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Old 02-08-2009, 03:12 PM
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Grey's Anatomy S&S #56:Because we only care about Grey's Anatomy.


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1.Interview with new character, Virgina Dixon, being played by Mary McDonnell's, for more, check below:

If you suspected there was a twist surrounding Mary McDonnell's three-episode Grey's Anatomy arc, congratulations, you were right. Turns out her character, a celebrated cardiac surgeon brought in to boost Seattle Grace's national ranking beginning Nov. 13, is living with Asperger's syndrome. "Shonda [Rhimes] thought it would be interesting to have an incredibly skilled surgeon who, socially, is initially misunderstood," explains executive producer Betsy Beers of the autism-related disorder, which is characterized by eccentric behavior and a general social awkwardness. (Think Emily Deschanel's Brennan on Bones.) Eccentric behavior and social awkwardness? Sounds like she'll fit right in! Or will she? Only time -- and my following exclusive Q&A with the fraktabulous McDonnell -- will tell.

AUSIELLO: How does everyone react to your character, Dr. Virginia Dixon?
MARY MCDONNELL: In her first surgery she works primarily with Bailey and Karev, who are both sort of caught off guard by her difficulty in communication. They don't really know until the end of the episode that she has Asperger's. It's challenging for them. On the one hand, you're introducing a dramatic and comedic dynamic that people have to react to. On the other hand, you're bringing on a very dignified real human being with a disability that can be very problematic for everyone.

What's it like playing her?
It's been a wonderful experience. Grey's has to do with social nuance and behavior between people, and this is a character who can't really relate to any of that. She comes in and brings a little bit of a different behavior to Seattle Grace.

How different are we talking? She's still going to hook up with one of her colleagues, right?
[Laughs] So far, I have to tell you, I don't see any romance. That just makes me giggle. But she's just coming in for three episodes so far, so we'll see. That's the furthest thing from her mind.

Might your stay be extended beyond the three episodes?
There's always a possibility. I think with this character, there's a great collaboration to kind of experiment with her and with her situation and see the kind of effect it may have on the world of Grey's, because she's very atypical.

Did Shonda create the role with you in mind?
I don't know if it was created with me in mind, but I was told that Shonda had me on her mind as soon as she started thinking about it. She's put a great deal of trust in me, and it's part of why I wanted to do it. Because when someone hands you something this compelling and complicated and gives you good writing and also says, "I'm trusting you to find the nuance here," then you kind of go home and think, I'm lucky to be alive.

2. Question: So what's this big Denny-related story on Grey's that could but might not open the door for Katherine Heigl to leave the show? -- Shari
Ausiello: I'll say this: The exit primer I alluded to does not concern any kind of health crisis. Rather, it pertains to a very dark day in Izzie's professional career that rears its ugly head again.

Question: How long is Melissa George's contract for? Not too long I hope -- Grey's is already too bloated. -- Karen
Ausiello: Reports suggest she's doing at least 11 episodes, but in my recent Q&A with her, she said there's no end date. As for the bloating…well, they work in a hospital. Aren't there pills for that?

Question: President Roslin (a.k.a. Mary McDonnell) on Grey's Anatomy?! Give us the scoopage on this smurftastic news for Battlestar Galactica and Grey's fans! -- Brenda
Ausiello: She debuts Nov. 13, and her Dr. Virginia Dixon character shares something in common with a Bones regular. If you want more than that, you'll have to pick up the new issue of EW, on sale Friday.

3. Ausellio interviews Melissa George, a bi-sexual character who is joining the cast, for the full interview, keep reading:

Circle Nov. 13 on your calendar. That's the day Alias' Melissa George debuts as Grey's Anatomy's newest intern, Sadie. This is noteworthy for several reasons: First off, it's Melissa George. Duh. Secondly, she's Mer's best friend in the whole world. And lastly, she's part of a new breed of extremely hot, young, professional females on TV who like to have sex with both men and women (i.e. House's Thirteen, Bones' Angela, Callie on Grey's, etc.). The big question, of course, is whether those last two things (Sadie's bisexuality and Mer) ever intersected. Based on my following Q&A with George, I think the answer's pretty obvious.

