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Old 09-18-2008, 02:13 PM
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Someone had mentioned on another thread that they wanted Nina and Andy to be happy, but they also wanted them to be a normal couple with some fighting.
-I think that the major cause of their fighting would be their children. As was mentioned above.....Delia (being a teenager) is going to have personality changes and is going to test her parents.
Sam (having ADHD) is also going to be a challenge...especially for Andy.
I think that Andy and Nina are going to disagree on discipline for both of the children and Nina will possibly resent Andy for trying to control Sam and Andy will disagree with Nina's ideas on how to handle Delia.
There might also be some jealousy on Delia's part if she believes that Sam is getting more attention.

-I really can't think about what else Andy and Nina could fight about except....maybe....Nina would want to have another child and Andy is not interested.

-Perhaps Andy might be annoyed at Nina's late working hours at SAMS and want her home more to deal with the house and kids.
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Old 09-20-2008, 10:09 PM
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I just recalled that Delia went wedding-dress shopping with Edna in season four, so maybe they were trying to imply that the relationship was there and always had been..
Ooh, I had also completely forgotten about this scene. Amy's in it too, so we get a two for one deal!

I think that a perfect time for Delia and Amy to interact and bond would have been the time when Delia wanted to be popular and was hanging out with the popular "semi-scumbag" girls. This would have been a perfect time for Amy to tell Delia about her experiences with Paige and Kayla. She could have told Delia about the incident season one when Kayla uninvited Ephram to her party. This would have hit home and would have been a definite eye-opener for Delia. many possibilities.
I know, eh? Such a missed opportunity. I have very little to seriously complain about with this show, a lot of the time it's minor things that really didn't impact the show a great deal, but this one I don't get. It's possible that maybe the writers wanted to focus on Andy/Delia instead, but it's just obvious the way they wrote Delia's stories that Amy could have helped. She was essentially asking for Amy or some kind of female companionship when Madison left! *pulls hair out* I just really wanted to see them having a friendship, because it would be so perfect, and it would fit with Delia's stories, and Amy's as a mature adult stories.

ETA: It would be really funny for Nina and Delia to reminisce about the Penthouse incident and the "Foot Massager" incident. Just imagine that conversation when Delia is a teenager and what she would say. LOL
That would be some awkward moments, to say the least. I still don't get who the Penthouse was for. Carl sure wasn't looking at it.

ETA: Another one to throw on the fire, semi-implied by my post in the Writers Thread: Ephram and Delia's grandparents. Just a few more scenes. I don't think there could have been huge storylines involving them, their main purpose was done after their two episode run, but I don't know..they're family, and I would have liked to have seen them once or twice giving advice to Andy, or helping Ephram or Delia with their troubles. Ephram and his grandfather had a good bond going, and actually really trying to get Andy involved with that would have been great.
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Last edited by 'Tos; 09-20-2008 at 10:15 PM
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Old 10-28-2008, 08:29 AM
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I like this thread, so I figure I'd bump it up with a discussion question:

For your interaction that you most wanted to see more of is there anything that you would have sacrificed to get that?

So, for example, the interaction I most wanted to see more of was Amy/Delia. I haven't given this much thought yet, heh, so I'm not sure what I would have sacrificed to get more of them.

But don't just say Andy and Amanda, or Ephram and Madison, or Tommy, or things you didn't like, make it a sacrifice, something that you maybe didn't love, but not something you hated, to get something you'd love even more to see.
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Old 10-28-2008, 09:10 AM
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That is tough! I'm going have to really think about it and come back.
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Old 10-28-2008, 09:32 AM
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Hmm, good question.

The interaction that I most wanted to see more of, of course, was Ephram/Hannah. And it seems to me that the only way those two would have begun a friendship significant enough to be shown would have been if both characters were spending less time with people named Abbott.

So, to that end I would have sacrificed screentime (not all of it, of course, because that would have fundamentally altered the storylines, but some) for the other combinations of the younger characters. Amy/Hannah would have been the easiest for me to cut back on, but an Ephram/Bright reduction would have been downright painful -- but worth it if it meant some awesome introvert interaction. I'd also accept less Ephram/Amy and Bright/Hannah, but that's where this scenario gets tricky, because Ephram and Hannah probably wouldn't be hanging out unless they were separated from Amy and Bright anyway...(as would have been the case in S5. Grr)
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Old 10-28-2008, 12:56 PM
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I'll say Delia/Amy for after Amy/Ephram's breakup (so late 3rd season, in between season 3 and 4 and say maybe first half of season 4). Although I liked how they brought back Amy/Ephram's friendship in season 4, maybe they could've had something where Delia sides with Amy against Ephram for leaving.
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Old 10-28-2008, 07:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Dolfan13 (View Post)
I'll say Delia/Amy for after Amy/Ephram's breakup (so late 3rd season, in between season 3 and 4 and say maybe first half of season 4). Although I liked how they brought back Amy/Ephram's friendship in season 4, maybe they could've had something where Delia sides with Amy against Ephram for leaving.
That makes a lot of sense. We saw how upset Delia was when Ephram left for Europe. It would be logical for her to take sides and why not take sides with Amy!

I would have definitely loved to see more interaction between Delia/Amy, Ephram/Hannah, and Ephram/Harold.

