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Old 03-20-2022, 05:21 AM
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2021-2023 Everwood Rewatch: Episode 3.11 - Complex Guilt

Rewatch Overview

Complex Guilt


Following Amanda's decision to send her husband to a world-renowned treatment facility, Andy is rushed to the hospital after he collapses in front of Dr. Abbott as a result of the stress and guilt he has been feeling over his infidelity with Amanda. Meanwhile, Amy continues to give Ephram the cold shoulder for lying about Madison, and Edna builds a writer's room for a depressed Irv, but it doesn't go over well and they consider separating.



Jan 17, 2005

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Old 03-20-2022, 12:26 PM
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My Thoughts.....

A new Amy friend!
You really did blow it, Ephram. Amy is really (deservedly) giving you a hard time. I'll take that coffee, Ephram!

I guess Andy and Amanda did go all the way..
John is actually blinking on cue. I would be shocked if he didn't hear all of the Andy/Amanda exchanges.

Don't Edna and Irv always have a quiet dinner at home alone? Who else lives there.
Irv, you're being really really ridiculous. Your wife is throwing herself at you and you grumble and remain in a snit? Count your blessings!

Hannah, the word "heck" is not cussing.

Amy doesn't know how to let it go which I am finding very annoying.

I never thought of it that way......You only want to punch people in the face whom you care about. Well...I'd like to punch some people in the face who I don't care about!

Jake is really funny. I have to give him credit for that. "Broadcast the patient's ass update."

Amanda, you weren't kidding. If Andy had said, "Yes," you would have gone to Hawaii with him in an instant!

Ephram is back to whining to Bright about women ad nauseam. So Annoying. Just let Bright enjoy his cake!

I'd jump at that invite, Ephram. A chance to dine at the Abbott dinner table? Yum!!

An actual smile and thank you from Irv....shocker!

Amy, you are going overboard with these "looks". What does Ephram know about side dishes? Ephram, I think it's time to say good bye and leave. Very awkward for the whole family.

Andy's stomach is a mess and I wonder why! Jake with Balloons and Yoga. It's tough not to like him. Sweet.

Irv!! No, Edna doesn't get it and neither do we! I really can't stand you lately! Holding pattern? No family? You have Edna and her whole family! Stop feeling sorry for yourself.

Ephram is using the "My dad's in the hospital" card. Whatever works!

I kind of don't agree that Amy should give up everything for Ephram. That was her choice.

Oh no! Amanda! Is this a nightmare. Kind of like Poltergeist. She keeps coming back! Please did this to him!

Ephram and Andy are so sweet when they are being sweet with each other.

Hannah is much more relaxed around Bright these days and she's really a good friend to Amy....just wants Amy to be happy. I think Hannah is growing on you, Bright.

Boy, Edna is always hot to trot! Irv should count his blessings!
Yes, Leave, Irv...good riddance! You really don't deserve Edna.

Amy and Ephram have come to a resolution. Thank God!

How many goodbyes do you want, Amanda? Enough with the stopping by! How would you explain this visit if Delia or Ephram were there???
Andy....just tell her you DON'T!!
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Old 03-20-2022, 01:15 PM
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Thoughts while watching

- I still cannot believe Amy has no idea Ephram got Madison’s phone number from Jay and told Andy he was very tempted to call Madison. During all my rewatches of this episode this fact never stuck. It is so horrible. Amy just thinks Ephram lied to get out of date night, attempted to check out Madison and her band then felt forced to tell her when he thought she knew. That’s vile enough, but what if Amy knew the full story? What if she knew Ephram actively asked for/received Madison’s number from Jay then told Andy he was really tempted to call her? I’m pretty sure Amy dumps Ephram and never looks back.

- What astounds me with Andy/Amanda is they start the disgusting affair at the same time John is showing signs of improvement?

- We don’t see Edna/Irv in a while and it’s a serious storyline for them.

- Hannah and Amy school scene is so cute. Everything Hannah said to Amy about her situation with Ephram and making a decision is accurate. I love when Hannah tells Amy the “because you love me” part.

- Jake gave Edna good advice on what to do about Irv. I know he shouldn’t have been on the screen until the series concludes but moments like these he is a pretty good guy.

- Harold looking at Amanda and Andy as she’s walking into Andy’s office speaks for the entire audience.

- Ephram getting Madison’s digits, telling Andy he wants to call her, then soon dumping Amy and telling her she’s dumb for seeing a forever in so many words. Yikes. Okay, I have to remember I ship Ephram and Amy. The issue is Amy is my favorite character so when she is hurt I feel it more. Thanks, Emily.

- It’s hard to explain why I hate Amanda so much. LOL. She reminds me of a serpent. She tries to make Andy look like a bad guy for not having an affair with her or not continuing the affair. She looks pissed, goes with passive aggressive comments. It’s beyond a romantic tension although they have that too. It’s just how she is perceived… awful. Anne Heche is such a good actress she plays it perfectly too.

- Bright and Ephram arefriends again. Bright giving Ephram bad advice as usual. How creepy Bright admits he snapped Amy’s training bra.

- Bright telling Ephram he missed him is cute.

- Edna means well setting up the writing space for Irv.

- Abbott family dinner continues to be pure gold. LOL.

- Harold with the napkin is so Harold.

- Everything Amy said at that dinner table was accurate. Ephram trying to get Bright to take the blame (or going along with what Bright said) made everything worse since Amy knew they plotted and discussed, which made it more of a secret and lies thing too. Indeed. Again, she has no clue Ephram got Madison’s phone number which crosses a line all by itself.

- I love the two idiots for the price of one comment.

