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Old 07-14-2011, 06:19 PM
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Spike♥Buffy #8:Because his body was in L.A. but he left his heart in Sunnydale.

Welcome to our Spuffy thread!
{ Please remember this is not a place to bash the couple, characters, actors or posters }

The Shippers

Actors, Writers And Critics

James Marsters [Spike]

...He (Spike) probably fell in love with Buffy when he first saw her, but didn't admit it to himself because he was already in love with Dru...
-- 2002
Big Hit: One million people would murder me if I didn't ask, what's it like kissing Sarah?
James Marsters: If I answer that truthfully, Freddie Prinze Jnr will kick my ass! With a baseball bat... and he would have good reason to do so.
Big Hit: Freddie's not like that!
James Marsters: What?! If I was dating Sarah, I would be like that. God! Sarah is an absolute dream. A lead of a TV series has the power to make the set a nightmare or heaven. Sarah has chosen to use her powers to make it heaven. She's always on time. She always knows her lines. She's always wonderful to work with. She's always fresh. She's always jovial. You know, nobody really wants to push her around but other than that she's a dream. Truthfully. And kissing her was no chore!
...I'd stand there with this sock hiding things waiting to shoot the scene and Sarah would come over and tug at the sock.
Who's your favorite cast member of either/both shows, to work with and why?
Sarah Gellar. I love it when she kicks my butt.
-- 10-99 Teen People online
If you're not fighting with Buffy or kissing Buffy, you really aren't in the mix, so I hope to do one or the other this season. A lot of fans want to see the two characters come together. It would be very interesting. But I don't know if her character will be wanting to go out with a vampire after what happened to Angel
What was your favourite episode of Buffy?
Up until this season, I would have said anyone where I get to kick her butt. :-) So, I might have said "School Hard," or the one where I came in this season called "Harsh Light of Day." But, then I got to kiss Sarah... So, as much fun as it is to hit her, to kiss her is something else. :-) So, now it would be "Something Blue."
-- AOL Chat, 4-00
The dude that played her first boyfriend, that was mean, that was so nice but that used her, Parker? Nice guy. But, he was a smoker, and he'd smoke right before the kissing scenes which was like, rude - he just really didn't think - so poor Sarah's just kissing like an ashtray - and she just happened to say, boy I really hate that, and so yeah, I brush my teeth. I wanted her to enjoy it...
-- Nocturnal 2K, 6-00
I used to think that the best episodes were the ones where I got to hit Buffy... but then I got to kiss her! Believe me, as hot as Sarah is on the screen, she's even better in real life!
-- SFX, 11-00
As an actor, I right away played an attraction to Buffy, even though Spike was fully in love with Drusilla. There was a scene, my very first day of shooting, where I was hunting Buffy, not to fight with her, but just to observe her and see what her fighting style was. And I'm looking at her in the Bronze and I'm kind of walking through the crowd, watching her dance, and there was something both very much of a hunter - "I'm going to kill you" - but there's also heavy sexual undercurrent, and that just came off the day (laughs) watching Sarah dance, really. But, you know, Spike was the perfect boyfriend, so he would never go beyond that. But there was that attraction immediately, and by the time we get to Season 4, it's developing.
There's a scene later on in the season where Faith takes over Buffy's body and just messes with Spike's mind. And there we see for the first time that if Spike would have gone for it, he would very much have liked to have kissed Buffy. And that's why he can't kill her, because he's in love with somebody who's truly good. And so he's going to try and be the kind of man that Buffy would like to have.
The thing is that Spike has been used in different ways. He's had different jobs on the show - as disposable villain, hapless wreck for comedic purposes, wacky neighbor by design, and then love interest. It was apparently when Joss saw Spike being quite humbled and pitiful and human that he finally saw something in the character that he thought was sustainable. I had asked him to give me two weeks notice before he takes my shirt off, just to give me some time to pump up. It's your product, you want to make it ready. And Joss got this weird look on his face and called me over to the side of the sound stage and said, "Get ready, dude, cause you're going to go for Buffy next year".
-- Washington Post, 8-02
A villain becomes pathetic if they don't catch their prey. So, they have to stop trying if they're not going to become pathetic. Actually, this is the first time Joss has told me what he's going to do with Spike, or at least what he's thinking of now. And I can't... oh, God. I'm in fear of spilling anything, frankly, because what he's doing is, like, beyond my wildest dreams.
-- IGN SciFi, 6-00
But yes, I'm finally in on the secret of what I'm doing this season in general. I can't really say what it is, except to say that it's my wildest fantasy, it's the best thing I can think of for Spike, and if you think Buffy is fun to watch, just wait because this season is going to rock.
-- TV Zone, 1-01
There are very, very few people Spike connects with, actually. His connection with Buffy is one of the reasons he was so attracted to her.

