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ChristinaL80 11-29-2015 10:22 AM

#6 - 3 votes - Eliminated

Part 1 - Pacey and Joey Favorite Quotes Survivor

*Vote for your least favorite quote[s].
*You may vote only once every round.
*The quote[s] will be eliminated when it has three votes or after a couple of days.
The winner of Part 1 will go up against the winner of Part 2 in an ultimate round.

Round 7

1.Eliminated Round 4

2. JOEY: Pervert
PACEY: Prude

3. DR. RAND: Joey, meet your new lab partner.
JOEY: Him?!
PACEY: Her?! you never told me I was going to be working with a repressed control freak!
JOEY: And you never told me my grade was dependent upon some remedial underachiever!
DR. RAND: Well, wonderful. I see no introductions are necessary.

4. JOEY [to Pacey]: Let me get this straight. You tried to create some kind of snail menage a trois?
PACEY: Well it sounds pretty stupid when you say it out loud.

5. PACEY: You know, it's amazing. A personality like yours and you still can't get any dates.
JOEY: Even more amazing. A personality like yours and you can.

6. Eliminated Round 6

7. PACEY: No peeking.
JOEY: Oh, yeah, the idea of seeing you in your birthday suit is really my idea of a thrill.

8. Eliminated Round 2

9. Eliminated Round 1

10. JOEY: Of all the people to see me like this; it had to be you.
PACEY: You know, it's a new year. Who knows you and I could become friends.
JOEY: Pacey, I'm upset enough as it is.

11. JOEY[to Pacey]: We're going to keep changing our minds.. and sometimes even our hearts.

12. Eliminated Round 5

13. PACEY: When does a person start believing the general consesus about themselves?
Joey: When it's right.

14. PACEY [to Principal]: Well, coming from a just-minded soul such as yourself, I’m sure your punishment will be nothing but fair, sir.
JOEY: Well thank you, Eddie Haskell.
PACEY: Where is your school spirit Josephine?
JOEY: I think I left it cowering in the bushes.
PACEY: Now that is a gross misconception. I hurled myself upon the flames of responsibility.
JOEY: I hope a deer tick crawled in your ear and laid eggs.

15. JOEY: Permission to come aboard?
Pacey: Permission granted.

16. DANCE INSTRUCTOR: Right. You see what I mean? See the hostility, the way they’re wary with each other. Not to mention the whole bickering and name calling. Now these two clearly are in the early stages of some screwball mating ritual.
PACEY: What?
JOEY: Okay, you got it all wrong lady.
PACEY: Completely!
JOEY: Actually, you could not be more wrong.

17. PACEY [to Dawson about Joey]: Look at her — she’s a freakin’ goddess. How long do you think it’s gonna be before some guy, somewhere, notices that and gets interested in her?

18. PACEY : You want to know something Miss Josephine Potter? I think the world may just surprise you yet. I mean you fall in love, and it doesn’t work out, you think it will never happen, but it does, believe me it does, in the strangest of places. (He looks down).

19. PACEY: Yeah, she is pretty. She is very, very pretty. She’s actually the kind of pretty that gives you butterflies, you know what I mean?
DOUG: Yeah, never lose the butterflies.

20. PACEY: So then what you’re really saying then is given the highly dysfunctional nature of our relationship this is actually how you express concern for me.
JOEY: You’ve got to learn to read between the banter, Pacey.

21. JOEY: Pacey, if I was going to thank you for anything, it would be for being yourself, and, you know, for not caring about what anybody else thinks, and for knowing in your heart what’s right and wrong, and…for being there this year…when I needed you the most.

22.PACEY [to Joey at the wall he bought her]: Oh, I just thought your next endeavor should be bigger and better than your last one. You know, it’s important that you keep growing both as a person and as an artist. I also got you this. [He gives her a gallon of paint.] Now, I know it’s not gonna cover the whole thing, but as the saying goes, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

23. JOEY: Pacey, you’re unbelievable. I mean, as soon as I think I have you all figured out, you go and you do something so outrageous—that completely challenges me in a way that no one else would even think of, that … in case I don’t say it enough, thank you.
PACEY It’s about time, Potter.

