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Old 12-16-2006, 06:05 AM
Elite Fan

Cris's Avatar
Joined: Dec 2004
Posts: 26,797
Soulmates(DJo)#353~"Cause with him, she felt like she was part of something special"

Welcome to the #351 Dawson Wade Leery and Josephine Lillian Potter Appreciation Thread

The actors behind Dawson Leery and Joey Potter are James Van Der Beek and Katie Holmes.

*Why do we say Daisies and Roses for Dawson and Joey?*
[ Courtesy of Britney ]

In the second season premier, which is called "The Kiss" Dawson and Joey have their first date, and on that first date Dawson gives Joey a Daisy, he said he thought of everything, chocolates, diamonds, convertibles - but he settled for foliage.

And foliage is good.

Then in the 602, entitled, "The Song Remains the same", which is the second episode of season 6, Dawson and Joey sleep together, and that morning Dawson gives Joey a White rose, and its increadibly romantic. Joey says that theres a $500 fine to pick them, and he says, It's worth every penny. I think thats the reason why we consider them the Daisy and Roses couple.


Once that was said, a little intro about our couple: who they are and what they mean to each other. Thanx Coolcat200 for this review (about Coda, episode 423) that explains, so beatifully, what D/J are:

*True North*
By Logan

It's there. There's no doubt.

But what is it. It's undefinable and yet it's unmistakable: the thickening of the air when Joey and Dawson share a scene.

Is it chemistry? Joey and Pacey have chemistry, but it's not like what she has with Dawson.

It's something different. It's something more.

I've never been one to go in for the whole soul mate thing, but I think it fits. These two people are part of each other, extensions of each other. No matter where they go or whom they are with, they will always come back together because one can't survive without the other.

Joey said that Dawson is her magic. She loved, maybe still loves, Pacey but the magic faded. Love alone wasn't enough to sustain them. But with Dawson, after everything they have been through, the magic still flows.

Dawson wasn't thanking Spielberg. The director wasn't the most prolific influence in his life. He didn't shape Dawson and make him the man he is today. Joey did that.

There's no doubt that they love each other, and that they always will. But it more than that.

It's about finding someone whose life is so intrinsically linked to your own that you don't know where you end and they begin? And not only being okay with that, but also craving it.

It's about finding someone who is so much a part of you that you can't imagine who you would be without them.

It's about knowing a person so well that even when the walls are up you see right through them.

And no matter where they go from here, Dawson and Joey are that for each other: and they always will be.

And that is what this show is all about.

You can say that again!! Nothing will ever change that, and that is why we, and everybody else (even the ones who won't admit it out loud ) know that these two would eventually get back together. Once and for all.
In fact, why don't you check out the DJ Movie which explains it all:

Enter an alternative universe _____

Now, on with the show...

*Movie Night Dreamers & Daydream Believers*

1. Beatriz
2. Brighter Than Sunshine
3. Cris
4. eatyourgreens
6. Deb D
7. sassy pie
8. M_J_23
9. pacenjen
10. azjdfan
11. taubman
12. Free_Falling
13. RoswellDreamer5
14. True Daisy lover4ever
15. Swamy
16. Lor-baby
17. nghn
18. dnj4evainluv
19. *Nora*
20. Ellasblues
21. sweetee
22. PiCkLeS4dAwSoN
23. JVDBFan20
24. Jax527
25. Ana Luthor
26. Toscane
27. dcfriends
28. 80sBabygirl
29. * Sonia *
30. star22
31. jessica20121984
32. -Kelly-
33. Kates123
34. OyWithThePoodlesAlready
35. SethxMarissa
36. Just like Patty Pryor
37. DCMars22
38. Moni_Leery
39. mariakr
40. Josephine Leery
41. Richardjer.
42. katieandjames
43. OneGirlRevolution
44. Paradise
45. heaven85
46. oth_angel
47. wistfuldreamer
48. TMoney
49. Beautifulgoodbye15
50. ~Kissin In The Rain~
51. SweetAsCandy
52. pixierock88
53. Emilie**
54. Black mamba
55. Hachiko
56. Sybil
57. Ms_X
58. tathynha
59. whatsername
60. affinity
61. Whichway2Capeside
62. MirkwoodPrincess
63. Edoardo
64. Callalily
65. AintNoN8
66. TarynAsh
67. bigNHfan
68. unfloppy
69. Freshgirlly908
70. ale-la-pazza1
71. Karen H.
72. sxy_readr3
73. iaiaCarter
74. Emily
75. Babybirdd
76. ErinlovestheOC
77. "!True&Love!"
78. jhlover
79. Jenna
80. Tes!
81. Dorkodancer
82. thaly
83. andre_silva

*D/Jer's on The Creek*
[ Courtesy of *Nora* ]


"You two are so meant to be together. If I'm sure of anything, that's it."
-- |#301 "Like A Virgin"| --

(after D/J shared their first kiss) (to Joey) "You have that look, that cheeky, yet sneaky 'I got lucky' look!"
-- |#201 "The Kiss"| --


"I think it's time that the two of you got your shot, cuz the way I see it, you never did. And this world can use as many Romeo and Juliet's as it can get."
-- |#504 "The Long Goodbye"| --

"Dawson, Joey is 100%, head in the clouds, ass backwards in love with you, alright?"
-- |#107 "Boyfriend"| --

"Joey, you're gonna go to your grave pining away for your best friend who has no idea that you lust after him morning, noon and night."
-- |#110 "The Scare"| --

(sees D/Jo dancing) "That is the happiest I've seen you (Joey) all night. I think it's actually the happiest I've seen you in weeks."
-- |#420 "Promicide"| --


"Dawson, I may be friends with Joey,'re her soulmate."
-- |#218 "A Perfect Wedding"| --

Mike Potter

"Dawson Leery, he loves you, Joey."
-- |#112 "Decisions"| --

"Dawson looks at you the way your mom used to look at me."
-- |#112 "Decisions"| --

