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Old 08-20-2013, 07:13 PM
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OT2 Thread #57: Life After Everwood: Other Addictions (TV Shows, Books, Movies, Music)

Welcome to OT2 Thread #57!

This is a second OT thread that focuses on shows, books, movies, music we're now obsessed with since Everwood ended.

This thread is focused on promoting in depth discussion.

This thread is about discussing shows, books, movies, and music we love with as much insightful discussion as possible. Bring over your opinions on latest episodes, discuss characters and storylines, books you're reading, movies you're watching, music you're listening to, but please remain cordial, respect one another and refrain yourself from turning this thread into drama land.

** This board has always been very mature and we'd like it to remain this way.

With that said, and keeping that all in mind, we'd like to welcome you to this new thread!

Shows Everwood members watch :

Michelle (Wilpen) :
Present: Doctor Who, Pretty Little Liars, paranormal anything
Past Favorites along with Everwood: Lost, Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl, Friends
Oldies I watch in rerunland: Golden Girls, I Love Lucy, Leave It To Beaver

Alexandra (buffyannAlex) :
Lost, 24, Grey's Anatomy, House, Supernatural, Scrubs, Bones, Desperate housewives, Brothers & Sisters, Fringe, Friday Night Lights, The Office, Dollhouse, Smallville, Dexter, The Ghost Whisperer

New shows I'd check this year : Glee, V, Fast Forward, Vampire Diaries

Ashley (AppleBehry22):
Gilmore Girls, One Tree Hill, Nip/Tuck, Roswell, Reba, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Lost

dawnie@ :
Gilmore Girls, Lost, One Tree Hill, 24 ,Hell's Kitchen2

Angela (AngelaiDanes):
Lost, Gilmore Girls

Alan (The Crow) :
Friday Night Lights, Chuck, Castle, Fringe, So You Think You Can Dance, Community, The Vampire Diaries, Being Erica, Psych, White Collar, Warehouse 13, Haven, Covert Affairs, Pretty Little Liars, Falling Skies, Rookie Blue, Game of Thrones, Nikita, Modern Family, Happy Endings, Raising Hope, Parks and Recreation, Lost Girl, Leverage, Rizzoli and Isles, and The Glades.Suburgatory, Revenge, Unforgettable, Criminal Minds, Death Valley, Children's Hospital, NTSF:SD:SUV, Alphas, The Good Wife, The Nine Lives of Chloe King, Melissa and Joey, Royal Pains, Breaking In, Hart of Dixie, Hawaii Five-O, and Body of Proof

Tos' :
Mad Men, Dexter, Fringe, Chuck, Castle, Psych, Parks & Recreation, Community, Modern Family, How I Met Your Mother, Futurama, Being Human, White Collar, Louie, New Girl, Up All Night, Revenge, Person of Interest

Watch: Prison Break, Supernatural, House, Gilmore Girls
Want to watch but always miss it: Bones, Grey's Anatomy, Veronica Mars
Future Shows, I'm planning on watching: Jericho, Heroes..

own worst enemy
Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters, True Blood, Dexter, Weeds, Big Love, How I Met Your Mother, The Big Bang Theory, One Tree Hill, Gossip Girl, 90210, Smallville, Scrubs, Better Off Ted, Grey's Anatomy, Lost, Private Practice, Ugly Betty, The Office, 30 Rock, Top Chef, So You Think You Can Dance, The Hills, My Life on the D List, American Idol, Dollhouse, Mad Men, Nip/Tuck, Fringe

New shows: Melrose Place, The Beautiful Life, The Vampire Diaries, Flash Forward, Bored to Death, Glee

everwoodfan52 : (past and present)
Friday Night Lights, Chuck, Dexter, Drop Dead Diva, Royal Pains, Modern Family, Rookie Blue, Pretty Little Liars, Hart Of Dixie, and Everwood (re-watching DVDs), Revenge, Gossip Girl
MrsBrown : The Office, Lost, Friday Night Lights, Brothers and Sisters, Battlestar Galactica

BepperGirl: Being Erica, Bones, Chuck, Dollhouse, Drop Dead Diva, Friday Night Lights, How I Met Your Mother. Leverage, Psych, Pretty Little Liars, Castle, The Vampire Diaries, White Collar, Rizzoli & Isles, Suits, Rookie Blue, and Lost Girl.