24.PACEY [to Buzz about Joey]: She’s so beautiful that every time you look at her, your knees tremble, your heart just melts, and you know right then and there, without any reservations that there is order and meaning to the universe.

25. Eliminated Round 3

26. JOEY: No, because I’m 16, and in my entire life there’s been 2 people who actually know me, Pacey. Dawson and…
PACEY: This A.J. guy didn’t know you. I don’t care how you felt about him, Jo, he didn’t know you, cause if he did, he never would have walked away.
JOEY: I was going to say you, Pacey.

27.JOEY: It means that… I guess it… It means that I can talk to you, and that you’re there for me…
PACEY: Don’t you ever get tired of talking?
JOEY: No. I don’t…
PACEY: Well I get tired of talking…
JOEY: I don’t get tired. I don’t…
PACEY: I don’t want to talk anymore.
JOEY: What are you trying to say? Why are we standing

28.JOEY: Pacey, get your butt away from me.
PACEY: My butt wants nothing to do with your butt, okay?

29.PACEY: You know for a bright girl, you can be really daft sometimes, why do you think I came here? I came here to be with you! It's as simple as that. When you like somebody, proximity is a good thing, regardless of how they feel about you... or don't as the case may be.

. JOEY: I felt it.
PACEY: What?
JOEY: This morning. Your arm brushed up against me in bed, and… And I felt it.
PACEY: How did it feel?
JOEY: Made me feel alive.

31.PACEY: Ok. Joey, I’m going to kiss you now.
JOEY: You can’t.
PACEY: Jo, you can’t say something like that to me and expect me not to kiss you, so that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna kiss you in about 10 seconds. And if you don’t want me to kiss you… Well, if you don’t want me to, I guess then you’re just gonna have to stop me. 10.

32. PACEY [to Joey]: It’s tearing me up on the inside to have these feelings for you, but I can’t get rid of them.

33. PACEY [to Joey] If you felt even one shred of what I feel for you, then we wouldn't be standing here having this conversation

34. JOEY: This isn’t exactly the easiest thing I’ve ever had to do, Pacey. Telling Dawson that while he wasn’t looking, I developed this bizarre, gravitational pull towards his best friend and I can’t stop thinking about him or wanting to be near him or wanting to kiss him all the time.

35. JOEY: I need him. [telling Dawson about Pacey.]

36. PACEY [to Joey talking about her braclet while dancing at Anti-Prom]: See this? This is you. It’s not showy or gaudy. It’s simple. Elegant. Beautiful.

37. PACEY [to Joey while dancing]: I remember everything.

38. JOEY: Look, I don’t want to stop you Pacey. I don’t want to stop Dawson. And I don’t want to be stopped. Not by either of you. Not by anyone. That’s what this whole year has been about. We’ve been trying to stop each other from moving on and growing up, but not you. I mean, you’re different. And you’ve challenged me every step of the way. And you’ve been there every step of the way.

39. JOEY: I think I’m in love with you.
PACEY: You think, or you know?
JOEY: I know. I’ve known it since the moment you kissed me, and maybe even before that. And as scary as it is, I don’t want to deny it anymore Pacey. I don’t want to run from it, and I don’t want to let it run from me.

40. JOEY: I want to come with you.
PACEY: What? Are you crazy?
JOEY: Nope. I want to stop standing still and move forward. I wanna come with you.
PACEY: What about Bessie and the B&B? They need you.
JOEY: Not as much as I need you.


Butterfly85 11-29-2015 01:09 PM

7. I just noticed, I think when Pacey said "If you felt even one shread of what I feel for you, we wouldn't be standing here having this conversation." Should be here but there are so many great quotes, what can you do lol. On the other hand I was pleasantly suprised Joey saying "I need him," is there, I love when she says that even though her vulnerability and Dawson being a douche made me want to just give her a hug.

ChristinaL80 11-29-2015 03:54 PM

Butterfly, I added Pacey's quote for you. We haven't even touched the end quotes yet, so I made it an even 40 quotes.