- Harold concerned about this due to Madison is interesting too.

- This is always forgotten for some reason but Ephram is not the only one in the dark about Madison’s pregnancy. Amy is in the dark as well.

- Andy, you are sick with guilt.

- Harold is right, he does deserve every detail from Andy considering what he was dragged into. He is right.

- Harold talking about sexual misconduct within the medical office... yes, yes, yes. He is right. Andy went there.

- Jake coming with the yoga and getting a dog to Andy at the hospital is actually pretty funny. He is right about both. I don't do yoga but I do skilled relaxation and we know how much dogs help us mentally too.

- Irv, I like you but you can be very grumpy and miserable and it's not Edna's fault. I understand why Irv wants to go away but it's weird he expects Edna to pick up and go with him and forget her career. I still can't get over how mad he was Edna didn't leave Everwood with him in general. She never said she would, the audience never had a scene in S1 where this was agreed upon or a flashback stating as much. He seems like he's holding her to promises she didn't keep but the audience never witnessed these promises.

- I generally agree with all of Amy's words to Ephram about what she gave up and how their relationship has been based on his schedule. Like she said... the mistake he made reminded her of what she'd have which is nothing (in her mind) and again, little does she know it wasn't just a look at the band thing since Ephram got Madison's number and considered calling her which cannot be ignored. I hate how Amy never found out that Colin was going to break up with her, she doesn't know her boyfriend she is making these sacrifices for impregnated his adult ex girlfriend, and he wanted to see her again either. Why is Amy always kept in the dark?

- I did like when Ephram said... I wouldn't have you. But at the same time, you should have thought about that when you were interested in seeing Bucky right after you slept with your Soulmate for the first time, Ephram.

- Amanda sitting there with Andy in the hospital... she could have just called the nurses station to make sure he was okay instead?

- The last Andy and Ephram scene is wonderful.

- I really think Andy should have told Ephram about Madison while in the hospital. Ephram said it, you know someone’s true feelings in the hospital.

- I forgot to mention Bright eating that big slice of cake was hilarious.

- The Bright and Hannah scene was cute. Hannah, once again, shipping Ephram and Amy and their powerful connection. I love how Hannah refused to give him half of the sandwich. LOL.

- Edna and Irv… sad.

- I like this last Ephram and Amy scene. I kind of wish they would’ve also talked more about why he felt the need to go to see her band but it was past that.

- Go away, Amanda.

- Andy, terrible choices all around.

- So many beautiful mountains in the background.

Thoughts immediately after watching

Edna/Irv... All about sadness.
Andy/Amanda... All about disgusting.
Ephram/Bright... Friends again!
Amy/Hannah... Adorable friendship.
Bright/Hannah... You can tell something is happening between them, banter and more Hannah strength are the clues.
Ephram/Andy... An emotional hospital scene.
Ephram/Amy... Soulmates.

General Thoughts

I sound like a broken record throughout the years but continue to be amazed by the extraordinary chemistry between Greg and Emily. It is so ever present as it literally pulls me in with such a force, I am instantly in "melt mode" while watching them. Their on-screen presence is absolutely mesmerizing. The chemistry is unteachable. All you have to do is watch their eyes... you can feel the Ephram and Amy love purely based on their eyes. Their eyes speak a thousand words.

Ephram/Amy: Amy had every right to be pissed off. Ephram was a complete moron who is lucky Amy never found out he got Madison's phone number and acted like a drooling jerk wondering if he should call her. Like I said, if Amy knew this she would have dumped him. Amy had every right to produce chilly conditions. As far as the issue of Amy having to give up things, it was also fueled by her intense anger towards the lie. Once she was able to have that blow out with Ephram at the dinner table, followed by the initial conversation outside of his house, she could then move on from jealousy/anger/the lie and calm down in order to think intellectually... then she went to Ephram's and apologized for having blamed him for giving things up which she stated as her fault too. I like what she said though as far as how she would have nothing should they break up and Ephram was correct about the Princeton bit too. Amy has really evolved since S1. She has every right to want to have her life fulfilled in every way and not having it revolve only around Ephram. Ephram's lying about the band allowed her to see this so at least something good came of him acting like a manipulative prick.

Dinner scene: Perfect.. Amy's stone cold look at Ephram told the story. This girl was pissed off to the highest degree, and rightfully so, I might add. I am so glad that during this scene, she was able to get out her anger and frustration even if it was in a somewhat immature way. I didn't mind because I loved the real and raw emotion coming from her. I also loved Bright admitting that he was in on that night with Ephram. I was laughing whenever she told Bright and Ephram that she was happy that they were friends again because now there are two idiots for the price of one. Great line. I also thought it was funny to see clueless Ephram actually think that he would sort of be off the hook because Bright was involved in the lie. Nope, Amy was not having any of it. The dinner scene, for me, was fun to see because Amy was able to get out all her anger about the lie. I loved how she told Ephram to leave and make an effort with Madison. Of course, she didn't mean it, but it was all about raw emotion and something that a typical teen girl would say. Like I keep saying, Ephram is damn lucky Amy doesn't know what happened when Ephram got Madison's number and thought about calling her. It would have been very bad for Ephram had Amy known this.

Where was Delia and Nina? Back in that infamous closest that they have been sharing with Irv throughout this season. Seriously, totally contrived that Nina wouldn't be at the hospital with Andy. They needed to further along the disgusting Andy and Amanda storyline so that's why they kept Nina away. Speaking of... at least Andy knows it's morally wrong but he is still way too weak to resist. Amanda is trying so hard to get into Andy's pants at any cost. She seems to have little, if any, guilt about cheating on her husband and I find it absolutely repulsive.