ShadowMagist: How I Met Your Mother, Greek, Smallville, Supernatural, Desperate Housewives, Brothers and Sisters, Glee, Vampire Diaries, It's Always Raining In Philadelphia.

Thief Of Love: Mad Men, Psych, Gilmore Girls, The Office, Parks & Recreation

Shelby (Cowgirl08): Chuck, Friday Night Lights, 90210, One Tree Hill, Greek, Secret Life of the American Teenager, Make it or Break it, White Collar

Rolfi Cole: Outsourced, Modern Family, Castle, Chuck, Psych, The Mentalist, TVD, Community, House, Ghost Whisperer, Smallville, Supernatural

ForVanAngel: LOST, Gilmore Girls, Six Feet Under, Everwood, Friday Night Lights, The Wire, Dexter, Dawson’s Creek, Roswell, Seinfeld, Malcolm In The Middle, Scrubs, Breaking Bad, Parenthood, Home Improvement, Rescue Me, Mad Men, My So-Called Life, Parks and Recreation, Brothers & Sisters, Switched At Birth, Eli Stone, American Dreams, Community, Skins UK, The Big Bang Theory, One Tree Hill, The Shield, Alias, Freaks and Geeks, Party Of Five, Ally McBeal, Death Note, Lizzie McGuire, That ‘70s Show, The Middle, The L.A. Complex, The Hour, The Wonder Years, Wilfred US.

Blue Valentine: Modern family, Brothers and Sisters, Fringe, How I Met Your Mother, The Vampire Diaries, 90210, Nikita, One Tree Hill,
Favorite Shows: Everwood, Joan Of Arcadia.

Patricia: Drop Dead Diva, One Tree Hill, Pretty Little Liars, Cheerleader Nation, American Idol, Bones, Boston Med, Brothers & Sisters, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Friday Night Lights, Gilmore Girls, Law & Order: SVU, Rooke Blue, Oprah: Behind the Scenes, Ellen, What I Like About You and Without A Trace.

LemonyPie: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Frasier, Dawson's Creek, Revenge, Suburgatory, Hart of Dixie, The Middle, Modern Family, Dancing with the Stars, Community, Dexter, Against the Wall

Shu/ds44: Currently Watching: Castle, Arrow, Switched at Birth, Suits, Dallas, Covert Affairs, Twisted and Teen Wolf

Louisa C
: Watched in full or almost: The OC, Veronica Mars, Gilmore Girls, Desperate Housewives, Monk, Medium, Parenthood, The Big Bang Theory, Everwood, Being Erica, Grey's Anatomy, Castle...

Purchased, but not yet started or only a few episodes/1st Season watched: Friday Night Lights, Drop Dead Diva, The Closer, Gossip Girl, Once Upon A Time, The Killing, New Girl, My Name Is Earl, Fame, Parks & Recreation, In Treatment, Damages, The Good Wife, Fringe, White Collar, How I met Your Mother, Dexter, Game Of Thrones, Pretty Little Liars, Smash, Lie To Me, Dawson's Creek, The Mentalist...

Alwayshappy: Shows that ended :
Gilmore Girls ( which is my absolute favorite EVER ), Charmed, Everwood, One Tree Hill, Dawson's Creek, The OC, Damages, The Closer, Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters, Lost, Fringe ( although I'm not up to date yet ), Medium, Ghost Whisperer, Ally McBeal, Private Practice, Veronica Mars, In Treatment, Roswell & Sex and the City

Shows that are still airing :
The Good Wife, Grey's Anatomy ( those 2 are my favorite 2 shows on the air right now ), Revenge, Bones ( not up to date yet - I'm at the end of S6 ), Once Upon a Time ( not up to date-watching season 1 for first time ), Vampire Diaries, Criminal Minds, Big Bang Theory, How I Met Your Mother, Community, The Killing USA, Downton Abbey, Parenthood ( not up to date yet ), Bunheads, Switched at Birth ( not up to date ), Californication, True Blood, Suits ( not up to date ), Scandal ( not up to date ), Major Crimes ( not up to date ), Homeland & White Collar.

