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Old 07-24-2003, 08:23 AM
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24 SPOILERS # 2------"Time is ticking for NEW spoilers"

YAY! New 24 spoiler thread! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
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Old 07-24-2003, 08:28 AM
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Cliffhangers a cheat: Kiefer
By BILL BRIOUX -- Toronto Sun
HOLLYWOOD, Calif. -- There'll be no more cliffhanger finales on 24 if Kiefer Sutherland has his way.

The Emmy-nominated actor told a scrum of reporters at the Fox press tour last week that he strongly disagrees with how this past season of the real-time series ended.

"We have an audience committed to watch a full day," he said. "That day should have a conclusion."

Last May's Season Two finale ended with badly injured agent Jack Bauer (Sutherland) somehow beating the daylights out of a group of terrorists but unable to stop an assassination attempt on U.S. president David Palmer (played by Dennis Haysbert). Did Palmer die at the end? We'll have to wait until the show returns Oct. 28 to find out for sure, but Haysbert was also at the Fox party, larger than life and admitting to being back "in some capacity."

A few other juicy details have surfaced, but, as Sutherland says, people don't really want to know. He's been stopped on the street by people pleading for him to spill the beans. As soon as he opens his mouth to tell them he can't, they shout, "No, don't! Don't!"

The new season will take place two years later, with the countdown clock set to start at 1 p.m. Bauer will be teamed with a new partner. Production began last week on Season Three, and based on the scripts he's seen so far, it looks "very strong. We're nervous about it, and that's good," he says. "The pressure is on to top last season."

Sutherland prefers the way the first season ended, on a final, if deadly note. Bauer's wife Teri (Canadian actress Leslie Hope) died in the shocking final minutes. Some people were upset, but at least audiences weren't left hanging for six months, he says. "If you're going to ride this 24-hour thing with us we're going to give you an answer at the end," is how he'd like to see it.

And he has some say. Sutherland is an executive producer as well as the star. Not that anybody's job is 100% safe on this series. "There's not a single actor that can get all that comfortable on our show," he says. "We get removed rather quickly."

Cigarette tucked behind his right ear, Sutherland was backed up against a wall by a crush of critics eager to get the scoop on Season Three. He was just back from Montreal where he took a small part opposite Angelina Jolie and Ethan Hawke in Taking Lives.

The cool Canadian news is that Wendy Crewson, who just shot a cable movie in Calgary with Tom Selleck, is about to join 24. This would make the sixth Canadian on the series (Elisha Cuthbert, as daughter Kim, is the other regular), making the True North a real real-time resource.

"I'm the real-time guy," he joked, noting that his last film, Phone Booth (he was the menacing voice on the other end of the line) also played out in real time.

As for rumours of a 24 feature, Sutherland says nobody has talked to him about it. "I think it could be amazingly cool," he said and even has a title: 1:47.
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Old 07-24-2003, 12:42 PM
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I know we don't have an ton of spoilers yet .. but is anyone interested in doing a comp for the spoilers we do have?
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Old 07-24-2003, 02:10 PM
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Woodside, Bruckner Join '24' Cast

LOS ANGELES ( - Having faced an apocalypse in the final season of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer," DB Woodside will stay in crisis mode on the coming season of "24."
Woodside, along with "Blue Car" star Agnes Bruckner and Zachary Quinto, have joined the cast of FOX's thriller in recurring roles, according to The Hollywood Reporter.

The coming season of "24" takes place about three years after the events of last season, network executives say. Woodside, who played Sunnydale High's principal on "Buffy" last season, has the most clearly defined role of the three new cast members. He will play President Palmer's (Dennis Haysbert) chief of staff, the replacement for Mike Novick (Jude Ciccolella), whom Palmer fired at the end of Season 2.

Bruckner, who co-starred in "Murder by Numbers" with Sandra Bullock, will play a young woman whose boyfriend is a drug dealer. Quinto's role hasn't been specified. His credits include guest roles on "The Agency," "CSI" and "Charmed."

In other casting news, Stephanie Niznik, a recurring player on The WB's "Everwood" last year, will be a full-time cast member for the show's second season. She plays Nina Feeny, the next-door neighbor and hinted-at love interest for Dr. Andrew Brown (Treat Williams).
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Old 07-24-2003, 02:11 PM
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'24' Premiere -- Set Three Years in Future -- Goes Commercial-Free

LOS ANGELES ( - As it did last season, FOX will air the season premiere of its thriller "24" commercial-free.
The series, returning for its third season, is scheduled to debut at 9 p.m. ET Tuesday, Oct. 28, the network announced Thursday (July 17) at the TV Critics Association press tour. Ford is sponsoring the debut -- as was the case last fall -- and will air an extended ad piece at the beginning and end of the episode.