"You love him, Joey. Did you tell him? (Joey shakes her head no) You have to tell him."
-- |#112 "Decisions"| --

(sees Dawson coming over) (to Joey) "Dawson Leery...I was sure when I got out you two'd be an item."
-- |#218 "A Perfect Wedding"| --


"If you asked him to stay, he would."
-- |#423 "Coda"| --

"I'm just another roadkill on the 'Dawson and Joey' highway."
-- |#602 "The Song Remains The Same"| --

(on Dawson) "You won in that rivalry, Joey, hands down."
-- |#212 "Uncharted Waters"| --

(on Dawson) "I'm just trying to figure out why you act as though I'm this demon that came into town and stole away your one true love."
-- |#212 "Uncharted Waters"| --

"How are the two star crossed lovers?"
-- |#201 "The Kiss"| --

"Look at him, he's totally into Joey. He's in love with her."
-- |#203 "Alternative Lifestyles"| --

(Talking about William and Mary, but actually reffering to Dawson and Joey) "Come on, Joey. Hop on the happy train. Sounds to me like those two were madly in love."
-- |#307 "Escape to Witch Island"| --


"You know, I don't get it. They make such a great couple..."
-- |#215 "...That Is The Question"| --


"You and Joey are the far and away the more compelling couple."

"Oh please, this friends thing that you guys do. As if you're actually over each other."


(talking about D/Jen and Jack/Joey) "How sad, romantic destiny fulfilled with the wrong people."
-- |#211 "Sex, She Wrote"| --

"But then I thought...Dawson? No way. He's saving himself for Joey."
-- |#211 "Sex, She Wrote"| --

(after she saw D/Jo kiss on a dare) "Joey, it's obvious you're in love with Dawson. I saw a kiss that could set the atlantic ocean on fire."
-- |#106 "Detention"| --

Chris Wolfe

"Dawson, the way you and Joey are fighting...there's bound to be a lot of make up sex in the future."
-- |#207 "The All-Nighter"| --

Prof. Wilder

(talking about Jo's essay about her kiss with Dawson) "The problem with your story, Joey Potter, is that it ends at the very moment it should begin."
-- |#501 "The Bostonians"| --


"Ello, ello, ello. Leery's got a bird!"
-- |#602 "The Song Remains The Same"| --

Mitch Leery

"It ain't over...till it's over, Dawson."
-- |#423 "Coda"| --

"He'll figure it out, Joey."
-- |#504 "The Long Goodbye"| --


"Don't worry, Dawson. She loves you back."
-- |#110 "The Scare"| --


"I think that Sammy (Joey) and Wade (Dawson) are soulmates who'll be forever connected by a transcended love."
-- |#213 "His Leading Lady"| --

"Please, I see you with Jack when your heart is so clearly with Dawson."
-- |#213 "His Leading Lady"| --

Audrey Lidell

"Besides, if I know you two, there are things to be said, bitter sweetness to be had, things requiring nature and alone time and...whatnot."
-- |#522 "The Abby"| --

"So...where is it? The room. The scene for so many nights of teen romance and angst."
-- |#522 "The Abby"| --

"He's at the AIRPORT.....GO!!!"
-- |#502 "The Lost Weekend"| --

Andie McPhee

"She is never going to love you like she loves him, Pacey, ok? He is her first love, Pacey. Her first love."
-- |#320 "The Longest Day"| --

Future Teller

(to Dawson) "A soulmate walks in your path. One you have known many lifetimes before this one. She knows you well. She sees into your soul, she feels your pain. [...] That which is lost can be found again."
-- |#217 "Psychic Friends"| --


(after Dawson told him about Joey) "Listen, I don't know what's going through your head, man, but....that story? The way you told it? Sounds like the sun rises and sets with this girl."
-- |#519 "100 Lightyears Away From Home"| --


Tom Kapinos

"Well, my feelings are this, and this is just one writer's opinion, but to me the show is about Dawson and Joey and it's about these two people who meet really young, and they are sort of meant to be. They are soulmates, but life gets in the way, and it's impossible when you're that young to sustain a relationship like that. So each person has to go off and have other relationships that are positive and real and important. I think Dawson and Joey ultimately... I would like to think they would make their way back to each other, but in the meantime they have all these other relationships to explore."

Anna Fricke
"I'll say this: I do think that this show, regardless of my opinion, is about the love between Dawson and Joey. When you cut everything else away, those two are at the heart".

Greg Berlanti

"I sort of always make the case that [Dawson's Creek] is about a pair of soulmates who met too young, and that's who Joey and Dawson are, but part of the power of our show is, how do these people still manage to find their way back to each other?"

James & Katie

Katie: Yeah, we have no idea. What’s so fun about these two characters is, it is something that is so untouchable, that connection that everyone can kinda relate to, I think. I mean, I think most people have a Dawson and a Joey. (looks at James)
James: Yeah.
Both nod.
Katie: And so it's really fun, so we don’t necessarily have to know where these two characters are going because it's something we can really play with because it is very realistic that they were go in and out, in and out and in and out.

Someone in the audience asked "My favorite part of watching this show is the relationship and the connection between dawson and joey. Do you think that after all this time, after everything they've been through, that there's still hope for them to have another shot at a relationship or even get their friendship back?" And then James and Katie looked at each other and seemed to be thinking about it together (they interacted a lot and seemed to be good friends, which was really sweet to see. They would kinda look at each other and try to help each other answer questions, and a couple of times she even rubbed his leg) Katie: I'd hate to think that there's no hope left, because that would be pretty depressing... (and then James said something, but i can't really remember what it was!! I think it was something about their connection being really significant... or something... but the whole time he said it he was looking at her, like he was answering to try to help her figure out what she was trying to say) Katie: (still staring at James as if looking for confirmation) but... I don't know if it's realistic to say that they'd end up together forever and ever... Katie: (and then Katie has this look-- I’ll try to describe it-- It was like she was looking at him, then she rolled her head towards the audience and her body kinda perked up (like her shoulders moved up and her eyes got a little big she smiled a bit) and added) Or maybe it is! (ETA: OH, i know how she said it! remember in crossroads, when Dawson says "I’m glad i don't know everything about you, Cuz every day you amaze me." and she kinda looks away and then rolls her head back towards him and her shoulders perk up and she grins suddenly and goes "GOOD!" That's exactly how she said "Or maybe it is!"