Last edited by jediwands; 08-20-2013 at 07:24 PM
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:18 PM
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Can you update my thing to


Currently Watching: Castle, Arrow, Switched at Birth, Suits, Dallas, Covert Affairs, Twisted and Teen Wolf
Happy 100K
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Shu
I did this write-up about my ships for a friend of mind and I thought I'd share with you guys.
I have had a number of ships over the years. I am not sure there is one strand that ties them together outside of their usually being part of the writers initial plan (or a couple that caught on early enough and got good story)

Lois & Clark (Dean/Terry Version), Angela and Jordan, Felicity/Ben, Luke/Lorelai, Rory/Logan, Dan/Serena, Lucas/Peyton, Nate/Jenny, Pacey/Joey, Tyler/Caroline, Danny/Lacey (Twisted), Castle and Beckett, Chuck and Sarah Mulder and Scully, and Peter/Olivia.

Work-Wife/Husband: There is something that I find appealing about watching two people who are very different come together as a team. LC were amazing working at the daily planet. There banter was so cute and watching them fall in love was one of the most satisfying things for me as a viewer. Castle/Beckett also fall under this same category. They are definitely my favorite pairing from a procedural to date. Mulder/Scully and Peter/Olivia have some similarities, but they are thrust into this sci fi world where the dangers they face are so much greater than anything else they have to endure. I love couples that work as a team.

Outsider/Insider- I guess most of my couples sort of fit under this category. Dan and Serena are the most obvious version of this type of couple. But, Lucas was an outsider as is Danny and Pacey to some extent. I love watching couples who come from different worlds overcome the difference because what they feel for one another is so much stronger.

You make me a better person-- This is another trope that I can't help, but be addicted to. One of my favorite aspects of Angela/Jordan, Felicity/Ben and Tyler/Caroline is watching how they sort of blossom together. Love gives them the strength to be a better version of themselves. This also applies to Dan/Serena.

Requited Crushes-- A lot of the ships I like have an element of a high school crush coming to fruition and developing into something real. The exception would be Angela and Jordan cause the show didn't last long enough.

You Get Me-- this is probably the one factor that ties all of my ships together. The couples understand each other in ways that other people can try to, but just don't in the end.

Chuck and Sarah is interesting because it fits into almost all of the categories.

"That's me inside of your head"--is a fave line of mine from an LP scene because it applies to most of my ships. IT's like their inside the other persons head. They don't always need words to know what the other is feeling. It's an instinctual connection.
Originally Posted by Alwayshappy
You would fall down if you heard how many shows I am watching during the fall, combined with summer shows. I'm so far behind with so many shows, and I used this summer to catch up with a lot of them. Add to that that I also love to rewatch old shows, or watch old shows I've never seen before ( Mad Men, Six Feet Under, Breaking Bad among others ). In total I am watching like 40-45 shows atm, including older shows on dvd/etc.
Originally Posted by Mich1111 (View Post)
Got it.

Shu, that's very interesting! It gives me a great understanding of how you ship, what you look for, and even personally what matters to you. It's great!


How many shows do you watch with your BF?
Originally Posted by Alan
I started counting fall shows that I am planning to watch, and I quit at 30. I'll post a firm number when I'm done.
Originally Posted by Mich1111 (View Post)
^ Wow. Wait, that's just fall shows? How many shows would that bring your total number to?

I can't believe these numbers!
Originally Posted by Mich1111 (View Post)
Watching the PLL episode live with 5 minutes left.

