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jediwands 02-25-2021 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Jerry D (Post 103392895)
Exactly, and we were never allowed to be rid of her.

Which I will never understand. :irked:

jediwands 02-25-2021 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Alexa (Post 103393283)
Sorry I havent replied to any posts I am swamped with work this week UGH. Can it be April now?

It’s okay! :hug:

Jerry D 02-26-2021 05:47 AM


Originally Posted by Auror (Post 103393541)
Which I will never understand. :irked:

Me neither.

jediwands 02-26-2021 06:18 AM


Originally Posted by Jerry D (Post 103395097)
Me neither.

If only the series, Chuck, would’ve started a little earlier Sarah wouldn’t have been available to make post-S2 returns.

jediwands 02-27-2021 11:49 AM

I was trying to post more great quotes in this episode (I haven’t posted yet) and realized I’d be quoting the entire transcript. The episode is that good.

jediwands 02-27-2021 11:52 AM

Posting new episode tonight/early morning. :)

jediwands 02-27-2021 08:28 PM

I’m already watching 1.8. I started it then realized hockey was on tonight (forgot) so pausing until hockey game is over which will be in just a few minutes. I can’t wait to get back to watching the episode. :yay:

jediwands 02-27-2021 10:52 PM

Finished up. Brilliant like always.

Unsticking now and putting up new episode thread!

Jerry D 11-12-2021 07:42 PM


Originally Posted by Everwoodlover (Post 105214578)
Pretty good episode and I liked the flashbacks of the Abbot's during happier times, I too got a weird vibe from Colin, he was definitely planning on breaking up with Amy.

I got that same vibe when I watched this episode. It was also the only real glimpse we got of pre-accident Colin. Amy was infatuated with him, but he didn't seem all that into her, and he came off as cocky.

jediwands 11-12-2021 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Everwoodlover (Post 105214578)
Pretty good episode and I liked the flashbacks of the Abbot's during happier times, I too got a weird vibe from Colin, he was definitely planning on breaking up with Amy.

Certainly, which makes Amy so hung up on him after the accident so frustrating. She never did find out he was planning on breaking up with her and I will always wish she knew. I really think her S2 depression might have been less severe had she understood the situation. Even in S1, she wouldn't have been so intense either. But no one told her and both Laynie and Ephram knew and in my mind, should have told her.

jediwands 11-12-2021 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Jerry D (Post 105214839)
I got that same vibe when I watched this episode. It was also the only real glimpse we got of pre-accident Colin. Amy was infatuated with him, but he didn't seem all that into her, and he came off as cocky.

He really did. She should have been told the truth. You could tell there was tension between Amy and Colin for a while too. Why was he delaying the break up in the first place? She was totally miserable. He was more concerned with getting Bright to drink (which obviously was a key to the accident) and hanging out with Bright and speeding instead. He should have broken up with her long before he was attempting to go there.

slicknickshady 11-23-2021 10:54 PM

So just watched this one.

Yeah, Colin didn’t seem that into Amy pre accident.

This is more after he wakes up but Poor Amy is like how I still am now about the only girl I’ve ever loved who I have not seen since 2003. It’s like you are in love with the idea of what it could be like being with that person. Completely understandable.

Let’s see…

I forgot how much I liked Brian. Shame we only saw him in this episode.

Bright’s guilt showing out. Amy ticked at Colin. Loved Brain and Andy’s porch talk. Berlanti never afraid of dialogue that back then was controversial and just a little less today. As a liberal I’m so proud of how well most of this show has aged. The fixing god mistakes line. Takes balls and I love it. How this writing team made some of the boneheaded decisions it made I’ll never know. Well, of course I know. It was the WB and a few years away before well CW. They always had to have a little soapy drama. I have a hard time thinking Berlanti was a huge fan of it but I think he realized in order to keep it on the air the network wanted more of that then we need wanted.

Mixed CD’s. The good old days!

“I am sorry for whatever I did that pissed you off”.

Smooth Colin. Yeah, this episode was not a great first impression of Colin. Maybe that was for design? By this time during the original airing I thing most shipped Ephramy and it was the start of.. see the guy Amy’s been hung on about? Not so great.

