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Old 08-10-2004, 02:24 AM
Elite Fan

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Joined: Apr 2002
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McKinley College-A Myoc Rp

McKinley College:

A special thanks to Moonie (MoonSwirl) for her help.


McKinley College was founded in 1975. It was started out as just a community college, the school that would accept cows and goats if they so had the choice. It was a school that would be your last resort. Didn't get into Harvard? Go to McKinley. It WAS the school to go to if you had every intention of transfering. The school where you would just up your GPA, get some better grades and then transfer to Harvard or some state school second semester.

Of course the key word in all of that is WAS. As time went on it became clear that McKinley college, while they did continue to accept anyone who applied..they were creating some brilliant students, some amazing minds. It was then that it was discovered that this school was not as bad as everyone assumed it was. By 1985 McKinley college had merged with one of the nearby state schools, it became another campus to the biggest state school on the east coast.

Of course that meant they could no longer accept cows or goats, they had to go on and accept Monkey's and SAT scores had to be AT LEAST 1050 in order to be accepted.

To this day McKinley remains one of the many state schools that continues to crank out some of the most brilliant minds of our generation.


College is known as four of the greatest years of your life. Sure, some people seem convinced that High School is, but anyone with common sense knows college is the way to go. Within a few years you're a leagal adult and can drink for real, do what you want, no rules, no parents...everything and anything you want is at your fingertips. This roleplay is based on college life. Where ANYTHING can happen!



Ah...rules. Gotta hate em. Gotta love em. Gotta something. ANyways...not many. Boy/girl rule not enforced but if you do decide to use it I'll like you more. Take at least two characters and have as many as 100, which if you can pull that off you deserve some sort of award. Be nice to others, be cool, when doing profiles BOLD the subjects and we shall get along perfectly.

California_ here_ I _come
In Fair Verona
Beautiful Stranger


The Dorms:

McKinley seems to do one hell of a job when it comes to giving students options on which dorm they chose to stay in. They do one hell of a job when they stereotyped just about every dorm on campus.

Ferguson Hall:

Fergurson is the hall where the brains are usually spotted living. This is the dorm where you go to if you want some peace and quiet, study and want to be surrounded by those who help you study. Of course...some of the jocks have been spotted living here too..want to be close to the brains so they can threaten them into taking one of their exams.

Spot:Otep-Thora Birch
Spot:CherryChica87-Ann Hathaway
Spot:MoonSwirl-Jake Gyllenhaal, Mischa Barton

Name:Meghan, Schubert, E.
Major:Child Psychology
Year: Freshman
Dorm:Ferguson Hall
Personality: Meghan is a rather quiet and reflective girl. She's very shy and likes to be by herself a least that's what she keeps telling herself when she thinks she is beginning to feel lonely. She's introverted and intelligent. She loves reading and using words. She's very uptight at first, but once you spend a little time with her and she knows you a little better, she'll begin to open up about herself and you could maybe even become her friend.
History: Meghan had a rather good upbringing. She was raised in a middle class home with her parents, Robert and Carly. Robert is a shoe repair man that owns his own small business and Carly is a second grade teacher. She has three older brothers: RJ, Kenny, and Laurel. She also has two little sisters and a little brother who are triplets: Corrine, Chelsea, and Conner. Normally being from a big family, she should be very outgoing but she has vanished into the shadows because all of her siblings play sports but Meghan was never good at them so she focused on reading and learning lots of information and retaining it.
Taken By: BraveGirl4Life
Played By:Amber Brkich

Name: Karmadee Daniels
Age: 20
Year: Junior?
Major: English
Dorm Ferguson Hall
Personality: She thinks her smarts are in the genes. Her father is a high-tech computer genius. While her mother is a university scholar for Harvard. Thats one of the reasons she didn't want to go to Harvard university. She'd be in the same school district as her dear mother, Not a very pleasent thought accoding to her. Some people call her imature because she still loves to go to McDonalds and get thoes cute toys that you get in some meals. She also collects thoes cute toys that change every week, she has about 200 of them. Also because she thinks the ultimate thing to do to have fun is go to the amusment park. She loves gong on the swings and eating Cotton Candy after that. It would be the perfect date in her eyes. But the problem is she's never been on a second date yet, she's been on some dates. But they always make excuses that they're busy, or they dont think it'll work. In other words they dont want to see her again. Though after guys doing it to her so many times she takes it well. But theres one thing that she wished she would've done in high school. She just didn't have a chance, but she's a virgin. And going to collage a virgin isn't the best thing that could happen to her.
History: Her high school was depressing for her. Though she wasn't actually depressed, she's always been a happy person. But she was picked on also for being to intelligant for her own good. No guys wanted a girlfriend 20 times smarter than him. Also girls gave snide remarks towards her because of that. But she knew who her true friends were in high school. For a month in her sophmore year she tried to be more like the other kids. She wrote down wrong answers on her test and made her essay's sound ridiculous. But she finally discovered just to be herself. Her parents pushed her to be intelligant and got dissapointed when she came home with a B on her tests. Though girls also bullied her for another reason. They never thought about it in the early years, but when she was a senior they got jealous of her natural looks. She barley wore make-up and they'd right on her lockers with red lipstick telling her to start or else she'll break mirrors. Now even though it was tough at the time she discovered herself already during highschool and will never stoop to that low.
Relationships: Tba
Taken By: x*Brooke*x
Played By: Rachel Leigh Cook

Name:Rachel Hunter
Age: 18
Major: nursing
Dorm:Ferguson Hall:
Roomate:Who? Wait till all profiles are in, and once they are I'll be asking you to tell me if there is anyone in your dorm who you wanna room with, if not then I'll pair you.
Personality: If you met Rachel for the first time you would see her as a smart independent person. She knows what she wanted out of life, and plans on getting it. She not big into party but every so often she does let some steam off. Mainly though she can be found studying anything related to the medical field, or out doing charity work. She gives part of her time to helping at the local day care, and another part of her time homeless shelter. She is seen as the girl next door type of person. Someone that everyone wants to met. If you need someone to listen she has the ear, a shoulder to cry on, and always time to help when every needed. She fun to be around. Can hang out with the guys as much as the girls. She loves adding in a bit of fun with a bit of work.
History:25 years ago pre med major Sandy Hunt and a young women name Brooke Houston met in the college class room. They had a whirl win romance that ended with Sandy left to finish up his medical degree at one of the top colleges in Boston. Both him and Brooke where heart broken, but nothing could be done. It wasn't until 5 year later they met on the streets of Boston and found each other again. Sandy was a doctor working at the children hospital, and Brooke was a nurse at the general hospital. They both worked crazy hours, but tried to be together as much as they could. They were married two years later and started there family right away. Brooke was the first of five children, and never lived a dull moment growing up.
Relationships:hots for someone? Who? TBA till all profiles are in.
Taken By: oldsoul83
Played By:
Josie Maran