Not happy really. The entire episode as usual revolves around Aria's romantic life. Ezra totally bites off Emily's head in the beginning, too. I wanted to throw a baseball, no a softball, no a basketball at his face. The Jake/Aria/Ezra triangle is LITERALLY the highlight of this episode. I am so pissed. Soooooooooooo damn much screentime. Paige and Emily have barely any interaction. It is all about this triangle. Caleb is the only one being normal for guys too. Ezra is a raging moron out of control, Toby is out of his mind, too, getting pissed at Spencer for insane things, and Caleb is the only rational one. Hanna's stalker dude is relatively interesting and you know he is going to turn out being her new love interest and my Hanna and Caleb heart is going to be pissed. Though he seems okay if he's legit.

FINALLY a Paige and Emily scene at the very end. FINALLY! Great scene, too, it was a good scene.

I am still pissed we got tons of triangle garbage.

Ezra and Aria at the end. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Neverending sht. Ezra took Aria away from Jake (emotionally) when he knows they are together, this is insane. Not shocking, though, of course...

Oh and CeCe is not Red Coat but she's on the A Team!!!!

Good news for Hanna though. No Mona in this episode... couldn't because the romantic triangle ruled! But given the good news for Hanna, this could tie to Mona, so yes, that's at least good.

I think CeCe, well I know now, CeCe is an A Team member and I bet Alison's Red Coat. They are doing the Twin thing through CeCe and Alison, or that version. That is why they are heavy with the Ali flashbacks (more tonight) and Mrs D is around a lot and they are just bringing it close to home.

^ This was my brain thinking too quickly to form a lot of thoughts that made sense.

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I guess some people are on the board. LOL

Originally Posted by ForVanAngel (View Post)
I think I should reply here to be informed what's the hep with you guys. Just missed the last new thread warning and I was out. Lazy subcription thread reader me is.

Switched At Birth is great. Somehow I never got the info that there are 21 episodes this year. So I watched the finale last Sunday and was a bit confused because it was a strange episode and a very strange ending. Then I found out that it's not even the final episode. Oh boi.
Originally Posted by ds44 (View Post)
Yeah I caught up in time to watch last night's episode today and I loved it. That show has so many layers.
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:24 PM
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You are updated, Shu!!

Wow...Michelle. You guys have been going to town on this thread!! Thanks for the new one!!
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:24 PM
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Originally Posted by ds44 (View Post)

Can you update my thing to


Currently Watching: Castle, Arrow, Switched at Birth, Suits, Dallas, Covert Affairs, Twisted and Teen Wolf
Welcome and done!
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Old 08-20-2013, 07:48 PM
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Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)
You are updated, Shu!!

Wow...Michelle. You guys have been going to town on this thread!! Thanks for the new one!!
thanks betty!
Happy 100K
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Old 08-20-2013, 08:07 PM
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Betty, don't miss my PLL comments above that I brought over. Or I guess don't look at them until you watch the new episode since some stuff was revealed.

To add, my spec is Mona will be in danger and the Liars will save her. That is how the four becomes a five in a true, alliance kind of way. I believe the foundation was there in the finale of 3 and 4.1. However, they have deliberately kept the Liars and Mona from bonding or getting closer in any way as a unit so the payday when the Liars save her will be that much more profound. Once they save her, she officially becomes the 5th, they will be that much stronger and work together to take out the A Team. Now that CeCe is officially part of the A Team (we are 99% sure after tonight) it appears the A Team is older and stronger. They will need more brain power and physical power to defeat the A Team. They need Mona for that Five spot and her brain power to take them down.
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Old 08-20-2013, 08:23 PM
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Originally Posted by Mich1111 (View Post)
Betty, don't miss my PLL comments above that I brought over. Or I guess don't look at them until you watch the new episode since some stuff was revealed.
I tried to avoid the comments because I didn't have a chance to watch yet!
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Old 08-20-2013, 09:06 PM
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Now I didn't overlook the transition from thread to thread.