Bright/Hannah: Adorable. That kitchen scene was superb. Hannah's longing look at Bright had me cheering for Bright to reciprocate the look back. It was weird since I am typically neutral with these two and quite frankly believe they are mismatched. However, I saw Bright looking at her in a way that I have never seen before as she walked away and told him in a jokingly manner to get his own sandwich. LOL I loved their cute, little banter going on.

Amy/Hannah: Love them. Their friendship is such a beautiful thing. I love how Amy is still trying to bring up HD but once Hannah tells her to back off, Amy will stop with the concern and let it go. It shows how much Amy deeply cares for Hannah. I also love how Hannah told Amy point blank that she needed to communicate better with Ephram regarding their fight. I also love how Hannah continues to support Ephram and Amy. Hannah genuinely believes that Ephram and Amy are the real deal and meant to be. Hannah truly does understand that they are Soulmates. You can see it based on how she talks about them. I really love that Amy has this friendship with Hannah.

Andy/Harold: Harold was completely in line ripping Andy for his disgusting relationship with Amanda. I was also disappointed that we didn't get another Andy and Harold scene as a follow up to their fight. I love every word that Harold said to Andy in this one.

Andy/Ephram: I liked the heartfelt moment between these two. That hospital scene was well done. I loved how with very few words, Ephram communicated how much Andy meant to him. I also thought Ephram's words were interesting... realizing how much someone means to you whenever they get sick... which is why I wanted Andy to tell Ephram about the Madison nightmare. It would have been appropriate and I have a feeling Ephram would have been shocked but understood how sick Andy has made himself over the guilt and lying. I find it interesting Ephram knows immediately Andy has something disgusting going on with Amanda. He's not in any position to judge though based on his illegal past relationship with Madison and he knows it.

Bright/Ephram: So glad these guys are friends again. Bright is soooooo much happier whenever he has his best friend in his life. I just love these two "idiots."

Edna/Irv: Heartbreaking. For as much as it saddens me to see these two take a break, I fully understand why they need to do so. Well, I sort of understand because I feel like we missed the beginning of this story in S1 when Edna might have made promises to Irv while he was in a "holding pattern" in Everwood. I don't like that Irv makes it seem like it is HER family and not his. He doesn't really attempt to get close with anyone else in the family when you think about it. It feels very weird. I guess he does now resent her. I just wish we would have received more scenes between them from the beginning because where they are now would make a lot more sense.

Jake: Once again, he actually didn't bother me. I liked how he tried to help Edna and his moment with Andy at the hospital was kind of funny.

Last edited by jediwands; 03-20-2022 at 03:00 PM
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Old 03-20-2022, 04:15 PM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
Thoughts while watching

- I still cannot believe Amy has no idea Ephram got Madison’s phone number from Jay and told Andy he was very tempted to call Madison. During all my rewatches of this episode this fact never stuck. It is so horrible. Amy just thinks Ephram lied to get out of date night, attempted to check out Madison and her band then felt forced to tell her when he thought she knew. That’s vile enough, but what if Amy knew the full story? What if she knew Ephram actively asked for/received Madison’s number from Jay then told Andy he was really tempted to call her? I’m pretty sure Amy dumps Ephram and never looks back.
I missed this. Right! If Amy knew! I can't understand why Ephram would ever want or need Madison't phone number. I'm glad he changed his mind and gave Andy the piece of paper.
- What astounds me with Andy/Amanda is they start the disgusting affair at the same time John is showing signs of improvement?
Absolutely disgusting.

- We don’t see Edna/Irv in a while and it’s a serious storyline for them.
I have to admit, I don't enjoy watching their scenes.

- Hannah and Amy school scene is so cute. Everything Hannah said to Amy about her situation with Ephram and making a decision is accurate. I love when Hannah tells Amy the “because you love me” part.
Absolutely adorable!
- Jake gave Edna good advice on what to do about Irv. I know he shouldn’t have been on the screen until the series concludes but moments like these he is a pretty good guy.
I like Jake. He's a good caring guy.

Harold looking at Amanda and Andy as she’s walking into Andy’s office speaks for the entire audience.
Good. Andy and Amanda need an outside conscience. Andy has one somewhat...hence the ulcer, but I really don't believe Amanda has one. I don't see any guilt..she seems to feel entitled to have an affair like everyone else does.

- It’s hard to explain why I hate Amanda so much. LOL. She reminds me of a serpent. She tries to make Andy look like a bad guy for not having an affair with her or not continuing the affair. She looks pissed, goes with passive aggressive comments. It’s beyond a romantic tension although they have that too. It’s just how she is perceived… awful. Anne Heche is such a good actress she plays it perfectly too.
She is like the serpent in the garden of Eden...dangling that apple in front of Andy.
- Bright and Ephram arefriends again. Bright giving Ephram bad advice as usual. How creepy Bright admits he snapped Amy’s training bra.
It's like old times.
- The last Andy and Ephram scene is wonderful.
When these two are in a good place it's golden.

- I really think Andy should have told Ephram about Madison while in the hospital. Ephram said it, you know someone’s true feelings in the hospital.
I never thought of that. Yes...that would have been a good time to fess up. And...Ephram would have been less likely to be pissed at Andy since Andy's in a hospital bed! Andy, you missed your window!

- I forgot to mention Bright eating that big slice of cake was hilarious.
That cake looked good! lol

The Bright and Hannah scene was cute. Hannah, once again, shipping Ephram and Amy and their powerful connection. I love how Hannah refused to give him half of the sandwich. LOL.
She's becoming confident and strong and Bright is liking it!