Name: Savannah Devlin
Age: Nineteen
Year: Sophomore
Major: Communications with a minor in Art History
Dorm: Ferguson Hall
Roommate: TBA
Personality: Savannah’s what she likes to call a ‘victim of her tragic archetype.’ You all know the type. The girl who sits in the back of class, hunched over her notes and studying profusely to a point where some wonder if her study habits are more of an obsession than a practice of good discipline. The type who will forego a good party in order to stay in and study for a mid-term that’s not for another two weeks. The girl who blushes profusely whenever someone from the opposite sex approaches because obviously, if her head is always in a book, then she’s never confronted an opportunity to gain a little scandalous experience. Because, clearly, everyone’s so one dimensional that they all have to be categorized and dismissed based on first impressions and outward appearances. Except, if anyone were to mold Savannah into this convenient little image, they’d quickly be met with one hell of a rude awakening in the form of a slap to the face. Savannah shouldn’t be mistaken for a soft spoken, coy little girl who’s afraid of the world and chooses to hide from it behind a stack of books. Savannah’s not shy, and one could even argue that she’s not nice. She just happens to know what she wants, and likes to avoid ninety percent of the general populace. More often than not, she’s sitting in the back of the class because it has easy access to the exit and its as far away from the contemporary morons she’s forced to matriculate school with. Savannah’s not a damsel or spineless, and the biggest mistake anyone could make with her is mistaking her for being a pushover.
History: Back in her hometown of Santa Monica, California, the name ‘Devlin’ had quite the reputation, and her being the eldest daughter under the name gained her a sense of notoriety she grew to resent. Since the true foundation of the Devlin fortune has always been disputed and argued about, rumors in turn began to form. Some assumed money laundering while others suspected Savannah’s father was a loan shark. Whispers of drug trafficking and even an underground crime ring began to circulate, and to this day, Savannah still doesn’t understand why her father lets all the rumors and insinuations bounce right off of him. The Devlin family fortune is completely legit, if not acquired by the most boring of means. They own a coffee business on the docks that ships from Columbia. Savannah, finally growing sick of all the unfounded hostility, decided to move away where she could start over with a new name for herself without having to worry about the old dragging her down.
Taken By: FAIT_Accompli
PB: Jordana Brewster

Name: Joelle Tarrant
Age: Eighteen
Year: Freshman
Major: European History
Dorm: Ferguson Hall
Roomate: TBA
Personality: Joelle's personality is that of a typical bookworm. She's incredibly quiet, shy, and introverted. Instead of socializing with people, she's popular amongst books and prefers the solitude of the library to a wild party. Joelle is a very timid and peaceful person, at least, before she is provoked. Underneath that seemingly weak and helpless exterior is an articulate and passionate interior. Joelle is the type of person who rarely speaks but when she does, what she says is important and unforgettable. She is relatively detached and aloof in regards to what most people talk about, but if somebody brings up a subject she feels passionate about, Joelle shocks them all by speaking up in a satiracle yet impassioned manner.
History: Joelle Tarrant is the daughter of Michelle and Henry Tarrant, a housewife and a businessman. Her family has extremely patriarchal ways of viewing things, which Joelle witnessed through her mother's suppressed actions. Joelle's older brother, Jack, was the favorite of the family and Joelle was often left lurking in his shadows. Uncles and aunts all loved Jack and Joelle got shunned aside her entire life. They all preferred the boy. That was up until Jack was busted for doing drugs when he was twenty. Shortly after that Joelle got into McKinley and soon her family preferred to pretend that Jack didn't exist and instead showered their praise upon Joelle, who still remains wary of their attention.
Relationships: TBA
Taken By: In Fair Verona
Played By: Natalie Portman

Name: Kendall Coffee
Age: 20
Year: 2
Major: Journalism
Dorm: Ferguson Hall
Roomate: TBA
Personality: Kendall is a very spunky gal. Sometimes people don’t get that idea because she’s considered a brain. To bad they didn’t get a memo. She’s not just a quiet book girl. She likes to go out & have fun just like anyone else. And she won’t be taken advantage of by anyone. If you earn her trust, she’s a sweetheart. She can be loyal, generous, romantic, the whole package. Just don’t get on her bad side. Simple as that!
History: Kendall grew up in rich society. She almost always got what she wanted. Like most, it didn’t make her happy. Only sad. She longed for a normal life. Where she could be who she was & not have to live up to anyone’s standards. So when her senior year of high school ended she packed up & headed to McKinley College. It was the one furthest away from her parents. She has only talked to them a couple times since. She likes the independent life though. She wouldn’t trade it for anything. Well, except for a guy.
Relationships: TBA
Taken By: California_here_I_come
Played By: Adriana Lima

Wheater Hall:

Wheater is the dorm where you would mostly seem to find the protesters, the hippie's...vegitarian? This is the dorm for you! The second you step foot through the main door of the lobby of this dorm you will be surrounded by posters of animals being slaughtered, signs all around you not to mention a protester most likely will be in your face the second they smell the meat on you. Some even protest to drinking Milk. They are very extreme.

Spot:Otep-Scarlett Johansson
Spot:MoonSwirl-Lee Noris

Name: Anna Roberts
Dorm:Wheater Hall
Personality: Anna has always been a person that just can't seem to keep her mouth shut. She is constantly telling people her opinions and not giving a crap load what they think. She is very strong minded when it comes to things she cares about. She is very determined and will do anything until that certain thing is accomplished. She is very outgoing because of her personality and this sometimes can be a bad thing. She is the kind of girl that always is asking questions and always searching for answers. She can't rest until all her problems and the world problems are solved. She is very loyal to her causes she cares about and her friends. Friends are like treasures to her and even though she doesn't have many she treasures the ones that she does have. She is trustworthy and would never breathe a secret to anyone unless it can hurt that person. She does things for reasons that she holds inside. Not because she wants to do things but because she feels like she needs to.
History: Anna grew up in a country style family. Where life was living on a farm growing up to become a farmer. She was expected to eat the food she was served and do the things she was told to do. But when she turned eight years old and little johhny parker kissed her without her asking she changed her way of thinking. She went against her parents wishes and stopped eating meat. Just to spise them. She wouldn't help destroy the trees that were growing over the backyard and she wouldn't do so called woman chores around the house. When she turned 16 she arranged a bra burning with all of her friends around the farm. There the girls ripped off their bras and burned them signalling that woman had strength to do things the same as men. She then decided that mabye always being the bad child wasn't the best thing in the world. Her parents thought she was rubbish and that the devil was inside of her. So she went back to eating meat and started to attend college but as she grew she realizes that not all things are what they seem. Her parents aren't as happy as they had seemed they are on the borderline of a seperation. Not all women have rights and so while attending classes she also helps out her friends with issues that bother them. She feels as if she is helping in making the world better. Mabye she is, Mabye not but what does it matter? At least she is up and doing something instead of sitting back taking in everything.
Taken By:CherryChica87
Played By:Julia Stiles