AUSIELLO: Tell me about Sadie
MELISSA GEORGE: I'm dying to find out more about her because her behavior is so interesting. She's a girl that walks on the wild side. She's very close with Meredith; they were best friends. They traveled around the world together. And when Meredith went to work at Seattle Grace, Sadie went to work at a morgue. I'm dying to know why she behaves so recklessly. Anyone who behaves like that has to have a lot of issues.

For the record, is she bisexual or a lesbian?
She just takes anything -- whatever walks in front of her. [Laughs] If it's a male, she'll go for it. If it's a female, she'll go for it. She doesn't think attraction should be [limited] by gender. I sort of look at people and go, "Wow, how do you live like that?" But she seems to get a thrill out of shocking people.

The obvious question: Did Mer and Sadie "experiment" back in the day?
We don't know. But that's what's so intriguing: What happened between these two? It's brought up a lot [on the show], but we've never revealed what happened.

But something happened.
I think so. There's a lot of [Mer-Sadie] dialogue like, 'Don't tell them what happened!" So, something did happen, but I'm not sure what.They obviously traveled together and were very close. Did they date? Did they not? Did something major happen to them that they swore they'd never discuss? It could be anything.

How long are you committed to the show for?
I'm here for a while. I'm sort of playing it by ear. I'd love to stay as long as possible. I'm shooting my fourth one this week, and I don't think it's stopping.

Conventional Grey's wisdom has you gravitating toward one of Seattle Grace's other two bisexual docs, Callie or Erica. Do you know which one it'll be?
They haven't told me, and I've been asking them every day, "Which one am I going to be making out with?" Or not! It could be one of the guys. I just said yes to Grey's Anatomy, the greatest show on TV. I didn't say, "What do I have to do?" So I'm sort of looking around going, "Which one is going to be my girl or my guy?"

Last season at this time, there were no bisexual characters on Grey's. Now there are at least three. Is there something in the water at Seattle Grace?
I'm not sure. Maybe they're not getting the right victims coming through the door so they're bored. [Laughs] Bisexuality exists. It's common. I guess they're experimenting with it.

So, getting back to the question I posed in the intro: Is it as obvious to you as it is to me that Mer and Sadie dabbled in some, ahem, extracurricular activities back in the day? Or is it just a smokescreen for an even bigger secret they're harboring (i.e. they killed someone and dumped their body in the Atlantic)? Post your theories below!

Source: EW

4. Question: Any good Grey's Anatomy scoop? -- Emily
Ausiello: Yup, and you're gonna want a hanky when it comes to pass, I have a hunch. The show is casting an 8-10-year-old male patient who wants to live but is realistic about his prospects of doing so. (In other words, he's only gonna last three episodes.)


1. Magda in Los Angeles: There's a rumor going around again about Izzie being killed off at the end of this season of Grey's! Will there be no happily ever after for Alex and Izzie, aka the hottest couple on the show?
Reliable sources tell me those rumors are bunk and she won't be going anywhere. And for the record, Katherine Heigl actually seems quite happy with her storylines this season. When asked about the future of Alex and Izzie at the Peter Alexander boutique opening benefiting Hearts United for Rescue and Kinder4Rescue, Katherine told me, "There's nothing I can reveal, but it's been awesome. It's been really exciting for me and really, really fun, satisfying work. I love Justin [Chambers]! How can you not love Justin? Sorry. He is just such a doll. I mean it's weird—I've been working with all of these people for five years. They're like my family. I mean, I see them actually more than my own family! We have so much fun together." And I hear there is definitely more "fun" (of the horizontal nature) for Izzie and Alex up ahead!