Ephram/Amy: Amy had every right to be pissed off. Ephram was a complete moron who is lucky Amy never found out he got Madison's phone number and acted like a drooling jerk wondering if he should call her. Like I said, if Amy knew this she would have dumped him. Amy had every right to produce chilly conditions. As far as the issue of Amy having to give up things, it was also fueled by her intense anger towards the lie. Once she was able to have that blow out with Ephram at the dinner table, followed by the initial conversation outside of his house, she could then move on from jealousy/anger/the lie and calm down in order to think intellectually... then she went to Ephram's and apologized for having blamed him for giving things up which she stated as her fault too. I like what she said though as far as how she would have nothing should they break up and Ephram was correct about the Princeton bit too. Amy has really evolved since S1. She has every right to want to have her life fulfilled in every way and not having it revolve only around Ephram. Ephram's lying about the band allowed her to see this so at least something good came of him acting like a manipulative prick.
Yes, something good came out of it....Thank God. Yes, Amy had every right to be upset with Ephram and be cold to him. I just felt that it was over a month of giving the cold shoulder and at this point either **** or get off the pot. Something had to happen...either a breakup (which would have been tragic) or some type of understanding and reconciliation. Thank God we got the latter.

I am happy that Amy and Ephram will now have more balance in their lives and Amy would no longer be the one who is sacrificing her life.

Last edited by everwoodfan52; 03-20-2022 at 04:21 PM
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Old 03-20-2022, 04:42 PM
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Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)
My Thoughts.....

A new Amy friend!
You really did blow it, Ephram. Amy is really (deservedly) giving you a hard time. I'll take that coffee, Ephram!
I wanted that coffee too.

I guess Andy and Amanda did go all the way..
They certainly did.

John is actually blinking on cue. I would be shocked if he didn't hear all of the Andy/Amanda exchanges.
Agreed. He absolutely responded in his own way to her asking if he wanted to go to that facility for therapy. So if he’s going there he’s definitely picking up on what is going on between her and another man. This entire storyline is disgusting because why wouldn’t she have more hope than ever right now? Amanda saying she fell out of love with him is code for I’m sexually attracted to Andy.

Don't Edna and Irv always have a quiet dinner at home alone? Who else lives there.
Irv, you're being really really ridiculous. Your wife is throwing herself at you and you grumble and remain in a snit? Count your blessings!
This storyline made me feel for Edna.

Hannah, the word "heck" is not cussing.

Amy doesn't know how to let it go which I am finding very annoying.
I think it’s progress in that she does bring it up but then the second Hannah tells her no she stops. I feel like at least she’s showing her she cares. It is annoying but quite frankly Hannah should get tested. I know that it is her choice but still. We know she eventually does but I can see why this bothers Amy.

I never thought of it that way......You only want to punch people in the face whom you care about. Well...I'd like to punch some people in the face who I don't care about!

Jake is really funny. I have to give him credit for that. "Broadcast the patient's ass update."
It was super funny. I also liked that he learned from the prior situation with Edna. She showed up late and he threw a fit and yelled at her in front of people. This time he handled it behind closed doors and gave her advice.

Amanda, you weren't kidding. If Andy had said, "Yes," you would have gone to Hawaii with him in an instant!

Ephram is back to whining to Bright about women ad nauseam. So Annoying. Just let Bright enjoy his cake!
A big slice of cake too.

I'd jump at that invite, Ephram. A chance to dine at the Abbott dinner table? Yum!!
I kept eyeing those carrots they were eating. They looked so good. LOL.

An actual smile and thank you from Irv....shocker!

Amy, you are going overboard with these "looks". What does Ephram know about side dishes? Ephram, I think it's time to say good bye and leave. Very awkward for the whole family.
Of course she knew they set it up. And then she got even more pissed off knowing Bright was in on the entire situation and they discussed the Madison thing before actually going to the band gig. I would be furious too. What I would’ve done is just said I’m not hungry and excuse myself or fixed up the plate and went upstairs to my bedroom to eat.

Andy's stomach is a mess and I wonder why! Jake with Balloons and Yoga. It's tough not to like him. Sweet.

I found it kind of unrealistic that he was in an out of the hospital even though he was bleeding from the mouth only several hours before this time. Obviously they did a scope and checked him out thoroughly but found it amazing how they knew all of this so quickly. My grandmother actually had a bleeding ulcer and she was in the hospital for three days. They also didn’t know if it was benign until they biopsied. They didn’t think it was cancerous but still had to wait on results overnight. Now I think they can hot biopsy but back then it took longer. I guess it kind of makes sense if they pumped him with IV medication but still, it was quick. LOL.

Remember Emily on PLL who was a teen collapsed at school, rushed to the hospital and stayed in the hospital overnight with a bleeding ulcer.

Irv!! No, Edna doesn't get it and neither do we! I really can't stand you lately! Holding pattern? No family? You have Edna and her whole family! Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
This bothered me, too. He didn’t really have an urge to get close to Amy either last season. Granted, she was a tough pill to swallow but he didn’t make any effort and even now that she’s better you would think he would want to spend a little time with her considering she was staying with them. Yes, I find it weird how he separates and considers Edna’s family not his. I don’t know where any of this is coming from. I feel like we missed out on an episode where they agreed to leave Everwood.

Ephram is using the "My dad's in the hospital" card. Whatever works!

I kind of don't agree that Amy should give up everything for Ephram. That was her choice.
She realizes it.

Oh no! Amanda! Is this a nightmare. Kind of like Poltergeist. She keeps coming back! Please did this to him!
She reminds me of a serpent or an energy vampire.

Ephram and Andy are so sweet when they are being sweet with each other.