I would have gladly sacrificed some of the Edna/Irv scenes. I know that they loved each other and that was beautiful.....but.....I didn't always like the way they interacted with each other. Irv sometimes pissed me off! I couldn't understand why he was so upset with Edna when she wasn't ready to retire and he was. She even gave him a beautiful new office to write in and he resented that!
When he left her and moved out, I had a hard time understanding why.

Yes, those kind scenes I could have lived without.
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Old 10-30-2008, 08:07 PM
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I've been thinking what I would sacrifice for Amy and Delia, because frankly, to get the story I wanted out of them, it would be a big sacrifice. At the very least I wanted a bunch of recurring scenes from them, and what I really wanted was a full blown storyline between them that fed into Andy/Delia story about Delia trying to fit in with the popular crowd while still trying to keep her identity, and obviously Amy's got experience. And for me I wanted it to happen late season two after Madison, when Delia was begging for some female companionship.

That excessively wordy preamble aside, there's a few things I'd be willing to give up in season three and four that don't involved Amanda, heh. One is a little less focus on Andy dealing with Delia's wanting to get in the in crowd. I liked that story a lot, but I think they could have been cut back a little bit on that because I think most of them were rehashes of the same general issue, and Amy/Delia would pick that up nicely without being a rehash. I agree with Edna/Irv too, I would sacrifice that. I love both characters, I love both actors even more, and I didn't mind the story they had and it KILLS me to take away any of the old stories, but Amy/Delia is worth it. And I would also say some Jake/Nina too, which might seem like a copout of a sacrifice but..*small voice* I actually liked Jake and Nina, it's just that it was a bit excessive, so I think cutting that down would have actually made the whole thing a lot more accessible to people.

And then I would press the delete button on Amanda. No, that doesn't count, but c'mon, she deserves the delete button big time.
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Old 08-23-2009, 11:03 AM
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I just thought that perhaps someone would have something to add.
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Old 08-23-2009, 02:39 PM
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I've been thinking about some of the minor characters and interactions that would have been really neat. Eugene and Ephram, for instance. Like, more than their one scene (maybe another one?). Eugene and this story with Andy rocked, but since it was all a big parallel for Andy/Ephram, why not have Ephram sit down with him too? I'm not sure what they'd do, heh, but I'd like to see it.

Reverend Keyes and Harold is another one, although that's assuming that we would have gotten more Andy and the Rev.
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Old 08-23-2009, 07:03 PM
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Originally Posted by 'Tos (View Post)
I've been thinking about some of the minor characters and interactions that would have been really neat. Eugene and Ephram, for instance. Like, more than their one scene (maybe another one?). Eugene and this story with Andy rocked, but since it was all a big parallel for Andy/Ephram, why not have Ephram sit down with him too? I'm not sure what they'd do, heh, but I'd like to see it.
Am I the only person who didn't like Eugene? *ducks* I don't know...maybe it's because I never cared for Charles Durning. I don't like his personality or the way he speaks. I didn't like the character Eugene. I need to feel some sympathy toward a character and I didn't feel any for him. He wasn't a good father. He was nasty and sarcastic.
I know you're wondering how I could like Andy who was also not a good father. Well, Andy meant well and didn't know any better. He wasn't pursosely neglectful. He was just caught up in his job. He also didn't abandon his family after his wife died. I know that Andy was older when his mom died, but he still needed his dad and Eugene should have been there. Andy also had a lot more appealing personality. (He's also a lot cuter.)
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Old 08-23-2009, 07:15 PM
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It's...not just you, Betty. Bringing in Andy's father was a good idea, and it was interesting to see Andy as a son for once, but I didn't particularly like Eugene or Charles Durning's performance. Sort of brings down "Reckoning" for me. *ducks, too*
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Old 08-23-2009, 08:10 PM
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Originally Posted by Thief Of Love (View Post)
It's...not just you, Betty. Bringing in Andy's father was a good idea, and it was interesting to see Andy as a son for once, but I didn't particularly like Eugene or Charles Durning's performance. Sort of brings down "Reckoning" for me. *ducks, too*
You don't know how relieved I am to hear that, Thief! I thought there was something wrong with me. These guys are crazy about Eugene and I couldn't figure out why I wasn't. I felt as if I had some kind of an emotional flaw.
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Old 08-23-2009, 08:17 PM
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Hee, maybe it's one of those gender divide issues we occasionally come upon. Or a WB board boys/us thing, heh.
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Old 08-23-2009, 10:27 PM
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I seem to be minority opinion man lately with you two, hee. I'm not used to it. What do I do?

I liked Eugene a lot, but I'm also extremely biased because of the "I love you, Dad" scene in "Goodbye, Love". I thought Charles Durning did a great job, playing the crotchety old man with, ultimately, a heart of gold. His first scene with Ephram at the coffee shop, his scene with Delia in "Reckoning", his "you're not miserable" talk in "Reckoning", and everything in "Goodbye, Love"...I thought that Charles Durning was incredible in it all. I think those two scenes with Andy, especially, is why I like Eugene. To hear how far Andy had come, for Eugene to come and apologize, to get what he came for, I liked him then. He was annoying in "Reckoning" before that scene with Delia, though.

So to you all. Hee.

What's next, are you two going to tell me that you hate "Home" next? Wah!
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