Is it true that Meredith will have a sexual history with Melissa George's character on Grey's Anatomy?
From the sounds of my frenemy Michael Ausiello's Q&A with Melissa and from what a reliable source tells me—"I'm pretty sure they did"—I'd place good money on it! By the by, though, I do find it amusing that this is pretty much the same storyline I'd heard they had planned for Cristina (Sandra Oh) a few seasons back, but the storyline was changed.
Source: E!Online

2. According to Kristin, there might be a MerDer wedding, though there are no signs of it. Full article below:

USA Today is reporting that Patrick Dempsey is hinting at a hitchin' to Meredith (Ellen Pompeo). He told a reporter Monday night "there may be" wedding bells in the future for Meredith and Derek on Grey's Anatomy. "Rumor has it something might be happening," he said. "I think they have to. It's time for them to get together!"

That may very well be the case (depending on which impassioned fan you ask), but is a wedding really going down?

Luckily for you, I have reliable inside sources who just gave me the inside scoop...

"We haven't shot anything related to any kind of engagement or wedding," a source on set whispers. "And I haven't seen anything in a script."

Well, hmph! Thanks so much, Mr. Sexy Hair, for getting our hopes up!

Of course, the nuptials could very well happen further down the road, and it certainly seems obvious that Meredith and Derek would end up happily (married) ever after at some point, but my guess is that will be a wee bit closer to the end of the series.

So perhaps Patrick is just putting his own plea out there to end the Mer-Der yo-yo games? Could be.

In the meantime, though, sources also tell me that as far as they know, there are no current plans to build a dream-house set for Meredith and Derek. So again, that may happen sometime in the future (end of the season?), but not right now.

What do you think of a Mer-Der wedding? Too soon, or should they just tie the knot already?

Source: E!Online

Casting News:

1.New Character on GA, Jessica Capshaw will be playing said character... More details below:

On the heels of the arrival of a new head of trauma comes word that another fresh face will soon be scrubbing in at Seattle Grace. Jessica Capshaw ("The L Word," "The Practice") will play Dr. Arizona Robbins, a pediatrician who’s called in to consult on a case and winds up butting heads with Bailey. I hear that Capshaw has signed on for at least three episodes, though that could lead to more, and that she will make her first appearance midway through the season.

Capshaw is the latest actress to sign on for a high-profile Grey’s guest stint. Both "Battlestar Gallactica’s" Mary McDonnell and "Alias’" Melissa George begin their runs in the Nov. 13 episode as a cardiac surgeon with Asperger’s syndrome and a bisexual intern, respectively.

What do you make of this latest casting news? And more importantly, which lusty Seattle Gracer should Dr. Robbins hook up with?? Weigh in below.
Source: LA Times

2.New Character on GA, Mary McDornell will play her. For details about it, keep reading:

There are 85 days left until "Battlestar Galactica" returns (yes, I am counting the days). Fortunately, we won’t have to wait that long to see Mary McDonnell again. McDonnell, who plays Laura Roslin on "Battlestar" (pictured at left), has a new gig on "Grey’s Anatomy," as I reported a few weeks ago. She'll make her "Grey's" debut Nov. 13.

Her character is a doctor named Virginia Dixon, and she’ll appear on “Grey’s” about three or four times this season, according to the network.

Dixon faces a formidable task at Seattle Grace Hospital: She is a surgeon who will do her best to bring “rules and order to the OR” according to ABC. Who better than McDonnell to play a woman faced by a daunting challenge? She’s faced down Cylon armadas, so flirty docs should be no big deal.

In any case, the actress’ “Grey’s” nickname stands at the ready: Some of McDonnell’s “Battlestar” fans nicknamed her “Mary McAwesome” years ago.

The “Grey’s” casting folks have also tapped some “Alias” veterans as well: Carl Lumbly from that show will appear in Thursday’s episode, which has the Seattle Grace docs performing “domino surgeries,” or procedures that must be done in sequence.