[Buffy and Spike] had that thing happen and he went to redeem himself and they realized that the Buffy and Spike thing had become so... complicated, and twisted. At the end they're just going to open it up (he flicked his wrist and opened his hand and made a popping noise with his lips) and make it beautiful.
-- SciFi Summit, 3-03
In a perfect world, would Spike end up with Drusilla or Buffy?
Drusilla left him for a mucus demon, so definitely Buffy!
-- E! Online, 4-03
Is there ever a time when Spike just wants to quit trying to be good and just want to kill Buffy?
Yes. But that's love, you know. Sometimes I don't know what human beings... if it really means that men and women are really supposed to make each other happy, or are we just supposed to make each other strong... I don't know.
-- 5-03, Chicago Con
Who's sexier -- Sarah Michelle Gellar or Alyson Hannigan?
It's like different flavours of ice-cream, everyone has their favourite and I really like blondes! I've actually had dreams about Sarah - sorry Freddie!
-- 2003 Bliss Magazine
Well, I always knew that if you were kissing Buffy or hitting Buffy, you'd be in the center of that show. So I played an attraction to her in from the beginning even if it wasn't written. But I don't think anyone noticed. But I have a sense that that whole Spike/Buffy thing is going to make me miserable for a while. Nobody has told me if I'm really in love with her or if I had a really good dream. I mean none of us are above a dream or two about Buffy you know.
I think it's a tough sell for Buffy to go out with him. I mean, he's going to have to work very hard. And in the Joss Whedon universe, do you think he's going to succeed right away? Or is he going to be made to suffer? Oh delicious! It's just wonderful!
Later we're gonna have another good - oh, my god! - good excuse to have Sarah and I canoodling. Oh yeah!
It's more fun being a total badass, but being half bad is better than being dead. But then again, I get to kiss Sarah more when I'm nice, so...
-- E Online, 4-01
I think that [Joss] is finally seeing the world through Spike's eyes, and this is his vicarious fantasy. I think that the fans have been calling for that from the very beginning. I think that [the writers] have been finding ways to get Sarah and I together in kind of a fantasy way, so we've got an alternate reality inflicted by Willow, in which we almost got married - that was "Something Blue" - then we had a dream sequence earlier this season.
I loved the scenes with Buffy [in "Fool for Love"]. Such a complex relationship between those two characters.
Oh, man! I'm gonna make her knees weak, I swear to God. If I have my way, I'm gonna rock her world. I don't know. I have stopped myself from asking Joss what's going to happen. I don't want to know, frankly, because Spike doesn't know, and I don't want to play the end in the beginning. Or maybe there's no end, maybe she's just going to get away from me. But I think that there's a lot of meat anywhere we go.
After five years, there really is a space somewhere in my soul where Spike and Buffy really do live. There really is a Sunnydale inside me somewhere. So when Buffy really was dead and I really was Spike it wasn't hard at all to break down. It was crushing. That's the weird thing about acting, man. We're not insane, but we're paid to use our imaginations as fully as we can. So somewhere down inside my heart there is a Spike and a Buffy and he's very much hoping that he'll get a little bit more time with Buffy.
I'd stand there with this sock hiding things waiting to shoot the scene and Sarah would come over and tug at the sock.
In order to stay true to the psychology of Buffy as a girl who gives up her life to save people, it had to be very hard for her to be with Spike, who is evil. The show's creators make money by not giving you guys what you want. That, is that thing called sweet frustration.
"He's a monster, but if he likes you, he'd be your monster, and he would protect you above all things. But he is a monster. I don't think women mind if he's a monster as long as he's their monster. Take note guys," he grins, "you can get away with anything as long as it's all for her!"
If you could choose between being a human, living once, and a vampire living through many generations and seeing many things, which would you choose and why?
Human, definitely. I remember, God this is so powerful, I'm gonna cry. See, here's the actor's secret. What Spike wanted to do with Buffy when he was in love with her? He wanted to give her a garden, a rose garden. (pauses and paces a min. to collect himself, takes a drink of water) (voice shaking) because that was alive.
-- 10-04 Halloween UK Event
Yeah... yeah... I think blowing it like he did sent him off to find his soul, and I think that ultimately they would have worked it out ... -on whether it would have worked out for Spike and Buffy
I planted the seed on Joss, because I take credit for pairing Buffy and Spike.
Then there was the idea to team Buffy and Spike, and that started in season five and really culminated in season six. I had the idea that Spike should fall in love with Buffy because I thought, in my head, the chip was maybe not the strongest choice. I thought it'd be more interesting if he had a real psychological reason to want to reform, to watch the guy have to choose to be good and how frustrating that could be. I never thought Buffy should reciprocate. I just thought she should torture him the whole time, and I expressed that to Joss. He kind of winked and said, "Well, you know, I'm writing the show and I have something a little more interesting than that". So, then he became the heartfelt love interest.
-- Dreamwatch, 6-03
Was Spike's sacrifice more for Buffy or for bigger, noble reasons?
Oh for Buffy. Definitely for Buffy. They thought the amulet was going to help but they really had no idea what it was going to do. He went in there willing to die to back Buffy up.
-- 12-03 Angel Magazine
Sarah was miserable in that hat. She hated that chicken hat. She thought it made her look stupid. (Someone said, "well, it did") I know, but also never more adorable. I thought she was never more beautiful than when she was... I mean, she had just DIED for the world and she's just (mimics putting on the hat)...
-- Cleveland TableTalk, 4-03
There'll be fireworks, earthquakes, and enough flames for an apocolypse. But there won't be one--the heat will just be between him and Buffy.
-- 5-01 Seventeen
He'd probably willingly die for her. He'd be okay with that.
-- 11-02 Buffy Magazine
[His love for Buffy is] unquenchable.
-- 1-03 New York Times
At the end scene of "Fool for Love", the way your facial expressions changed, that was just awesome.
James Marsters: Thank you. Yeah, because I entered the scene wanting to kill her. I'm entering with a shotgun, "I'm going to blow your head off." "No, I'm not. I'm going to sit down and talk to you because I love you."
And the way you and SMG both sighed at the same time...
James Marsters: That was SO Marti. That was total direction. It was, "You're going to breathe now." She was on the sidelines going, "BREATHE".
-- 1-01

