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Old 08-11-2004, 03:11 AM
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Once When We Were Lovers: A Past Life Roswell AU RP:

1. If you join post
2. 4 line minimum, it is imperative that you post long descriptive post, because this is alternate universe describe the scenery in detail..
3. Be sensible, not all these charecters are teenagers, in fact few of them are,
4. Because it is AU and somewhat medevil I would much appreciate cool not be used, or anything of that nature
5. Boy Girl
6. Do not change charecter...I don't mean I write what is and is not alloud to happen to them, I mean if I write Vilaundra as headstrong, don't make her vulnerable...or weepy, if Rath is stubbern, dont make him a pushover ect.
7. Move your charecters around

Once When We Were Lovers
I can not begin to say where I got the idea for this RP from, it has been reopened and rewritten with new things and concepts almost every time until it has evolved into this long thing, I think the major inspirations for it now come from Russia: Land of the Czars on the history channel, Dallas with its powerful, but very disfunctional family, and really any complicated love story, perticulary the Diana, Charles story...

I'm merely saying this so maybe you would understand what direction for this to go in, is it CC? UC? there are no conventional or unconventional Elizabeth is not the AU version of Liz Parker, nor is VIlaundra the AU spawn of Isabel Evans..these are more of charecters from my imagination put in a setting of an alternate universe.
Um, I have to explain a few alternate universe things before I go into charecters..

1. Age, from birth (Pregnancy is a month) at birth the babies go into rapid growth until they reach puberty, once they hit puberty this process slows rapidly, thus causing them to stay young and beautiful on the outside a long time...My cast is mostly models, because perfect people belong on alternate universes...just deal with it.

2. Culture, women are not powerful at ALL, servant women are even less powerful, so its best to just keep it that way, most of them are use to being nothing and think nothing of being treated like property, unless they are with the rebellion they shouldn't feel any differently.

3. Scenery, inside the palace there are fields, there is a woods area where the male servants hunt, there are orchids, lavish gardens, the palace itself is made out of ivory, so tend to be as graphic as possible, the servant quarters is this seperate building less than luxery,behind the palace walls is the royal court where the rich people live, beyond that is where the poor people live, and we do mean poor, starving, ect..

4. History on Rath Vilaundra, it was a dream of Wraith and Zantheir's to combine their bloodline through their children, therefor it was arranged that they would be married when they were ready to do so, so from early age Rath and Vilaundra played together, because Zan was off most of the time being prepped for king, and there weren't many children, Vilaundra didn't have a mother because she died giving her life, but as Rath and VIlaundra got older they grew apart, VIlaundra became more used to being a royal, and enjoying it, Rath did not...Thus their friendship was over, but there parents do not realize that

5.Powers, Royal men, and soldiers are trained in telekenetic abilities, and they have some form of control over the elements, some can heal, but not internal woulds, and doing so(healing) causes headaches if not trained medically, there are also sourcery, which is that of witchcraft, but not many men know how to use it, but many dabble in it, this causing them to lose their souls
Age list:
Anthony: 25
Dinahsty: 44
Courtney: 23



Zantheir The King Zantheir is a man from humble beginnings with Wraith they grew up in the lowest form of poor, they litterally had nothing, when they became young man with their self taught fighting skills they became soldiers, and instantly became influential people, they put together a group and brought down the empire and built their own, those who helped them became rich, however, the poor were left poor, and forgotten beyond the royal court.

Wraith The Soldier Wraith is Zantheir's closest and oldest friend, he too came from a troubled beginning, Wraith's childhood was that of being beaten down by his father constantly, because he was thin and weak, but once he stopped growing Wraith became one of the strongest men ever, he is a man who would do anything if it meant protecting his family, however he is quick tempered and frustrated with his depressed wife, so he sleeps around, and is turning into a feared man by almost every servant that works for him.