The Nina and Ephram talk was amazing. Just so perfect. She would have been a great step mother if we got to see any of it. Sadly we never will for a multitude of reasons. Just the scene like this shows you that down the line she would have been a great mother for Ephram. And the fact that if we got like a short revival series or whatever.. if they decided to not ignore Nina we would have to deal with Ephram, Andy, and Delia having had to mourn another mother. Gut wrenching. But a powerful scene. Like makes me think he only became obsessed with Madison so hard a year or so later was to try to get on from Amy. I don’t believe he ever felt like that about Madison the way he described his opinion of Amy to Nina.

The flashback scene on the truck.. man. Those other two kids. Just lol. Man I forgot how forgettable the majority of the Colin flashbacks were this episode. The non flashback portions of this episode were top notch.

Twix the Ephramy candy.. forgot about that! Just two good friends… yep. Friends.

And yeah.. wasn’t a big fan of early bright but that was a powerful scene of him coming clean to his father. Then the Harts.

Man that Amy and Ephram scene. Just makes me scream and wonder what took them so long. Oh yes. Manufactured drama.

Final Andy and Ephram scene. This is the same man who told Madison to skip town? Granted I would gave told her that as well but.. lol. My main point. Ephram and Andy still had hardships in S4. It’s too bad we never could get long standing traction in there relationship. But I like to believe that happened from the bachelor party and beyond. Andy did expect one. Lol.

Really didn’t like the ending scene. I see what they were going for. I just thought ending on Andy and Ephram would have been better. Instead they take us out to end on a flashback.

Such a superb episode.

I’ll get to episode 1.8 rewatch tomorrow. Kissy Kissy.

jediwands 11-24-2021 05:25 AM


Originally Posted by slicknickshady (Post 105294612)
So just watched this one.

Yeah, Colin didn’t seem that into Amy pre accident.

This is more after he wakes up but Poor Amy is like how I still am now about the only girl I’ve ever loved who I have not seen since 2003. It’s like you are in love with the idea of what it could be like being with that person. Completely understandable.

Let’s see…

I forgot how much I liked Brian. Shame we only saw him in this episode.

Bright’s guilt showing out. Amy ticked at Colin. Loved Brain and Andy’s porch talk. Berlanti never afraid of dialogue that back then was controversial and just a little less today. As a liberal I’m so proud of how well most of this show has aged. The fixing god mistakes line. Takes balls and I love it. How this writing team made some of the boneheaded decisions it made I’ll never know. Well, of course I know. It was the WB and a few years away before well CW. They always had to have a little soapy drama. I have a hard time thinking Berlanti was a huge fan of it but I think he realized in order to keep it on the air the network wanted more of that then we need wanted.

Mixed CD’s. The good old days!

“I am sorry for whatever I did that pissed you off”.

Smooth Colin. Yeah, this episode was not a great first impression of Colin. Maybe that was for design? By this time during the original airing I thing most shipped Ephramy and it was the start of.. see the guy Amy’s been hung on about? Not so great.

The Nina and Ephram talk was amazing. Just so perfect. She would have been a great step mother if we got to see any of it. Sadly we never will for a multitude of reasons. Just the scene like this shows you that down the line she would have been a great mother for Ephram. And the fact that if we got like a short revival series or whatever.. if they decided to not ignore Nina we would have to deal with Ephram, Andy, and Delia having had to mourn another mother. Gut wrenching. But a powerful scene. Like makes me think he only became obsessed with Madison so hard a year or so later was to try to get on from Amy. I don’t believe he ever felt like that about Madison the way he described his opinion of Amy to Nina.

The flashback scene on the truck.. man. Those other two kids. Just lol. Man I forgot how forgettable the majority of the Colin flashbacks were this episode. The non flashback portions of this episode were top notch.

Twix the Ephramy candy.. forgot about that! Just two good friends… yep. Friends.

And yeah.. wasn’t a big fan of early bright but that was a powerful scene of him coming clean to his father. Then the Harts.

Man that Amy and Ephram scene. Just makes me scream and wonder what took them so long. Oh yes. Manufactured drama.

Final Andy and Ephram scene. This is the same man who told Madison to skip town? Granted I would gave told her that as well but.. lol. My main point. Ephram and Andy still had hardships in S4. It’s too bad we never could get long standing traction in there relationship. But I like to believe that happened from the bachelor party and beyond. Andy did expect one. Lol.