James: (laughing) But whether it's realistic that they haven't slept together yet is another question entirely! And I thought they both ended the seminar with some great answers to the question about what they want to have happen to their characters by the end of the show. Katie laughed a little and was like "i wish Joey success and happiness!" and then she mentioned how she wants Dawson and Joey to have one last hurrah.

And then I just thought James' answer about what he wants to have happen to Dawson was really intelligent and sweet, and a great way to end the whole thing: "He has the rare fortune of knowing what he wants to do early in life. And like anyone I care about, I want to see him succeed and get his chance to do what he loves, just like this show has given us that same chance."

*Random quotes*

"Holmes is, as usual, too adorable for words, and she and Van Der Beek continue to be a fine match."

"Once at the point of a love triangle with half-brothers and arch-rivals Nathan and Lucas Scott, Peyton finds herslef digging a new boy. We're still pulling for her and Lucas in a Dawson/Joey kind of way."

From the casts 5/14/03 TRL visit:

Lala: Now what has been your favorite moment of all the Dawson's Creek episodes?
Fan (Kimberly): That would have to be when Dawson and Joey "got together".
Lala: Yes, we know what your talking about, got together.

"Keeping Up With the Love Joneses"
Here are TV's greatest romances. From Tony and Carmela to Max and Logan, picks the relationships that won viewers' hearts, by Jessica Shaw.

Joey and Dawson (''Dawson's Creek'')
What guy didn't wish he had a childhood buddy like Joey, a tomboy who once slept in his bed and all of a sudden blossomed into a teenage beauty queen? What girl didn't wish she had a friend like Dawson, a sensitive, kind, cerebral partner in crime? There was so much sexual tension between these two that when they finally kissed, it seemed like the entire world would implode. Okay, so the world did implode and she started dating his best friend and he wouldn't speak to her for what seemed like years. Still, anyone who has one ounce of faith in love would bet on these two ending up talking about Steven Spielberg, debating family dysfunction, and rowing romantically together down the creek."

*Moments that made us laugh, cry, and sigh*
[ Courtesy of Nagihan ]

Season 1:

Season 2:

Season 3:

Season 4:

Season 5:

Season 6:

Find out the ~ 500 reasons why we love Dawson Leery and Joey Potter ~

To find some Dawson and Joey goodness, you can go here:


~ Pure Magic ~ | ~ Bed of Roses ~ | ~ Peter's fanfiction ~ | ~ Soulmates ~ | ~ Dawson and Joey Art Collection ~ | ~ James and Katie Webpage ~


~ Be careful what you wish for: episode 2.16 fanlisting ~ | ~ Reunited: episode 2.20 fanlisting ~

If you have a site you would like to be added to the opening post, please let us know.

*Love set to music*

If there was something that always defined D/J and their history, was music. Music never lies, and that is why I would like to post in here some observations made by Brandi about some of the lyrics used for our couple. It was (and it still is) Dawson and Joey all the way baby! They even have their own song, written specially for them: "Joey girl", by Binge (see lyrics scrolling down)

[ Courtesy of Brandi ]

I was listening to my D/J comp CD's last night, and I just fell in love with D/J's songs all over again. I listened to them straight through for hours, and I kept hearing the same themes popping up in the songs:


"Love for all my life, to have and to hold"- (Sunday Kind Of Love)
"He and I, we needed a brass band"- (Thistle)
"Someday somebody gonna ask you, a question that you should say yes to"- (Questions)
"He wants to marry me, carry me far away"- (Thinking Over)


"In the rain, the pavement shines like silver"- (On My Own)
"And rain falls angry on the tin roof"- (I'll Be)
"I fall alseep to the sound of London rain"- (London Rain)
"Kiss the rain whenever you need me"- (Kiss The Rain)


"Too long, too far from home"- (Full Of Grace)
"Without a home, without a friend, without a face to say hello to"- (On My Own)
"Now I'm just rolling home, into my lover's arms"- (Broken Road)
"I'm coming, I'm coming home to you"- (London Rain)
"It feels like home to me"- (Feels Like Home)
"You see that I'm crying, though I'm going home"- (Music To My Ears)
"He took her by the hand, walked her back home, and they took the long way"- (Questions)
"So I took a little time, and you took a little space, but the house is feeling cold"- (Tell Me)
"So when I lose my way, please call me home, I pray"- (Your Love)


"God blessed the broken road that lead me straight to you"- (Broken Road)
"Like the path of a star, I'll be everywhere you are"- "(Say Goodnight, Not Goodbye)
"When the road gets dark, and you can no longer see"- (Have A Little Faith In Me)
"Maybe this road we're on's the very thing that's come between us; maybe it's the highway to the very thing that just might save us"- (Each Little Mystery)
"I take the road that's right, even if I'm left alone"- (Wait For The Way)
"You're really somewhere down the road...I know"- (Souviners)
"But borrowed faith is just not the road to take"- (Camelot)
"The path of nails and scars is the only way"- (Camelot)
"We may never meet again on the bumpy road to love"- (Can't Take That Away From Me)
"There are two roads to walk down, and one road to choose"- (Thinking Over)

Even in the lyrics, it's clear that D/J are on the "road" to each other, because they are each other's "home". Even though that journey may be a long one and has a lot of obstacles ("rain"), once they finally reach "home", they will be together forever. The music doesn't lie!


