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Old 08-12-2004, 01:01 PM
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Magic Academy #2 Witches parking all others will be toads!

LOL I told you I suck at coming up with witty titles. I got this off a site somewhere.

Thanks to Elspeth the Wicked for this wonderful banner.


It's pretty plotless, it takes place at a school for magic. You can say it's based on Harry Potter. I've seen Harry Potter now. LOL

The place is a boarding school for special kids, kids blessed(Or Cursed) with Magic. To the outside world it just looks like a very prestigious boarding school, not even the parents to some of the kids know what really goes on there.


Take as many characters as you want, as long as it's no less then 2 and an even amount.
B/G rule, Student/Teacher.
Please post as much as you can.
4 line minimum to post, though I probably won't hold it against anybody if they don't do it all the time.
Unlimited spots.


Spot: Summernights (Tom Felton/Hilary Duff/Jeremy Sumpter)
Spot: Starvixen1000 (Daniel Radcliff)
Spot: CherryChica87 (Emma Watson)
Spot: goodbyegirl84 (Emma Watson)
Spot: Dimaranwen (Tom Welling)
Spot: Untouchable (Alison Lohman)
Spot: AngelDevil (Haley Joel Osment)
Spot: Shempy (Alexis Bledel)

Carmen Daniels-Summernights-Hilary Duff
Frank Garrett-Summernights-Tom Felton
Jesse Dodson-Summernights-Jeremy Sumpter
Aiden Ashmore-Starvixen-Daniel Radcliff
Michaela Worthington-Cherrychica87-Emma Watson
Cassie Worthington- goodbyegirl84-Emma Watson
Clark Weaver-Dimaranwen- Tom Welling
April Mellings- Untouchable- Alison Lohman
Avery Swinton-AngelDevil-Haley Joel Osment
Kaily Thomas-Shempy- Alexis Bledel


Spot: Summernights (Natalie Portman/Elijah Wood/Dominic Monaghan)
Spot: Starvixen1000 (Sarah Michelle Gellar)
Spot: goodbyegirl84 (Chad Murray)
Spot: Starless Night 20 (Orlando Bloom/Kiera Knightley)
Spot: Dimaranwen (Amelia Vega)
Spot: Shempy (Jake Gyllenhaal)
Spot: Cherrychica87 (Devon Sawa)
Spot: Endless Rain (Eliza Dushku)
Spot: Spinbeneathcandy (Lonneke Engel)
Spot: AngelDevil (Hayden Christensen)

Shaye Andrews-Summernights-Played By: Natalie Portman
Lucas Parker-Summernights-Elijah Wood
Christian Summers-Summernights-Dominic Monaghan
Aurora Harris-Starvixen-Sarah Michelle Gellar
James Ambrose-goodbyegirl84-Chad Michael Murray
Walker Tranton-Starless Night 20-Orlando Bloom
Elisabeth *Elisa, Eli* Waters-Starless Night 20-Keira Knightley
Summer Goodman- Dimaranwen-Amelia Vega
Holden Ashmore-Shempy-Jake Gyllenhaal
Jasper *Jax* Jax-Cherrychica87-Jax
Mackenzie *Mac* Celeste-Endless Rain- Eliza Dushku
Reece McAdams-Spinbeneathcandy-Lonneke Engel
Daniel Bellamy-AngelDevil-Hayden Christensen


Spot: Summernights (Gerard Butler, Diane Kruger, Viggo Mortensen, Jennifer Connelly, Julia Roberts, Jessica Alba)
Spot: Starvixen1000 (Rebecca Herbst/Stuart Townsend)
Spot: CherryChica87 (Mark Wahlberg/Diane Lane)
Spot: goodbyegirl84 (Cameron Daddo/Lauren Graham)
Spot: Starless Night 20 (Charlize Theron/Johnny Depp)
Spot: Dimaranwen (Rose Byrne/Eric Bana)
Spot: Shempy (Hugh Jackman/Catherine Zeta Jones/Alan Rickman)
Spot: Endless Rain (Jude Law)
Spot: Untouchable (Luke Wilson)
Spot: Spinbeneathcandy (Ewan Mcgregor)
Spot: Angeldevil (Sophie Marceau)