Looking forward to Switched At Birth finale, will watch it soon. It's an awesome show, am glad they are returning Early 2014 (or was it January 2014) with Fosters (which I will start within the next few months). It's my favourite drama show alongside Parenthood, Dexter (season 5) and Breaking Bad (season 3), but I am preparing to watch both shows this year, BrBa's 4th season is on my shelf for a long time now.

Have finished my first season of my Gilmore Girls ReRun - and it was a lot of fun! Will watch 2nd season during winter break, when Lauren Graham isn't too busy being Sarah Braverman.^^

Skins final season is strange, I'm halfway through but though it's nice, it is not as good as the Skins with the Skins teenager characters, it's just one character and some tragic story with not much plot.

And then I started with The Good Wife, which seems to be a good show to watch between the really important shows. Have just seen 2 episodes, it has potential if they don't focus on a case every episode. Julianna Margulies is a good lead so far, Archie Panjabi as Kalinda is a tough and cool woman and a good partner for Alicia Florrick. Nice to see Matt Czuchry (Gilmore Girls Logan) and Mary Beth Peil (Dawson's Creek Grams), and Titus Welliver also is around. At least it's the first serious legal drama I watch, Boston Legal and Ally didn't take themselves very serious and Eli Stone also was a bit of fun.

I'm planning to watch the follow shows until end of year, but am unsure how many I'll make: The Fosters first 10 eps, Nikita season 2 finally, Boardwalk Empire S1, Breaking Bad S4, Rubicon S1 (which I will start this week I guess), Dexter S6, Brotherhood S1 (bought the complete series, so I should watch it). Think that's enough for now, also could rewatch first 2 Heroes seasons, but that's not too important.

Last edited by ForVanAngel; 08-20-2013 at 09:20 PM
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Old 08-20-2013, 11:19 PM
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Thanks for the new thread Michelle. Truth to be told I haven't seen TV series episode this year at all. I sometimes put some video in youtube just to watch while I'm eating but that pretty much ends it. I guess I'm in that phase in my life where I actually don't care at all about television.

I watch sports from time to time and that's it.
I am an ancient soul in a modern body, with a futuristic state of mind.
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Old 08-21-2013, 12:31 AM
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Originally Posted by ForVanAngel (View Post)
Now I didn't overlook the transition from thread to thread.

Looking forward to Switched At Birth finale, will watch it soon. It's an awesome show, am glad they are returning Early 2014 (or was it January 2014) with Fosters (which I will start within the next few months). It's my favourite drama show alongside Parenthood, Dexter (season 5) and Breaking Bad (season 3), but I am preparing to watch both shows this year, BrBa's 4th season is on my shelf for a long time now.

Have finished my first season of my Gilmore Girls ReRun - and it was a lot of fun! Will watch 2nd season during winter break, when Lauren Graham isn't too busy being Sarah Braverman.^^

Skins final season is strange, I'm halfway through but though it's nice, it is not as good as the Skins with the Skins teenager characters, it's just one character and some tragic story with not much plot.

And then I started with The Good Wife, which seems to be a good show to watch between the really important shows. Have just seen 2 episodes, it has potential if they don't focus on a case every episode. Julianna Margulies is a good lead so far, Archie Panjabi as Kalinda is a tough and cool woman and a good partner for Alicia Florrick. Nice to see Matt Czuchry (Gilmore Girls Logan) and Mary Beth Peil (Dawson's Creek Grams), and Titus Welliver also is around. At least it's the first serious legal drama I watch, Boston Legal and Ally didn't take themselves very serious and Eli Stone also was a bit of fun.