Zan The Prince Zan has real no ambition to be king, he is being trained almost constantly to fill his fathers shoes and keep the Anatarian empire to its great place in history, he is also married to Avara, a beautiful girl who he is infatuated with, but he feels he will ultimately fail both Avara, and his father..

Rath The Troubled Rath is very much like his father in many ways, but what makes him different is his mothers influence, he is young, he doesn't like being a royal, he doesn't like being ass kissed merely because of his bloodline, however he takes full advantage of sleeping with foreign princesses and members of the royal court, he has little respect for his father because he was away at war for most of his childhood and embraces his mother, he is just troubled in all areas in his life and longs for some kind of stability

Larek The Friend, the father Larek is an old friend of Zantheirs, though not as old as Wraith, Larek is a former king of another planet, his planet fell into a democracy, however his opinion is still valued among his planet, he is tutoring Zan in hopes that Zan will be a better king and bring Anatar out of the crisis it is in.

James The Traitor James is a former soldier of the Anatarian army, he is also a former close friend of Wraith's, but he had doubts about the empire, he thinks it is bound to fall, so he is helping Kivar train the rebellion army in telekenetics, a form of which he is very skilled, he is attracted to Wraith's wife Dinahsty.

Kivar The determinedKivar has the same background as Wraith and Zantheir, his may be even more troubled because his father died when he was a baby, and a woman gets paid next to nothing, once his mother died he got a job working for a member of the royal court (James) he started reading all of his books and building his education, it didn't take long for Kivar to build a plan, he was determined to take down the Anatarian empire.

Anthony The loyal Anthony is very loyal to the crown, he is one of Rath's closest friends, he is only unsure of one thing, he is in love with Avara, from afar though, she does not know he exist, he knows could cost him his life, he acts obnoxious around Rath, and has somewhat of an ego problem because of his position in the army

Alex The bewitched Alex is from the same planet that Avara is from, it is very simple, but no where near as fortunate as Anatar, Alex was Avara's childhood friend,he has no parents, and he is a very very troubled soul, this leaves him in spurts of violance and outrageous temper, he only knows one thing for certain he loves Avara, and he thinks she belongs to consumes him.

Trevor Trevor is Rath's younger brother, perhaps a little more emotioanally stable but really in the same boat of unstableness, he sleeps with many girls, and gets angry just as easy, though does not show it verbally as Rath tends to do, he is closer to his father than he is to his mother



Elana The wife Elana married Zantheir after his wife died, even though they'd she isn't much older than Vilaundra, she was somewhat of a bother in her family, she only had sisters and her father sold her for the highest bitter, she is somewhat conceited and bitchy, but that is only because that is what she is expected to be

Vilaundra The porcalin doll Vilaundra was one of the most beautiful women ever believed to have exist, she has the whole palace around her manicured finger, this has been happening since she stopped growing, she hates it though, she hates being a woman, she thinks it degradable, she hates how men treat women, she loves the attension, but wants someone that will not treat her like a possession

Dinahsty The NeglectedDinahsty is Wraith's wife, and mother of his children, although she is very neglected, she went into a depression when he went to war and she didn't ever get out of it because he came back someone other than the man she married, she is somewhat alcoholic, but the only thing that keeps her from pulling a blade across her wrist is her children...they need herTB Tasha

Mara The MistressMara is Wraith's on again off again, always platonic mistress, they're relationship is very turbulant, she is younger than both of his children, practically a baby, and even more a servant, but he spoils her, she actually gets payed with cash, and gets to sing at dinner party, this causes hostility between her and the other servants, so most of the time she feels angry and alone, her only friend is Elizabeth.

Avara The wife Avara is Zan's young wife, she is from a much poorer planet, so she basically married Zan to help her planet out of financial ruin, she does love him though, or at the very least has some sort of feelings for him, she could love him if she managed to get away from the influences that the palace puts on him...and her, she wants a happen marriage, that seems unattainable on Anatar

Courtney The companion Kora is one of Rath's only friends, she is in many ways as determined as he is, she is no where near royalty, her father is a former soldier, and her mother died when she was young, but she is very outspoken and opinionated which is a bit odd for a girl.