Hannah is much more relaxed around Bright these days and she's really a good friend to Amy....just wants Amy to be happy. I think Hannah is growing on you, Bright.
Yes, I absolutely love how Hannah is around Bright now. She’s confident, expresses her feelings nicely, very intellectual, and wouldn’t let him eat her food. LOL.

She’s a great friend to Amy. I hate to say it but forever I was pissed Laynie left. To be honest I’m not even sure Amy and Laynie were that close. S1, it seemed their friendship was because Amy was with Colin. S2, their friendship was a mess. By far, Laynie was the best friend of Amy’s out of that horrible group but Hannah is a true best friend to Amy.

Boy, Edna is always hot to trot! Irv should count his blessings!
Yes, Leave, Irv...good riddance! You really don't deserve Edna.
That is how I feel right now as well. Does he even know her? Does he honestly think she would be happy living a super slow-paced life right now? Never.

Amy and Ephram have come to a resolution. Thank God!

How many goodbyes do you want, Amanda? Enough with the stopping by! How would you explain this visit if Delia or Ephram were there???
Andy....just tell her you DON'T!!
Agreed. WTF. She went to his medical clinic where Harold witnessed their weird interaction, had the nerve to go to the hospital and then his house... it is like she was borderline stalking him.

Last edited by jediwands; 03-20-2022 at 04:53 PM
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Old 03-20-2022, 05:44 PM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)

This storyline made me feel for Edna.
It definitely made us feel for Edna. She was bending over backwards to please Irv and he wasn't even trying to meet her half way. The fact that he was ready to call the marriage quits was out of left field. No warning whatsoever! The writers often put in scenerios out of the blue for drama sake which were totally out of context for the series! poetic license at it's finest!

I think it’s progress in that she does bring it up but then the second Hannah tells her no she stops. I feel like at least she’s showing her she cares. It is annoying but quite frankly Hannah should get tested. I know that it is her choice but still. We know she eventually does but I can see why this bothers Amy.
Yes, Hannah should get tested and Amy cares very much. The thing is...Amy doesn't often respond to social cues and should realize when it's better to back off.

It was super funny. I also liked that he learned from the prior situation with Edna. She showed up late and he threw a fit and yelled at her in front of people. This time he handled it behind closed doors and gave her advice.
Jake handled this beautifully.

A big slice of cake too.
For a big boy!

Of course she knew they set it up. And then she got even more pissed off knowing Bright was in on the entire situation and they discussed the Madison thing before actually going to the band gig. I would be furious too. What I would’ve done is just said I’m not hungry and excuse myself or fixed up the plate and went upstairs to my bedroom to eat.
That would have been the best way for Amy to handle this. That would have made her feelings known to Ephram and would have spared her family sitting through an awkward situation.
I found it kind of unrealistic that he was in an out of the hospital even though he was bleeding from the mouth only several hours before this time. Obviously they did a scope and checked him out thoroughly but found it amazing how they knew all of this so quickly. My grandmother actually had a bleeding ulcer and she was in the hospital for three days. They also didn’t know if it was benign until they biopsied. They didn’t think it was cancerous but still had to wait on results overnight. Now I think they can hot biopsy but back then it took longer. I guess it kind of makes sense if they pumped him with IV medication but still, it was quick. LOL.
In my day women would remain in the hospital at least 3 days after giving birth. Now the mom goes home the next day. Times have really changed and insurance companies don't like to pay for longer stays in the hospital.

This bothered me, too. He didn’t really have an urge to get close to Amy either last season. Granted, she was a tough pill to swallow but he didn’t make any effort and even now that she’s better you would think he would want to spend a little time with her considering she was staying with them. Yes, I find it weird how he separates and considers Edna’s family not his. I don’t know where any of this is coming from. I feel like we missed out on an episode where they agreed to leave Everwood.
Irv is not an overly warm person. Remember how he acted with Ephram at that cabin season 1? Irv is easily annoyed.

She’s a great friend to Amy. I hate to say it but forever I was pissed Laynie left. To be honest I’m not even sure Amy and Laynie were that close. S1, it seemed their friendship was because Amy was with Colin. S2, their friendship was a mess. By far, Laynie was the best friend of Amy’s out of that horrible group but Hannah is a true best friend to Amy.
So interesting how we are all appreciating Hannah more this time around. She is a good friend who would never teach Amy how to drink Vodka!
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Old 03-20-2022, 09:18 PM
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I thought that this was a rather pivotal but sad episode as several of the main characters came to crossroads in their relationships that left us, and them, with a feeling of uncertainty as to how everything would end up between them.

We saw in the beginning of the episode that Amy was still mad at Ephram and we saw that one of her schoolmates had gotten a key part in an upcoming school dance recital because Amy hadn’t tried out for the part, and this scene marked a key change in Ephram and Amy’s relationship, as his thoughtless actions had made her start to realize how much of her own life she had given up to spend time with him.

We saw that Amanda’s husband John had made progress with his treatment, and Andy helped him to get into a treatment facility that could continue to help him at a higher level than at his home, but as Andy looked on as the doctors from the treatment facility talked about John’s case, we also saw flashbacks of Andy and Amanda making love, which played into the theme of this episode: Complex Guilt.

In this episode, we saw a clearly bored and unhappy Irv withdrawing from Edna, and as the episode progressed, all of her efforts to make him happy, from setting him up in an office so he could write that “Great American Novel” to trying to humor him and make him happy were all to no avail, and Irv said that they needed a break, leaving their relationship in limbo. To be honest, I felt that Irv was very unfair in his complaints to Edna, as he basically disdained and resented her for the fact that she wanted to settle down and be with her family in the town that she grew up in, and although I could understand that he had different aspirations, he totally refused to compromise and try to see or understand her point of view.