Morgan Fields-Potions-Summernights-Gerard Butler
Bailey James-Transfiguration-Summernights-Diane Kruger
Robert Carter-Headmaster-Summernights-Viggo Mortensen
Sharon Hunter-History of Magic-Summernights-Jennifer Connelly
Honor Finnigan-Care of Magical Creatures-Summernights-Julia Roberts
Constance *Con* Green-Flying-Summernights-Jessica Alba
Eliza O’Keefe-History of Magic-Starvixen-Rebecca Herbst
Michael Evans-Charms-Starvixen-Stuart Townsend
Hunter Patterson-Defense Against Dark Arts-Cherrychica87-Mark Wahlberg
Charisma Mantucket-Chancery-Cherrychica87-Charisma
Rawley Bade-Defense Against Dark Arts-goodbyegirl84-Cameron Daddo
Brinly Blanche-Potions-goodbyegirl84-Played By: Lauren Graham
Dalia Soctorn-Potions-Starless Night 20-Charlize Theron
Carter Beaufort-Transfiguration-Starless Night 20- Johnny Depp
Aurelie Rivers-Offensive Magic-Dimaranwen-Rose Bryne
Jake Penington-Astronomy-Dimaranwen-Eric Bana
Gordon *Gordo* Slattery-Physical Education-Shempy-Hugh Jackman
Theo Lahiri-Divination-Shempy- Catherine Zeta Jones
Winston *Quigsley*-Defense Techniques-Shempy-Alan Rickman
Victor *Wolf* Wolfe-Advanced Wizardry-Endless Rain[/i]- Jude Law
Corbin Fenton-Muggles Studies-Untouchable- Luke Wilson
David Freeman-Astronomy-Spinbeneathcandy-Ewan Mcgregor
Mykalle Laverne-Herbology-AngelDevil-Sophie
Cerise Ludic-Nurse-goodbyegirl84-Ellen Burstyn

Students Bio

Taken By:
Age: 15-18
Year: Junior/Senior
Personality: 4 Words
Relationships: TBA for now.
Played By: Link to picture

Teachers bios

Taken By:
Age: 25-40
Personality: 4 Words
How Long: They've been there
What they Teach: I say use Harry Potter as inspiration. And I'm allowing two teachers per subject.
Relationships: TBA for now
Played By: Link to Picture

Thanks to the following information by Kate(Goodbyegirl84)

Magic Academy, a history
Magic Academy is hidden from Muggle eyes. The castle is bewitched so that if a Muggle looks at it, all they see is a moldering old ruin with a sign over the entrance saying DANGER, DO NOT ENTER, UNSAFE.

Magic Academy castle is located atop a cliff overlooking a lake. The lake is to the south of the castle and the front doors face generally to the west. A road runs around the lake to the village, where the railway station is located. The main entrance gate is flanked by statues of phoenix.

All those substitutes for magic Muggles use - electricity, computers, and radar, and all those things - they all go haywire around Magic Academy, there's too much magic in the air."

All classrooms and offices can be enchanted, and secret passageways- professors know and trouble makers like Clark, Christian and Frank. All floors attached via the great staircases, which move. Professors live in the school, entrances to their residences are via their classrooms, but since it’s all enchanted their residence’s aren’t necessarily anywhere near their classrooms. You need a password to get into the dorms/common rooms and a password to get in any Professor’s residence and Robert’s Office/Residence.

