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newmom5497 01-25-2004 12:11 PM

Season Premiers/Finales?
Just wondering how you would rank the 6 Dawson's Creek season premiers and finales...from best to worst...and maybe give a few reasons why you ranked the way you did.

1.-The Pilot Best
2.-Season 6
3.-Season 2
4.-Season 4
5.-Season 5
6.-Season 3 worst

1. Season 1 best
2. Season 3
3. Season 4
4. Season 2
5. Season 6/series finale
6. Season 5 worst

Premiers--- Best--The Pilot...obvious reasons. Its what got most people hooked on the show. Its sweet, innocent, honest, refreshing, pretty to look at and so different from other teen dramas.
I am a D/J'er so the Season 6 two-hour premier was my second choice...we all had been waiting for that for years.
Worst--The whole Season 3 Eve debacle....need I say more? There were good moments the Pacey/Joey scene at the end.

Finales--Best--Season 1. Again, the freshness of the entire season 1 will always be special to me. And that anticipated kiss....still gives me chills.
Followed very closely by the "True Love" finale....what a wonderful/touching finale...especially considering what a disaster the beginning of the season was.
Worst--Season 5. Even though I am a D/Jer, I never cared for "Swan Song". Even I was getting a bit annoyed at that point at how the writers kept replaying the same Dawson and Joey "goodbye" scenes....and that one in particular never moved me.
And the series finale is not one of my favorites either...and not just because D/J didnt end up together..but for many reasons(Jen dying, not very good writing IMO, etc.) It has grown on me, but when I first watched it I hated it.

OK--your turn.

Sugz 01-25-2004 02:29 PM

Best premiere - Season 4. I loved Coming Home and there was so much excitement after Joey made her choice to see what would happen next.

2. Season 1 because the pilot was just a generally good episode.
3. Season 6 because the final outcome of
601/602 ended up being the final nail in the DJ coffin which was fine by me.
4. Season 3 because it just wasnt as boring a the season 2 and 5 premieres.
5. Season 2
6. Season 5 was the new beginning of the neverending DJ saga that inevitably hit a brick wall.

Best Finale- Season 3. True Love was just all around great and everyone was tuned in to find out what would happen.

2. Season 6, the series finale. Bittersweet, nostalgic, well acted and of course, I loved the ending.
3. Season 2, Joey with a spine, cant hate on that.
4. Season 1, the beginning of DJ but it was the first time so it was fresh and new and fulfilling for a lot of fans
5. Season 5, same crap different season.
6. Season 4, just all around out of place and ridiculous

[ 01-25-2004: Message edited Sugz ]

QueenBitch 01-25-2004 03:48 PM

Best premier
Season 1, the Pilot is just classic Creek.
2. Season 4, it was just plain cute.
2. Season 2, it had D/J and D/P quality moments. And Andie!
3. Season 6, because it took long enough to come.
4. Season 5
5. Season 3, it was messed

Best fenale
Season 1, it was a great end to the best season.
2. Season 3, it was good for all characters.
3. Season 4, it was nostalgic of the season finale.
4. Season 6, I ship Pacey and Joey, but it didn't do justice for everyone.
5. Season 5, don't get me wrong, I liked it. It just didn't compare.
6. Season 2, it was poorly done.

COOLCAT200 01-25-2004 05:10 PM

1. Season 5-The end moment is just so near and dear to me cause it was the first thing to make me smile after 9/11
2. Season 1-Poilt rocks
3. Season 2
4. Season 6
5. Season 3
6. Season 4

1. Season 1- What a great episode this was.
2. Season 4-Oh how I love Coda what a beautiful episode.After the whole season of P/J it was like a breath of fresh air and I loved every moment of it.
3. Season 3-Terrific Drama
4. Season 2
5. Series Finale Season 6
6. Season 5

[ 01-25-2004: Message edited COOLCAT200 ]

[ 01-25-2004: Message edited COOLCAT200 ]

notsomuch 01-25-2004 05:46 PM


Season 4 - I could not wait for this premier, I thought the summer would never end. I was excited but also anxious that I would be disapointed, but I was not. From the beginning, jumping off the boat together to the end, falling asleep reading to each other, the episode was perfect.

Season 1 - I was wondering if this show would live up to all the hype, and I thought it did.

Season 6 - I was dreading this episode at first, I thought after two seasons of finales that focused on DJ and this being the final season, that it would be the set up for all things DJ. Needless to say, it was quite the opposite, plus PJ remembered that they dated!

Season 2 - Cute blonde Pacey, need I say more?

Season 3 - Loved the scene on the dock with PJ, but Eve almost cancelled that out, almost.