I'm planning to watch the follow shows until end of year, but am unsure how many I'll make: The Fosters first 10 eps, Nikita season 2 finally, Boardwalk Empire S1, Breaking Bad S4, Rubicon S1 (which I will start this week I guess), Dexter S6, Brotherhood S1 (bought the complete series, so I should watch it). Think that's enough for now, also could rewatch first 2 Heroes seasons, but that's not too important.
The Good Wife gets more awesome every season you watch imo. It's really good. I will recommend you to keep watching. Later in the season it starts to be more serialised.
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Old 08-21-2013, 05:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Alwayshappy (View Post)
The Good Wife gets more awesome every season you watch imo. It's really good. I will recommend you to keep watching. Later in the season it starts to be more serialised.
Ah, that sounds positive. I don't mind too much that a CBS legal show is not seralized so much as long as it's an interesting show but a case every episode wouldn't be enough for me. I want to get to know the characters more, Cary was there for 2 episodes with a few moments at best and I don't know nothing about him. Also the Peter Florrick story has potenzial.
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Old 08-21-2013, 05:58 AM
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Lois & Clark (Dean/Terry Version), Angela and Jordan, Felicity/Ben, Luke/Lorelai, Rory/Logan, Dan/Serena, Lucas/Peyton, Nate/Jenny, Pacey/Joey, Tyler/Caroline, Danny/Lacey (Twisted), Castle and Beckett, Chuck and Sarah Mulder and Scully, and Peter/Olivia.
Aside from Caroline/Tyler, we're pretty sympatico in our shipping. Except for Lois and Clark. I never watched that show.

Pretty Little Liars

I don't have time to post much, but I did want to say that Hannah was rocking that red and white checked dress. Yowza!

Also, the most unbelievable part of that episode is that a bunch of teenagers in Pennsylvania knew how to jump out on the dance floor and do that line dance so well. Or at all.
Geralt: That scent. The moment I dread most every time you leave… is when it fades. When you’re really gone.

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Old 08-21-2013, 06:24 AM
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Since I have just finished Felicty S1, I know all about (way too much even^^) the famous love triangle of that show. I don't care!!!!! I like 'em both, please decide, the whole back and forth was an often annoying point of the show. I guess I'm not a shipper most of the time.

Luke/Lorelai (also watched sesaon 1) has so many moments from the beginning, I want them to be together but also don't cos do they work as a couple? Isn't it more fun for them to have a fun seeing each other twice a day and for other reasons sometimes? It's been many years so I don't remember how L/L were as a couple, but I'll find out next year maybe.

MSCL Jordan was just weird, rather have Angela with Brian than with Jordan but she didn't want that nerdy kid.
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Old 08-21-2013, 06:47 AM
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Originally Posted by Alan
Pretty Little Liars

I don't have time to post much, but I did want to say that Hannah was rocking that red and white checked dress. Yowza!

LOL! She did look incredible.

Also, the most unbelievable part of that episode is that a bunch of teenagers in Pennsylvania knew how to jump out on the dance floor and do that line dance so well. Or at all.
Ha! I was wondering what you thought about that. They nailed it! Western PA might have some natural ability (western PA is a combination of the Midwest and South, in accent and way of life even if it's considered east lol) but certainly not eastern PA near Philly. Man, they just knew how to get it done, regardless.

Looking forward to your thoughts. I am really wondering what doll A was stabbing! That was freaky and probably key to what's going to happen next episode. A was knitting a top for ANOTHER doll, too! Who was it for? Does the stabbing mean she wants to kill one of the Liars or Mona? Then there was the new doll jacket, too. The knitting a top was interesting... who was knitting last episode? Mrs. D! Is there a connection?

Originally Posted by Koni
Thanks for the new thread Michelle. Truth to be told I haven't seen TV series episode this year at all. I sometimes put some video in youtube just to watch while I'm eating but that pretty much ends it. I guess I'm in that phase in my life where I actually don't care at all about television.

I watch sports from time to time and that's it.
You're welcome.

I wish you watched PLL so you could figure out the mystery with me given your intellectual brain.

But I know what you mean... I simply can't watch a lot of shows at the same time. My brain would explode. I think it's because when I watch a show, I watch and absorb everything about the show. I don't watch shows casually. I really get involved. As a result, it takes too much energy to watch more than a couple at a time.

Last edited by jediwands; 08-21-2013 at 06:53 AM
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