Sarah Michelle Gellar [Buffy]

The thing about Buffy and Spike is they understand each other on a level that nobody else does. They've both lived a hundred lives and I think there's a connection there that we will see evolve over the next couple of years where she realizes that he really is someone that she can trust, someone that's a companion to her and someone that really understands her unlike anybody else.
So with David Boreanaz's Angel out of the picture, who's next?
"Joss doesn't like to tell us--with good reason," says Sarah, who admits she'd be the first to spill. OK, so Sarah won't dish love details, but she did reveal her fantasy guy: Spike! "When I mentioned the possibility of Spike and Buffy," says Sarah, "Joss was like, 'No more vampires!'"
-- January 2000, Teen Magazine
Q: What about the Spike thing?
Sarah Michelle Gellar: That hasn't changed.
Marti Noxon: She kicks him in the head. That's right.
Sarah Michelle Gellar: Foreplay.
Marti Noxon: She kicks and then she kisses.
Sarah Michelle Gellar: Basically, I look at it, you know when you're little, like my Goddaughter came to me the other day and she was crying because the little boy pulled her pigtails. I said, "But that means he has a crush on you." So it's sort of the same thing, just as an adult, you just beep.

Charisma Carpenter [Cordelia]

She had sex on a balcony? Hot.

Danny Strong [Jonathan]

Her relationship with Spike was fantastic because there was an ambiguity there, we don't really know what we're rooting for. She doesn't know what she wants out of it. She feels like she's using him for sex. It was a very grown up relationship and that matched her arc at that point in the show.

Joss Whedon [Creator]

...what we did want to say was that we could come back to a place of trust between these people. That man could redeem himself." Whedon said he thought that was "the best possible message to get out there." Whedon stated that "in time what went on with Spike and Buffy was very textured and complicated." The relationship, as it evolved in season seven, "has a romantic/sexual angle but not a physical one.
-- FilmForce interview
Spike is the person in her life right now..... What I basically told [James and Sarah] was, 'Play the romance, be proud of him, love him when you say you love him, love her when you say she doesn't love you. Forget about the crumbling world, for that period of time it doesn't exist.'
-- Season 7 DVDs, commentary, "Chosen"
I wanted to get a couple of shots -- we were going fast -- and that one I didn't know if I was gonna use, the two of them. And to me, it's almost the most important shot in the show, because it really shows the mystery of their relationship.
-- DVD commentary, "Chosen"
I won't be using the ancillary characters from "Angel" [in Season 8 of "Buffy"] unless I absolutely think that nobody else can fit this bill. Spike and Angel I will definitely use, but sparingly. But I would do that anyway. You don't want to use it up by having Spike standing around in the background of every frame. He means so much to Buffy, so did Angel, that you want to save them for the big hits.
She really turns him on.
-- Season 4 Extras
In Season 4, we brought him in, but he was sort of the wacky neighbour - "can I borrow a cup of sugar and insult you?" We were sort of feeling our way 'round, what to do with him. So I realized that he was madly in love with Buffy and always had been. The process by which we take him to that realization was very fun, 'cause at first "Oh, it's just lust. I'm a bad guy, so it must be lust" and then him actually figuring out it was true love. And in "Family", there's this tiny beat of "Ohhh, I want her dead! ...I have to save her!", which is totally different than, you know, "Oh, she's a hottie". It's him trying to be the hero, and of course, because he's invisible to her, she never figures out that he actually saved her. It was yet another increment of "this is more than just an infatuation with an arch enemy".
-- Season 4 Extras
And when I told James, he was like, "I wanted to pitch that but I thought that would be presumptuous of me," and I was like, "Well, don't worry, 'cause we're gonna go there the full nine yards." It seemed so obvious when I thought of it that I was like, "Why didn't I think of it before?", but I just have to wait for it to come.
-- 6-01 Nocturnal 3K
Spike's complete reversal from "I hate her" - "I love her" is really fun.
-- Commentary, "Once More, With Feeling"