"Joey Girl"
Performed and written by Binge

All the things that we've been through
And all the things we didn't do
The colors fade
The seasons change
And all the time I've waited here for you

All the things that I should have done
To all the wars we've never won
The stars will fall
The leaves will change
My love for you will always be the same

Joey, my arms are open for you
Joey, you know that you are mine
Joey, you know that I adore you

Joey girl, someday I'll make you mine

It seems to me that I've been here once before
Can't you see that it's all worth fighting for
You used to come in through my window
But I can't wait here anymore, Joey girl...

All that signs that I misread
All the things I should have said
They haunt me now
But things will change
My love for you will always stay the same

Joey, my arms are open for you
Joey, you know that you are mine
Joey, you know that I adore you
Joey girl, someday I'll make you mine
I'll make you mine...

Watch the video! (coming soon)

Dawson & Joey Soundtrack

1. "Joey Girl" - Binge
2. "I'll Stand By You" - The Pretenders
3. "Happiness" - Abra Moore
4. "Full Of Grace" - Sarah McLachlan
5. "Healing Hands" - Marc Cohn
6. "Grace" - Michelle Malone
7. "Truly, Madly, Deeply" - Savage Garden
8. "On My Own" - Katie Holmes
9. "Surrounded" - Chantal Kreviazuk
10. "Angel" - Sarah McLachlan
11. "I'll Be" - Edwin McCain
12. "Broken Road" - Melodie Crittenden
13. "Say Goodnight" - Beth Nielsen Chapman
14. "Out Of My Head" - Fastball
15. "London Rain" - Heather Nova
16. "Have A Little Faith In Me" - John Hiatt
17. "Good Intentions" - Aryana
18. "Kiss The Rain" - Billie Myers
19. "Luckiest Guy" - The MacAnanys
20. "WooHoo" - Newsboys
21. "Harvest Moon" - Donna Lewis
22. "Each Little Mystery" - Seven Mary Three
23. "Hands" - Jewel
24. "Kiss Me" - Sixpence None The Richer
25. "She's So High" - Tal Bachman
26. "Did You Ever Love Somebody?" - Jessica Simpson
27. "Hold On To Me" - Cowboy Junkies
28. "Acoustic #3" - Goo Goo Dolls
29. "Driving You Crazy" - Tia Texada
30. "You Get What You Give" - New Radicals
31. "Know What You Mean" - Sister
32. "In My Life" - Trina Hamlin
33. "Sunday Kind Of Love" - Jenifer Kruskamp
34. "Where Are You Tonight?" - The Devlins
35. "Wait For The Way" - Beth Nielsen Chapman
36. "Frozen Charlotte" - Natalie Merchant
37. "How" - Lisa Loeb
38. "Shimmer" - Shawn Mullins
39. "Once Again" - Michael Brandmeier
40. "Feels Like Home" - Chantal Kreviazuk
41. "Lose Your Way" - Sophie B. Hawkins
42. "Ready For A Fall" - P.J. Olsson
43. "Cry Ophelia" - Adam Cohen
44. "Time After Time" - Tuck & Patti
45. "Absolutely (Story Of A Girl)" - Nine Days
46. "Break The Chain" - Sue Medley
47. "I Do" - Jude
48. "If" - Dragmatic
49. "Mrs. Potter's Lullaby" - Counting Crows
50. "Never Ending" - Wood
51. "Imagine" - John Lennon
52. "Devoted" - Julie Plug
53. "Daydream Believer" - Katie Holmes / James Van Der Beek
54. "Let That Be Enough" - Switchfoot
55. "Music To My Ears" - Jenny Bruce
56. "Little Things" - Chantal Kreviazuk
57. "Don't Speak" - No Doubt
58. "Souvenirs" - Mary Beth Maziarz
59. "I'm Gonna Make You Love Me" - The Jayhawks
60. "Fields Of Gold" - Eva Cassidy
61. "Freedom From Shame" - Michelle Cummings
62. "Camelot" - Sweetsalt
63. "But Not For Me" - Elvis Costello
64. "Heart And Soul" - Bruce Patch
65. "They Can't Take That Away From Me" - Lisa Stansfield
66. "Roses Around My Feet" - Tish Hinojosa
67. "Wonderful Thing" - Vagabond Lovers
68. "Aftershocks" - Mary Beth Maziarz
69. "When We Collide" - K.D. Lang
70. "Waiting For My Real Life To Begin" - Colin Hay
71. "Pinch Me" - Barenaked Ladies
72. "Rock Me To Sleep" - Jill Sobule
73. "How You've Grown" - Natalie Merchant
74. "Daydream Believer" - Mary Beth Maziarz
75. "Thistle" - Breech
76. "Question" - Old 97's
77. "Selective Memory" - Eels
78. "Ghost" - Eastmountainsouth
79. "Ruth Marie" - Mark Kozelek
80. "Loud" - Matt Nathanson
81. "I Remember" - Sabrina Judge
82. "I'm Not Afraid" - Remy Zero
83. "This Way" - Jewel
84. "Tell Me" - Randi Driscoll
85. "Long Year" - Sweetsalt
86. "Seven Years" - Norah Jones
87. "Tell Her This" - Del Amitri
88. "Mary" - Kristin Hoffmann
89. "Found" - Jonah
90. "As I Lay Me Down" - Sophie B. Hawkins
91. "Your Love" - Laura Doyle
92. "Confessions" - Lea Longo
93. "Healing Hands" - Marc Cohn
94. "Thinking Over" - Dana Glover
95. "Complicated" - Avril Lavigne
96. "Drops Of Jupiter" - Train
97. "Against All Odds (Take A Look At Me Now)" - Phil Collins
98. "When You Love Someone" - Bryan Adams
99. "I Will Always Return" - Bryan Adams
100. "Ten Days" - Missy Higgins
101. "Breakable" - Fisher
102. "True North" - Fisher
103. "You Sang to Me" - Marc Anthony
104. "In Your Eyes" - Peter Gabriel
105. "Something That You Said" - The Bangles
106. "You'll Be In My Heart" - Phil Collins
107. "Can't Stop Loving You" - Phil Collins
108. "The Way We Were" - Barbra Streisand
109. "You and Me" - Lifehouse
110. "Wild Heart of the Young" - Karla Bonoff
111. "How Far" - Martina McBride
112. "How Can I Not Love You" - Joy Enriquez
113. "The Special Two" - Missy Higgins
114. "My Happy Ending" - Avril Lavigne
115. "Lost Without You" - Delta Goodrem
116. "Simple Together" - Alanis Morissette
117. "After All" - Peter Cetera & Cher
118. "Goodbye My Lover" - James Blunt
119. "Dawson & Joey Theme #1" - Adam Fields
120. "Dawson & Joey Theme #2" - Adam Fields
121. "What Hurts the Most" - Rascal Flatts
122. "More than Anyone" - Gavin DeGraw
123. "Listen to Your Heart" - DHT
124. "When the Stars Go Blue" - Bethany Joy Lenz and Tyler Hilton
125. "Home" - Michael Buble
126. "Come Back Down" - Lifehouse
127. "Unplayed Piano" - Damien Rice
128. "Unbreakable" - Westlife
129. "Blind" - Lifehouse
130. "My Immortal" - Evanescence
131. "Open Arms" - Journey
132. "Run" - Snow Patrol
133. "Hurt" - Christina Aguilera
134. "Chasing Cars" - Snow Patrol