Name: Trent Arobin
Age: 21
Year: Junior
Major: Marine Biology
Dorm: Wheater Hall
Roomate: TBA
Personality: Trent Arobin was given the flattering nick-name "Nature Boy" in his hometown of Santa Fe. The son of a single parent new-age hippie, Trent was participating in protests and rallies since he was ten. He was actively involved in politics before he was able to vote and was the star member of his high school's debate team. The point was, Trent was a passionate and hard-working young man and always has been. He's idealistic, ardent, and thorough. Trent's an artistic and free spirit who is and always has been extremely motivated. He's always been active, and never lazy, and always optimistic.
History: Trent Arobin is the son to Patricia Arobin, a single mother who's sole profit was from an antique store in downtown Sante Fe which she owned. His mother was a nature lover, she flew to Brazil when Trent was 5 (leaving him at a friend's) to join a large group of people standing infront of rainforest, blocking tractors from making their way through. When Trent realized what she did, he wished he had been there too. But since then Trent participated in protests to tearing down ancient Indian monuments in his area and even organized rallies at his school, as well as becoming the captain of the Varsity debate team. It was no surprise that Trent got in McKinley with a scholarship.
Relationships: TBA
Taken By: In Fair Verona
Played By: Diego Luna

Hathaway Circle:

Big drinker? Partier? Booze hound maybe? Well you should really pick Hathaway! This is the dorm for anyone who has ever liked the taste of booze! Jam packed with underage drinkers, as well as 21 plus, this is the dorm where you go when you love drinkin. They party pretty much 24 seven and this dorm is insane. The campus police have busted in daily but they can't bust everyone can they? Hell even the RA's party here!

Spot:MoonSwirl-Chris Evans, Laura Ramsey

Name:Kourtney, McCallister, A.
Major:Elementary Education with a minor in Special Education
Year: Junior
Dorm:Hathaway Circle
Personality: Kourtney is a hardcore partier, she's fun and outgoing and loves meeting all kinds of crazy people. She's a very loyal friend and will practically bend over backwards for them. She's compassionate and determined. She knows that she can't party forever and she knows how to separte Kourtney the Partier from Kourtney the Scholar. She's very bright and focused on becoming a special education teacher.
History: William McCallister met Beverly Contreas while working for an accounting firm that he was representing in court. The two dated for a year and a half before they were married. Two years later, Beverly found out she was pregnant with their twin sons, Aaron & Arik. Four years later, she became pregnant again with Kourtney. Kourtney has had a rather overprotective childhood because she is the only girl in her family and the youngest that's why she's parties so much so she can breakaway from it all.
Taken By: BraveGirl4Life
Played By:Susan Ward

Name: Adam Boxer
Age: 21
Major: Let see he started out pre med, but realize he loved partying a little to much so he switched over to film.
year Senior
Dorm: Hathaway Circle
Roomate:Who? Wait till all profiles are in, and once they are I'll be asking you to tell me if there is anyone in your dorm who you wanna room with, if not then I'll pair you.
Personality: Adam can be smart when he wants to it's just most of the time he choices to party a little to hold. He can always be found carrying around his camera trying to get shots for his movies. Usually nothing big just some dumb project he is forced into doing so he can get a passing grade. During his 2nd year he learned if he takes the reality part of film making he can party and still be top of his class in film. His teachers love how he can take any amount of footage and make it into something pretty great. Don't tell them though he usually pulling a all nighter to do it. He grabs a few beers and head off to the editing room and see what come up.
History: 21 years ago Kathy Higgins met a frat guy at one of the local parties. They got wasted and end up sleeping together. 9 months later Adam was born to a single mother. He never regretted living only with his month and believe she did a great job raising him. When he was ten years old she married Matt Boxer who took Adam in as though he was his own flesh and blood. He lived a pretty great life. Doing great in school, but having a fun time as well. He never felt like anything was missing.
Relationships:hots for someone? Who? TBA till all profiles are in.
Taken By: oldsoul83
Played By: Scott Speedman

Name: Silver Vermont
Age: 21
Year: Senior
Major: Fashion
Dorm: Hathaway Circle
Personality: She's full of spite and spunk. All she loves is a good party and some hot guy to make her night. She doesn't really care for the enviroment, or the atmosphere. She's just here to have a good time and party some more. Though her style is a different story, half of the things she wears she made herself. The other half is from a thrift store on main street. She just loves putting clothes that clash together, it makes a statment. Her favorite peice of clothing is her beloved Cowboy hat that's signed by Kid Rock. Kid Rock's both her favorite singer as her favorite party animal. Her next favorite party animal? Paris Hilton. She loves it how she doesn't care who thinks what about her. It's like Silver, they can think she's a ****ty whore but she doesn't care. Though inside she really wants a relationship with a guy but is too scared to commit to something like that. She would really need to trust them fully. She's not a virgin, she lost her virginity at age 16. She tends to come off full of herself and concided, but thats just her party mood. She's into drinking but doesn't smoke at all. As for pot, she's expiramented but doesn't really like it.
History: She never got along with her father from the time since she was 8. The image of her dad being a hero quickly disapeared once she saw the real him. She used to wake up to the yelling and the screaming of her parents and get out of bed to sit on the stairs. She used to watch with tearfull eyes as her father used to slap her mother. After a couple of times she would scream 'Mommy' and her mom would come and pick her up and lock them both in her room. She hated seeing her mother so hurt and useless. So once she got into her teens she started standing up for her mom alot more. Well at 15 her father also started physically abusing her. She would sob to her mom to get a divorce or at least kick him out of the house. But her mother would be blind and just say that they couldn't get him mad then he'd love them. Silver never believed any of it and started partying all night to get out of the house and away from her father. Finally at age 17 her mother got a divorce and filed agaisnt him. He was put into jail for 15 years. As happy as the two were Silver was now addicted to the feeling of partying and drinking.
Relationships: Tba
Taken By: x*Brooke*x
Played By: Elizabeth Hurley

Name:Zackery Thomas *Zack*
Major:Criminal Justice
Dorm:Hathaway Circle
Personality: Three words that would easily decribe our man of the hour would be: Loud, Cocky and Can we say Jerk? He is one of the so called pretty boys that feels as if he needs to be the center of attention all the time. He goes after whatever he wants and does whatever he wants 24/7 not giving a damn about anyone but him self. Does he have a large ego? That's simple. Of course he does. He can't seem to get enough of himself. He is always talking about himself and his accomplishments and he plays with peoples minds more than you would guess. He plays with girls hearts more than you can count. He is your typical player.
History: Zack grew up with his dad in new york city. Not the best place for a kid to be brought up. His mother was an avid drug user and his father kicked her out when Zack was 13. After that Zack changed in his attitude. He started to become more fuller and fuller of himself. As if in try to hide his shame of his mother. He did bad in school and barely got himself graduated. After trying to get into several colleges he managed to get accepted into Mckinley. Of course with a few connections inside the school it made it easier for him. Now he is going to become a lawyer and make money. What else does he have to do in life? Not a lot.
Taken By:CherryChica87
Played By:James Franco