TV's like whitewater rafting: Without rocks, there wouldn't be rapids, and it wouldn't be as much fun. ... [Rolling with it] gave us Spike falling in love with Buffy. ... You plan your ideas and themes, and then you let the rest form naturally, and then it feels real. It doesn't feel like you're imposing something on everybody.
We had a few things in mind with season seven. One, everybody was tired of being depressed including us. Two, this was the last season. Three, lets get back to where we started. Let's go back to the beginning. Not the word, not the bang the real beginning. And the real beginning was girl power. The real beginning is what does it mean to be a slayer? And, not to feel guilty about the power, but having seen the dark side of it, and finding the light again. To explore the idea of the Slayer fully and to see a very grown up and romantic and confusing relationship that isn't about power, but actually genuinely beautiful between two people in the form of Buffy and Spike.
"...what we did want to say was that we could come back to a place of trust between these people. That man could redeem himself." Whedon said he thought that was "the best possible message to get out there." Whedon stated that "in time what went on with Spike and Buffy was very textured and complicated." The relationship, as it evolved in season seven, "has a romantic/sexual angle but not a physical one."
-- FilmForce
Spike is the person in her life right now.
-- "Chosen" Commentary
The great Marsters with a chemistry with Buffy that is just completely different from Angel's - different than David's - and yet works very very well. He's more on Buffy's level. Their vulnerabilities come out, and I don't just mean as characters, but as actors around each other. And that really works, it works on a very different level. Their relationship has clearly been through a lot - much more, in fact, than her relationship with Angel, in a way. You feel that history between these two, and they bring it to the set every time they came to work and that's why we still come to work.
-- "Chosen" Commentary
I wanted to get a couple of shots - we were going fast - and that one I didn't know if I was gonna use, the two of them. And to me, it's almost the most important shot in the show, because it really shows the mystery of their relationship.
-- "Chosen" Commentary
What I basically told [James and Sarah] was, "Play the romance, be proud of him, love him when you say you love him, love her when you say she doesn't love you. Forget about the crumbling world, for that period of time it doesn't exist."
-- "Chosen" Commentary
I had a lot of structural juggling to do to figure out how to make sense of the two most important men in Buffy's life showing up at once.
Buffy was in love with Spike the moment their hands clasped.
-- San Diego Convention
TVGO: Will you pair him with a new special someone?
Joss Whedon: I'm still trying to figure out how to bring him back to life. I don't think he's the kind of guy that would be like, "Well, that was a fun time with Buffy... " I don't think he feels a sense of resolve or resolution about the relationship. I think he feels that he was ready to sacrifice himself for her, and it was a beautiful thing, but... it wasn't like he's cured of loving Buffy...
I won't be using the ancillary characters from "Angel" [in Season 8 of "Buffy"] unless I absolutely think that nobody else can fit this bill. Spike and Angel I will definitely use, but sparingly. But I would do that anyway. You don't want to use it up by having Spike standing around in the background of every frame. He means so much to Buffy, so did Angel, that you want to save them for the big hits.
The two things that needed to happen for them to get where they were gonna go, at the end were one, for Spike to say "Go away" for him to tell her once and for all "just leave me alone" because nothing attracts somebody more than tellng them to go away. ... But you know the moment you say to someone, "You know what, I'm my own person, I don't need you, you know I love you but I don't want you near me." is the moment they start to take you seriously and thats just the truth of it. And then he would save her. That he would be the person who would bring her that message of hope.. those were the two things that would get them to the smoochy place and where they will inevitable end up because this is a musical and if it doesn't end with a kiss I'm doing something wrong.