"Alias" alum Melissa George (seen most recently in HBO’s “In Treatment”) joins the show Nov. 13 as well. She’ll be in 11 episodes this season as an intern named Sadie who happens to be an old friend of Meredith’s. At first Mer’s friends are not very welcoming to her (what a shocker!). Because these things matter on “Grey’s,” you should know that Sadie is bisexual.

There’s good news regarding the newest resident hunk on “Grey’s.” Kevin McKidd (pictured at right) will briefly reappear as military surgeon Owen Hunt in Thursday’s episode, and he’ll be in a lot of episodes from then on. There’s a decent chance the actor will become a series regular. Between that and the casting of McDonnell, I’ll have lots of McReasons to tune in.--
Source: Chicago Tribune

2.New Character on GA, Melissa George will play her. For details about it, click here:
Aussie actress Melissa George backs Barack Obama | Entertainment


1.What can I look forward to on Grey's Anatomy this week? -Gina
Cristina will freak out over the return of Owen Hunt (aka Kevin McKidd), and though producers are keeping mum on whether or not KM's sticking around, I'm told his presence is a done deal. We should get to know the military doc pretty well this season.

Grey's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Michelle
Are you down with Alex and Izzie? Last week's kiss was merely a preview of things to come. Though Alex will continue to act as if he doesn't care, I'm hearing his heart is actually all-in.

2.Denny's back on GA! Around episode 5x07 and only in flashbacks, for more, keep reading:

Time to dust off those brain tumor rumors: Katherine Heigl is seeing dead people again on Grey's Anatomy.

For the second time this season, Jeffrey Dean Morgan's deceased Denny will descend from heaven to have a heart-to-heart with his Earth-bound soul mate, Izzie, sources confirm to me exclusively. ABC declined to comment, but my Grey's mole says Morgan will appear in the Nov. 6 episode.

What brings Denny back this time? I could tell you, but then Shonda Rhimes would kill me and, well, you'd all be up scoop's creek. Instead, I'll leave you with this tantalizing clue: Something happens in the episode that could easily set the stage for a Heigl departure at season's end. I'm not saying it will; only that it could.

Think you got it figured out? The comments section is currently accepting your theories.
Source: EW

3. Interview with Lexie’s Actress: OK, one last tease about what's coming up for Lexie....

Leigh: All I can say is this: There are really, really big, good and juicy things coming up for Lexie. One of them involves the other interns who Lexie starts to bond with. She becomes more assertive as they all try to get more hands-on training. It's pretty cool.

4.Patrick Dempsey answers a few questions about what's next for MerDer.

NEW YORK As an array of actors, models, designers, artists and socialites dripping in diamonds descended on the Whitney Museum of American Art for a fundraising gala co-chaired by Donatella Versace and special guest Patrick Dempsey on Monday night, talk on the red carpet turned to the new television season.

When asked if there would be wedding bells for his Dr. Derek Shepherd and Ellen Pompeo's Dr. Meredith Grey on Grey's Anatomy, Dempsey, who is featured in Versace's advertising campaign, replied, "There may be. I think so. I don't think it will be a typical marriage. Rumor has it something might be happening. I think they have to. It's time for them to get together."

Source: USA Today

General Pictures

1. Christina/Owen

*A great thanks to for supplying all this information.
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Old 02-08-2009, 03:28 PM
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Thanks for the new thread! Any chance we could clear the opening of old spoilers and stuff that has already aired?
sons of anarchy.
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Old 02-08-2009, 03:33 PM
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Is there any news about Denny being gone for good? I had no idea why I enjoyed this week's GA so much until I realised it was because Denny wasn't there.
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Old 02-08-2009, 03:37 PM
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Originally Posted by buffygirl_uk (View Post)
Is there any news about Denny being gone for good? I had no idea why I enjoyed this week's GA so much until I realised it was because Denny wasn't there.
He is not gone for good he will come back ,sorry
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Old 02-08-2009, 04:36 PM
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I'm sure he'll be back once Izzie realizes what's up. That's the only good thing about the PrP crossover - No room for Denny. I think it would be pretty amazingly hilarious if Denny followed Addison back to her stupid clinic and Denny was on PrP now.
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Old 02-08-2009, 05:20 PM
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They should have just left Denny alone in S3. I'm not going to deny that they were the ship I adored on the show, but I think S3 gave them the perfect closure.