Dungeons and sub-levels:
Atmosphere: cold, icy in the winter, low ceilings, extends under the lake, greenish torchlight
-Potions Classrooms (3): Potions Located there because the previous Potions Professors liked it
-Defense Techniques Classroom
-Quigsley’s Office and Private Chambers
-Morgan’s Office and Private supply room
-Brinley’s Office and Private supply room
-Dalia’s Office and Private supply room
-Up too 4 other hidden dungeons with enchantments
-Kitchens (under the Great Hall) : staffed by over a hundred House Elves
-Many Hidden Chambers and Rooms

Ground Floor:
-Entrance Hall (Large room, lit by torches, with ceiling so high it's barely visible)
-Great Hall (chamber with an enchanted ceiling which mirrors the sky outside. Long tables each grade. The professors sit at the High Table, a table on a raised platform at the front of the room. There is a great window behind the High Table)
-Staff room (long, comfy room)
-Freshman Dorms
-Freshman Common Room
-Exit to the Courtyard which overlooks the lake on the cliff

First floor
-Muggle studies classroom
-Corbin’s Office
-Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom
-History of Magic classroom
-Sharon’s Office (joined to Eliza’s via a common room)
-Eliza’s Office (joined to Sharon’s via a common room)
-Transfiguration classrooms
-Bailey’s Office
-Carter’s Office

Second Floor
-Robert’s Office and Residence **Enchanted Stairs start there and go up to the South Tower**
-Rawley’s Office (attached to Hunter’s, with stairs leading into the DADA classroom)
-Hunter’s Office (attached to Rawley’s, with stairs leading into the DADA classroom)
-Junior Common Room
-Junior Dorm

Third Floor
-Trophy room
-Charms classroom
-Michael’s Office
-Hospital Wing (many beds with white sheets)
-Madam Ludic's office

Fourth Floor
-Library (Countless Books and a Restricted Section barred by enchanted ropes: You need permission from a professor)
-Sophomore Dorms
-Sophomore Common Room

Fifth Floor
-Offensive Magic Halls (large rooms with pads on walls and cushions on the floor, large book shelves)
-Mykalle’s Office
-Aurelie’s Office
-Advanced Wizardry classroom
-Wolf’s Office (attached to the AW classroom)

Sixth Floor (Off limits)

Seventh Floor
-Senior common room
-Senior Dorms (goes to top of West Tower)
-Divination classroom (goes to top of North Tower)
-Theo’s Office
-Room of Requirement (a magical room which can only be discovered by someone who is in need)

Towers (which are at the top of the school)
-Astronomy Tower (tallest tower, Astronomy Class is at Night, and Jake and David’s offices)
-North Tower: Theo's residence and the Divination Classroom
-West Tower: Senior Dorms
-South Tower: Robert’s Office/Residence
-East Tower: Owlery to send messages with Owls

Outside of Magic Academy
-Herbology Green House
-Honor’s Cottage (near the forbidden forest)
-Games Hut (near PE and Flying Fields)
-In Games Hut:
Gordon’s Office
Con’s Office
-Forbidden Forest

-The day begins with breakfast in the Great Hall. During breakfast, the morning mail arrives in a flurry of hundreds of owls. A bell signals the start of the first class at 9 am.
-At the end of this class, there is a short break to walk to the next class after which another bell signals the beginning of the next class.
-There are two morning classes with a break between, followed by lunch and a break.
-After lunch, classes resume at 1pm.
-Supper is served in the Great Hall toward evening, after which the students are expected to be in their common rooms for studying and socializing. But students don’t always follow the rules.
-There is no set bedtime after supper.
-Weekends are free time, with trips down to the village.

Names that I know

Starless Night 20-MA

If you want to be added just post your name. Of if you’ve told me your names and I was rude and forgot it let me know. I forget a lot of things so don’t feel bad.
Icon by bittersweet_art over at livejournal
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Old 08-12-2004, 01:55 PM
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I know all the profiles have gone missing but when I tried to edit in all the last of the information it said it was too long. But if this thread is still going by thread 3 I'll make a site thing somewhere for the bios.

Just fair warning we're going to be skipping ahead soon. I want everybody to finish up they're conversations. I'm thinking by page 3 or atleast don't be doing anything important with your characters at that time wait until page 3.


"Well I'm not going in a broom closet." I pointed out. "But if you want to go somewhere else, like dinner or something. I'd go there." I didn't mean as a date but as friends, I just assumed he knew that though. I hadn't gone on a date with anybody from the school, not even Carter who I wouldn't mind of he asked me. I'd accept. "There's this bar in the village that's real nice. I don't know if you ever been there but I don't remember the name."