Remember: something has to end to begin again. This end was just a new beginning for D/J, like it always has been, because they are...

"What we have is forever". "Yes, it is". "I love you Dawson". "I love you too Joey". "You and me always". "Always".

So keep the D&J love going!

* Former Thread Titles *

247 Daisies & Roses for D/Jo cuz "The relationships that last...
248 Daisies & Roses for D/Jo Because the last time he felt this alive he was with her
249 Daisies & Roses for D/Jo: "Because To Us...they are together. And it's forever"
250 daisies & roses for D/J: 'cause they'll always be there. For us, & for each other
251 daisies and roses for D/J: "These two people are part of each other � "
252 daisies and roses for D/J:"Cause she made him speechless and he made her nervous"
253 daisies-roses 4 D/J:"cuz she'll always love him, & that love will always b there"
254 daisies & roses 4 Dawson & Joey "Bc she's so lucky to have fallen in love...
255 daisies & roses 4 Dawson & Joey: "Cuz they were priceless. They will always be"
256 daisies&roses 4 Dawson&Joey:"She's always believed in him, she's his biggest fan"
257Daisies&Roses 4 Dawson&Joey:They'll never love anyone the way they love each other
258 Daisies & Roses 4 Dawson & Joey: After they made love, words lost all meaning
259 Daisies & Roses 4 Dawson & Joey:“He’s her best friend, he understands her better then anyone else.”
260 Daisies/Roses 4 D/Jo:"She just wanted to go home, and home was in his arms.”
261 Daisies/Roses 4 Dawson & Joey:"They are far and away the more compelling couple."
262 Daisies/Roses 4 D/Jo: She’s his conscience, his soulmate, and his inspiration.
263 Daisies & Roses 4 D/Jo:“Cuz of the intense, sexual vibe between the two of them.”
264 Daisies/Roses 4 D/Jo:“At the end of the day, she wants him there with her."
265 Daisies/Roses 4 D/Jo:“All he could do is daydream about one thing, kissing her."
266 Daisies/Roses 4 D/Jo:It was raining & the moment they touched, the rain stopped.
267 Daisies & Roses 4 Dawson & Joey:“His eyes drifted slowly back to her.”
268 Daisies & Roses 4 D/Jo:“All she could think about was that he had held her hand.”
269 Daisies & Roses 4 Dawson & Joey: Because they are the Porn Stars of Capeside
270 Daisies & Roses 4 D/Jo:“Cuz, it sounds to us like those two were madly in love."
271 Daisies & Roses 4 Dawson & Joey: Cuz they got ‘The Lovers’ card.
272 Movie Nights 4 Dawson & Jo: “General Rules do not apply to them, never have.”
273 Movie Nights 4 Dawson & Jo: Samual L. Jackson sang only for them
274 Soulmates (D/Jo): 'Cause after all this time, it still feels like home.
275 Soulmates This world could use all the Romeo and Juliet's it can get
276 Soulmates The Room. The scene for many nights for teen romance & angst
277 Soulmates Cuz he promised her he'd let her use the leather straps
278 Soulmates She knows him well. She sees into his soul, She feels his pain.
279 Soulmates Because we wipes all of her tears away
280 Soulmates One of those couples thats a couple even when their not together
281 Soulmates They were pure and innocent. My ass.
282 Soulmates How does it end? It doesn't
283 Soulmates No matter how much they yell or how quiet they are...
319 Soulmates It began with a kiss
320 Soulmates (D/Jo): They were in love, DEAL WITH IT.
321 Soulmates (D/Jo): Their love is always going to be there.
Soulmates (DJo) #322 ~ "Because he is what matters to her"
Soulmates (DJo) #323:That night on the dock, he gave her his necklace, and his heart.
324 Movie Nights 4 D/Jo: Even J/K thought it was absurd they never talked that summer.
Soulmates (D/Jo) #325: "He's the only one who knows her whole history."
Soulmates (D/Jo) # 326: “Their intense, smoldering eye chatter: like sex in a glance.”
Soulmates (D/Jo) #327: "Because when the snow fell, she made a wish for them."
Soulmates (D/Jo) #328: "Jo's morning after glow...the long fingers theory makes sense."
Soulmates (D/Jo) #329: "It wasn't about not wanting her. It was about wanting her too much."
Soulmates (D/Jo) #330: "The most romantic, beyond any movie we could ever imagine kiss."
Soulmates (D/Jo) #331: "They had the power to break each other like no one else could."
Soulmates (D/Jo) #332: She will always have him.
Soulmates (D/Jo) #333:"The story of a Daydream Believer and a Homecoming Queen."
Soulmates (D/Jo) #334:"Because she loves Dawson. He is her soulmate."
Soulmates (D/Jo) #335: He's the one good, constant thing in her life.
Soulmates (D/Jo) #336:When she’s not with him, she’s missing lot's, she's missing everything
Soulmates (DJo)#337: After everything, she always seems to come back to him.
Soulmates (DJo)#338~7 years later: she still remembered the song playing on the radio.
Soulmates (D/Jo) #339: Blue eyed boy meets a Brown eyed girl. The sweetest thing.
Soulmates(DJo) #340:“Cuz it’s all about the window.”
Soulmates(DJo) #341: “In the days still left they will walk in fields of gold.”
Soulmates(DJo)#342: She's Joey Potter: Vulgar Little Thing. He's Dawson Leery: Turbo.
Soulmates (DJo) #343: With Dawson, she's Forever Young.
Soulmates (D/Jo) #344: They're each others oldest happiness.
Soulmates (D/Jo) #345: "I've been waiting all night for this to happen.."
Soulmates (D/Jo) #346: Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
Soulmates (D/Jo) #347 ~ Even after knowing her forever, she still amazes him everyday.
Soulmates (D/Jo) #348: He didn’t want to miss the chance to hold her.
Soulmates(DJo) #349: He thought the snowglobe was cheesy, but to her it was perfect
Soulmates D/Jo *** 350 threads of Scorching Soul Love ***
351 Movie Nights for D/Jo: “He is what matters to her".
Soulmates (D/Jo) #352: "You'll remember me when the west wind moves"