Name: Brendan "Velvet" Jones
Age: 21
Year: Junior
Major: Marketing Information Systems
Dorm: Hathaway Circle
Personality: Velvet doesn't take life very seriously. He gets decent grades and should graduate on time, but beyond the meager amount of studying he does, he always manages to find time to practice with his band and find a good party. It keeps him happy.
History: There really isn't anything exceptional about Velvet. He's the middle child of a midwest family who live modestly. Even though his education will lead him to a stable life, his real passion is music. Which is actually how he got his nickname. A friend in high school who was quite interested in underground bands started calling him Velvet since both he and the group of the same name specialize in similiar music.
Relationships: For Who?
Taken By: Beautiful Stranger
Played By: Adam LaVorgna

Name: Bryce Milthorpe
Age: Twenty-One
Year: Junior
Major: Business Law
Dorm: Hathaway Circle
Roommate: TBA
Personality: The hopelessly ideal and optimistic refuse to believe there are people inhabiting the world who fit into a clear cut mold that can sum up their personalities and traits with just a couple of words. Then there are people like Bryce who have encountered said people, and have grown into the cynics we all fear and loathe. Except, the thing is, Bryce really isn’t such a bad guy. Bryce wouldn’t chalk up his pessimism to a cynical outlook on life. It’s not as if he suspects the entire world is out to get him. But he refuses to be a victim and merely looks out for himself, and others around him. More of a realist than anything, it’s Bryce’s mantra that one shouldn’t fear the world, but understand that it can still pull the rug right out from under your feat when you least expect it. No one’s invincible, Bryce included, and perhaps that’s exactly why he’s managed to remain level headed and grounded. Because he doesn’t take anything or anyone for granted, nor does he trust or open up blindly. Granted, Bryce does have a problem with alcohol, one he swears is under control, but those close to him know otherwise. Still, it’s his faults that make him more human and further emphasize his point that nobody’s perfect or invincible.
History: I’m sure you’ve all heard the story. Parents marriage was more of a business transaction than a life-long commitment. Parents had more pressing issues to attend to, such as advancing their corporate headquarters and getting a stable in state wide politics to help advance the ‘better well being’ of the state. Parents set up a nanny to look after kid. Kid grew up closer to the help and the inanimate objects his parents bought him with, than he did the people who gave him life. Parents never conceived again, as an heir had now been established, and the one was really enough for the both of them in the end. It’s such a sob story, I know, but don’t bother crying over it, because Bryce would tell you that his parents aren’t worth it in the end. All things set aside, he still had a happy enough childhood. His nanny, (or ‘nanna’ as he always referred to her as) was in his life until about five years ago when she passed away peacefully in her sleep, and was more of a mother to him than most in his social circle had the luxury of having. His resentment for his parents is overshadowed by the other, more important people in his life. Like his friends. And his not so immediate family.
Taken By: FAIT_Accompli
PB: Milo Ventimiglia

Name: Yasmine Kruger
Age: Nineteen
Year: Sophomore
Major: Film & Theatre
Dorm: Hathaway Circle
Roomate: TBA
Personality: Yasmine Kruger is simply put, a party animal and addict. She's loud, extroverted, wild, and daring. Yasmine has an innovative persona, she's very artistic and thoughtful, fearless and always open to new ideas. Yasmine is the type of girl that won't let anything hold her down, she's an unrestricted free spirit and she makes sure that everybody knows it. She's extremely idealistic and optimistic, and she fails to see the reality in most situations. Life is just fun for her, with no hardships what so ever. Yasmine firmly believes in work before play, and she is at times utterly rash and irresponsible. Yasmine is the type of person who doesn't think about the consequences, but always takes advantage of life's little pleasures.
History: The history of Yasmine Kruger is like watching An American Tail, with Yasmine being that little mouse, Fievel. The Krugers were an average Yugoslavian family, at least up until the Yugoslavian economy began to fall towards the end of the twentieth century. For several years during and preceeding the Cold War, Yugoslavia was run by a man named Marshal Tito, a communist friend of Joseph Stalin. Tito transformed Yugoslavia into a Socialist's haven, and eventually he started a non-alignment movement for Yugoslavia, so that the nation would not be behind either of the two superpowers in the Cold War. Yugoslavia seemed perfect for a working family like the Krugers. However, Yugoslavia was just a dream built upon a shaky and false economy which left the Krugers bankrupt in the 1980's. Not wanting to stay and watch the demise of their short-lived Paradise, the Krugers high tailed it to America, the land of opportunity. Mr. Kruger got a job as a pilot for American Airlines and Mrs. Kruger became an interior decorater. Within time they were living out the American dream and had earned a place in high society. Yasmine was too young to remember most of her parents' hardship in their home nation, so she takes pretty much everything she has for granted, unlike her studious older sisters.
Relationships: TBA
Taken By: In Fair Verona
Played By: Rachel Bilson

Name: Christopher *Chris* Hart
Age: 21
Year: 3
Major: Photography
Dorm: Hathaway Circle
Roomate: TBA
Personality: Chris is very outgoing. He’s what you would call the life of the party. No one is ever sad when around him. He’s the optimistic carefree guy that everyone wants to be. He knows he’s good looking, & sometime uses that to his advantage with girls. He’s charming, so women fall easily for him. He’s not all fun & games though, he has a serious side…when he’s sober.
History: Chris grew up in a trailer park. He wore hand down clothes & dropped out of school when he was 14 to help take care of his baby sister. His step dad was a jerk & Chris only learned one thing from him. How to party. Chris knew it wasn’t the best thing to do, but it made him feel closer to his so called dad. He thought that was the only way to win over his approval. One day Chris was out buying groceries for the family & when he came home he found his mom, sister, & step dad dead. The trailer has been raided by a local gang. Chris was devastated. He thought he had nothing left to live for. He soon discovered that his step dad had a very rich brother. He was taken in by him & they are paying for his college & everything. He actually feels like he has a family again. Chris never fully dealt with the death of his family though, & that’s why he drinks so much now. He does it to drown out the pain.
Relationships: TBA
Taken By: California_here_I_come
Played By: Chad Michael Murray