I grinned. "Well okay I'll take your word for it." I said moving my neck put of the way. Didn't want it to get hurt or anything. "So where did ya'll go for the summer? I want to hear all about it so I can imagine I was there with you. Especially during any skinny dippping." I said with a serious face, backing up far enough in case they took it wrong. "Or any swimming period."


Before we left the room I picked up a blanket that I kept on the back of the couch. "The ground is probably could and I don't want us to catch a cold or anything." I admitted as we left my room. I knew a short cut that would get us the the flying grounds faster. I'd thankfully found it after a whole year of getting to class late. One of my students pointed it out to me and I didn't want to know how the new how to get there so face. The path they'd given me was hidden. It didn't take us long to get to the field. Once there I spread the blanket out and plopped down on it. I patted the spot beside me. "I think we already established that you were the biter an dnot me."


I watched him fight with his closest. "I can help you if you don't mind me looking at some of your stuff." I didn't know if he'd appreciate anybody messing with his personal stuff. I know I didn't but I wouldn't have minded help earlier when I was unpacking. I could always leave anything that I considered personal for him to put up. "I don't mind helping you out, I wish I'd waited until somebody had been there to help me out."


Aww man why couldn't I keep the lie up with her. I'd managed to tell the lie which was feat in itself since it's hard for me to lie to Aurora at all. With a sigh I set down on the bed beside her and made her look at me. "The only blond in my like Aurora Harris is you." I said looking her in the eye. "I was just hurt that you said I was getting any." I smirked. "You should know better then anyone since I'm always with you." I grinned. "Mayeb that means you're not getting any either?" I asked and then wished I hadn't. What if she met somebody after I'd left? What if she had a boyfriend that I didn't know about?"


I stopped when I heard Quigsley voice. I sniffed a little while I thought about telling him. It was no secret that Quigsley despised all that romantic stuff that went on between the teachers. But he was there and he'd ask me what was wrong. I could use with a good vent. "Well you're going to think I'm silly but I love Michael but I haven't ever been able to tell him. I thought that I would have plenty of time to tell him, to work up the nerve to tell him and make sure I was ready for any rejection. But now he's gone out with Charisma and I'm too late. I offered him some of my homemade cookies and he never passes up on a cookie. And now I'm left her crying like a dummy in front of you, who probably thinks I'm just being a child." I finished that up with a deep breath and before I knew what I was doing I'd threw myself at him and was hugging him, crying into his robes. "I'm a blabbering fool."

I thought I'd see how Quigsley would handle a crying lovesick woman.


I grinned. "Denny you don't ever have to apologize for your red cheeks where I'm concerned. I love your red cheeks. I think it makes you sweet and I love you sweet." I said wrapping my arms around him and standing on my tiptoes to kiss each red cheek. "I think it's goodt hat you blush about things. I take it to mean that you're not too jaded. Besides I blush alot too. So we'll stay together and people can just look and point at our red faces." I made a face. "Which would probably make her faces even redder." I stopped talking an grin. "Who am I to complaine about your blushing when you listen to me ramble on and on about things."


I smiffed but smile anyway. I caught her hand in mind and gave it a wuick kiss. "I'll teleport for you but it's on your head if I crush some poor sould who didn't see it coming. Though if Brinly takes my side that'll be two against one." I looked at Brinly. "So what do you say Brin? You've seen me teleport are you willing to take the chance? I mean it might be your foot I land on." Brinly had learned first hand, like Theo that I suck when it come to teleporting. I'd landed on Brins foot and on Theo completly. I thought I'd killed her but then she just looked up at my and laughed. I knew I oved her then, if she could put up with me after that then I figured she was special and I should keep her.