Season 5 - Most popular character was added to the script as an after thought, things didn't get much better from there.


Season 3 - Everybody was talking about this, people who normally didn't even watch the show knew there was something about to happen in Capeside.

Season 6 - Considering how much things had changed over the previous 6 seasons, I think they did a nice job of wrapping it up, and Joey picked Pacey, as it should be.

Season 1 - I was excited to finally see something happen between DJ, but realized early in season two that they had lost what made them special. After that first kiss, their friendship was never the same.

Season 2 - Thought it was pretty over the top, but it did give both shipper camps some of their best amunition. (We get the happy ending - I don't want to know you)

Season 5 - It wasn't a good season so I guess I was just happy that it was over.

Season 4 - Made me feel like I had missed 5 or 6 episodes between the Graduate and Coda, Joey goes from confirming to Pacey that she would go with him anywhere to kissing Dawson an episode later, it didn't flow with the rest of the season or the episodes just before it.

glory fades 01-26-2004 07:27 AM

1. Season 4 -- This episode was perfect IMO, and I loved every bit of it. I was nervous about whether Pacey and Joey would last, and happy in the end when Joey went to Pacey and "This Years Love" started playing. [img]smilies/in_love.gif[/img]
2. Season 1
3. Season 3
4. Season 6
5. Season 2
6. Season 5 -- What will happen with D/J? I. don't. care.

1. Season 3 -- I loved the drama. Everyone wanted to know who Joey was going to choose and it didn't happen until the very end.
2. Season 6
3. Season 1
4. Season 2
5. Season 5
6. Season 4 -- I can't even begin to explain how bad I thought this episode was. The ending made no sense whatsoever.

daydreambeliever09 01-26-2004 10:08 AM

S1 - The Creek at it's best, everything and everbody was new and so innocent.
S2 - Loved D/J together, Pacey, and the intro of Andie.
S6 - D/ explanation required

S1 - Everything about it, the music, each storyline, and best of all...the kiss.
S4 - Again, the whole D/J ending kiss by the window [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]my fav! And how they were all saying their goodbyes, wish Pacey was in it though.
S6 - SO emotional, bittersweet, but still hate the P/J ending, although I respect it! :P
S5 - Loved how they were off doing there own thing, and of course D/J's kiss and I love yous. I also really liked the music in this ep.

Now that I think about it, many of the finales were better than the premieres of each season. Is it supposed to be that way? haha

~AnastasiaGrey~ 01-26-2004 10:21 AM

I Would have to say season 1 and 4 Season 1 because it was how the show was started out innocent and new and for season 4, it just got my heart beating with the start of pacey and joey.

Season 2... 4
season 3 4
season 5 2
season 6, 1

season 3 and 1 season 1 because i loved how dawson finally really realize of how he felt about joey, season 3, i liked how joey made her choice.

season 2. 1
season 4 2
season 5, 3
season 6 1

joske 01-26-2004 02:15 PM


Best season 1, followed by S2, then S4 (I liked J's first concern being about D once she set foot on Capeside, pity she waited till the last episodes to prove her words of the premiere), then S6 partly. 3 and 5 were horrible.


Best season 1, followed by season 4 (The whole season you could feel that some day there had to come a D/J big part and that D/J's goodbye was going to be monumental, no matter what happened between P and J, though parts were over the top), the rest was crap (S3), crappier(S5) and crappiest(S6).

cmupjer 01-28-2004 09:43 AM


1. Season 4 ~ I loved this episode! Like others have said I loved P/J jumping off the boat in the beginning and I loved their make-up scene at the end. It was so cute when Joey apologized to Pacey and then when they were reading to one another

2. Season 1~ This is the episode that sucked me into the show. In my dorm there was so much anticipation for it, we had all been seeing the previews for months while watching Buffy. I loved it because it made me nostalgic for when I was that age and I had always been a sucker for shows where the best friends fall for each other

3. Season 6~ Okay I admit it I was curious to see how D/J would end up sleeping together. I had convinced myself that I would be okay with it because I figured that the show would end up with them together anyway. But then I saw it (I was unspoiled), and I was so happy with the way it ended, it made a lot of sense, IMO

4. Season 3~ The only reason this one is so high is for the P/J dock scene at the end, I remember watching it and thinking in the back of my mind that maybe those two would end up together. The rest of the episode was eh, I was kind of glad that D/J didn't get back together though.

5. Season 2 ~ I remember having such high anticipation for this premiere, everyone I knew in the dorm was looking forward to watching it. I was so disappointed though, I didn't think it lived up to the hype.