The network is planning a big promotional push for the Emmy-nominated series. A four-minute trailer for the coming season will air during FOX's showing of the movie "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" on Sunday, Sept. 7. A version of the teaser will also air in movie theaters in October.

Gail Berman, president of FOX Entertainment, also dropped a few hints about what viewers can expect in Season 3 of "24." She wouldn't reveal the crisis that drives the plot, but she did offer some details about the status of people affected in the cliffhanger finale of Season 2.

As previously reported, the show will jump three years into the future. Jack Bauer (Kiefer Sutherland), who's back working at the government's Counter-Terrorism Unit, will have a partner. Bauer's daughter Kim (Elisha Cuthbert) is also working at CTU.

Dennis Haysbert will be back, which would appear to mean that President Palmer survived the biological attack that felled him in last season's finale. The timeline of the show would put Palmer in the middle of a re-election campaign, something Berman says is probably a safe bet.
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Old 07-25-2003, 03:55 PM
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Information from AICN (

This from an untested source. If he’s not pulling our collective leg, David Palmer is up, back in Los Angeles, and trailed by a face familiar to the Buffy Nation:
Hey Harry, I thought ide pass this along as I was excited by what I saw today. I work at USC and today 24 was on campus shooting a scene. Dennis Haysbert and DB Woodside were both there. It did seem that USC was going to be the real backdrop and they were not using the campus as a backdrop for something else because some extras had on USC sweaters. So anyways the scene takes place in front of our auditorium as the police escorts pull up and President Palmer comes out of the Limo and waves at the crowd( Which I fortunately was allowed to be part of) He then walks up towards the top of the building with his advisor(Woodside) and the press taking pictures. He gave a short speech which I could not hear the content of, smiled, waved and turned to walk into the building. This obviously had to be reshot many times.

The guy in charge of us extras told us to do a little protesting, and act like we were shocked because someone dies inside and told us that fire trucks would be coming, Im not sure this was true because I felt he was using the extras for his o! wn enjoyment. But anyways President Palmer is alive, and DB Woodside is his advisor. I got to speak to both men after and Woodside told me he really missed his stint on Buffy and wished it was still on, and Haysbert told me that he was glad to still be alive and appreciated all the fan support. That was my day on 24 lucky for me, It wasnt a big deal to miss work =)

Matt >>> Well we do know D.B.Woodside who played Principal Wood on Buffy is supposedly becoming Chief of Staff for Palmer in the new season. I wonder if my theory of Kim being a univeristy student on the campus may be the way she gets swept up into the storyline after all! Wonder if she will start off with the President, Chase or Daddy Bauer?

I am guessing the President (if on another campaign trail) may be visiting the uni for publicity. Could there be another attempt on his life or a studen protest???
Summer: Umm... eww!
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Old 07-25-2003, 06:38 PM
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That's cool...if it only sounded true.
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Old 07-28-2003, 02:50 PM
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From Sluv24:

An rumor from "official source" says that the new Palmer's Chief of Staff will be played by an African American. Woodside is in the cast, but what character will he play?

The Canadian actress Wendy Crewson is about to join 24 playing Dr. Anne Packard. Rumors say she is the Palmer's doctor and may be his love interest

Wendy Crewson played Harrison Ford's wife in Air Force One and Schwarzenegger's wife in The 6th Day. She's also a friend of Leslie Hope-Teri and played a lesbian lover with Leslie in "An Unexpected Love".

Wendy's picture:
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Old 07-30-2003, 02:07 AM
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Hey I find you guys in the new spoilers thread [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
Can any1 tell me why the hell the old thread was closed off?

Spoilers are something we have to activate during this long summer. It helps waiting for season 3, right? [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

[ 07-30-2003: Message edited sluv24 ]
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Old 07-31-2003, 12:26 PM
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The old spoiler thread had too many post, so we had to start a new one! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
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Old 07-31-2003, 03:58 PM
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Will 24's Loon-a-chick Return?

by Rochell D. Thomas

Laura Harris has the look of an angel and a knack for devilish roles. Remember The Faculty? That was Harris as the teen-killing alien. And 24's good girl gone bad — the one who tried to nuke Los Angeles? Yep, that was Harris, too. These days, the 26-year-old Canadian transplant to L.A. shines as a sex-obsessed grim reaper on Dead Like Me, Showtime's odd new dramedy (Fridays at 10 pm/ET). Welcome to her dark side.