I touched my cheek when she turned to look at the other 3 juniors but quickly dropped it before she turned back around. "Oh drama." I said in my best soap opera voice. "It's obvious that Frank likes her, I didn't know about Avery but that could cause some problems. But then maybe she doesn't liek either of them and will tell them that. Maybe then they can all work at being friends." I was an opptimistic now. I shook my head. "I saw Aiden earlier. I helped carry his trunk to his room with Mr. Gordon. I think he'd packed every piece of clothing he owned in his whole life. I left him to Carmen." I grinned. "I hope things are going well or he'd never forgive me. But I'm hope I wa sjust giving him a nudge."
Icon by bittersweet_art over at livejournal
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Old 08-12-2004, 02:47 PM
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OOC:For the list of people everyone calls me AD

The force with which she hit him caused him to lose his fotting, and my hands went to his arms to steady him. They quickly retracted back to her sides after the fact. She wasn't quite sure what to say to his answer. She looked away from him while he answered her first question. Of course he would have experienced these things before. He never let on to such things, and until...... Today, actually, neither did I. I looked back at him, a small smile taking hold of my features "I would love that." I said, looking around as if choosing a spot. I didn't believe that I wanted to go to the staff room, and as big as this school was empty classrooms weren't the ideal place to find yourself in. The courtyard seemed the best place, but was Jake still there? That might prompt a whole different line of conversation.

"...... How about my room? I was just in the courtyard." I said tentatively.

That could be taken two ways. I was hoping he would take it the right way.

I sighed, turning onto my side and looked at her incredulously "Did you at least read it?" I asked curiously, looking at the assignment in front of me, which I had miraculously finished during, gasp, the time that had been given during the summer. My hands went to my cheeks and I made a dramatic 'O' with my lips "You mean I won't have anyone to talk to during potions class? I'm horrified." I said cheekily, but at the look on her face I shook my head. The big smacking wet kissy sounds she was making weren't making me want to refuse that much either "Alright!" I said quickly, a small smile playing on my face "Fine. You win." I said simply, getting up into a sitting position, my leg sprawled uselessly around me.

I shoved all my other work off the bed and pulled out a few pieces of parchment, picking up my quill on the bedside table.

"So, what do you need help with?" At the look on her face I ventured a guess "....... Everything?" I asked lightly, looking over at her "This is a long assignment....... So I guess it'll be a long night."

The things I did for my friends.
I chose a road of passion and pain
sacrificed too much and waited in vain
Gave up my power ceased being queen
Addicted to love like the drug of a fiend
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Old 08-12-2004, 03:06 PM
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“Oh boy,” She muttered as Gordon made the god awful joke. He really needed to stop that. But if he did who would she share banter with. She looked from Charisma to Gordon. Oh yeah this wasn’t at all tense. She thought. Charisma seemed to being glaring at her and Gordon was cracking jokes. “Well I’m going to go actually start getting ready for my classes, I’ll leave you too alone.” She said as she tried to scurry away quietly. She through a look over to Gordon. And whispered quietly, ”If you need to talk you know where to find me.”


“Yeah if you want, I really could use all the help I can get. Just if you do find anything to embarrassing, can you just forget it.” He said with a smile. “He went back into the closet, hopefully she wouldn’t find too many embarrassing things in there, he had books and things but usually his mom packed some really odd things. Like last year she gave him all Denny’s underwear.


It felt like a great weight, had been let off her shoulders. Lucas didn’t meet and blonde girl. He was still hers, wait where did that come from. She was beginning to melt from his words until he said she wasn’t getting any. She could be mean like he was but then thought against it. “Yeah I met someone, not. I have to actually have a life to meet someone. I either with you or I am studying. Some life that it,” she said with smirk. “But I not complaining about being with you, you’re the only one who can understand my babbling.
"This is so not life at all
Help me out-out-of this nightmare".

Icon Credit to angel_1stdegree
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Old 08-12-2004, 06:00 PM
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I watched as Eliza got up and whispered something to Gordon. I felt myself tense up even more as I watched her walk away."See you later." I said to her in the sweetest voice I could get it to go to. I looked at Gordon and sat down next to him."You know you are a very hard person to find in this academy." I said to him with a smile as I put my hands in my lap.

I looked at Frank and rolled my eyes and hit him slightly."Jerk." I said teasingly."Now if you had any sense you would know that my sister and I don't skinny dip." I said as I looked at him."But we did swim a lot actually." I said with a grin."Too bad you weren't with us. That would have made the trip 100 percent perfect."