I included, "I need him" because I always loved when she said that to Dawson.

hshapir2 11-29-2015 04:08 PM

I love when she says that. She says it's completely separate from how she needs Dawson and their friendship. Dawson says she can't have Pacey as her boyfriend and him as her consolation prize. Dawson knew Joey chose Pacey in her heart and couldn't accept it, so he knew the only way to keep her was to give her an ultimatum. I notice in Show Me Love that Joey even says she hates Dawson for making her choose between their friendship and what she could have had with Pacey

Butterfly85 11-29-2015 07:07 PM

Thanks for adding the quote, that was another great line by Pacey.

ChristinaL80 11-29-2015 09:11 PM

YW. It is a great line.

msstock87 11-29-2015 10:25 PM


DylanLovesKelly 11-30-2015 07:13 AM


JJH85 11-30-2015 08:36 AM

I think I'll go with #7 as well

ChristinaL80 11-30-2015 01:01 PM

#7 - 3 votes - Eliminated
#13 - 1 vote

Part 1 - Pacey and Joey Favorite Quotes Survivor

*Vote for your least favorite quote[s].
*You may vote only once every round.
*The quote[s] will be eliminated when it has three votes or after a couple of days.
The winner of Part 1 will go up against the winner of Part 2 in an ultimate round.

Round 8

1.Eliminated Round 4

2. JOEY: Pervert
PACEY: Prude

3. DR. RAND: Joey, meet your new lab partner.
JOEY: Him?!
PACEY: Her?! you never told me I was going to be working with a repressed control freak!
JOEY: And you never told me my grade was dependent upon some remedial underachiever!
DR. RAND: Well, wonderful. I see no introductions are necessary.

4. JOEY [to Pacey]: Let me get this straight. You tried to create some kind of snail menage a trois?
PACEY: Well it sounds pretty stupid when you say it out loud.

5. PACEY: You know, it's amazing. A personality like yours and you still can't get any dates.
JOEY: Even more amazing. A personality like yours and you can.

6. Eliminated Round 6

7. Eliminated Round 7

8. Eliminated Round 2

9. Eliminated Round 1

10. JOEY: Of all the people to see me like this; it had to be you.
PACEY: You know, it's a new year. Who knows you and I could become friends.
JOEY: Pacey, I'm upset enough as it is.

11. JOEY[to Pacey]: We're going to keep changing our minds.. and sometimes even our hearts.

12. Eliminated Round 5

13. PACEY: When does a person start believing the general consesus about themselves?
Joey: When it's right.

14. PACEY [to Principal]: Well, coming from a just-minded soul such as yourself, I’m sure your punishment will be nothing but fair, sir.
JOEY: Well thank you, Eddie Haskell.
PACEY: Where is your school spirit Josephine?
JOEY: I think I left it cowering in the bushes.
PACEY: Now that is a gross misconception. I hurled myself upon the flames of responsibility.
JOEY: I hope a deer tick crawled in your ear and laid eggs.

15. JOEY: Permission to come aboard?
Pacey: Permission granted.

16. DANCE INSTRUCTOR: Right. You see what I mean? See the hostility, the way they’re wary with each other. Not to mention the whole bickering and name calling. Now these two clearly are in the early stages of some screwball mating ritual.
PACEY: What?
JOEY: Okay, you got it all wrong lady.
PACEY: Completely!
JOEY: Actually, you could not be more wrong.

17. PACEY [to Dawson about Joey]: Look at her — she’s a freakin’ goddess. How long do you think it’s gonna be before some guy, somewhere, notices that and gets interested in her?

18. PACEY : You want to know something Miss Josephine Potter? I think the world may just surprise you yet. I mean you fall in love, and it doesn’t work out, you think it will never happen, but it does, believe me it does, in the strangest of places. (He looks down).

19. PACEY: Yeah, she is pretty. She is very, very pretty. She’s actually the kind of pretty that gives you butterflies, you know what I mean?
DOUG: Yeah, never lose the butterflies.