Really didn’t like the ending scene. I see what they were going for. I just thought ending on Andy and Ephram would have been better. Instead they take us out to end on a flashback.

Such a superb episode.

I’ll get to episode 1.8 rewatch tomorrow. Kissy Kissy.

Brilliant thoughts, I enjoyed the read so much, you took me right back to the episode. :clap:

From one liberal to another ;) thanks for it!

break the window 03-05-2023 02:17 AM


- Bucks Rock. Irv, in the beginning of the episode, says the place has some sort of higher power, like people go there to talk to God because of it's Heavenly light? Is it me or is that where Bright went over the ledge in the car that put Colin in a Coma. If i wasn't, why show Buck's Rock anyway? So, after 4th of July, did no one visit Buck's rock, seemed really empty when Bright was there, all by himself, remembering the day of the accident all of his guilt for not saying anything.

- Amy asks Colin what he was thinking about when he had the weird look on his face. And why would it be a girl question. Does a guy never ask another guy what he's thinking about? Anyway, what was Colin thinking about. I'm sure it really wants what he told Amy it was. Colin told Bright he was going to break up with Amy, maybe Colin was thinking about what ways to tell her that he wanted out of the relationship. you think Colin really didn't want to break it off with Amy but knew her feelings were more intense than his were. He joked with Amy that he didn't think about her all hours of the day. Honestly, when they were weren't together, did Colin think about Amy at all? This episode kind of made me like pre-coma Colin a LITTTLE Bit. Still in the doghouse for giving Bright the flask and drinking before he even went to the festival.

- Colin took Amy's confirmation necklace and basically it was so she would go out on a limb (pun intended) and jump into the lake with Colin. That was a cute moment because Colin knew Amy would never jump into the lake off the limb unless she was forced to, so she was forced to because Colin knew how much she loved that necklace.

- Amy tells Colin she loves him. How long has she been wanting to tell Colin that she loved him? I don't think her plan was to just blurt it out at the lake, but in more of a special moment; especially since it's the first person she's told that she isn't related to. He didn't say it back, okay, fine, you don't have to say it back. But he said NOTHING! He just swam away. It proves, once again, that Colin's feelings weren't where Amy's were. What could he say, not that I'm trying to totally defend Colin, but what could he say other than what she said and not offend her. Colin never loved Amy, or at least he was never in love with Amy as she was with him. Colin, since we didn't have a lot of time to spend with him, it's hard to figure out what he really cared about. The most we got from Colin were stories from the Everwoodians and post-coma Colin who was never like pre-coma Colin, from what we did get to see. Did he care about Amy in the beginning and her feelings just grew over time or he was just there for fun and never took it seriously and it was too late to break off something casual, especially when she's throwing out "I love You's" and he doesn't say anything. I'm starting to think that Amy's feelings for Colin were kind of Colin's responsibility too. Him not saying anything to Amy's "I love you" proved he didn't really love her, but he needed to say something. He needed to say how he felt. No matter if Colin said he wanted to end things that day or two months later, it still would've broken Amy's heart. Colin cared, yes, but Colin cared just enough to not really feel a whole lot. Maybe it was the small town where he knew he'd see Amy every day or that he was best friends with her brother which would complicate things more than ever. It doesn't matter when it has to be done. Colin thought Amy would tire of him and break it off herself, but she didn't. Colin underestimated Amy's resilience to keep holding on.

- Andy is going over all the specifics to the brain surgery with The Harts. The surgery will last at least 8 hours. Did I miss something? When did Andy say he would do the surgery? Andy is flying in an assisting surgeon from New York. :shrug:

- Colin's been in a coma for 4 months? How long have The Brown's been in Everwood? Colin was put into a coma at the accident in July and it's been 4 months. The Browns moved to Everwood in seems like The Browns have been in Everwood a lot longer than 4 months? Maybe I'm putting too much credit into the timeline :shrug:

- Andy has performed over 2,600 surgeries and was a practicing neurosurgeon for 15 years. Of course, doing the math, that averages 3 week per week. We are led to believe that Andy is in a surgery once per day, which is partially correct since every surgery we hope that Andy prepared for what he was walking into and didn't think he was THAT BIG of a GOD'S GIFT that he could just walk in blind and heal up the person on the table and walk out like it was nothing. If he did a surgery, let's say five days a week, it would be 3,600 which is where I think the number is closer to since he was never home! Okay, carry on :D