I looked at her."Dinner hmm...I can't cook." I said with a sigh."But if you want to come into my office..I got some leftover cookies we can eat those. If you want to that is." I said rasing my eyebrow up in a suggestive manner.
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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Old 08-12-2004, 06:29 PM
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OOC: LOL I just imagined Morgan plopping down on Theo then looking down at her, "I love you! You broke my fall!"

Quigsley restrained himself from rolling his eyes when she told him that she was in love with Michael. The bad thing about Quigsley was that he hated all of that mushy stuff going on in the school, he really did, and he would make it obvious that he did, but the good thing was that he wasnt cold hearted...I mean the woman was in tears, it would be indecent to tell her just the way he felt about the subject...might as well just throw her off the side of the building while he was at it. He was about to say something when he saw her reach out and hug him! Good lord! Quigsley hadnt been hugged in years! (KODAK MOMENT) His first reaction was his eyes flashed open, and his muscles tensed up, he then realized she was crying against his robes and....oh darnit....his robes...his beautiful robes....He finally lifted up his arm and patted her back slightly, now what.....being a subject he always avoided, he had no idea what to say, she was obviously desperate for some kind of reasurance...anything! All he could think of was, "I'll take one of your cookies," he didnt think that made her feel any better, but it would probably make her stop crying.

Gordon saw Eliza get up and she seemed to look uncomfortable with the situation and he immediately realized that he shouldnt be joking at the moment. He cleared his voice and nodded to Eliza, giving her one of his apologetic smiles she knew all to well. He then turned to Charisma and he sat down next to her, he laughed at what she said, and he added, "Thats why I chose to teach Physical Education, they toss you out in the field, and give you this little office, which I still dont know where it is," he chuckled, "so I like to call this my office," he gestured around him. He glanced back at Charisma and just observed her, he was glad that she had come out here, he really didnt like the way he was feeling because he had never felt this way before. Sure he had been with other women but that had been different. He set his elbows on his knees and propped his chin on his hands, leaning towards her a bit, "So, why were you looking for me at this time of night?"
"Not all treasure is made of silver and gold mate."
~Jack Sparrow~
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Old 08-12-2004, 06:32 PM
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I smiled at him now what was I supposed to say? Gordon I have feelings for you I never knew possible and I was with Michael but it wasn't right. I felt like I should be with you. Um no. I looked at him."Well, you see. I was feeling slightly down earlier and I thought of you. You always make me laugh and show me a good time. So I figured why not go and find Gordon. I did see you earlier but I was rude and didn't say anything back to you and I felt bad about it all day." I said as I looked over at him as I pulled down slightly at the end of my skirt.
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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Old 08-12-2004, 06:52 PM
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Gordon thought she was going to say something else since she had hesitated a bit to answer his question, but it made him happy to know that she came all the way out here for him to cheer her up, he noticed her tug lightly at her squirt and he felt shivers go down his spine, he quickly brushed that thought out of his mind and said "You dont have to apologize about anything, come on, I have just the thing that will cheer you up," he grabbed her hand and pulled her up leading her toward the indoors gym.
When they arrived he turned on the lights and took out a little radio, he placed it on the floor and turned it on. Oldies music began to play, and he grinned. He clapped his hands once and slid over to Charisma offering her a hand while he tapped his foot to the beat.

