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pgocam 03-10-2014 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by thegoodwifefan (Post 74888779)
Kalinda and Cary...Sigh. Sigh. Sigh. Kalinda running after Cary, for any reason imaginable is not the most plausible thing...If she wants something from him, she gets him to come to her (at least that would've been more in character...Then again, when it comes to Kalinda...the writers have really got to the point where almost nothing would surprise me)...So they sleep together (which seems creepy to me as to me they've always had more of sibling dynamic, aside from the very beginning, in S1...And then her saying he's lying??? Is she suddenly incompetent? Or does he just get under her skin that much? Not plausible, either way.

I've also always thought Cary and Kalinda had more of a sibling dynamic. Seeing them sleep together was very gross. I think Kalinda didn't trust Cary and thought he was lying. But asking him directly about it was a lame way of finding out the truth. Maybe a better way was to get Robyn to spill the beans, she's more disarmed around Kalinda. But the writers just want to get a sex scene in there. The writing for Kalinda's character has been so weak this season.

NotHere 03-11-2014 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by Jaundice (Post 74874972)
So, the sixty-four dollar question is why Kalinda told Diane that Cary was lying.

If Kalinda was the original leaker of the video because she wants things out in the open, she may want the investigation to proceed and therefore might actually want the phone taps to be successful. What I mean is that if she is convinced that everyone involved is content with accepting the status quo then something "big" is needed to shake things up. She would want Peter to get in trouble and Alicia to get taken down a notch and realize who really has her back and who doesn't. Otherwise she is not going to stop and reflect on the consequences of the little power trip she is on. Of course Kalinda would not push for this unless she is pretty sure that Will can either take care of himself or if she has a backup plan to make sure he makes it out OK.

Substance 03-11-2014 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by NotHere (Post 74895748)
If Kalinda was the original leaker of the video because she wants things out in the open, she may want the investigation to proceed and therefore might actually want the phone taps to be successful.

I wonder why people are questioning Kalinda's "decision" so much. She simply read Cary wrong. Nothing else. What would have been smarter for her to do was to have L&G check the phones anyway, at least then they would have been safe.

But for us as viewers, this is definitely the better option.

Ladyjosie2412 03-11-2014 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Substance (Post 74897266)
I wonder why people are questioning Kalinda's "decision" so much. She simply read Cary wrong. Nothing else. What would have been smarter for her to do was to have L&G check the phones anyway, at least then they would have been safe.

But for us as viewers, this is definitely the better option.

Why? simple Kalinda doesnt do reading people wrong... that is not her... IMO she as abducted by aliens and replaced with a clone in last episode that was the only thing explaining it to me... first of all it is unlike her not checking it extra careful than just sleeping with Cary... in the past she would have seen people had a guy or girl or two and questioned them... here she slept with Cary and read him wrong first of all Kalinda the real Kalinda not the alien clone doesnt read people wrong... second she didn't double or triple check... it annoyed me beound anything how they took her down for a guy again... :facepalm:
now that said i hope they correct it again and it is not the new style of her...

however otherwise i loved the episode i really did... it was a cool start up again. i was glad to see it wasn't another firm against firm case. and that even with the beginning where both firms were there Will and Diane didn't try to take FAA down just did their job. i am also glad FAA decided to play with open cards and share the phone tapping with LG...

I love Bishop and his creepy lawyer too so i was glad to see both back. I was also very happy to see the NSA thing brought back on again and for once not being another forgotten story line that was actually really cool. Alicia was fab as always in the episode i really loved how she handled it all in this one. and the way she handled and tried to protect her people the second she realized they might be in danger a real cool boss lady move.
Marilyn didnt mention her baby or weird preggo stuff and didnt bend to Eli but did what she felt was more right instead of to aide to the cover up. it might not be smart but i liked more that she didnt just write a good report to be back in Peters good grace so yeah she got a few points with me in this episode which is a first ever since 501/503...

anyway i am glad to have the show back on and especially with an episode like this one that i foun far more well composed and interesting that the one they left for hiatus on...

On note where as in 512 i loved the Cary/Kalinda ping pong and actually considered if i could ship it or at least like them... this episode confirmed i certainly couldnt at least not if it means Kalinda aliene abduction and the bed scene i found awkward and not really romantic/hot or anything... the bar scene was a bit better but not much... IMO... (maybe because they didnt kiss in that one...)

DR76 03-11-2014 09:32 PM


Why? simple Kalinda doesnt do reading people wrong... that is not her...

Kalinda is a human being. She's not the epitome of perfection. Even Cary managed to pull one over her, not long ago. I wouldn't be surprised if she was still affected by that.

EndlessღLove 03-12-2014 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by DR76 (Post 74911485)
Kalinda is a human being. She's not the epitome of perfection. Even Cary managed to pull one over her, not long ago. I wouldn't be surprised if she was still affected by that.

Yeah I agree. One of the mistakes I think people make with Kalinda is that they almost cartoonize her.

Forwood4Bamon 03-12-2014 06:54 AM

I'm assuming I didn't miss much.

Kiki17 03-12-2014 07:10 AM


Originally Posted by Jaundice (Post 74874972)
So, the sixty-four dollar question is why Kalinda told Diane that Cary was lying. Was it (a) because she misread Cary and genuinely thought so? Or (b) because she wants to hurt LG by having the NSA keep surveilling them? Or (c) because she wants to keep LG from trusting Florrick Agos and undercut their gesture of good will? Or (d) something else entirely?