Elizabeth The perfect Elizabeth is Mara's best friend, they have been friends for as long as she can remember, Elizabeth was orphaned at a yonng age so Julianna was somewhat of a serogate mother to her, teaching her how to be a royal servant, and she is thankful for her job, because it keeps her fed, but in this perfection lies an insecure unstable girl...because she doesn't know who she is, as a person, all she knows is that she is a servant..this leaves her to self abuse


Thom- Thom finds himself overwhelmingly infactuated with Isabella, twin sister of his best friend Adam. Something about her intrigues him beyond imagine. He constantly finds himself angrily clashing with Zan over mixed ideals; the two men must interact due to Zantheir's command. Zantheir has insisted that Thom aid in Zan's understanding of the economic mishaps in the kingdom. TB: Kara

Adam- Adam came to the palace to keep watch on his twin sister, who has yet to learn to appreciate the quiteness that comes with womanhood. Instead she is headstrong, which drives him mad. He is best friends with Thom, who he knows from primary school. He befriends Mara and Elizabeth, servants, for he does not care about rank. He has a secret that keeps him from entering upon relationships, yet it is not one anyone knows, save for his sister. TB: Stephanie

AlexThe bewitched Alex is from the same planet that Avara is from, it is very simple, but no where near as fortunate as Anatar, Alex was Avara's childhood friend,he has no parents, and he is a very very troubled soul, this leaves him in spurts of violance and outrageous temper, he only knows one thing for certain he loves Avara, and he thinks she belongs to consumes him. He becomes friends with Isabella and Thom when they move to the palace, appreciating their wit and intelligence. TB: Brooke

Adriana The Agressor Once a primary player in Zan's life, Adriana visits from her own planet to see her old 'friend' Avara. Avara knows nothing of her old friend's relationship with her husband. Adriana forges a purely physical relationship with Trevor while Rath cannot stand her ways. Her ambition is purely for her own gain, and she usually gets what she wants, which is in this case, the title of Queen. TB: Kara

Lilah The Impressionable Though older than Mara, Lilah is young in comparison to any of the other nobility within the palace. Her father (James, unknowingly) ordered to have her moved to the palace (where he could watch her from afar) when she turned sixteen. She is there learning under Kivar, whom James trusts. She finds friendship with Vilaundra until the chemistry between her and Rath becomes unbearable... then she battles between friendship and her first romance. TB: Brooke

Isabella- Isabella sees herself as 'one of the guys' more than anything else. Her and her brothers are lower class, but as cousins of Courtney are welcome in the palace to visit their kin. The only guy she can really talk to is Alex because his obsession with Avara prevents him from doing what all other men do when they meet Isabella: fall in love with her TB; Stephanie
We are what we repeatedly do -William Blake

Last edited by Delirious Angel; 08-27-2004 at 06:27 PM
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Old 08-11-2004, 03:12 AM
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Mara Wraith and Courtney are my charecters
We are what we repeatedly do -William Blake
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Old 08-11-2004, 03:14 AM
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rath and Vilundra and Elizabeth and James, think that'll do it for now.

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Old 08-11-2004, 03:07 PM
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I hope we get this thing started up again.
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Old 08-12-2004, 12:42 AM
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come on people this is the greatest rp ever!
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Old 08-12-2004, 10:09 PM
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Old 08-13-2004, 06:54 AM
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So glad that we are starting this thing up again This has always been one of my favourite role plays.

Can I please have: Avara and Trevor?
Celebrating 10,000 Posts at the Elementary board!