We saw Edna snap at a patient and Jake tried to get her to open up about what was bothering her and after an initial reluctance to talk about her personal life, she admitted that Irv was in a funk and he suggested that Irma find something to renew his passion for life.

We saw Amanda come to see Andy, much to Harold’s disdain, and she announced that she was going to Hawaii for a vacation that was long coming, but she gave him her number and things continued to be very awkward between them.

We saw Ephram come to see Bright and he confided in him that Amy was still freezing him out, and Bright said that Amy holds a grudge, and that Amy was phasing him out, which Ephram feared she was doing, and he concocted a typical harebrained Bright scheme to get him back in Amy’s good graces, which backfired as Amy continued to give Ephram the cold shoulder and she harshly lashed at both Ephram and Bright at the dinner that Bright invited him to, so nothing was resolved between them at that point.

We then saw Harold, after witnessing Ephram and Amy fight about Madison, confront Andy about Ephram going to see Madison and about his continuing involvement with Amanda, telling him that his actions constituted sexual misconduct and that he could lose his practice and that the people of Everwood would shut him out forever, and Andy, lashing out in anger, collapsed on the ground, suffering from a bleeding ulcer, and he was taken to the hospital, as all the guilt of hiding Madison’s pregnancy from Ephram and from his engaging in an illicit affair with a married woman literally ate him alive and manifested itself in a bleeding ulcer.

We then saw Andy in the hospital where a well-meaning but goofy Jake encouraged him to do yoga, but then one of the reasons why Andy ended up in the hospital, Amanda, came to see him and it was clearly obvious that Andy was still drawn to her even though he knew what they were doing was wrong and he was taking an enormous risk by continuing their affair.

We saw that Ephram continued to try to apologize to Amy, but Amy said that she had given up everything for her relationship with Ephram, and that one of them had to make a sacrifice for their relationship, and she made that sacrifice, but now she resented him for it, echoing what Irv had said to Edna about his resenting her for not going on that cross-country trip with him. Ephram tried to tell her that he didn’t ask her to make those sacrifices, and Amy replied that his going to see Madison realized her worst fears that if they broke up, she would have nothing and he would have everything, to which Ephram replied “I wouldn’t have you.” We really got to see how Ephram’s thoughtless actions caused incalculable damage to his relationship with Amy, and how even when she wasn’t physically there, Madison caused everyone so much strife and heartache.

We saw Ephram run into Amanda as he went to see Andy and Andy’s guilty feelings were written all over his face, and he told Ephram that he didn’t want to disappoint him, but Ephram said that he was making no judgements and he said that Amy was still mad at him, and he wished that he was in the hospital, because someone being in a hospital can bring out people’s true feelings about them, and that scene showed how much Ephram cared about Andy without Ephram explicitly telling Andy that he cared about him.

We saw Hannah and Bright talk about the issues that Ephram and Amy were having, and this scene illustrated the fundamental differences between Hannah and Bright as Bright admitted that if Ephram and Amy broke up him and Ephram could have fun together without having to ask Amy’s permission, while the more mature and caring Hannah said that she wanted Amy to be happy and that what Ephram and Amy had together was what they all wanted as she mused about finding that special person to be with. I also think that in this episode Bright began to see Hannah in a different light and it gave us a first glimpse of their eventual romantic relationship.

In their final scene together, we saw Amy come to see Ephram and she told him that she needed to get more of her life back, and that things between them were going to change, and Ephram replied that he didn’t want to lose her, but like Irv and Edna, their relationship ended on an ambiguous note, although it seemed to end in a more hopeful way than Irv and Edna’s final scene together.

In their final scene together, we saw an ever-persistent Amanda come to see Andy as she told him that she was falling in love with him and if he didn’t share those feelings she wouldn’t see him again, and he confessed that he was very fond of her and the fact that she was married with a disabled husband who had been his patient made things messy. He then told her abut Julia’s affair and how much it had hurt him, and how he didn’t want to be “that guy” because he hated “that guy,” but he just couldn’t let go of his feelings for Amanda as he answered “yes” to her question if he felt anything for her.

Overall, I found this to be one of the most disappointing episodes of this season so far, but we know the worst is yet to come.
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Old 03-20-2022, 10:01 PM
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Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)
I missed this. Right! If Amy knew! I can't understand why Ephram would ever want or need Madison't phone number. I'm glad he changed his mind and gave Andy the piece of paper.
I missed it too until this rewatch. It’s crazy it took until 2022 for us to focus in on this.

Yes I wish there was an explanation on why Ephram desired her phone number and to possibly call her. Amy never knew this! It’s horrible. I’m glad in a way because she would have broken up. The writers went way too far. Personally I think they wanted to keep the audience thinking “Madison” leading up to the baby reveal bomb but making it seem like Ephram might miss her romantically is just gross and too much. We know what Ephram feels for her after seeing her in NYC (he said he felt nothing) which is why I think it’s maddening they made it seem like he was slightly confused during this time. It poked at the Ephram/Amy Soulmate connection which pisses me off.

Absolutely disgusting.

What makes it worse is the timing of the bleeding ulcer. If they slipped up once (like we saw in the flashbacks) THEN he had the bleeding ulcer and put his foot down there and said never again (like he was essentially trying to) it wouldn’t have been that bad. What makes it so bad is Andy had Harold warning him, indirectly Ephram doing the same (the she’s married comment), and a freaken bleeding ulcer screaming at him to STOP and change his current decisions yet he still goes against logic and moral reasoning.