Name: Tessa Winters
Age: Nineteen
Year: Sophomore
Major: Dance/Ballet
Dorm: Hathaway Circle
Roomate: TBA
Personality: Tessa is full of giggles and shes definetly not a bad person to have on your side. The truth of the matter is that Tessa is all about fun, sure she has her moments when she has to be serious, but shes been thrown around and treated wrong most of her life, now shes free. She doesn't take anyones crap because frankly shes sick of it, this is her time to finally do some things she wants to do and she is having fun while she can. She's known to quarrel with drugs quite often, some think she should be in Murray Hall, but she likes where she is, she likes partying all the time. Dancing has been more of her mothers dream for her, Tessa is an amazing dancer, but the truth is she'd rather be an actress or a journalist. Yes, two very different careers. Tessa can be quite silly, in highschool she was in plays all the time, and she absolutely loved it, thats why shes minoring in theatre. Tessa is also a very curious girl. She can't help it, she just likes to know the truth. Tessa may be a little extreme for some people, but shes just perfect for Hathaway.
History: Tessa's story isn't much different then so many other rich kids. Poor little rich girl never really loved, she makes fun of the fact that shes one of them. She doesn't care, her friends are all that matter to her. Seeing some families happy together makes her envious at times. Its right around the holidays when it really gets her, her parents were never home around the holidays when she was younger. She would open her Christmas gifts with her nannys. Her father and mother split up when she was about three. She was pushed back and forth between the two constantly, their was custody battles and all, but neither one of them really cared about the little girl..they just cared about winning, because thats whats important in the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Her mother won the battle, but her father still had custody so many days a week. She'd go back and forth and it seemed neither one of them were ever home when she was. Her mother wanted to be a dancer when she was growing up, but she struggled, she never had the right feet, but her heart was definetly in it. Tessa has always loved dancing, but shes never been able to dance for herself, its always been for the wrong reasons. Its always because it was what her mother wanted for her, Tessa has the feet unlike her mother did. She just doesn't know if her heart is all in it, she loves theatre and writing more then she'll ever love dancing..
Relationships: TBA
Taken By: Angel_Wings05
Played By: Sophia Bush

Name:Caleb Lockhart
Major:Who needs a major? Caleb is going to play pro ball. But uh...yeah Criminal Law.
Dorm:Hathaway Circle
Personality:You know the sterotypical frat boy? The guy who will do anything in his power to get some booze in him? The guy you will most likely read about in the newspaper ten years from now only what you will be reading won't be some huge story about what an amazing life he made from himself..but instead it will be his obituary. Most likely caused by alcohol poisioning. He drinks and he drinks and it is hard to ever see him without a liquor bottle in his hand. Hell he even got suspended for two weeks at one point for drinking in class. The school would have suspened him except for the fact that he is a Lockheart. And the Lockhart's is not only alumni, but they are also the ones who keep this school as beautiful as it is. They are a very wealthy family, and actually pretty well known. They will not allow for their son to attend a school that is a rats hole. They wanted to keep it nice and keep it classy...which is why they have donated so much money to the school over the past several years. It is why Caleb got in, why he is on the basketball team, why he is well known about campus and why he can never ever get kicked out. Which is something he has been known to abuse on more then one occassion. Caleb is pretty much the little rich spoiled brat you'll meet. Only sometimes you may wonder if he is as spoiled as he comes off...
History:The poor litle rich boy story has been worn pretty thin these past several years, don't you think? Afterall being the son of a Lockhart, a name that is well known due to the fact that his father is one of the few Lawyers around who has never ever lost a case, not in ten years. He is the most expensive lawyer in the entire state, hell even other states. He has won some pretty high profile cases as well, been on the news numerous times and pretty much comes off as a standup guy. Which is why no one would suspect that he has been pushing his son to become the next David Lockhart, the new version of himself. Trying to push Caleb to forget about basketball and focus on one thing and one thing only..becoming a lawyer. Caleb does not want to be a lawyer but he knows if he goes against his fathers wishes then he will pull his funding, pull him from the school and send him off to some comminity college where he will have to work for a living, a thought Caleb never wants to think of. So he is doing what his father wants, all the while keeping up the act of the partying frat boy. Even though techincally McKinley does not have frats, Caleb acts like one so everyone pretty much gets the gist of it. As of right now...Caleb will do anything for his father, but the one thing he wont do is give up his damn sport.
Relationships:hots for someone? Who? TBA till all profiles are in.
Taken By: Otep
Played By:Justin Bruening

Murray Hall

Um...yeah so you want to get loaded? You know...high? Drugs? Uh..yeah dudes...this is the dorm to live in. With pretty much every drug addict on campus livin's kind of hard not to love it. It's really believe it or not one of the most mellow dorms on campus. Probably know..uh..everyones the time? So they...and they're all decent people so if you're a first timer they may hook you up for a low price. Yes...some well..most of the dealers on campus live there too. It's a great place to meet people though because they are all cool. Sometimes. When they're high.

Spot:CherryChica87-Jesse Bradford
Spot:x*Brooke*x-Michael Pitt

Name:Forest Hudson
Major:Chemistry(he wants to create his own drug)
Dorm:Murray Hall
Personality:Forest is a man who will do whatever it takes in his power to turn this awful country as he sees it into something with meaning...something with...just something real. He feels the world is built of mindless robots who do as they are told and do not believe in such a thing called freedom. He finds it funny that a country that prides itself on being called the land of the free has so many wannabe posers wandering about. But once you get past all of the anger this guy holds inside of him for everything real in the world, you find a somewhat friendly person. HE is very funny and always willing to try new things. No matter what. He has and will do just about anything for a good time as long as it does not mess with his general plan. Also, one of the most important things you need to know about he is a guy who loves to have fun. He's also basically one of the dealers on campus that everyone knows about. He's a joker too, if you ask anyone about Forest the one thing they'll say to you did he manage to become a senior? He's a total slacker. He hardly ever shows up for any of his classes, the only times he shows up are for tests, midterms and final exams. But the thing is...he's a very smart guy. He can take just about any test without attending one class..and he'll still get the highest grade in the class. If you were to ask him how he managed to be so smart when never showing for class...he'll always say its the drugs. He believes they enhance the mind.
History:Forest is not his real name. His real name is Josh but well..he hated that name. Especially since as a teenager, well...pretty much up until his junior year of high school, he was always picked on. Everyone made fun of him. Mostly because he had glasses, braces and he was very very fall for his age. He was one of the smart kids that always got good grades and he was very insecure as well. He let the other kids pick on him while he would go home, and lock himself in his room until the next time he had to go to school. He hated it. He was depressed all through it as well. And then his senior year rolled around and he way was he going to be Josh or Joshua anymore. He wasn't going to be the kid everyone picked on. He was going to be a new man. The summer of his senior year a lot happened. He tried pot for the first time and became addicted, he loved the way it made him feel and act...and he turned eighteen. The day after he turned eighteen he went to the court and had his name changed. He wanted to be someone new and he wanted to be someone who was free, he wanted to be a joker, he loved to play jokes and he wanted everyone to forget about Joshua Hudson. So he picked Forest. He thought it was the best way to describe himself. Because Forest, when you walk into A never know what to expect. And that is who he became.
Relationships:hots for someone? Who? TBA till all profiles are in.
Taken By: Otep
Played By:Matthew Lillard

Name: Merrit Donovan
Major: Film
Dorm: Murray Hall
Personality: Merrit is the Princess of Perfection. And this obsession manifests itself in her speed addiction. But even Princesses need a break every so often. And you can bet that Merrit take solace in chemicals to find that vacation as well.
History: Being the product of a perfect nuclear family, Merrit was set on her own path of perfection from a very young age. In high school, she found that the expectations of her were too much to handle on her own, and she found speed, which could help get in that extra studying, or whatever it was that needed to get done. But when you spend your life being so type A, it's hard to come back to earth. Which is why now in college, Merrit cycles between highs and lows, being on uppers and being on downers and generally killing herself for perfection.
Relationships: Who?
Taken By: Beautiful Stranger
Played By: Sarah Michelle Gellar