It's Elementary my dear Watson
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Old 08-15-2004, 03:16 AM
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okay well lets just start and then when SilverCrystal gets back from wherevers she can join in to...we still need people but I miss rping

We're starting at night
We are what we repeatedly do -William Blake
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Old 08-15-2004, 03:25 AM
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I leaned back on my barstool, my short black dress matching my shiney black hair, I smirked at Rath as we watched the thralls of people around us, I smiled at them and makes jokes about them, I wouldn't have even came tonight if Rath hadn't asked me to, we had been best friends for almost as long as I can remember, I just didn't remember when he became so serious? Or was he not serious? I sighed and looked at Rath,
my best friend had become a tall, dark and handsome mystery man, but he was starting to become a mystery to me, he always smiled knowingly, like he had this secret that he wouldn't tell me, and now he never smiled, did I find out about his secret or was there no secret at all? Was his personality just changing because he was working more? Sleeping around? What was it? Was my friend sad, depressed? Lonely? Did he ever get lonely?
We are what we repeatedly do -William Blake
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Old 08-15-2004, 01:07 PM
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Vilundra and Rath walked into the room together, even though they very well should have been in seperate universes. They talked occasionaly, but their relationship was completely plutonic. vilundra didn't want to marry him and Rath sure as hell didn't want to marry her. but they had to show up together and chit chat just for the public eyes and for their parents wouldn't be completely humilated. Vilundra still respected her father and Rath knew his duties and knew that he couldn't just very well break it, it would only lead to havok. After all Vilundra's father is the King. Rath is just hoping that Vilundra will find herself another lover. "my father wants us to share a dance tonight." Vilundra says to me while sitting down. We sat down with Rath and his friends, Courtney was included. vilundra sometimse wondered if they were having some sort of secret affair. Rath just couldn't be friends with someone so beautiful without anything happening between them.
"No, I refuse to. I mean look at these morons out there. It is like they all have too left feet. It looks like they are doing some sort of mating ritual." I say with a laugh. I hear my friends laugh with me and then they make some comments about the people dancing.

Vilundra obviously became very upset. She liked getting her way, and Rath is really the only one that said no to her and it drove her completely and totally insane. "Do you really want to get my father upset Rath? He is really expecting us to dance together tonight. He said that me and you don't make enough public appearences together." She tried to explain to him.
"Oh come on Vilundra, what exactly are you getting at here? You never listen to your father. What is he offering you this time?" Zantheir always had to bribe his beautiful daughter so she would do things for him.
"He offered me this beautiful necklace, it's really one of a kind and it's very valuable." She whispered to him. She had her eyes on this necklace for years. And if she didn't get her hands on it, she knew Zan would convince Zantheir to give it to his young Bride, Avara.
"Find some other way to get it Vilundra, because I'm not getting it for you." Rath snapped. Vilundra got up from the table and stormed up. Rath then stood up and faced Courtney. "Would you like to dance?" Rath offered Courtnye his hand.

Vilundra was furious. When she turned around she found Rath offering Courtney his hand, an obvious slap in Vilundra's face. "I'm going to get you Rath, mark my words." She said under her breath. She was tired of Rath trying to embarrass her. she was tired of not getting what she wanted because of Rath's stubborness. Vilundra sees Raths' brother Trevor and she immideatley goes up to him. vilundra was sexually and emontionally frustrated and she has heard about Trevor's reputation. "How are you doing tonight?" Vilundra asks him with a sly smile. She was glad she looked incredibly sexy tonight.