- So, Uncle Brian comes to visit, and Uncle Brian is the visiting surgeon. How long as Andy known Brian for his children to consider them Uncle Brian and is Brian the only surgeon colleague that close to Andy and his family. We're getting to know more and more about Andy's life in New York, especially with this episode. To bring food all the way from New York, give Delia a hat and knowing she loves hats and giving Ephram an album that he obviously really liked. How well did Andy get along with the other surgeons. Also, Ephram seemed to really like Brian and didn't scowl at him like he did to Andy and everyone else that he didn't want to be friendly with.

- Harold as 2 university degrees and a Mensa degree. What is a Mensa degree and what are the two universities that Harold attended. We know one was where Andy did a surgical rotation at. And Harold is too cheap to pay someone from the store to install the Satellite Dish. Was it because it was 2003 that it was so cheap or that it as a small town and the owners like Harold and Rose...more Rose I would imagine.

- Love how small this town is that Rose is minding the store for the Harts while Colin is in surgery. Didn't know that still happened after the 80s.

- Bright isn't going to Colin's surgery and of course it upsets Amy because she thinks the entire town is supposed to be there for Colin's surgery. Amy thinks that Bright should be there as much as she is to support Colin. I wanted to shake her and tell her not everyone is obsessed with Colin as she is. Bright isn't that person to lay out all of his feelings and wants everyone to know what he's thinking. Bright could pretend what happened didn't happen when Colin was in the coma because what people think happened, didn't actually happen. Still with me? :D I don't know if Bright was afraid Colin would spill the beans and tell everyone what happened if he remembered, or that the truth couldn't be hidden anymore, and Bright was eating himself alive by not saying anything. How long could Bright keep up the charade and let people think Colin was driving. And, I want to know, if the police think Colin was driving from where he was thrown from the vehicle...what was left of that vehicle and why is Bright walking away, especially, like it never happened. This is what I don't understand, Bright was driving, in the driver's seat before and during the crash. How could the car flip them around so bad that police wouldn't question where Colin and Bright were and thought they were right to assume Colin was driving. How is Bright simply just OKAY or did I miss t where Bright was in the hospital too?

- 4th of July festival memories. Colin knows about Guns and the Kentucky Rifle? He's done some light reading. He wants Harold to think that he's this intelligent young man dating his daughter. Anyone else think that Colin simply knew the guns that were being used and looked up some information to impress Harold and the family? I want to believe he is a good kid deep down, but do "light reading" on guns and know what Curly Mape Kentucky Long Rifle is? Come on, no teenager is that committed. Amy is mat at Colin and brushes him off when he compliments her costume. Colin seems really confused as to why Amy is not speaking to him. Goes to show he doesn't know Amy at all when he just lets her walk away without even knowing what she's upset about. I'll say it....Ephram wouldn't let her walk away mad :look:

- Andy is telling Brian about Colin's accident, all the medical terms of what the accident did to Colin's brain and the skull entirely. It's nice to see Andy talking his neuro medical terms. He still has the confidence of a neurosurgeon even if he doesn't believe it himself. He hasn't performed a sugery in a year and he talks like he just did one yesterday. It was fun to see that side of Andy without all the New York cockiness that came along with him in the pilot.

- Going to the end of the episode for a bit, when Brian asked Andy to come back to New you think that was part of the motive he came out to Everwood? Some of the higher ups in New York found out that the Great Doctor Brown was performing a neurosurgery in Colorado and wondered what it would take to get him back. Let's say if...BIG IF...if Andy hadn't met Nina and after Ephram moved out of Everwood and Delia went off to college, would Andy go back to any form of neurosurgery? I know he liked being a country doctor and being a father, but what if it was just him. Andy loves medicine, especially the surgical kind. What do you think?

- Andy told Brian that he was scared and needed a familiar face and has performance hitters. Maybe he's out of miracles and that he's a different person. I think if The Harts bought Colin to New York for The Great Doctor Brown to operate on him, he'd be challenged at the odds and go for it. Andy wouldn't know Colin, he'd never have had the meeting with The Harts as he did his office in Everwood. It would've made it easy for Andy, harder on the Harts because he would've been a surgeon who didn't care. And what if the same complication happened in New York as it did in Colorado, would Andy have taken time the time to get the same fragment out since blood was pouring into where the fragment was. I just wonder how being in Everwood changed Andy not only as a father but as an operating surgeon as well.