20. PACEY: So then what you’re really saying then is given the highly dysfunctional nature of our relationship this is actually how you express concern for me.
JOEY: You’ve got to learn to read between the banter, Pacey.

21. JOEY: Pacey, if I was going to thank you for anything, it would be for being yourself, and, you know, for not caring about what anybody else thinks, and for knowing in your heart what’s right and wrong, and…for being there this year…when I needed you the most.

22.PACEY [to Joey at the wall he bought her]: Oh, I just thought your next endeavor should be bigger and better than your last one. You know, it’s important that you keep growing both as a person and as an artist. I also got you this. [He gives her a gallon of paint.] Now, I know it’s not gonna cover the whole thing, but as the saying goes, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

23. JOEY: Pacey, you’re unbelievable. I mean, as soon as I think I have you all figured out, you go and you do something so outrageous—that completely challenges me in a way that no one else would even think of, that … in case I don’t say it enough, thank you.
PACEY It’s about time, Potter.

24.PACEY [to Buzz about Joey]: She’s so beautiful that every time you look at her, your knees tremble, your heart just melts, and you know right then and there, without any reservations that there is order and meaning to the universe.

25. Eliminated Round 3

26. JOEY: No, because I’m 16, and in my entire life there’s been 2 people who actually know me, Pacey. Dawson and…
PACEY: This A.J. guy didn’t know you. I don’t care how you felt about him, Jo, he didn’t know you, cause if he did, he never would have walked away.
JOEY: I was going to say you, Pacey.

27.JOEY: It means that… I guess it… It means that I can talk to you, and that you’re there for me…
PACEY: Don’t you ever get tired of talking?
JOEY: No. I don’t…
PACEY: Well I get tired of talking…
JOEY: I don’t get tired. I don’t…
PACEY: I don’t want to talk anymore.
JOEY: What are you trying to say? Why are we standing

28.JOEY: Pacey, get your butt away from me.
PACEY: My butt wants nothing to do with your butt, okay?

29.PACEY: You know for a bright girl, you can be really daft sometimes, why do you think I came here? I came here to be with you! It's as simple as that. When you like somebody, proximity is a good thing, regardless of how they feel about you... or don't as the case may be.

. JOEY: I felt it.
PACEY: What?
JOEY: This morning. Your arm brushed up against me in bed, and… And I felt it.
PACEY: How did it feel?
JOEY: Made me feel alive.

31.PACEY: Ok. Joey, I’m going to kiss you now.
JOEY: You can’t.
PACEY: Jo, you can’t say something like that to me and expect me not to kiss you, so that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna kiss you in about 10 seconds. And if you don’t want me to kiss you… Well, if you don’t want me to, I guess then you’re just gonna have to stop me. 10.

32. PACEY [to Joey]: It’s tearing me up on the inside to have these feelings for you, but I can’t get rid of them.

33. PACEY [to Joey] If you felt even one shred of what I feel for you, then we wouldn't be standing here having this conversation

34. JOEY: This isn’t exactly the easiest thing I’ve ever had to do, Pacey. Telling Dawson that while he wasn’t looking, I developed this bizarre, gravitational pull towards his best friend and I can’t stop thinking about him or wanting to be near him or wanting to kiss him all the time.

35. JOEY: I need him. [telling Dawson about Pacey.]

36. PACEY [to Joey talking about her braclet while dancing at Anti-Prom]: See this? This is you. It’s not showy or gaudy. It’s simple. Elegant. Beautiful.

37. PACEY [to Joey while dancing]: I remember everything.

38. JOEY: Look, I don’t want to stop you Pacey. I don’t want to stop Dawson. And I don’t want to be stopped. Not by either of you. Not by anyone. That’s what this whole year has been about. We’ve been trying to stop each other from moving on and growing up, but not you. I mean, you’re different. And you’ve challenged me every step of the way. And you’ve been there every step of the way.

39. JOEY: I think I’m in love with you.
PACEY: You think, or you know?
JOEY: I know. I’ve known it since the moment you kissed me, and maybe even before that. And as scary as it is, I don’t want to deny it anymore Pacey. I don’t want to run from it, and I don’t want to let it run from me.