I stood by Avara and in the distance I see Vilundra and Rath arguing. What was new between them? I wish that they would just accept their fate. They are getting married, and there was nothing that they could do about it. I was so glad that me and my wife care deeply about eachother. Sometimes I had my doubts, sometimes I wondered if there was someone else out there for me, but I guess it was okay for someone to have doubts. I was just still so amazed that I actually was married to such a wonderful person. i sometimes wondered if she was going to change. Was this just all an act? I quickly shake the thought out of my head and kiss Avara's hand. "I'm glad that you and I don't have as much trouble as Vilundra and Rath." I say to her with a small laugh. "You look incredibly beautiful tonight, although every night and day you look lovely." I say to softly to her. I always loved complimenting her. She was one that surely deserved it.
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Old 08-16-2004, 10:34 PM
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I smiled at Rath's hand, he was deliberately pissing her off again, I shouldn't be surprised, I had come to expect this kind of behaviour from Rath, I welcomed it, Vilaundra's problem was, everyone knew she was beautiful, even Rath knew she was beautiful, it was like a written fact, and though Rath knew this fact about his bride Rath didn't give a damn, a slow sweet piano melody played in the background and the usual singer stepped to the mic, it was all so typical, everything was overly grand, everything was fairy tale like, I felt like a princess, only problem was, the prince was more like my best friend, a brother perhaps, everything but a lover, don't get me wrong, Rath was tall, handsome and had the build of a Greek God, something that came naturally to all soldiers, and Rath was the lead of all the soldiers...well not yet, his father still ran the army, and had power of that sense alone, but Wraith was too old, and too distracted by booze and women to be conscerned with the army.

I looked at Rath as we swayed to the honeyed voice of the blonde behind the piano, "You're trying to get people talking again aren't you?" I asked with a sly grin

I sighed heavily against Wraith's chest then pulled away from him, I was late for work and I was going to cut this thing off, one day, I knew it was wrong, terribly wrong, but how could I say no to him? I couldn't say no to him, I had no such power, he didn't rape me, he didn't have to, I fell willingly for him, he had this power, this, magnetism over people where people just were drawn to him, and I was drawn to him, and stuck to him, now he was like a plague that crossed my mind at least a dozen times a day, it was beginning to make me more ill than I was, I wanted to die, I felt like a wild animal in a cage, I wanted to die, these castle walls was my cage, my big cage, and outside the walls I would be hunted like prey....I had no choice, I slipped my black dress back on and walked out, I was on my way to work before he dragged me in here, I sighed and stepped out on stage.


Hey your glass is empty
It’s a hell of a long way home
Why don’t you let me take you
It’s no good to go alone
I never would have opened up
But you seemed so real to me
After all the bull**** I’ve heard
It’s refreshing not to see
I don’t have to pretend
She doesn’t expect it from me

Don’t tell me I haven’t been good to you
Don’t tell me I have never been there for you
Don’t tell me why
Nothing is good enough

Hey little girl would you like some candy
Your momma said that it’s ok
The door is open come on outside
No I can’t come out today
It’s not the wind that cracked your shoulder
And threw you to the ground
Who’s there that makes you so afraid
You’re shaken to the bone
And I don’t understand
You deserve so much more than this

So don’t tell me why
He’s never been good to you
Don’t tell me why
He’s never been there for you
Don’t you know that why
Is simply not good enough
So just let me try
And I will be good to you
Just let me try
And I will be there for you
I’ll show you why
You’re so much more than good enough...

With drink already in hand I gathered myself and went to join the rest of the people, I was already half way drunk, I knew that Mara was left unsatisfied, but this didn't bother me, she was mine, she was for my pleasure, a job my wife had long been out of, she didn't want me anymore, she needed more emotional time, she wanted more of me than my body, I couldn't give that to her anymore, I wasn't capable of such love anymore, I was getting older, I had things that I had to do, responsibilities that come with being powerful, I had no such time to devote to my wife, let alone my children, I saw Rath dancing with that girl, her name escaped me, she was a daughter of one of my former friends, Rath and her had been friends for as long as I could remember, but it looked bad just the same, but then I saw Vilaundra talking to Trevor, my favorite son, for he was more loyal, I smiled, and watched from the bar and ordered another drink.
We are what we repeatedly do -William Blake