- Brian says Andy is a gifted surgeon and was put on earth to fix God's mistakes. I don't think, until this episode, I really didn't know how talented Andy was in operating on the brain. This confirms that Andy really did give up an extraordinary life to be a father to his children and fulfill a promise to his wife. Now it puts it into perspective of what Harold was going on about a big time doctor coming to their small town of Everwood...and since we now know that Harold was introduced to Doctor Brown beforehand.

- Delia is assisting Andy getting ready at the bathroom sink :love: This is adorable. How many times did Delia assist Andy in New York? We get a question out of Delia that I didn't think we'd get. Delia wondered if Andy would be at the hospital all day again like he was in New York. I didn't think Delia noticed Andy being gone as much as Ephram did. Now it's clear that she did know how much he was gone and she missed her dad. She just wasn't as vocal about it as Ephram....only because Ephram was so angry at Andy for everything in life. I think Delia feared on her own terms that Andy would be back to the workaholic he was in New York and wouldn't be around as much.

- Ephram made a huge breakfast for Andy and even served him cream cheese. Also, he made a mixtape. Questions. Did Ephram ever do this in New York for Andy...we know that is a no. Also, did Ephram make a mixtape for Andy because it was a big surgery and first surgery in New York or because it was Colin Hart...the person Amy's heart for? How did Ephram know to make him a mixtape. Now I'm wondering, when Brian gave Andy the mixtapes that Julia made for Andy's surgeries, was it really Ephram making them and Julia just delivering them? Any ounce of compassion Ephram had towards Andy was almost masked with anger. Brian even said Ephram can't hate Andy but so much if he makes the breakfast and a mixed CD out of the blue. Again, is it for Andy or is it for Amy?

- Harold telling Bright that basically everything is going to be okay because Andy is an unbelievable surgeon and Bright said he's the "axis of evil," :lmao: So, what other things does Harold have to say about the Great Doctor while the doctor himself is not around. Axis of evil, this is a new one. With Harold giving Andy so much credit of being an unbelievable surgeon, did Harold get to see Andy work? Has Harold read up on Andy and his wonderful gift of curing people to know that he is a gifted surgeon? After knowing Harold originally met Andy during a rotation at a different hospital, it's hard to know how much Harold really knows about The Great Doctor.

- Amy calls Ephram on the payphone (the an antique in these times) :lmao: and says she wants to check in with normal. If she wanted to check in with normal, why not call Rose at the Hart's store and see how things were going or check in at home to see how Harold is doing with putting together the satellite dish. No, she called Ephram. Ephram isn't normal as in the sense he brings her back down to earth...he's the guy who helps keep her grounded and not get crazy in the first place. She is literally waiting for her, as she says, boyfriend to make it through brain surgery and calls the guy she wants to kiss and hold hands with and check into normal. Can we already smell a relationship happening or is it just the bad hospital food?

- Amy remembering the day of the parade and her having to tell Colin they were fighting. If he knew Amy so well, he'd know they were fighting. And Amy is the longest relationship he's ever had? They couldn't have been dating for so long and only being like 15-year-olds so that tells you he doesn't spend so much time on the girls he's with and it almost makes sense that Colin would want to break up with Amy. Not just because she's more in love with him than he is with her, it's because he doesn't do relationships and he doesn't want to be in one anymore and just feels bad because Amy has real feelings. I don't think, up to that point, Colin had ever been in a relationship with a girl who had as strong feelings as Amy did. Colin was in uncharted territory; he really had no experience in breaking up with a girl who cared so much.

- Nina telling Ephram to go to the hospital is probably what saved Amy that day. Sure, Amy was thinking about Colin and ran to him once the surgery was over, but it's who she wanted to be with when the surgery was going on. Ephram is letting Amy toss him around like a bean bag and he has no idea where to look next. If Amy was honest with him about her feelings for him, Ephram would know she'd want him at the hospital and not having to realize it six hours later when he actually did show up. Amy's world brightened when Ephram showed up with snacks and board games. Something so simple to Ephram meant the world to Amy.