-- OMWF Commentary
"It has to be Epic, it can't be a little thing"
--Joss on the Smashed Sex Scene

Marti Noxon [Writer]

(on "Once More with Feeling") It wasn't going to be a standalone; we wanted it to serve a dramatic purpose. And it gets so emotional. The stuff with Spike at the end just kills me It's so beautiful. Joss is a frighteningly talented guy.
The thing I keep saying is that it's not black and white. I'd love it to be, but it's not. To me, this is much more real. If these two crazy kids can make it work, it will be a lot more interesting than a kind of perfect romance with obstacles thrown in. To me, this is real life; this is people making their own problems. If they can get it together, that would be amazing. But it was never going to be easy. That's why Spike did something radical at the end of the year. Joss came up with the idea of the house coming down around them while they made love. It was perfect, because we needed something catastrophic to go along with this huge dangerous union.
I think when we saw him die at the end of the series, he was transcending, y'know, he had really given in to the best part of himself, and that was because he really loved her.
I've always joked around that he became attracted to Buffy because she could hit him the hardest, that he liked to be abused. Then we discovered that there was a real heart to that story-line, and they had a real chemistry together.
Afterlife: We thought it was interesting that Spike would be the one she could tell teh truth to . What we were suggesting there was that she knows how much it would everyone else and she doesn't know how much he cares and how much it will effect him that she's in so much pain. In way he's like a neutral party. He won't judge iot, he'll just listen.
I think Spike/Buffy relationship has definitly been challenging to write. Some moments of that have been very dark and sexy and felt quite real in peticular the aftermath of their first sexual encounter. I had a good time with that one.
I do think Buffy and Spike have feelings for eachother but they are trying to hide from all of that- Marti Noxon 9-02

David Fury [Writer]