Last edited by Delirious Angel; 08-17-2004 at 12:46 AM
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Old 08-16-2004, 10:50 PM
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I spinned courtney and then pulled her back into my arms again. "Yes, I am trying to get people to talk again. I really do find it to be very amusing and I find it that it gets a lot of the royals very upset...especially my future father in law." I say with a small laugh. but I really didn't care what he had to say. There was really nothing that he could do to me. I was too much of a valuble asset to him and his soliders. All of the soliders loved me and respected me. Most of them would die for me...before they would ever die for Zantheir. Unlike Zantheir I became the soilders friends. bought get well gifts when their child was sick. Gave them money when a child was born. I went to some of their parties and even went to some of the local pubs with a few of them. I had laughs with them and cries with them...i was the same...exactly the same. And Vilundra could never do that...would never experience that with me, therefore I could never love her or want to marry her. "Maybe someone will one day realize that me and Vilundra aren't meant to be together and then relay that message to Zantheir and they'll cancle the whole damned thing." i say to Courtney with a hopeful laugh. It was just a dream I had, and that's probably all it's ever going to be. Just some far fetch dream that I'll never achive.
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Old 08-17-2004, 01:02 AM
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I smiled at him, knowingly, I didn't need to ask him if he was trying to get people talking, I knew that was exactly what he was trying to do, I looked down "Do you like me dress?" I was surprised he hadn't teased me for it yet, it was a soft baby pink and looked like something that a twelve year old would wear, usually my dresses and gowns were black, navy, maroon, deep, so I could blend into the walls without being noticed, like a wall flower, or a tiger looking for her prey, but tonight it was pink, and I actually made an effort to look pretty, for my fathers sake, "My father is worried, he is growing old and I have no suiters yet...He said I needed to start looking like a propper young lady" I tried to keep a straight face as though mocking my father, "It seems yours is not the only father trying to control the lives of his children....This means I can not grow into an old spinster and keep a cottage full of cats...oh and keep different men locked up in cages to do my bidding"
We are what we repeatedly do -William Blake
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Old 08-17-2004, 01:07 AM
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"I didn't watn to say anything about your dress, because you are my very best friend and I really didn't feel like hurting your feelings tonight." I tease her. "You look like you are ten years younger...that's the type of girl that those old men want...although I'm sure that's exactly what you want...some rich old man that wants you to wear pig tails and little pink dresses." I say with a small laugh. "But if you keep hanging out with me then you are never going to get a suitor, most men are too afraid to touch anything that they might even think is my territory." I say while pulling her close to me. "But if you want me to keep the sutiors away, you know I'll be more then happy to. But if you want to be married...and have little children...and all that horrible stuff...then please feel free to tell me. i know plenty of eligible bacholeors. they might not be the best of men, but they are men none the less."
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Old 08-17-2004, 01:21 AM
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Was it just me or was he pulling me closer to him, my chest brushed against his, I looked up at him, he didn't seem to notice he pulled me closer, I knew better than to pull away, I listened to what he said, I smiled knowingly "Well if they're old there is a lesser chance of any of them being violant or controlling with me" I told him, "They would think themselves lucky to have a young bride, granted I would get absolutely nothing out of the marriage...Because I am not talking about old like our fathers, I'm talking ready to die old, if I am widowed then I can still keep a house full of cats by the time I'm..." I tried to think of an age, any age "As old as you are" I teased, Rath was older than me, two years older, thus he is old...I smiled at him "Is it really that horrible? The whole married life thing? You have to be married to have children...and children are heirs...and okay marriage is pretty much hell, but at least you will always have someone that can never deny you sex" The politics on Anatar were crappy, rape was illegal, but if you were powerful then you didn't get punished for it, and the girl got her name ruined, but no one raped princesses, they raped servants, chamber maids, those kind of people, and if you were married to the person you raped it's not rape at all, and the woman could be degraded for not satisfying her was a fvcked up world we lived in, but none of us knew any better, and for me it was okay, because I didn't want suiters, so I would stay with Rath, it wasn't like Rath was going to be getting married to VIlaundra any time soon anyway.
We are what we repeatedly do -William Blake
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