40. JOEY: I want to come with you.
PACEY: What? Are you crazy?
JOEY: Nope. I want to stop standing still and move forward. I wanna come with you.
PACEY: What about Bessie and the B&B? They need you.
JOEY: Not as much as I need you.


Butterfly85 11-30-2015 01:11 PM

I think I'll go with 5 this time.

DylanLovesKelly 11-30-2015 01:36 PM

5 for me as well :D

SRBleyton4ever 11-30-2015 03:36 PM


DylanLovesKelly 11-30-2015 04:30 PM

#5 - 3 votes - Eliminated

Part 1 - Pacey and Joey Favorite Quotes Survivor

*Vote for your least favorite quote[s].
*You may vote only once every round.
*The quote[s] will be eliminated when it has three votes or after a couple of days.
The winner of Part 1 will go up against the winner of Part 2 in an ultimate round.

Round 9

1.Eliminated Round 4

2. JOEY: Pervert
PACEY: Prude

3. DR. RAND: Joey, meet your new lab partner.
JOEY: Him?!
PACEY: Her?! you never told me I was going to be working with a repressed control freak!
JOEY: And you never told me my grade was dependent upon some remedial underachiever!
DR. RAND: Well, wonderful. I see no introductions are necessary.

4. JOEY [to Pacey]: Let me get this straight. You tried to create some kind of snail menage a trois?
PACEY: Well it sounds pretty stupid when you say it out loud.

5. Eliminated Round 8

6. Eliminated Round 6

7. Eliminated Round 7

8. Eliminated Round 2

9. Eliminated Round 1

10. JOEY: Of all the people to see me like this; it had to be you.
PACEY: You know, it's a new year. Who knows you and I could become friends.
JOEY: Pacey, I'm upset enough as it is.

11. JOEY[to Pacey]: We're going to keep changing our minds.. and sometimes even our hearts.

12. Eliminated Round 5

13. PACEY: When does a person start believing the general consesus about themselves?
Joey: When it's right.

14. PACEY [to Principal]: Well, coming from a just-minded soul such as yourself, I’m sure your punishment will be nothing but fair, sir.
JOEY: Well thank you, Eddie Haskell.
PACEY: Where is your school spirit Josephine?
JOEY: I think I left it cowering in the bushes.
PACEY: Now that is a gross misconception. I hurled myself upon the flames of responsibility.
JOEY: I hope a deer tick crawled in your ear and laid eggs.

15. JOEY: Permission to come aboard?
Pacey: Permission granted.

16. DANCE INSTRUCTOR: Right. You see what I mean? See the hostility, the way they’re wary with each other. Not to mention the whole bickering and name calling. Now these two clearly are in the early stages of some screwball mating ritual.
PACEY: What?
JOEY: Okay, you got it all wrong lady.
PACEY: Completely!
JOEY: Actually, you could not be more wrong.

17. PACEY [to Dawson about Joey]: Look at her — she’s a freakin’ goddess. How long do you think it’s gonna be before some guy, somewhere, notices that and gets interested in her?

18. PACEY : You want to know something Miss Josephine Potter? I think the world may just surprise you yet. I mean you fall in love, and it doesn’t work out, you think it will never happen, but it does, believe me it does, in the strangest of places. (He looks down).

19. PACEY: Yeah, she is pretty. She is very, very pretty. She’s actually the kind of pretty that gives you butterflies, you know what I mean?
DOUG: Yeah, never lose the butterflies.

20. PACEY: So then what you’re really saying then is given the highly dysfunctional nature of our relationship this is actually how you express concern for me.
JOEY: You’ve got to learn to read between the banter, Pacey.

21. JOEY: Pacey, if I was going to thank you for anything, it would be for being yourself, and, you know, for not caring about what anybody else thinks, and for knowing in your heart what’s right and wrong, and…for being there this year…when I needed you the most.