TV Guide Online: What's up with you and these sinister parts?
Harris: I think [casting agents] love the surprise factor. Whenever I read for parts, they bring in all these blond, innocent-looking creatures. Then they ask us to be evil.

TVGO: So you're a good bad girl?
Harris: I guess so.

TVGO: What's the last law you broke?
Harris: (Long pause) I guess I am a speed demon and a fierce jaywalker. And sometimes, I take fruit salads over the border.

TVGO: As an actress, what's the most interesting way you've learned to kill people?
Harris: For 24, I had to learn to use a gun. That's the first I've ever held one. It was too big for my hands. And I was sweating so much that it kept slipping. Now, I'm waiting for that kung fu movie where I can kick butt Charlie's Angels-style.

TVGO: Speaking of bad kharma, fans of 24 hated your character, Marie Warner, after she shot her fiancé and tried to nuke L.A. Did you have to hire a bodyguard to go to the mall?
Harris: No. Thank goodness. That's when looking innocent came in handy. I did get a lot of muttered comments like, "Oh, I hate you!" But then I'd turn around, and they'd correct themselves.

TVGO: Will the evil Ms. Warner return to 24?
Harris: Well, I'm not dead. And if you're not dead, there's the potential to come back. And that's all I'm at liberty to say.

TVGO: Now that you're on Dead Like Me, have you thought about your own demise?
Harris: Well, I'm 26 now. And we're in a time where I could potentially live to be 140. So I'm taking vitamins and doing crossword puzzles to make sure I don't get Alzheimer's. I'm trying to ensure that I make it that far.
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Old 08-01-2003, 04:07 PM
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Harris: Well, I'm not dead. And if you're not dead, there's the potential to come back. And that's all I'm at liberty to say.
You're right Marie. There's no sorta dead. Take the example of Mandy and come back to us. We love female bad guys. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
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Old 08-03-2003, 11:04 PM
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My Sister and I found this wonderful info on the season opener of “24” on “Anit it cool news” yesterday!!!!!! [img]smilies/party.gif[/img] Just thought I’d spread the intel. [img]smilies/lol.gif[/img] [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]Enjoy everyone. [img]smilies/glow.gif[/img]

Sunday, August 3, 2003
24!! Learn What Happens Next!!
24 3.0 FAQ
How does it begin, spoiler-boy?
A decomposed corpse infected with “pnuematic plague” (or “PNP”) is unceremoniously deposited at a National Health Services building.

What’s 24 3.1 titled?
“Day 3: 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m."

1 p.m.?
Yes. Season one kicked off at midnight. Season two kicked off at 8 a.m. Season three will begin and end at 1 p.m.

Who’s responsible?
Teleplay is credited to series vets Joel Surnow & Michael Loceff.

Is it any good?
Yeah!! If director Jon Cassar doesn’t somehow screw it up, this looks, at minimum, like another four-star relaunch!

What does TV Guide say?
TV Guide tells you nothing. 3.1 won’t air till Oct. 28, a good three months from now.

There was only one year between seasons one and two. Is the third season really set three years after the second season?
It is. The first thing we’ll see in the (commercial-free) season opener is David Palmer’s collapse following his encounter with hot, nakedness-prone lesbian assassin Mandy. We fade to black, then get a title card: “THREE YEARS LATER.”

Is President Palmer, as rumored, in a coma as the episode begins?
No. When we first see David Palmer, he’s up and preparing for a debate on the USC campus in Los Angeles. He’s running for re-election against one Sen. Keeler.

Was Palmer ever in a coma?
There’s no reference to one. Palmer’s new chief of staff makes mention of the president’s “so-called weakened state” soon after Mandy’s assassination attempt.

Does Palmer seem to present any lingering aftereffects resulting from the “Mandy handshake”?
When Palmer waves to the crowd, we see his hand is scarred, and when he’s alone with staffers he demonstrates a momentary shortness of breath. But it’s mentioned that no one has “done a full work-up” on Palmer in “a while.”

Does D.B. Woodside play Palmer’s chief of staff now that the duplicitious Mike Novick has been sacked?
Woodside (Faith’s principal boyfriend on the final season of “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”) not only plays Palmer’s new chief of staff, he plays Palmer’s kid brother.