Why Shonda felt the need to rehash all that is beyond me.
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Old 02-08-2009, 06:34 PM
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Yah sucks how Denny will be back, though I thought Izzie figured things out last time when she tolled Denny to go away, no? Is he coming back to tell her she needs to fix herself or hey'll take her with him? Sounds scarry LOL. *Sigh* Ghosts Busters mixed with Greys Anatomy just doesn't work.
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Old 02-08-2009, 06:35 PM
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And you know what the worst part Shonda by her own said that she does not write a SL unless she knows it a success
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Old 02-08-2009, 06:56 PM
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On the last thread someone posted the following:

"i'm pretty sure TR knight is leaving... do we have any confirmations on katherine heigl?
I just watched S1-S3...and honestly I am hating the original cast leaving...they just had so much chemistry as a team...
all these new doctors they're trying to bring in...just not working for me...i mean I'm still adjusting to lexie and still don't feel for her the way i do for the friendship of izzy,mer,christina, george and alex...there wa sthis pull there between those guys, the chemistry in the funny situations, the dramatic situations...
i'm getting a bit sad lately...anyone else feel that way?"

I TOTALLY feel that way. The chemistry between these five individuals is undenaible and AMAZING! Unfortunately, after season 3, it seemed most of the time like the characters didn't even like each other. That spark dwindled. The best-friendship between Meredith and Cristina has stayed strong, but the relationship between George and Izzie, after they ended their romance, was nowhere near the friendship that they had had before and the friendships that Meredith and Cristina had w/the other 3 has not been the same.

These 5 were each others best competition as surgeons, but at the same time, they were best friends who at the end of the day loved and supported each other, no matter what, even when things weren't going well in their careers or their love lives. These five would fight for each other. I'm really, really hoping that we see that again, STRONG thru Izzie's illness, we need to see 4 individuals who are there supporting each other and fighting for Izzie and not accepting that she can't be saved.
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Old 02-08-2009, 07:10 PM
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Originally Posted by buffygirl_uk (View Post)
Is there any news about Denny being gone for good? I had no idea why I enjoyed this week's GA so much until I realised it was because Denny wasn't there.
I thought the last episode sucked.
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Old 02-08-2009, 07:30 PM
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I thought the serial killer arc was better than GA had in awhile, and this last one was pretty good too. And then they have to go and **** up their momentum with this stupid crossover.
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Old 02-08-2009, 07:41 PM
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And After the crossover Denny will be back as EW stated
I do not even know what is worse the crossover or Denny take your pick LOL?
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Old 02-08-2009, 08:55 PM
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I am happy we are getting a crossover but that it only because I ship Maddison. Denny is worse than any crossover. He is supposed to stay dead not come back and haunt our screens.
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Old 02-09-2009, 05:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Cristofle (View Post)
I thought the serial killer arc was better than GA had in awhile, and this last one was pretty good too. And then they have to go and **** up their momentum with this stupid crossover.
ITA with you.

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Old 02-09-2009, 11:27 AM
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Originally Posted by WalaBridget (View Post)
And you know what the worst part Shonda by her own said that she does not write a SL unless she knows it a success
Well I guess she doesn't know what success is than. So sad, I mean does she shut herself off from the world or some thing? Surley she must read those horrible reviews on Denny?

Than T.R Knight is leaving, this makes me so angry he was the first reason why I began liking the show. UGH I'm so angry with Shonda right now, I am
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