Old Thread
Rick: I know what you did for me, for my baby, while I was working things out. Thank you.
Daryl: It's what we do.

Last edited by Cris; 12-19-2006 at 03:39 AM
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Old 12-16-2006, 06:31 AM
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Thank you for the new thread Cris!
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Old 12-16-2006, 07:27 AM
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You're welcome!
Rick: I know what you did for me, for my baby, while I was working things out. Thank you.
Daryl: It's what we do.

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Old 12-16-2006, 09:14 AM
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New thread with a beautiful title
Thanks Cris
I Will Always Love You

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Old 12-16-2006, 01:43 PM
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I'm listening to 'How you've grown' How I love that song and how I love that scene
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Old 12-16-2006, 01:52 PM
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Thanks for the new thread Cris

Today I started s4 and can I name one person who I love...DRUE!!! I'm only on 3x03 but I know he's a big fan of D/JO and can't wait to see him more. It helps the P/J stuff [No I still do not like them one bit ]

I hope everyone is having a great weekend so far? .
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Old 12-16-2006, 02:17 PM
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Hey everyone, thanks for the thread Cris.

So is everyone prepared for Christmas?
"You don't make it easy to ask a simple question, but that's what makes you, you.
The woman I want to spend my life with. The woman that I l o v e . Lois Lane, will you marry me"?
" Y e s ".
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Old 12-16-2006, 02:59 PM
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Oh, I loved Drue too Tes!. Because he was a D/Jer, as you said but also for himself. He gets better as the season progresses So how did you like 4.01 'Coming home'? I love the D/J scenes on it, Joey was *so* eager to go and see him, talk to him, that is not even funny

Nope Karen, I'm not ready. But I will at some point I guess. As soon as my vacation starts next wednesday

Btw, I'm making icons
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Old 12-16-2006, 03:03 PM
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Hi!My New Vid Its About Dawson&Joy And Jen&Jack Talk about what is a soulmate enjoy and comment!!

YouTube - Different Kind Of Pain
Jo Harvelle Back to S7!
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Old 12-16-2006, 03:07 PM
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yay to the icons Bea.

adding some ficcage.

My Only Wish This Year
Part 4 - Christmas 2007
by Karen H

I hope my letter reaches you in time
Bring me a love, I can call all mine
'Cause I have been so good this year
Happy alone, under the mistletoe
He's all I want and I'll be thankful

This Christmas Eve would be unlike any of the ones that had preceded it…at least for Dawson and Joey it would, possibly for their families too. This Christmas Eve and Christmas day and possibly days that followed would not be spent together because Dawson and Joey were snowed in, in Westchester, New York where they lived. Everyone else would be in Capeside, Massachusetts.

After they’d gotten engaged they thought about having a long engagement, which would have allowed them plan out the wedding without thinking about finals and graduation. But after much discussion they decided the summer after graduation would be better, deciding to keep it somewhat simple.

They’d been married in front of only fifty people, give or take a few. With only their close friends and family in attendance in the Leery’s garden.

After the wedding Dawson and Joey had opted to forgo the honeymoon, preferring to spend the extra week in their new four-bedroom home in Westchester. Which is where they were still living.

Dawson was currently working for NBC as a writer for a new TV show, with New York as his base while Joey worked for a small interior design firm, based in Westchester.

This Christmas the initial plan had been for them to fly down to Boston two days before Christmas and then for Jen to pick them up at the airport before they’d drive to Capeside together. But that had been before one of Joey’s clients had requested a meeting on the day they were due to fly out, his reasoning being he wouldn’t be back in the country until mid-to-late January.

So they’d had to change their plans so that Joey could take the meeting, managing to get a flight to Boston mid-morning with Andie and her new fiancé picking them up at the airport. But even that had to change when they’d woken up to discover that Westchester Country airport would not be operational for in and outbound flights, with some flights being diverted to other airports in the New York area.

That still didn’t work for Dawson and Joey who would be lucky if they could get the car out of the driveway, let alone get anywhere near an airport.

So for the first time ever, they weren’t in Capeside with their families, for the first time since they were babies, they’d miss the Leery’s party.

“We’ll have our own party.” Dawson had assured her sleepily after Joey had awoken him with a scream after seeing how deep the snow was and after she’d called the airport. “Come back to bed.”

“It won’t be the same.” She’d replied sadly as she crawled in beside him, allowing his body to spoon hers.

Dawson kissed the back of her head. “I know it won’t be the same but well, we’ll make it a good one. Just us.”

“So far any attempt to cheer me up isn’t working.”