He's definitely, in many ways, her counterpart, and closer to her than a lot of the other characters. He goes to the dark side of what Buffy is. He goes to what Slayers are, and what it means to be something different in this world.
Spike-. Buffy-. Spike provided Buffy with an emotional throughline that she wouldn't have had else, otherwise. I mean, um, Angel was gone. Angel was on his own show. She needed to have someone and making it her mortal enemy was an interesting way to go.
Spike is something special. Spike retained enough compassion. Some part of his soul was always there that allowed him to fall in love with Buffy where no vampire could.
But with Spike, I think that he is - I think that what makes him so interesting as a character is that there's something different about him. There's something different. When Angel was a vampire, he was this Angelus. When Spike was a vampire, he was able to fall in love with a Slayer.
-- Season 6 Overview
Being out in the cemetery in the middle of the night with James Marsters and Sarah, shooting them doing "Rest in Peace" was kind of beautiful and surreal. We were in a real graveyard. And seeing James just cut loose in this great rock-and-roll song was really spectacular. I knew right there how special this was going to be because it was one of the most exciting musical moments I've seen on film.
-- on "Once More, With Feeling"

Jane Espenson [Writer]

If someone is there for you, is asking nothing of you and has loved you faithfully and unconditionally for all those years, and if that person is the one that you turn to for comfort and support when you are at your most vulnerable, and if they give you that comfort and support unconditionally asking nothing in return, then whether you acknowledge it or not, that is love, so yes, Buffy loved Spike.

Some would say Angel and Buffy really had more of an idealized first love while Spike and Buffy have the more adult, messy, kind of love which is more realistic. That's right. It's not idealized and it's just so often ugly and yet when James Marsters does stuff where you look in his face and you go, 'Oh, my God, he loves her so much!' Ahh! It's just so wonderful.
How do you follow-up her romance with Angel? I like the romance with Spike better. I'm more interested in the heat between those two characters because I felt Buffy and Angel had romantic love. Spike and Buffy have something so much more complicated that it's got that romance and all this other stuff on top of it which makes it so interesting for me.
I've been interested in Principal Wood this year. But my number one has got to be the Buffy and Spike love story. I think that is just a gorgeous story.[/RIGHT]
Yes she sat there in silence with him there. I think she didn't know why she was there. She wanted to be with someone... who wasn't demanding anything of her... and wasn't expecting anything. And someone who could understand, because he has the line I really like where he looks at her hands and he knows right away she crawled out of the grave. And it's hard to hear, the line that gets a little lost but he says "I've done it myself" or been there. There is the implication that he is identifying with her because he also crawled out of his own grave. Then when he says the I've saved you lots of times, I think all we can do is know what we would be thinking and the kind of person Buffy is... she needs to be thinking, wow what a guy.
C: It was one of the better episodes, for me personally, this season. It actually spawned what will be my vote for best one liner of the entire year and that is Spike, the line where he says "Every night I saved you". That is my absolute favorite line.

Jane Espenson: Ohhh, thank you. I was very fortunate on that, because usually those moments like that are all Joss. I've commented before that if anyone ever compliments a line from an episode, it's a Joss line. That scene was just like I wrote it in the first draft. Marti said, this is great, this is a great scene. I think she was saying I didn't know you could write that good. Nah, nah, Marti's cool. But she really loved that scene and I was very fortunate that it stayed how I wrote it. I surprised myself a little with that.

Douglas Petrie [Writer]

Spike is such a sexy character, and he's such a bad boy, and there's always been some sexual chemistry between those two characters.
-- Season 6 Overview

Drew Goddard [Writer]

"Dear Drew ... James and Buffy belong together". I get a lot of that.
-- "Dirty Girls" Commentary

Jeffrey Bell [Writer]

I know there is a faction of fans who want reformed "Mr. Romantic Season 7 of Buffy, Spike". But he was like that because he was in a relationship with a woman who inspired him to be like that.

Douglas Romayne Stevens

I was told in our Buffy pre-season talks that Spike and Buffy would have a connection in Season 7, so I had tailored Spike's theme with an eye toward it being played as a love theme eventually. On Angel I finally had my chance.

Hercules T. Strong [Ain't It Cool News Writer]

Spike has earned Buffy's love in ways Angel couldn't contemplate.

Joyce Millman [New York Times Writer]

She's been emotionally frozen for the past couple of seasons, unable to drop her guard and let love (her adoring former sex partner Spike) in.
I want to see Buffy beat on everyone and everything in sight, save the world again and still find the time to finally admit her feelings for poor Spike.