22.PACEY [to Joey at the wall he bought her]: Oh, I just thought your next endeavor should be bigger and better than your last one. You know, it’s important that you keep growing both as a person and as an artist. I also got you this. [He gives her a gallon of paint.] Now, I know it’s not gonna cover the whole thing, but as the saying goes, “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

23. JOEY: Pacey, you’re unbelievable. I mean, as soon as I think I have you all figured out, you go and you do something so outrageous—that completely challenges me in a way that no one else would even think of, that … in case I don’t say it enough, thank you.
PACEY It’s about time, Potter.

24.PACEY [to Buzz about Joey]: She’s so beautiful that every time you look at her, your knees tremble, your heart just melts, and you know right then and there, without any reservations that there is order and meaning to the universe.

25. Eliminated Round 3

26. JOEY: No, because I’m 16, and in my entire life there’s been 2 people who actually know me, Pacey. Dawson and…
PACEY: This A.J. guy didn’t know you. I don’t care how you felt about him, Jo, he didn’t know you, cause if he did, he never would have walked away.
JOEY: I was going to say you, Pacey.

27.JOEY: It means that… I guess it… It means that I can talk to you, and that you’re there for me…
PACEY: Don’t you ever get tired of talking?
JOEY: No. I don’t…
PACEY: Well I get tired of talking…
JOEY: I don’t get tired. I don’t…
PACEY: I don’t want to talk anymore.
JOEY: What are you trying to say? Why are we standing

28.JOEY: Pacey, get your butt away from me.
PACEY: My butt wants nothing to do with your butt, okay?

29.PACEY: You know for a bright girl, you can be really daft sometimes, why do you think I came here? I came here to be with you! It's as simple as that. When you like somebody, proximity is a good thing, regardless of how they feel about you... or don't as the case may be.

. JOEY: I felt it.
PACEY: What?
JOEY: This morning. Your arm brushed up against me in bed, and… And I felt it.
PACEY: How did it feel?
JOEY: Made me feel alive.

31.PACEY: Ok. Joey, I’m going to kiss you now.
JOEY: You can’t.
PACEY: Jo, you can’t say something like that to me and expect me not to kiss you, so that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. I’m gonna kiss you in about 10 seconds. And if you don’t want me to kiss you… Well, if you don’t want me to, I guess then you’re just gonna have to stop me. 10.

32. PACEY [to Joey]: It’s tearing me up on the inside to have these feelings for you, but I can’t get rid of them.

33. PACEY [to Joey] If you felt even one shred of what I feel for you, then we wouldn't be standing here having this conversation

34. JOEY: This isn’t exactly the easiest thing I’ve ever had to do, Pacey. Telling Dawson that while he wasn’t looking, I developed this bizarre, gravitational pull towards his best friend and I can’t stop thinking about him or wanting to be near him or wanting to kiss him all the time.

35. JOEY: I need him. [telling Dawson about Pacey.]

36. PACEY [to Joey talking about her braclet while dancing at Anti-Prom]: See this? This is you. It’s not showy or gaudy. It’s simple. Elegant. Beautiful.

37. PACEY [to Joey while dancing]: I remember everything.

38. JOEY: Look, I don’t want to stop you Pacey. I don’t want to stop Dawson. And I don’t want to be stopped. Not by either of you. Not by anyone. That’s what this whole year has been about. We’ve been trying to stop each other from moving on and growing up, but not you. I mean, you’re different. And you’ve challenged me every step of the way. And you’ve been there every step of the way.

39. JOEY: I think I’m in love with you.
PACEY: You think, or you know?
JOEY: I know. I’ve known it since the moment you kissed me, and maybe even before that. And as scary as it is, I don’t want to deny it anymore Pacey. I don’t want to run from it, and I don’t want to let it run from me.

40. JOEY: I want to come with you.
PACEY: What? Are you crazy?
JOEY: Nope. I want to stop standing still and move forward. I wanna come with you.
PACEY: What about Bessie and the B&B? They need you.
JOEY: Not as much as I need you.


JJH85 11-30-2015 08:17 PM

I'm going to go with #11 this round.

Is this Part 1 of our favourite quotes Survivor? There are so many great quotes from Season 4.

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