“Okay, how about this.” Dawson began gently stroking her neck. “We start by taking advantage of the one plus side of being unable to leave the house.”

“What’s that?”

“We go back to sleep, or we at least stay in bed a while longer. Remember it’s gonna be freezing out there. Inside goooood, outside is very bad.”

“I suppose.”

“We can be lazy; we don’t have to worry about making ourselves presentable for people.”

Joey turned her head to look at him questioningly. “Not very elegant.”

“No, but well my initial idea was it’d be a naked party but it’s too cold out. Whoa, wait a second, do the eyes deceive or did I just see the hint of a smile there?”

“I think your eyes deceive, old age you know?” Joey grinned lacing her fingers in his. “But continue.”

“We’ll sift through all the DVD’s in our collection…” he trailed off when she threw him a look and off that look, “okay, in my collection and watch some good Christmas movies.”

“We haven’t just curled up on the sofa in front of the TV is ages.”

“You sound like you’re perking up already.”

“Just a little.” She replied kissing the back of his hand. “Keep going.”

Dawson thought for a moment. “Well at some point I’m assuming there will have to be food, so I’ll rummage in the freezer for something to cook and then we can settle in front of the TV again…and just…”

She cut in. “Have sex?”

“No, I was not going to say that.” Dawson said in defense. “And we don't have sex. I was going to say we could snuggle, but if you’re offering I am up to the task.”

“We’ll see.” Joey grinned. “Maybe we can open some gifts before midnight.”

“If that would make the party better.” Dawson smiled against her hair. “There might even be a bottle of wine in the fridge. See we’ll have something else aside from a lay-in because we’re here, we get quality time together.”

“I guess.” Joey turned her body in his arms. “And it’s not like I’m spending the holiday with a total stranger.”

“See, another good thing.” Dawson said as he reached for his cell phone on the nightstand. “I’ll call Andie to let her know.”

“See if you can get her voice mail, it’s too early to call her.”


“Maybe it won’t be so bad after all.” Joey said yawning as she laid her head on his chest.

As Dawson began to explain the situation to Andie’s voice mail Joey found she was slowly drifting off to sleep.

When Joey woke up a little while later, Dawson wasn’t in bed beside her. Rubbing her eyes she checked the clock, it was almost eleven am. Sitting up she could hear Dawson whistling as he came down the hallway and a moment later he had kicked open the door.

“Hey, you’re awake.” He smiled as he entered the room, placing the tray on the bed beside Joey. “I was going to hold the plate under your nose to see if you’d wake up.” Dawson informed her as he crossed the room to close the door before coming back to join her.

“What’ve we got here?” She asked curiously.

“I found some eggs in the fridge and we had some bits and pieces left from when I made dinner last night, so there’s some omelet and some fresh coffee.”

“It smells great.” Joey replied as Dawson handed her a fork and she lifted her plate of food.

“Bryan popped over from next door to check if we’d still be going to Capeside for Christmas.” Dawson told her before taking a sip of coffee. “Told them we probably wouldn’t get down to Capeside until nearer the New Year. He said we were welcome to join them and their family for Christmas dinner.”

“What’d you say?” Joey asked, her hand holding her fork stopping midway between her plate and her mouth.

“I contemplated telling them you would hate the idea, seeing how you don’t like him.”

“It’s not that I don’t like him.” Joey defended herself, “It’s just, the last time we did anything with them he got drunk and hit on me and his sister always looks at me funny.” As she finished she took a forkful of omelet and as she ate it she saw the smirk on Dawson’s face. “Oh God, you said yes.”

Dawson just sat there eating his food, the smirk still evident on his face.

“You did, didn’t you?” Joey asked a look of exasperation on her face. “Six years together and you’re blowing it over that wanker.”

Dawson burst out laughing. “Geez, you are so dramatic. I told him thanks for the offer but we wouldn’t want to impose. And Joey sweetie, I’m right that you don’t like him.”

“Aw bite me!”

“You kiss your husband with that mouth?”

“Not today I won’t be.”

“Drama queen.” Dawson rolled his eyes. “I slave over a hot stove making you breakfast on the morning of our sixth anniversary, six years Joey and you were about to throw it away cause I might have said ‘yes’ to Christmas dinner with the wanker from next door and his family.”

Joey opened her mouth to say something and then closed it again.

“Did I mention he told me his sister just came out?” Dawson added and her mouth dropped open. “Apparently not going over well with his family.”

“That just might have been entertaining.”

“Yeah.” He agreed. “I could sit back and watch Bryan and his sister hit on you.”

Joey couldn’t help but laugh. “Sure, you’d capitalize on my misery.”

“Hmm, I don’t know. I might. I called Andie to check she got the voice mail and Mom to let her know we wouldn’t make it.”

“What’d she say?” Joey asked nervously biting her lip. She felt it was her fault and wondered if maybe Gale would think so too. People may think that Dawson should have just flown down as scheduled.

“Mom said these things happen, it’s no one’s fault.” He said softly, his gaze piercing hers. “Are you gonna sit there and beat yourself up thinking it’s your fault but not saying it out loud or are you gonna hear me when I say it’s no one’s fault?”

“I was contemplating the first one.”

“Well don’t. You’ll only end up ruining this for both of us…and if that’s gonna happen I’m gonna drag you next door. At least then I’ll have fun.”

“Haha.” Joey thought about it for a moment. “Fine, you win.”

“Good, makes a change.” He said taking some more of his coffee. “Mom asked if you wanted to let Bessie know or should she call her. I said you’d call Bessie.”

“Yeah, I should let her know.” Joey looked at the clock. “Actually, I should call her soon because I was going to take Alex off her hands for a little bit.”

“Mom said to tell Bessie if she needed a break from Alex to give her a call.”

“I’ll let her know.” She said taking her final bite of omelet and she saw something in his eyes that made her stop before putting the food in her mouth. “What is it?”

“Lily heard Mom telling Dad that we wouldn’t be making it for Christmas and she started crying, apparently she’s inconsolable.” The look on Dawson’s face as he said that just about broke Joey’s heart alone. “It had kinda slipped my mind that we were going to take her ice skating.”