In a lot of ways, Buffy's relationship with Spike is the most normal relationship she has ever had. There are no secrets between them. When she first met Angel, he kept his vampire identity a secret. And it wasn't until it was too late that she found out all the details of the spell. Parker posed as a nice guy, but was just looking for another notch on his bed post. Riley turned out to be part of an experiment and half brother to a cyborg monster. Each of these lovers turned into something Buffy definitely did not want. But Spike is what he appears to be. Buffy knows all his failings and if he has any surprises, they are positive ones. It's interesting that this is the hardest relationship for Buffy to commit to while at the same time being the most honest and open of her relationships (she deceives her friends, but she and Spike do not deceive each other).
NY Times Writer: Spike's Devotion to Buffy and her mission has set him on a path of redemption
RRK: Yeah yeah, that someone didn't want something like that from her. The superhero, the capsity to do all that stuff, he didn't need her to do anything she could just be there. The moment for me when I saw it, everytime he said " You're a hell of a woman" everytime I go "Ooohhh".
RRK: About Touched: From the minute I knew about this episode where Spike and Buffy just held eachother I sort of finagled to get it because that was really how I thought of them and thats what I've wanted since I was a fan of the show.

Spike/Buffy Quotes


Something Blue
BUFFY: I think maybe we fought because we couldn't admit how we really felt about each other.

BUFFY: You're like a serial killer in prison!
SPIKE: Women marry them all the time.
SPIKE: You're all I bloody think about, dream about, you're in my gut... I'm drowning in you, Summers.

SPIKE: 'Cause Buffy ... the other, not so pleasant Buffy ... anything happened to Dawn, it'd destroy her. I couldn't live, her bein' in that much pain. Let Glory kill me first. Nearly bloody did. *kiss*

SPIKE: Every night I save you.

Dead Things
SPIKE: You always hurt... the one you love, pet.
BUFFY: You always hurt the one you love.

Seeing Red
SPIKE: You should have let him kill me.
BUFFY: I couldn't do that.
BUFFY: You know why.
SPIKE: Because you love me.
BUFFY: No. I don't.
SPIKE: Why do you keep lying to yourself?
BUFFY: How many times- (calmer) I have feelings for you. I do. But it's not love. I could never trust you enough for it to be love.
SPIKE: Trust is for old marrieds, Buffy. Great love is wild ... and passionate and dangerous. It burns and consumes.
BUFFY: Until there's nothing left. Love like that doesn't last.

Beneath You
SPIKE: Can we rest now? Buffy... Buffy, can we rest?

CASSIE to SPIKE: Someday she'll tell you.

SPIKE: God help me, Buffy. It´s still about you.

AMANDA: Is it weird? We're mean to each other, and we like each other.
BUFFY: Well, it depends. Sometimes that's how people relate. Being mean to each other. Even mortal enemies? (increasingly emphatic) Then with the--- And that leads to no good, absolutely no good. And much confusion. A--and then it's over. Absolutely, seriously, definitely over. And that's confusing too. The over part. Which it is. Over! (catches herself, calms a bit) So, maybe.

First Date
BUFFY to WILLOW: Why does everyone in this house think I'm still in love with Spike?
SPIKE: I should move out. Leave town before it is time for me.
BUFFY: No, you have to stay.
SPIKE: You've got another demon fighter now.
BUFFY: That's not why I need you here.
SPIKE: Is that right? Why's that then?
BUFFY: 'Cuz I'm not ready for you to not be here.

SPIKE to BUFFY: I'm not asking you for anything. When I say, "I love you," it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. It has nothing to do with me. I love what you are, what you do, how you try.

End of Days
SPIKE: I've never... been close... to anyone. Least of all, you. 'Til last night. All I did was... hold you, watch you sleep. And it was the best night of my life. So, yeah... I'm... terrified.
BUFFY: You don't have to be.
SPIKE: Were you there with me?
BUFFY: I was.

BUFFY to ANGEL about SPIKE: He's in my heart.

