss Cam 05-05-2005 05:40 PM

Lovely wallpaper, ramsey! *drools a bit*

Given what I've heard about the C/W thing being pushed over to next season, I'm not holding my breath for anything to happen tonight. But a little scene between them would be nice, maybe hinting that they will be going somewhere.

wilson<3cuddy 05-05-2005 07:03 PM

Yeah I'm not really holding onto hope that something will happen by the end of this year... but I'm not at all worried that nothing will ever happen between Warrick and Catherine-- I'm pretty sure they'll get into that stuff next year. Speaking of next year, that is when I intend to go spoiler-free! (Actually, I was meaning to start now..) How long I will last, I don't know :P

ComeAwayWithMe 05-05-2005 07:23 PM

Well I hope we get SOMETHING in the season finale between them. Even if it's a teeny tiny flirting scene...I'll be happy! :nod: Well we didn't get much tonight :(

Ramsey- Good luck with your spoiler-free goal!!

Miss Cam 05-05-2005 07:27 PM

Given the fact that here in Norway, we get the episodes almost a year later, going spoiler-free would be true hell for me.

The finale is reportedly two hours, so who knows what we might get...

ComeAwayWithMe 05-05-2005 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by Miss Cam
Given the fact that here in Norway, we get the episodes almost a year later, going spoiler-free would be true hell for me.

The finale is reportedly two hours, so who knows what we might get...

Well I live in Canada so we get the episodes the right time...but it'd still be hard for me to go spoiler free! :lol:

Yup it's 2 hours...I'm really hoping for YoBling! And I still want to see that "fabulous dinner"

wilson<3cuddy 05-05-2005 08:25 PM

I live in Australia and it's pretty bad here too... that's why it's gonna be hard to go spoiler-free :lol: Plus Australia (and I'm sure other countries must constantly do this at times too) is really annoying how they decide to suddenly repeat episodes for weeks on end... or worse yet. not put it on at all!

I'd be happy with a small flirty scene too... I have been so far lol

ComeAwayWithMe 05-05-2005 08:30 PM

Aww that sucks! I'm sure you can download the new eps somewhere though.

:lol: Yeah small flirty scenes are awesome! :D

cmoore 05-05-2005 08:47 PM

Yobling action before end?
I hope the fans have at least a hot makeout scene before season 5 finale ends or at least a nice slow kiss between these two.

cmoore 05-05-2005 08:53 PM

I would hope going out of Season 5 into Season 6 we have something hot happen with them.I am waiting with bated breath.

change my luck 05-05-2005 09:25 PM

Im late but w00t! New thread! :yay: love the title! :love:

Miss Cam 05-05-2005 09:36 PM

Welcome cmoore! I think all here would be in favour for hot C/W make-out, preferably with shirtless Warrick. Mmmm.

Yep, new thread. Let's fill it up.

change my luck 05-05-2005 10:30 PM

:sigh: your avie is gorgeous!

Laura how the hell do you keep an avie for so long? :lol: I change mine every day

wilson<3cuddy 05-06-2005 12:45 AM


Originally Posted by MichaelVartanIsSexy
Laura how the hell do you keep an avie for so long? :lol: I change mine every day

:lol: I thought I was the only one lol

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