I have to admit, I don't enjoy watching their scenes.
I’m mad at Irv. I don’t like his behavior at all. Even in the first two seasons there’s many moments when he was rigid and frustrating. Yes, I’m not enjoying their scenes either.

Absolutely adorable!

I like Jake. He's a good caring guy.
He is, indeed. He truly does care about Edna. We know he cares for Nina (and even Sam) and in his own quirky way, Andy too.

Good. Andy and Amanda need an outside conscience. Andy has one somewhat...hence the ulcer, but I really don't believe Amanda has one. I don't see any guilt..she seems to feel entitled to have an affair like everyone else does.
I think so too. I almost feel like she thinks she’s owed something because she has taken care of her disabled husband. Imagine that… actually feeling like she deserves an affair.

She is like the serpent in the garden of Eden...dangling that apple in front of Andy.
Well said. That’s exactly it.

It's like old times.

When these two are in a good place it's golden.

I never thought of that. Yes...that would have been a good time to fess up. And...Ephram would have been less likely to be pissed at Andy since Andy's in a hospital bed! Andy, you missed your window!
Andy could’ve said look what I’m doing… I’m so filled with guilt over trying to keep you safe and protected I developed a bleeding ulcer and start an affair that is wrong in every way to punish myself. How does Ephram get super pissed? He’d be shocked but clearly see how much emotional and physical pain his father was enduring.

That cake looked good! lol

She's becoming confident and strong and Bright is liking it!
Exactly. The shy and bumbling version of Hannah made Bright uninterested and nervous and weirded out. Hannah gains strength, confidence and a fun banter and Bright sees her way differently.

Yes, something good came out of it....Thank God. Yes, Amy had every right to be upset with Ephram and be cold to him. I just felt that it was over a month of giving the cold shoulder and at this point either **** or get off the pot. Something had to happen...either a breakup (which would have been tragic) or some type of understanding and reconciliation. Thank God we got the latter.

I am happy that Amy and Ephram will now have more balance in their lives and Amy would no longer be the one who is sacrificing her life.
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Old 03-21-2022, 06:58 AM
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Ephram was definitely wrong to go and see Madison's band, but I think that there can be a curiosity about an Ex, and when Ephram saw the flyer announcing that Madison's band was in town, his curiosity was piqued and he stupidly took Bright's advice not to tell Amy, and he lied to her and he came very close to losing her.

From Amy's standpoint, she rightfully felt betrayed by Ephram and his going to see Madison played into her insecurities about her, so she then realized how much she had given up in her life to work around Ephram's schedule, and she realized that she needed to think of herself and her own needs more.
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Old 03-21-2022, 07:45 AM
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Originally Posted by everwoodfan52 (View Post)
It definitely made us feel for Edna. She was bending over backwards to please Irv and he wasn't even trying to meet her half way. The fact that he was ready to call the marriage quits was out of left field. No warning whatsoever! The writers often put in scenerios out of the blue for drama sake which were totally out of context for the series! poetic license at it's finest!
Exactly. She literally dipped into her savings to get him that office space too. Yes, that was a quick decision, a financial decision, maybe she should have consulted him before making it happen but her heart was in the right place.

I don't understand this storyline. It has to be what you said... careless dramatic scenarios were thrown out there even if they didn't make much sense.

Yes, Hannah should get tested and Amy cares very much. The thing is...Amy doesn't often respond to social cues and should realize when it's better to back off.
She did though thankfully. Honestly, if I am Amy and a close friend has that gene I am finding it REALLY difficult just let it play out without researching and trying to encourage the person to get tested.

But yes, this is Amy.

Jake handled this beautifully.
He did.

For a big boy!

That would have been the best way for Amy to handle this. That would have made her feelings known to Ephram and would have spared her family sitting through an awkward situation.
... or maybe Bright and Ephram shouldn't have plotted a disaster waiting to happen in the first place. I would have been so pissed and felt manipulated once again just like the band lie if I couldn't feel safe in my own home to eat a meal if my persistent significant is finding ways to press when I clearly stated I am not ready to discuss a situation that was not my fault.

In my day women would remain in the hospital at least 3 days after giving birth. Now the mom goes home the next day. Times have really changed and insurance companies don't like to pay for longer stays in the hospital.
That's so true. Times have really changed.

Irv is not an overly warm person. Remember how he acted with Ephram at that cabin season 1? Irv is easily annoyed.
I thought of that yesterday! Very true. There was no reason for him to be so annoyed and rude at the cabin. Funny how then he was trying to get away to write and concentrate. Edna gave him his own private space in this episode and he got pissed.

So interesting how we are all appreciating Hannah more this time around. She is a good friend who would never teach Amy how to drink Vodka!
This is 100% bang on. Seriously. I have completely changed my take on this, Hannah versus Laynie. Hannah wins. Amy never had a true friend who brings peace, calm, love and understanding in the way that Hannah brings effortlessly.

Imagine if Hannah was around in S1? I think there's a very good chance Amy doesn't sink into her S2 depression.

In addition... when you think about it... Ephram and Laynie S1, even the little date and moments wouldn't have happened if Amy and Laynie were in sync and super close friends. Granted, Laynie couldn't know what was going on really since Amy was with her brother still but it was a weird situation. Some of us wanted Ephram and Laynie to continue to date and even go there in S2... why would we want that if Amy and Laynie were genuinely best friends? We wouldn't have which means deep down most of us understood Amy and Laynie weren't real best friends. Scenarios don't happen like that when true friendships are involved.