6. Season 5 ~ Ugh, seriously this episode sucked. I just don't even have anything to say about it.


1. Season 3 ~ I don't think words can express how much I love this episode. I love everything about it, it is my fave DC episode ever! I love how everything seems to get wrapped up from the whole year and it doesn't just come out of the blue. And the ending was beyond perfect!

2. Season 6 ~ I honestly loved the finale there were so many good moments, I really wish Jen didn't have to die though.

3. Season 2 ~ Hee, I loved this, I remember how shocked I was at the end but I thought it was great drama. I liked that DC didn't give you the happy ending for once.

4. Season 1 ~ The ending was great, I loved the conversation Joey had with her dad at the prison.

5. Season 5 ~ This was an eh episode. My favorite part of it was the P/J conversation on the dock. I think what I didn't like about the whole episode was how wishy washy it was.

6. Season 4 ~ Ugh! I don't think I can express properly how much I dislike this episode so I won't even try.

[img]smilies/love.gif[/img] Janelle

tony_cro 10-09-2004 11:49 AM

1. Season 1 just great
2. Season 5 great opener for not a good season
3. Season 2 andie....
4. Season 6 D/J sex
5. Season 4 so strange...
6. Season 3 eve. bad...

1. Season 1- great episode, heartbreaking
2. Season 4- full of memories
3. Season 3-wonderfull episode
4. Season 2 not so great as whole season
5. Season 6 ... no comment
6. Season 5 also very strange

hshapir2 10-09-2004 01:00 PM

Best Premiere

season 4
season 6-minus DJ sex
season 3
season 1
season 2
season 5

best finale

season 3-Joey running after Pacey and leaving Dawosn crying on the dock
season 6-once again Joey choosing to spend her life with Pacey when she couldn't even go away for a little summer with Dawson when she had no excuse
season 2
season 1- at the time DJ didn't bother me
season 4 and season 5- thought about this and I am not going to choose which I hate more. In Coda, I did like the scene in the beginning when they are watching the movie and Joey looks all sad when Dawson asks if Pacey called and she says no. You can tell she is bitter he left and is upset it didin't work out. I also liked a few other scenes. I hated Pacey calling Dawson. Give me a break. I like that Joey said her hugest regret was the lie. Swan Song- well, as much as it sucks it just proves the point that Dawson still couldn't inspire Joey to run a way with him for the summer. She had money, clothes, and no responsibilities. I like that Joey tells Pacey she believes in him. I like that Pacey was reluctant to go to the airport and tried to talk Joey out of going. I like when Dawson and Joey mention being each other's security blankets and how they both haven't grown up and are running a way from the real world and how this contrasts to Pacey is the most grown up person Joey knows who doesn't look back. I liked the Jack and Jen scenes. I even liked Pacey and Audrey.

Corrsfanre 10-10-2004 11:02 PM


1) Season 4 - I couldn't wait any longer for this season!!
2) Pilot - It was a great beginning, and the end of the episode is intense
3) Season 2 - We all wanted to know about Dawson and Joey
4) Season 3 - The same, we wanted to know what happened with D/J but Eve ruin the whole thing :puke:
5) Season 6 - It was a good start, considering the bad ending from season 5
6) Season 5 - I was disappointed with the end of the P/J relationship :nono:


1) Season 3 - Need I to say more, Pacey and Joey running away together!!
2) Season 6 - Again with a Pacey and Joey finale :clap:
3) Season 1 - A great ending for a great season, even though we all expected it.
4) Season 2 - The whole issue about Joey's dad was a good storyline :thumbs_up:
5) Season 4 - I didn't even like, I mean they thought it was the end of the show, and they rushed everything, including the D/J kiss.
6) Season 5 - The worst!!!

Those are my thoughts :D

Pace & Jo 10-10-2004 11:39 PM

1- Season 4- By far the best premiere ever. :sigh:
2- Season 3- Just because of the ending scene with PJ. Who know, maybe they would become friends?? :D
3- Season 1- It was the beginning of the best show ever.
4- Season 5- I liked watching Jack/Jen and Joey experience college life. Dawson looked the best in this season.
5- Season 2- The Pacey and Andie car crash was funny.
6- Season 6- I don't really like this one.

1- Season 3- Two words.... True love :love::sailboat::love:
2- Season 6- Well obviously because of the fabulous PJ ending. :D
3- Season 2- I though Katie Holmes was magnificant in this episode.
4- Season 5- It was better then season 1 and season 4
5- Season 1- Well... i don't really have a reason. It was better then Coda.
6 Season 4- Worst finale ever. I get so ticked off how they ended PJ and how they disregarded Pacey in this episode. :nono:

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