Name: Jackson Lesetter
Age: Twenty-Two
Year: Senior
Major: Medicine & Pharmaceuticals
Dorm: Murray Hall
Roomate: TBA
Personality: Jackson? Personality? It's a little hard to develop a personality when you're stoned 24/7. With all the things that Jackson's taking, his personality morphs accordingly. But on the rare days when Jackson isn't drugged up or high or trippy, he's usually very relaxed, kind, and polite. It's usually an act, but that's how he's grown accostumed to acting when he's not under the influence of something. He's usually very suave, smooth, and seemingly genuine and earnest. But the truth is that he's more honest when he's either drunk or high and he has no inhibitions whatsoever. Jackson isn't even aware of what he says or does when he's high, if he did, he might realize what he jeopardizes and how many people he's back-stabbed.
History: Jackson Lesetter is the son of the wealthy Lesetter family, who have been in the banking business since time began. The Lesetters are classic Cajuns at their best, living in a large Southern manor which has been restored and renovated. Jackson as well as the Lesetters are well known in their hometown of New Orleans, where the first Lesetter Bank that was ever established still stands. Needless to say, his parents weren't that happy to hear that Jackson didn't want to iinherit the family job, and even unhappier to hear the rumors that have been spreading about him ever since he went to college. In fact, Jackson would have been disowned by the Lesetters by now if it weren't for his emotional mother.
Relationships: TBA
Taken By: In Fair Verona
Played By: Orlando Bloom



BOLD or BURN--simply put.

Name:first, last, middle in **, or ()
Age:college people. so between...18-22
Year:what year?
Major:so uh...what's your major? A good pickup line..only if you have a response.
Dorm:which dorm they livin in?
Roomate:Who? Wait till all profiles are in, and once they are I'll be asking you to tell me if there is anyone in your dorm who you wanna room with, if not then I'll pair you.
Personality:comeon gimmie a few lines. FIVE at least. as many as you so wish.
History:see above. five at least.
Relationships:hots for someone? Who? TBA till all profiles are in.
Taken By: YOU
Played By:and a picture. AGE people Jude Law can not be 19. Thank you.
I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight

Last edited by Otep; 08-13-2004 at 04:22 PM
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Old 08-10-2004, 02:29 AM
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Julia Stiles-Wheater Hall
Anne Hathaway-Ferguson Hall
Jesse Bradford-Murray Hall
James Franco-Hathaway Circle
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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Old 08-10-2004, 02:29 AM
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Continuing from the first post...

Ferguson Hall

Name: Leonard Davies
Age: Twenty-two
Year: Senior
Major: Math
Dorm: Ferguson Hall
Roomate: --
Personality: Leonard would wish to make one thing clear. He is not a faceless jock, he has never been one and never will. Yes, he was a member of the football team at high school, but never made a habit out of flushing heads down toilets. Or even sleeping with lots of cheerleaders. Leonard's always been above that. He's always been the smart one. And still is now. It's really quite a simple idea, he's intelligent. This isn't of course his only personality trait, but it manages to affect a few others. For one, he's stupidly sensible, thanks to the fact that he seems to be aware of the dangers of everything. He drives at the speed limit, he never drinks more than three beers in a row and he refuses to partake in unprotected sex. Obviously he still drinks and has sex, because he's still a twenty-two year old boy and really, he can't be expected to not, but he has to be sensible about it. It's just lucky for him that he's sensible about it in a way that no one seems to notice. While others around him who stay in before their big exam get called boring, Leonard seems to manage to escape this tauting. It may be because of the size of his biceps, but also because Leonard's kind of cool. Plus if he likes you he fairly willing to help you out with essays and stuff. Obviously not write them for you, because that would be cheating, and that's not a sensible thing to to do.
History: Happy, happy, happy. Yep, it's a really dull story. Leonard's parents met somehow. He's not quite sure how, but is certain he's been told more than once. All he knew was that it was love at first sight or something. Both had pretty plushy jobs, his mother dropped her soon after the wedding because she was pregnant with Leonard's sister, Katherine. Katherine was a beautiful child who could read by the age of three. Everyone was just as impressed with her younger brother, Leonard who appeared five years later. He would change the world said everyone and it seemed to be the case. By this time Katherine was still being worshipped as wonder child, so it appeared that there were two in the family. Leonard carried on with his schooling, got very good grades. Impressed his father by joining not one, but three different sporting teams and graduated as one of the top students in his year. Which made McKinley seems a rather odd choice when everyone was certain that he could go to Yale or Harvard or any damn school in the country. But Leonard seemed to want to go to McKinley and everyone backed this idea because he was a genius. The perfect child. Hooray for Leonard.
Relationships: --
Taken By: *Sarahrooie*
Played By: Daniel Gillies

Name: Simon Benson
Age: 21
Year: Three
Major: Computer sciences
Dorm: Ferguson Hall
Roomate: tba
Personality: To get why Simon is the way he is, you have to know what he's coming from. If you take him at face value upon meeting, you'd find him to be kind of weird... a lot weird. His social skills are nearly invisible because of what he went through during childhood and adolescence. At times he can't understand why something is not right, why people get mad. He hates that people make fun of him, but he gets why they do it. He lives with a lot of shame, and sometimes it's almost made him consider just ending it all. He hasn't told anyone about that, though. He's starting to get used to it in a way... He kind of has to, if he wants to make it through college.
History: Simon learned to work for what he wanted very early on in life. Born prematurely, often sick as a child, still to this day even if less frequently... his parents were often hesitant to allow him to do anything remotely risky. They even had him home-schooled. And if it wasn't enough to have to deal with his parents' overprotection, kids treated him like a freak. Years and years were going by and nothing was changing. His social skills were seriously lacking on account of very little practice... like none. With all his troubles, he figured that for him a strong education would be his only way to any kind of happiness and success. Despite it all or maybe because of it, all the time he spent trapped at home, he found hobbies which turned to passions. The top one, way above all others, would be sculpture. What he sculpts are little statues, paints them. He has one for every time he's been sick or felt alone... and he has shelves of them.
Relationships: tba
Taken By: MoonSwirl
Played By: Jake Gyllenhaal