Here With Me ( Buffy & Spike Shrine) v 19
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Author sites
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Spuffy Photo Album (hotlinking is permitted)

Spuffy Photo Album 2 (hotlinking also permitted)

With tears in her eyes Buffy almost begs Spike to come, but Spike says "I mean it, I've gotta do this." Buffy then slowly takes Spike's hand in hers, interlacing their fingers together as flames spring up from their hands. Buffy continues to hold onto him as he looks at her at the verge of disbelief, seeing something in her eyes......

Soundtrack to Spike and Buffy's Story

Disc One
Disc Two
1. My Immortal ~ Evanescence
1. Everything I Do (I Do It For You) ~ Bryan Adams
2. Iris ~ Goo Goo Dolls
2. Beautiful Disaster ~ Kelly Clarkson
3. Right Kind of Wrong ~ LeAnn Rimes
3. The Reason ~ Hoobastank
4. Bring Me To Life ~ Evanescence
4. I Shall Believe ~ Sheryl Crow
5. Tainted Love ~ Marilyn Manson
5. Always ~ Saliva
6. This is for Keeps ~ Spill Canvas
6. Chasing Cars ~ Snow Patrol
7. Out of Control ~ Hoobastank
7. Because You Loved Me ~ Celine Dion
8. I Hate Everything About You ~ Three Days Grace
8. Hero ~ Nickelback
9. Savin' Me ~ Nickelback
9. I Will Love You ~ Fisher
10. White Flag ~ Dido
10. Far Away ~ Nickelback

Next Title: Because it is so true! Spuffy journey was the best in Whedonverse.
I can't explain what happened on that floor
but the music played, we held each other close
and we danced...yeah, we danced
.¸.•*´¨¤ ¤¨´*•.¸.
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Old 07-14-2011, 07:25 PM
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Old 07-15-2011, 01:27 PM
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you're welcome.
I can't explain what happened on that floor
but the music played, we held each other close
and we danced...yeah, we danced
.¸.•*´¨¤ ¤¨´*•.¸.
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Old 07-15-2011, 06:40 PM
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I like looking at the OP...
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Old 07-15-2011, 10:13 PM
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Me too, I love the pictures and quotes.
I can't explain what happened on that floor
but the music played, we held each other close
and we danced...yeah, we danced
.¸.•*´¨¤ ¤¨´*•.¸.
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Old 07-16-2011, 11:27 AM
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yay new thread! thank you! and yeah, I always get excited to see OPs again.
don't let them in, don't let them see
be the good girl you always had to be
conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
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Old 07-16-2011, 05:00 PM
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Especially when they're newly decorated.
I can't explain what happened on that floor
but the music played, we held each other close
and we danced...yeah, we danced
.¸.•*´¨¤ ¤¨´*•.¸.
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Old 07-18-2011, 10:33 AM
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then you must kiss me's Avatar
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is it new?
don't let them in, don't let them see
be the good girl you always had to be
conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
then you must kiss me is offline  
Old 07-18-2011, 12:09 PM
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I don't remember what it looked like last...
Between the Darkness and the Light
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Old 07-18-2011, 01:46 PM
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I don't think it's new, but it does always seem new after 300 posts.
I can't explain what happened on that floor
but the music played, we held each other close
and we danced...yeah, we danced
.¸.•*´¨¤ ¤¨´*•.¸.
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Old 07-18-2011, 01:57 PM
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Yeah that's true, this isn't one of mine so I'm not looking at it to add people or anything.
Between the Darkness and the Light
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Old 07-18-2011, 09:03 PM
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I love the future titles pic.
I can't explain what happened on that floor
but the music played, we held each other close
and we danced...yeah, we danced
.¸.•*´¨¤ ¤¨´*•.¸.
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Old 07-19-2011, 09:42 AM
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Mmmm... smooching!
Between the Darkness and the Light
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Old 07-19-2011, 12:20 PM
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well, it's a great OP either way.
don't let them in, don't let them see
be the good girl you always had to be
conceal, don't feel, don't let them know
then you must kiss me is offline  
Old 07-19-2011, 07:04 PM
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Yes it is. I like it a lot!
Between the Darkness and the Light
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