Is Jack Bauer back working at CTU?
He is.

Since George Mason suffered horrible radioactive death last season, does Jack have to report to Tony Almeida now?
No. Jack is Los Angeles director of field ops. Jack and Tony each run a different CTU department under the same roof. (It should be noted that Tony has just been offered a job that would relocate him to CIA HQ in Virginia.)

So Jack signed back on with CTU pretty quickly after he prevented the U.S. attack on the three Middle East nations?
Looks like it. We learn that Jack has spent the last year bringing to justice one Ramon Salazar, a “narco-terrorist.” For six months, Jack was undercover, pretending to be Salazar’s friend.

Is Salazar tied to that opening scene at the National Health Service Building?
Yes. Now that they’ve proven they have PNP, Salazar’s associates threaten to release it into the general population unless Salazar is released by 8 p.m.

Salazar’s “associates”?
He seems to have quite a few. One should probably pay special attention to brother Hector Salazar and Hector’s fabulous but troubled trophy wife, Claudia.

And Jack Bauer cares about PNP why?
It’s a “weaponized” strain of PNP, and could bring about nothing less than the end of the world. If released into the population it would kill more than a million Los Angeles civilians in the first week.

Are Kim and Kate, as rumored, out shopping together as the episode begins?

Is Kate around at all?
No. There’s a sense that Kate and Jack enjoyed a two-year relationship that is now long gone. Jack gets a call from Kate during the hour, but she’s just asking for him to get more of his stuff out of her place.

Does Kim Bauer, as rumored, insist on accompanying her pop on missions because she fears for his health?
No. At least not in the season opener.

Wasn’t Kim a nanny last season? Is she really working for CTU now?
She is. She’s kind of of the new Jamie Farrell (sans the traitorous component), and demonstrates a real faculty for computer science. (Absurd, you say? Remember please that when we first met Kim, she was challenging daddy Jack at chess.)

Is Kim menaced by cougars?
No. In fact, Kim’s role at CTU is a terrific antidote for those who maintain an abiding lust for Elisha Cuthbert, but little patience for Kim Bauer’s inane predicaments.

Is Michelle Dressler still at CTU?
Yes, and her relationship with Tony has undergone some changes since she betrayed him on Jack’s behalf three years earlier.

Any new developments with Michelle’s brother Danny, who looks in no way like her?

Are Jack and Kim getting along?
Yes. But each has been keeping an enormous secret from the other for the last several months. Kim is anxious to tell Jack her secret. Jack wants no one to know about his.

Both Jack and Kim are keeping secrets from each other? Are the secrets related?

Any hints about Jack’s secret?
Jack’s secret involves his health.

Ah ha! Is it related to Jack’s death and resurrection in season two?
We will learn at episode’s end.

Ah ha! Is Jack himself infected with PNP?
We will learn at episode’s end.

Any hints about Kim’s secret?
It involves Kim’s love life.

Has Kim returned to dating that WASP-y Latino kickboxer who lost his leg during Kim’s escape attempt last season?
Nope. Miguel remains part of Kim’s dating history.

Has Kim gone lesbian? With Mandy? Or Kate Warner?
That would be telling.

Is Lynne Kresge back? Did she even survive Novick’s manhandling last season?
She’s not around (and goes unreferenced) in the opener. Hopefully they’ll bring her back as a quadriplegic or something.

How does it end, spoiler-boy?
Jack picks up a paperweight and begins smashing!! Ughnnnn! Plop. Ughnnnn! Plop. Ughnnnn! Plop.

[ 08-03-2003: Message edited C&L shipper ]
Jack and Irina always
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Old 08-03-2003, 11:37 PM
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Thanks 4 the spoiler C&L shipper! [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img] I wonder wht Jack's Health secret is?....OH NO HE'S GOING TO DIE! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]
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Old 08-04-2003, 06:10 AM
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I dunno if we can trust this spoiler from Herc. This guy usually posts good spoilers several hours before the episode airs because he gets the files when fox sends them to the tv stations. Many people including me do it by downloading the file from the internet so we can watch it before it airs in the East Coast. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

But this is about the episode that will air only in about 3 months !!! How the hell Herc got those info that seem very plausible? I know a copla people have seen the shooting of the first episode in the USC campus with Palmer and Woodside arriving at a debat conference. But the other info with Jack and Kim's secrets and so on..? [img]smilies/confused.gif[/img] [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]
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