Name: Amy Ferguson
Age: 18
Year: One
Major: Print journalism
Dorm: Ferguson Hall
Roomate: tba
Personality: Amy always wanted to have fun, do crazy things. But her parents would have none of it. She's got the urge to break through that just bubbling up inside her and she's ready to burst. She's nice, she's sweet, but she can have a temper like you'd surprised coming from her. She hates being throught of as someone who didn't work her way up to where she is like all have just because her grandfather was known as he was around the college. Especially considering their resemblance, and the painting of him right at the entrance of the dorm, coming in you couldn't miss it. She is not ashamed of her family, only that she wishes she didn't have to keep living in someone's shadow. She is very determined, she refuses to give up. If she starts something, she'll finish it. She hopes that people will see her as herself, as Amy, and not just as a Ferguson.
History: Amy's path toward McKinley College, toward Ferguson Hall, was pretty much set for her since before she was born. It's no coincidence that her name is Ferguson. She is in fact related to the man for which it was named. To her he was only sweet Grandpa Joe, she had no idea how important he was or how his legacy would be forced upon her. Her parents have always told her she'd be heading there, and of course she didn't want to let her Grandpa Joe down, so she studied and studied, and now here she is. She wasn't doing it for her parents' happiness though. She hated that they made her feel like she didn't have a say in her choices. She isn't that close to them, no matter what they may think. Behold the success of her strong front.
Relationships: tba
Taken By: MoonSwirl
Played By: Mischa Barton

Murray Hall

Name: Jason Hudson
Major: Law
Dorm:Murray Hall
Personality:Jason is really a good and decent guy, even though some girls are intimadated by his history, but other girls are very attracted to it. Jason doesn't take ***** from anyone because he's been raised not to, although Jason has always been passive, he doesn't like to get into fights and he likes peace, but thats not how the world works. He's done somethings he's not proud of, even though he's praised for it, he knows its not right. Jason is very charming, and he can even be sweet at times. He's a passionate guy, and he's glad for it, because the world lacks so much of it thse days. Jason is pretty high up there in his life, he's wealthy and everything is going right for him. He can pretty much get anything he wants by a phone call, its nice, but sometimes Jason feels like its too fake. But those people are his family now, and they'd do anything for him as he would for them. Jasons not your typical druggy, and he's definetly not your typical college guy, but he truly is a good man.
History:If you were a parent when Jason was a teenager you wouldn't want him to be dating your daughter, and you wouldn't want him to be your sons friend. Jason grew up on the wrong side of the tracks, he was in with the mob. No his mother and father weren't involved with that, but one day Jason just ran into a guy who wanted to do a favor for him, he gave money to Jason to run errands for the mob. His parents new about it and they didn't like it at all. They didn't have much say in the matter though, as Jason grew older he met higher and higher people in the chain of the mob, by the time he was fourteen he knew the main guy. He became friends with them all, he grew older and he became bigger in it. They did a lot of importing and exporting of drugs, and Jason was bound to get involved with him, and he sure did. Pot, Cocaine, Mushrooms, Acid, he's done many drugs. But he usually only does pot and sometimes cocaine on a regular basis. He use to do a lot of acid though. When Jason was sixteen his parents were killed in a car accident, thats when he moved in with one of his bosses, his life was perfect, he had it all. He yearned for more though, he has always been extremely intelligent, he had a 4.0 grade point average and he never once cheated on a thing in his life. He thinks cheaters are cowards. He decided to go to Law school, and nows he only has a few years left, he's living it up at college. He stills as clever as ever, and he's just living life like it should be lived.
Relationships:hots for someone? Who? TBA till all profiles are in.
Taken By: Angel_wings05
Played By:Tom Welling

Name: Samantha *Sam* Hume
Age: Eighteen
Year: Freshman
Major: Philosophy
Dorm: Murray Hall
Roomate: --
Personality: They're losing their children to drugs far too quickly and look, here's Sam, the poster girl for all that. Actually at the moment she's mainly just doing weed. But quite a lot of weed. So she's very mellow. All the time. So mellow that she's probably not the best person to have in a crisis, or to ask to remember things. Or to ask to make a decision. In fact she's pretty bad as most things right now. Unless you want to discuss Donnie Darko with her, and then she'll talk for hours about how the film is all about the meaning of God. That how Sam gets when she's on drugs. So that's how Sam is all the time. Slightly quiet and self-involved, but wonderful for debates about anything. She's also been told that she's pretty easy when she's stoned too, and while this may be the case Sam's been under the belief that she was easy all the time. So while she'll never be the life and soul of any party, she'll probably a good person to go to if you're looking for a conversation or a blow job. But hey, it's college! Kids do crazy kids like that all the time. As well as actually going to class, which by the way, shockingly Sam does. Mainly because then people want her to discuss the importance of God.
History: Sam doesn't talk about her past. Mainly by doing this she hopes that everyone thinks she's some kind of mystery girl with a scary past. Unfortunately Sam's dark secret is that she has none. The Humes were a very respectful family, thank you very much and had high hopes for Samantha. Except Sam really didn't like expectations. Mainly because Sam wasn't about to life up to their standards. There's always a chance that if given the awful family life she's pretending to have she might have actually applied herself. but Sam just got angry with everyone telling her to be wonderful, that she decided not to be. And the wrong crowd became involved, as always and she found herself on the slippy path to where she finds herself now. But that's okay. Her mother has already done her best to disown Sam, although Sam actually isn't all that stupid. Which is why she managed to actually go to college. But still at least when Sam tells people that her mother doesn't want to have anything to do with her life, she's not lying.
Relationships: --
Taken By: *Sarahrooie*
Played By: Katy Rose
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.

Last edited by MoonSwirl; 08-13-2004 at 09:56 PM
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Old 08-10-2004, 02:32 AM
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Murray Hall
Hathaway Circle
Wheater Hall

Ill probably take another, but Im going to go with three for now...I dont know of played by's yet.
I woke up just to see with all of the faces
You were the one next to me.
If I lose myself tonight
It'll be by your side
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Old 08-10-2004, 02:33 AM
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can I have a spot please. profiles in tomorrow
a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Please use your imagination!
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Old 08-10-2004, 02:43 AM
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Spot Please. I was wondering..could i take 3 characters??

Rachel Leigh Cook-Ferguson Hall
Elizabeth Hurley-Hathaway Circle
Micheal Pitt-Murray Hall
Take me like that, ruin it all
Then build it again by the light in the hall
He drops to his knees says please my love, please
I'll kill who you hate, take off that dress, you won't freeze

Last edited by x*Brooke*x; 08-10-2004 at 08:30 PM
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Old 08-10-2004, 03:34 AM
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Ferguson Hall: Jordanna Brewster
Hathaway Circle: Milo Ventimiglia
She built a skyscrapper of procrastonation
And then she leaned out the twenty-fifth floor window of her reply
And she felt like an actress, just reading her lines
When she finally said "yes, it's really goodbye this time."
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Old 08-10-2004, 03:39 AM
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(stuff from my first post up there, moved down here...)

Hee, I got props!

Gimme a spot angelcakes! I don't know how many I'll take and where they'll live yet...

(this post)

Oh, reserving Laura Ramsey as a PB...
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.