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Old 03-21-2022, 07:55 AM
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Originally Posted by Jerry D (View Post)
Ephram was definitely wrong to go and see Madison's band, but I think that there can be a curiosity about an Ex, and when Ephram saw the flyer announcing that Madison's band was in town, his curiosity was piqued and he stupidly took Bright's advice not to tell Amy, and he lied to her and he came very close to losing her.

From Amy's standpoint, she rightfully felt betrayed by Ephram and his going to see Madison played into her insecurities about her, so she then realized how much she had given up in her life to work around Ephram's schedule, and she realized that she needed to think of herself and her own needs more.
My issue isn't the curiosity. I completely understand this. My issue is Ephram getting Madison's phone number from Jay (of all people) and telling Andy he felt very tempted to call Madison. That is disgusting and beyond curiosity in my mind. If Amy knew Ephram got Madison's phone number and was tempted to call her she would have dumped him immediately and rightfully so.

Indeed, that's exactly Amy's deal.
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Old 03-21-2022, 08:00 AM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
This is 100% bang on. Seriously. I have completely changed my take on this, Hannah versus Laynie. Hannah wins. Amy never had a true friend who brings peace, calm, love and understanding in the way that Hannah brings effortlessly.

Imagine if Hannah was around in S1? I think there's a very good chance Amy doesn't sink into her S2 depression.

In addition... when you think about it... Ephram and Laynie S1, even the little date and moments wouldn't have happened if Amy and Laynie were in sync and super close friends. Granted, Laynie couldn't know what was going on really since Amy was with her brother still but it was a weird situation. Some of us wanted Ephram and Laynie to continue to date and even go there in S2... why would we want that if Amy and Laynie were genuinely best friends? We wouldn't have which means deep down most of us understood Amy and Laynie weren't real best friends. Scenarios don't happen like that when true friendships are involved.
I also really like Hannah a lot more this time around and I've really seen what a good friend she's been to Amy.

To be fair to Laynie though, she initially couldn't have known that Amy had feelings for Ephram because Amy was with her brother Colin and she was in denial of her feelings for Ephram, and so to her, Ephram seemed like a cool guy and she was drawn to him because they had their dislike of Everwood in common, but Ephram quickly revealed that he was in love with Amy, so she backed away from him and any chance they had for a romantic relationship was done. I liked Laynie and I still wish that they hadn't written her off the show.
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Old 03-21-2022, 08:02 AM
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Originally Posted by jediwands (View Post)
My issue isn't the curiosity. I completely understand this. My issue is Ephram getting Madison's phone number from Jay (of all people) and telling Andy he felt very tempted to call Madison. That is disgusting and beyond curiosity in my mind. If Amy knew Ephram got Madison's phone number and was tempted to call her she would have dumped him immediately and rightfully so.

Indeed, that's exactly Amy's deal.
That's very true. We had seen how obsessed Ephram was with Madison during the entire time that they were together and so it seems he hadn't quite let go of that obsession yet. We did see that once Ephram saw Madison in New York (before the babygate reveal) that he told Amy he felt nothing for Madison, so that represented a step forward before everything came crashing down.

I think that the writers also wanted to make a point that both father and son have the tendency to ruin anything good in their lives.
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Old 03-21-2022, 08:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Jerry D (View Post)
That's very true. We had seen how obsessed Ephram was with Madison during the entire time that they were together and so it seems he hadn't quite let go of that obsession yet.

I think that the writers also wanted to make a point that both father and son have the tendency to ruin anything good in their lives.
But this is the thing that also bothers me…since Ephram found out Amy liked him he never mentioned Madison again. We never saw a sign of him thinking about Madison up until this point. It came out of thin air.
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Old 03-21-2022, 08:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Jerry D (View Post)
I also really like Hannah a lot more this time around and I've really seen what a good friend she's been to Amy.

To be fair to Laynie though, she initially couldn't have known that Amy had feelings for Ephram because Amy was with her brother Colin and she was in denial of her feelings for Ephram, and so to her, Ephram seemed like a cool guy and she was drawn to him because they had their dislike of Everwood in common, but Ephram quickly revealed that he was in love with Amy, so she backed away from him and any chance they had for a romantic relationship was done. I liked Laynie and I still wish that they hadn't written her off the show.
Definitely. That’s what I said above about Laynie not knowing immediately because Amy was with Colin.

I still found it bizarre that we didn’t receive any close friendship scenes between Amy and Laynie in S1. The audience didn’t even know they were close friends until Ephram and Laynie started interacting at the ski trip and at the Hart’s. Even then the assumption was Amy and Laynie are friends but the big association of why is because Amy was with Colin. In that flashback scene which led to the horrible accident we saw Colin, Bright and Amy together. In the scenes they are playing by the water in the sun it was the three of them. Laynie wasn’t around in any of those flashback scenes. It wasn’t a foursome of friendship, it was a trio of friendship. If Amy and Laynie were so close why wasn’t she around in those scenes from the past?

Like I said, so many of us wanted Laynie and Ephram to date in S2. Why would we want that scenario if we felt truly felt deep friendship between Amy and Laynie? Just like it wasn’t right that Brooke moved in on and dated Lucas or Pacey moved in on Joey. Obviously we felt like Laynie doing it with Ephram is different based on our interpretation of the Amy and Laynie friendship.

I love Laynie too. I’m just seeing that Amy needed a true best friend and Hannah fills that role in a way I didn’t see Laynie going there the first two years. I couldn’t imagine Hannah sitting back and watching Amy with Tommy for example. Laynie hated it to be sure at the end but if Laynie and Amy were super close they would have hung out together instead during S2. It just didn’t feel like a natural genuine closeness to me, not after you see how close Amy and Hannah are together.
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