Kailey laughed, "Yeesh there is a lot of drama here, even with the teachers," she tilted her head back, "Man, Ive heard so many rumors about so many teachers," she laughed, "I dont know, whatever floats their boat I guess," she smiled at Jesse and laughed at what he said about Aiden, "That sounds like Aiden, I remember last year he did the same, that trunk is becoming legendary here," she looked away yawning, "Oh boy, Im getting sleepy, but I dont want to go to sleep yet...I feel like a little kid that wants to stay up watching cartoons," she shook her head.
"Not all treasure is made of silver and gold mate."
~Jack Sparrow~
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Old 08-12-2004, 06:55 PM
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I wasn't sure where he was going to bring me but I followed behind him into the gym. I saw the lights go on and I smiled as I noticed he took out a radio. I laughed as he slid over to me. I took his hand and placed my other hand on his shoulder."I aceept your offer." I said in a sweet elegant tone as I began to dance with him to the music. I couldn't help but smile when I was around Gordon. He always made me feel so speacial and unique.
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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Old 08-12-2004, 07:15 PM
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After a while had passed of them dancing to different songs, and different beats he finally plopped down on the ground and leaned the back of his head on the wall, he closed his eyes and smirked, "Whew, that was a work out, even Im tired," he laughed and glanced over at her, "So how are you feeling? And what on earth made you feel depressed earlier? And dont worry if you dont want to talk because itll make you depressed again, the radio is still there and there's plenty of songs we havent danced to," he winked,"So come on," he patted the floor next to him, "it helps to talk to ol' Gordo."
"Not all treasure is made of silver and gold mate."
~Jack Sparrow~
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Old 08-12-2004, 07:20 PM
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I sighed as I took the seat next to Gordon and looked at the radio as I finally caught my breath I began to talk."You know this school is sort of depressing at times? I mean I am a teacher here and I walk through the halls and every time I see a kid that is homesick for their parents I earn for them or when I see a little boy or girl with a broken heart I feel for them.I think that's just why I was so upset. But it's gone now thanks to you." I said as I pulled my legs up so that my knees pointed at Gordon. It was amazing how I felt like I could connect to this man. He was a man of many different talents. All of which were good.
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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Old 08-12-2004, 07:33 PM
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Gordon nodded, "Yeah, everytime I look at them I see them wanting to mature so fast, they just want to do what older people do, they want to learn how to fly, is the way I see it," he shook his head, keeping the back of his head resting on the wall, "but I really wish they didnt, they just get hurt more that way," he chuckled a bit, "You know its funny how human beings are, they always want the opposite of what they have, like young people want to be older, older people want to be younger, people with long hair want short hair, people with short hair want long hair, people that are small want to be tall, and people that are tall want to be small," he took a deep breath and let out a loud sigh, "Oi, you gotta love the way people are," he turned his head to face her, keeping it against the wall and saw her turn her body to face him. He smiled at her, he loved that she looked so comfortable around him, and he felt the same way. He saw a strand of her hair fall down to her face and almost like a reflex, he reached out and stroked it away, pushing it behind her ear, his hand lingered there just for a couple of seconds and he pulled it back, he then said in a low tone, "you look beautiful tonight, did you get all dressed up to come and see me?" he smirked looking at her with dreary eyes.
"Not all treasure is made of silver and gold mate."
~Jack Sparrow~
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Old 08-12-2004, 07:39 PM
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When I felt his hand behind my ear after he pushed my hair away from my face I felt myself wanting to be closer to him. Thankfully he moved it. I blushed at his compliment."Thank you." I said as I looked down at the ground. This was where the killer part was going to come."I was supposed to have dinner with someone this evening." I said leaving the name out. Why did I just feel as if I had slapped someone in the face. I looked at his reaction and bit my lip quickly adding."It didn't go as planned."
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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Old 08-12-2004, 07:48 PM
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Gordon flinched at what she said, he felt the a sensation like he was going to choke on something so he cleared his throat and nodded, "Oh," he rubbed the back of his neck, "So what happened, I mean he wasnt rude to you or anything was he?" the only thing that was going through his head right now was, if she said yes, he was ready to kick some @$$. For some reason a strike of jealousy had hit him hard when she first told him, but it quickly went fading, because he thought, well she's here with me now and she looks happy, comfortable, and she came to look for me and not him so that must be a good sign.
"Not all treasure is made of silver and gold mate."
~Jack Sparrow~
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Old 08-12-2004, 07:53 PM
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"No, he was a good man." I said to him as I breathed deeply."It just wasn't right between the both of us. We both didn't feel any chemistry with one another." I said quickly as I looked at him. I could sense that what I had told him had bothered him a great deal and that made me feel sad. Sad enough to almost tell him."We both have feelings for other people." I said as I looked at Gordon to see what he would think of this.
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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