I am going to be completely honest, none of this crossed my mind when I watched. And is cause I really don't care about Kalinda and Cary and what RK has done to Kalinda just depresses me :( So now I feel that because RK has made me not care about Kalinda now, I didn't even think any of the things you listed are a possibility. I honestly thought she just didn't trust him. Now that I been thinking a lot more, why would she want to hurt L&G? Hurt Diane? I want to believe there might be more there but I am just not sure.

I am been so swamp so here is my quick review~!

Episode was actually pretty good, I enjoyed it!

-Bishop is one handsome scary DEVIL! The way he was looking at my Alicia, made me really uncomfortable and wanted to jump in the screen and protect her :lol:
-I was really happy seeing Alicia protecting her people, she is really growing into being a great boss
-Lester is soooooooo scary, my God. The casting of that man is flawless!
-Not enough Diane but what else is new.
-I loved the Bisquick scene :lmao:
-OMG the NSA guys, making and Will/Diane shipper joke!!!
-I am really glad we got a focus on F/A finally. And that D/W faded into the background.
-I am glad Marilyn released the tape, Peter and Eli are trying to strong arm her and she didn't let them. Good for her.
-Will trying to be the martyr again, he should have taken the immunity in my opinion. I get is pretty clear he is so in love with Alicia he can't hurt her. But he is willing to drown himself for her? I don't get it, is not healthy Will.

Super excited for next week! :D


Is this really the name of the episode?
Yes :lmao:

StarryFlower 03-12-2014 07:44 AM


- Glad that the judge story line ( him calling Alicia a few episodes ago ) came back.
Me too.

webruce 03-12-2014 12:17 PM

I believe after Kalinda and Cary's rondevous, she told Diane he was lying, because she didn't want to get caught again like she did last time in the bar. Cary pulling that joke over on her. Unless she found out something about the tap we didn't see.

Why didn't Integrity Investigator Nelson Dubeck interview Jim Moody? I do feel to that Eli/Peter put Marilyn in a bad place and she had to talk to someone. It would only be natural to do the right thing and talk to Dubeck. His big black van is menacing. It is perceived as either a unsavory character or some official watching you.

Thought it was funny when DEA opened Bishops trunk and found pancake flour. Surprised though they didn't have it all tested just in case a few bags of coke were mixed in. On CSI, etcetera they would. But I was worried for Alicia when Bishop and Lester questioned her in his car.

Didn't get the Alicia and Grace watching tv. Unless it shows that Alicia does spend time at home with the family.

The 2 NSA guys listening in did seem like they were treating the callers lives like a Soap Opera. One didn't seem not as enthused, until his boss talked to them.

I do wonder what Will is thinking after the talk with Dubeck.

Judge George Kluger(Tambor) does seem to want to distance himself from Alicia just in case. But the L/G vs.F/A feud didn't get him this time. But they don't need that every episode anyway.

it was curious that AUSA Frank Asher had a conscious and that AUSA Victoria Alverez did not. Wonder if in future Asher will help our team?

When can we get David Lee and Howard Lyman to do a case together? I think it could be fun. David would be getting mad over Howard's bumbling.

ylana 03-12-2014 05:56 PM

Hey there y'all! Let's just cut to the chase:

- Cary/Kalinda interaction: barf! It was cool though that she didn't trust him. I don't care why, honestly. I'm with Kiki on this one...perhaps she just didn't trust him just because.

- NSA guys: I found them funny. I saw them as fandom analogy. In a way we (the fans) get to listen to all of what the characters say and then we start rooting for whatever side. Like those guys. The taps might actually play a big part on this...or not.

- Voting fraud thing: good to see it's being addressed. I look forward to seeing more of that.

- That Lester guys: ok, he's great and all that but...that lisp, argh! Just made me wanna punch him a little.

Alrighty then... let's see what we'll get next Sunday.

Gelfling 03-12-2014 08:41 PM


Kalinda is a human being. She's not the epitome of perfection. Even Cary managed to pull one over her, not long ago. I wouldn't be surprised if she was still affected by that.
Human or not, she has things she is very good at. Reading people is one of them.
And if Cary managed to pull one on her not long ago, it's because the Character Formerly Known as Kalinda doesn't do anything Kalinda used to or resembles Kalinda in any way, shape or form.


IMO she as abducted by aliens and replaced with a clone in last episode that was the only thing explaining it to me...
I think that sums it up. The reason Kalinda does anything is that she's not Kalinda anymore. She's another character (not even, really) played by Archie, kinda.

Forwood4Bamon 03-14-2014 06:57 AM

I started the episode.

good episode. :thud:

Rainha♕Primavera 06-13-2015 06:40 PM

OMG! So Cary finally got his wish of Kalinda. The saddest thing is that I think he is really like her, she until likes him but not that way. :broken_heart:

I think Alicia is beginning to see that all that noise did not make her life so much easy. Peter's position that she uses as your business card, also brings quite a headache. :evil_lol:

And this new lawyer of L & G? He not appeared in this episode but I did not like him. I hope his stay be short.

Gelfling 06-13-2015 07:08 PM


The saddest thing is that I think he is really like her, she until likes him but not that way.
It must be really hard to love someone like that. I'm still unsure if he really loves her or if he's just pursuing her because she's hard to get but I know he cares for her.

Kalinda... well it's hard to tell what she feels. I think she's trying not to feel most of the time. She must have had a hard life to be that way.


Peter's position that she uses as your business card, also brings quite a headache.
:lol: karma's a bitch ;)


And this new lawyer of L & G? He not appeared in this episode but I did not like him. I hope his stay be short.
:lol: all the lawyers at L&G are there for a short time

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