- Bright tells The Harts he remembers everything that happened and that he was the wrong driving. My question is, if Bright was driving and the police assumed it was Colin driving because of where Colin's body ended up, what the hell happened to that truck and how hard did they land on the ground. Furthermore, why doesn't Bright look like he's got a scratch on him. I know it's been months, but for Colin to not be driving and gets thrown and Bright...what...stayed in his seat when the car hit the ground? Unless Colin wasn't wearing his seatbelt and was thrown through the windshield? I don't think the specifics of how Colin was ejected from the vehicle was ever discussed that is just my theory. Bright didn't say anything because he knew Amy would kill him. It's not like Bright was going out there to intentionally hurt Colin or anyone else. Again, it's the whole protecting Amy scenario. Why is everyone protecting her? But then again, we see how Amy reacts to anyone saying Colin won't wake up, like she's already written the story, and, in her story, Colin will wake up and whatever anyone else says is not true and won 't happen. I feel for Bright. He wasn't trying to save himself, which I thought he was since he was drinking and probably driving without his license, He was protecting Amy....because she was so fragile? Goes to show that Amy put everything she was worth into Colin and didn't require anything back. I'm just glad she found her strength and Ephram helped her do that :love:

- Amy is going to tell Colin how sorry she is that they had a big fight that day about her saying "I Love You" and how he didn't say it back. So, is this the reason why Amy wanted Colin to wake up, so she could apologize for them fighting and take back what she said?

- I think, in the waiting room, Amy finally had some clarity. When Ephram tried to make Colin sound better and defend him, Amy finally said it....Colin never really loved her. Colin didn't want to just go for a joyride in his dad's truck, but he wanted to get away from Amy. That part MIGHT be true on some level, but I think Colin, as usual was just bored, and wanted to get out of town for a little while. Colin wasn't made for a small town like. Everwood. He was always onto something else, even girls. He was never settled or satisfied staying one place.

- Ephram was sure Julia's accident was his fault. Have we ever determined where Julia was going when she was hit by the drunk driver? I know they were all supposed to meet for dinner and the kids weren't with her. Was Julia on her way to pick up Ephram and then pick up Delia, that would make sense he would blame himself. It would actually make a lot of sense of Ephram being more of a jerk than usual when they first moved to Everwood. It wasn't that Ephram hated the parent he was left with, but he thought the parent he loved more than anything in the world wasn't there, and it was his fault. What a burden to carry for any age, especially if it's a 15-year-old.

- At the end of the day, Ephram was the only one to show up. When the series started, Amy seemed to have every friend in the world. But when it came down to it, Ephram was the only one who cared. The sad thing is that Colin, the Everwood Golden Boy, was having cutting edge brain surgery and not one bothers to show up. Everwoodians have a certain way they show their loyalty. Everyone seemed to show up and tell Andy he failed when Colin died, but where are they when Andy is doing something right to help Colin wakeup. Misery loves company.

- Brian asked Andy to return to New York after his "sabbatical," and Andy says this is his home. If Andy had already made it clear that he wasn't going back to New York, would Brian have come to help with Colin's surgery. Was the hospital in New York secretly holding Andy's spot for when he is doing being a regular, country doctor. Even if Paul Yates is performing double aneurysms.

- I think Ephram let his guard down with Andy in this episode. I think Andy really proved he really was a miracle worker when going in to a patient who had been in a coma for months and try to essentially, wake himup. Ephram said he'd never paly scrabble with Andy, there was like a gleam in his eyes that he actually liked talking to Andy...maybe as more than a son, but a friend.

I didn't get much...oomph, out of this episode like I have some of the others. I feel like, in some ways, this was a filler episode leading to the big moment when Colin Hart does in fact wake up and then we know where things go from there. I don't remember all of it, so the reviews will be interesting.

I feel like Everwood is broken up into many parts.

1. Before Colin's accident.
2. When Colin is in a coma.
3. When Colin wakes up.
4. When Colin dies
5. After Colin is buried.

I guess we're now moving into Chapter 3 :shrug:

jediwands 03-05-2023 12:04 PM

^^^ Wonderful thoughts! :clap:

I moved this weekend, but the minute I have longer than a second I will be responding. :D

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