“Is she okay now?” Joey asked forgetting about her food and putting her plate and fork down.

“Yeah, Mom called to say she’d managed to calm her down. I spoke to her and she was asking questions, why couldn’t we just call Santa for a ride.” Dawson continued. “I told her it would mean everybody’s presents would be late and some people might not even be able to get presents.”

“What’d she say to that?”

“She sniffled and said she’d give up her presents if Santa would take us.”

Joey sniffled and placed her hand over her heart. “I’ll call her now.”

While Joey called Lily, Dawson cleared away the dishes.

Joey told Lily she was sorry and it was partly her fault they couldn’t make it and Lily asked if Joey could make snow, clearly showing she didn’t think Joey was to blame. She’d asked if she could speak to Gale for a moment and had given her some instructions and while still on the phone Joey called to Dawson to pick up the other phone.

Together they’d given her permission to open the one and only gift they’d had delivered to Dawson’s parent’s house because they weren’t sure it would arrive in time. That gift was Lily’s very own pair of ice skates. All those miles away they were able to hear Lily’s screams of delight, which became louder as Joey told her that they wouldn’t promise, but they’d try and get Lily to New York so she could skate on the ice at the Rockefeller Center.

By the time they’d hung up Lily was very happy and Santa didn’t have to forget her presents after all.

“Don’t you just love how adorable she can be?” Joey said after hanging up and Dawson entered their room again.

“Yeah. But you’re really great with her.” Dawson said sitting beside her, wrapping an arm around her waist before scooping her into his lap. “I sometimes think she likes you more than me, what with being a girl and all.”

Joey laughed. “Aw, she loves you, anyone can see that. I don’t even think you notice it, the way she pays total attention to you when you talk.”

“She does that with everyone.” Dawson said looking away from her.

“No she doesn’t.” Joey informed him placing her hands on either side of his face. “I should know because I watch how everyone is with you. In her eyes you can do no wrong, the doting big brother. And I think there are times when you’re as oblivious as you were when you were fifteen years old.”

Dawson laughed. “How many more years do I have to wait before I’ll finally live that one down?”

“Hmm.” Joey mussed. “At least for another twenty-five.”

“As long as it’s with you I won’t mind.”

"You don't make it easy to ask a simple question, but that's what makes you, you.
The woman I want to spend my life with. The woman that I l o v e . Lois Lane, will you marry me"?
" Y e s ".

Last edited by Chase.This.Light; 12-16-2006 at 04:14 PM Reason: spreading some Christmas cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer!
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Old 12-16-2006, 04:31 PM
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Originally Posted by Beatriz (View Post)
So how did you like 4.01 'Coming home'? I love the D/J scenes on it, Joey was *so* eager to go and see him, talk to him, that is not even funny
I can't wait to see more of Drue! I'll know I'll love him more. An fan of D/JO is always a favorite for me but I like Drue so far. I love the D/JO scenes in 4x01. I love that Joey wanted to see Dawson. I just don't like the P/J stuff *at all* but I did love 4x03 where Joey says "I don't want to have to worry about you to" Before D/JO go search for Pacey/Jen. I think I got the quote right but thats from memory:.

Yay for icon making Beatriz!

andre silva: I loved your video btw! Great work

Karen: yay for new chapter. Will read that in aminute!
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Old 12-16-2006, 05:13 PM
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Originally Posted by Tes! (View Post)
but I did love 4x03 where Joey says "I don't want to have to worry about you to" Before D/JO go search for Pacey/Jen.
I think it was 'I can't worry for the both of you'. I used it once in a fanart And yes, I loved that moment too

Stop by the anti P/J thread and we can talk about these 'lovely P/J scenes

Icons coming in a minute

Thank you for the fic Karen, and thank you for the video andre

Not Christmas icons yet, but anyway

rest at my LJ

Last edited by Beatriz; 12-16-2006 at 06:34 PM
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Old 12-16-2006, 09:30 PM
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Bea, those are great!

Tes, I always loved Joey's urge about seeing Dawson again and especially that the called 'urge' was clearly noticed by somebody else...
Drue was a great DJer!
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Old 12-16-2006, 10:01 PM
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guys, i hate pj. and i hate the stupid writers for ending joey with pacey. it makes absolutely no sense to me and i just dont get it. i never will. why would they do that? did "kevin" ever explain it? because it semed pretty DAMN clear to me that dj were meant to be.

it would have been way more believable if joey would have broken up with pacey. and not only that, it would have been more believable if joey wasnt PINING after dawsons ALL of season 5. and then all of a sudden in season 6 those feelings just VANISH. it makes no sense.

and im super pissed because other shows feel the need to reference dawsons creek to show that the couple that is "meant to be" or "soulmates" dont always end up together. and it pisses me off because normally, YA they do.

sorry if i am a little bitter. lol happy holidays!
Ask me why so many fade,
>> But I'm still here.

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Old 12-17-2006, 03:54 AM
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Hello everyone

Andre, thanks for the vid I will have to go see it later

Karen, thanks for posting your fic Some of the Chrismas spirit

Bea, love your icons especially the "only you" ones
Oh, and my vacation starts next wednesday too can't wait !

About season 4 beginning I also love how Joey wanted so badly to see Dawson again and I kinda like the fact that when she went to see him and went into his bedroom he wasn't here and there was a lot of pictures of Jen, Jack and Andie but no pic of her! Don't ask me why
And I love the song at that moment

Drue character was great and specially because he was a D/Jer

Dorkodancer147, I hate PJ too and never understood either why Joey had to end up with him ! I mean when you look back at the 6 season it's always come back to Dawson and Joey even just after Joey and Pacey broke up the only thing in Joey's mind was Dawson, not only in the last ep of season 4 but at the beginning of season 5 too... so there was no sense to that end

Btw, did you guys notice that we finally see who's online again on FF ! I thought it will never come back
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