Last edited by MoonSwirl; 08-13-2004 at 09:50 PM
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Old 08-10-2004, 05:21 AM
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Name:Kourtney, McCallister, A.
Major:Elementary Education with a minor in Special Education
Year: Junior
Dorm:Hathaway Circle
Personality: Kourtney is a hardcore partier, she's fun and outgoing and loves meeting all kinds of crazy people. She's a very loyal friend and will practically bend over backwards for them. She's compassionate and determined. She knows that she can't party forever and she knows how to separte Kourtney the Partier from Kourtney the Scholar. She's very bright and focused on becoming a special education teacher.
History: William McCallister met Beverly Contreas while working for an accounting firm that he was representing in court. The two dated for a year and a half before they were married. Two years later, Beverly found out she was pregnant with their twin sons, Aaron & Arik. Four years later, she became pregnant again with Kourtney. Kourtney has had a rather overprotective childhood because she is the only girl in her family and the youngest that's why she's parties so much so she can breakaway from it all.
Taken By: BraveGirl4Life
Played By:Susan Ward

Name:Meghan, Schubert, E.
Major:Child Psychology
Year: Freshman
Dorm:Ferguson Hall
Personality: Meghan is a rather quiet and reflective girl. She's very shy and likes to be by herself a least that's what she keeps telling herself when she thinks she is beginning to feel lonely. She's introverted and intelligent. She loves reading and using words. She's very uptight at first, but once you spend a little time with her and she knows you a little better, she'll begin to open up about herself and you could maybe even become her friend.
History: Meghan had a rather good upbringing. She was raised in a middle class home with her parents, Robert and Carly. Robert is a shoe repair man that owns his own small business and Carly is a second grade teacher. She has three older brothers: RJ, Kenny, and Laurel. She also has two little sisters and a little brother who are triplets: Corrine, Chelsea, and Conner. Normally being from a big family, she should be very outgoing but she has vanished into the shadows because all of her siblings play sports but Meghan was never good at them so she focused on reading and learning lots of information and retaining it.
Taken By: BraveGirl4Life
Played By:Amber Brkich
My Most Memorable Deathly Hallows Moments:
#3-"Vot is the point of being an international Quidditch player if all the good-looking girls are taken?"-Krum
#1-"Not my daughter, you bitch!"-Mrs. Weasley
H/G R/Hr Journey

Last edited by BraveGirl4Life; 08-10-2004 at 07:45 PM
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Old 08-10-2004, 12:19 PM
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Hathaway Circle:

Guy, PB: Mike Vogel

Ferguson Hall:

Girl, PB: Unsure
"He a storm."
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Old 08-10-2004, 02:20 PM
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Okay, here's my lineup...

Ferguson guy - Jake Gyllenhaal
Ferguson girl - Mischa Barton
Wheater guy - Lee Norris
Hathaway guy - Chris Evans
Hathaway girl - Laura Ramsey
Murray girl - Agnes Bruckner
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 08-10-2004, 04:28 PM
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Wheater Hall guy - Unknown
Ferguson Hall girl - Unknown
Hathaway Circle girl - Rachel Bilson
Murray Hall guy - Orlando Bloom

Last edited by In Fair Verona; 08-10-2004 at 05:23 PM
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Old 08-10-2004, 05:17 PM
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Re: McKinley College-A Myoc Rp

Name: Adam Boxer
Age: 21
Major: Let see he started out pre med, but realize he loved partying a little to much so he switched over to film.
year Senior
Dorm: Hathaway Circle
Roomate:Who? Wait till all profiles are in, and once they are I'll be asking you to tell me if there is anyone in your dorm who you wanna room with, if not then I'll pair you.
Personality: Adam can be smart when he wants to it's just most of the time he choices to party a little to hold. He can always be found carrying around his camera trying to get shots for his movies. Usually nothing big just some dumb project he is forced into doing so he can get a passing grade. During his 2nd year he learned if he takes the reality part of film making he can party and still be top of his class in film. His teachers love how he can take any amount of footage and make it into something pretty great. Don't tell them though he usually pulling a all nighter to do it. He grabs a few beers and head off to the editing room and see what come up.
History: 21 years ago Kathy Higgins met a frat guy at one of the local parties. They got wasted and end up sleeping together. 9 months later Adam was born to a single mother. He never regretted living only with his month and believe she did a great job raising him. When he was ten years old she married Matt Boxer who took Adam in as though he was his own flesh and blood. He lived a pretty great life. Doing great in school, but having a fun time as well. He never felt like anything was missing.
Relationships:hots for someone? Who? TBA till all profiles are in.
Taken By: oldsoul83
Played By: Scott Speedman

bb tonight with my other profile.
a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Please use your imagination!

Last edited by oldsoul83; 08-10-2004 at 11:52 PM
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Old 08-10-2004, 07:23 PM
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everyone has been added. I'll add profiles later. Thanks for joining. Spots still open.
I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight
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Old 08-10-2004, 07:38 PM
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Name:Forest Hudson
Major:Chemistry(he wants to create his own drug)
Dorm:Murray Hall
Personality:Forest is a man who will do whatever it takes in his power to turn this awful country as he sees it into something with meaning...something with...just something real. He feels the world is built of mindless robots who do as they are told and do not believe in such a thing called freedom. He finds it funny that a country that prides itself on being called the land of the free has so many wannabe posers wandering about. But once you get past all of the anger this guy holds inside of him for everything real in the world, you find a somewhat friendly person. HE is very funny and always willing to try new things. No matter what. He has and will do just about anything for a good time as long as it does not mess with his general plan. Also, one of the most important things you need to know about he is a guy who loves to have fun. He's also basically one of the dealers on campus that everyone knows about. He's a joker too, if you ask anyone about Forest the one thing they'll say to you did he manage to become a senior? He's a total slacker. He hardly ever shows up for any of his classes, the only times he shows up are for tests, midterms and final exams. But the thing is...he's a very smart guy. He can take just about any test without attending one class..and he'll still get the highest grade in the class. If you were to ask him how he managed to be so smart when never showing for class...he'll always say its the drugs. He believes they enhance the mind.
History:Forest is not his real name. His real name is Josh but well..he hated that name. Especially since as a teenager, well...pretty much up until his junior year of high school, he was always picked on. Everyone made fun of him. Mostly because he had glasses, braces and he was very very fall for his age. He was one of the smart kids that always got good grades and he was very insecure as well. He let the other kids pick on him while he would go home, and lock himself in his room until the next time he had to go to school. He hated it. He was depressed all through it as well. And then his senior year rolled around and he way was he going to be Josh or Joshua anymore. He wasn't going to be the kid everyone picked on. He was going to be a new man. The summer of his senior year a lot happened. He tried pot for the first time and became addicted, he loved the way it made him feel and act...and he turned eighteen. The day after he turned eighteen he went to the court and had his name changed. He wanted to be someone new and he wanted to be someone who was free, he wanted to be a joker, he loved to play jokes and he wanted everyone to forget about Joshua Hudson. So he picked Forest. He thought it was the best way to describe himself. Because Forest, when you walk into A never know what to expect. And that is who he became.
Relationships:hots for someone? Who? TBA till all profiles are in.
Taken By: Otep
Played By:Matthew Lillard

ETA: I also added a YEAR section to the profiles so everyone please edit in the year they are. Thank you.
I'm Shellie's new boyfriend, and I'm out of my mind. You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman.-My Superman, Dwight
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