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Old 08-10-2004, 12:28 AM
Extreme Fan
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Legend PYOC

Based on the movie Legend, some what anyway. Not much.

In a distant land there exists a place where there are two rulers, Light and Dark. For many centuries now Light and Dark have managed to live in peace and with their followers they have kept things in balance.

But now an evil had arisen and he’s threatening everything they’ve worked so hard for. With the help of a few friends, the ones that control The Earth, The Weather, The Water, The Fire, the Stars, and The animals they will try to keep this evil and his followers away from any unsuspecting mortals.

B/G rule is in effect as well as Good/Evil
Profiles in as soon as you can please.
Please don’t join if you’re not really interested in playing. I understand not being able to post all day everyday. I’m not asking that because I won’t be able to do that myself but don’t join and not post at all.

The Hero’s

Taken By: x*Brooke*x
Name: Lindley Knight
What She Controls: Light
Personlity: She's a very outgoing person. She loves people who are open-minded about their views. Probably because then she'll tell them all about her views. She's very stubborn and likes to get her way. She's always been spoiled as a little girl so she's never been through the hard life. She's seen the hard life and feels pity on them but has no real compassion for saving them. She's loving to people who love her. Though she's very generous. She'll try to give people what they want as long as it doesn't include doing something that she doesn't want to herself. She yearns attention from everyone, that is probably caused by her parents. She was always in her older sisters shadow and was in a constant battle for their attention. She even one time jumped off the garage to break her leg so her mother would look after her.
Relationships: Her best friend is Liana. She's stuck by her since she was little and trusts her with her life. She's also best friends with Marissa. The three of them have been through about everything together. They've helped each other out in more ways than one. That, including her attraction to Night. Theres something mysterious and intriguing about him that she wants to find out more. She loves a challenge and she can't keep her eyes off of him. There is no other man that sparks her interest except him.
Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps,
for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference
between what things are and what they ought to be.

Played By: Charlize Theron

Taken By: Shempy
Name: Night (never mentioned his real name)
What they Control: Dark
Personality: Night is kind of like Sands from "Once Upon a Time in Mexico" not that careless though. He does care, but he just doesnt show it, he acts tough about it. He's sarcastic, and will always tell you exactly what he thinks about you. His past and his real name are a total mystery and there is no way to get it out of him. He's also some what of a bragger, he's not pompous about it but he does brag about his achievments. He's usually the one that will be found in the back smoking a cigarrette, leaning back in his chair with his feet up on the desk, not saying a word unless its helpful. He's pretty good at following orders, just dont "force" him to do something cause....he wont flip, he just wont do it.
Relationships: Night gets along with all of the other heroes. Thats his motto, as long as they dont mess with ya, god bless em. If you want to find him having a conversation with someone then you'll usually find him with Marcus or Larke, he gets along well with them and with Larke he has a good relationship with, every now and then he'll play practical jokes on her, but he's also protective of her. He's always respected Liana and finds her very attractive but thats it, she's probably the only one from the group he would hate to get on her bad side. He also gets along well with Marissa. Now, as for who causes the, oh so rarely seen spark, in Night is Lindley. He's not stupid to notice that she does act different around him, he'll catch her looking over his way a lot and he, dun gun mind at awl! He finds her enchanting, maybe its the contrast they have that attracts her to him, or maybe the attention she craves for, he use to think that was so childish of her but now he sees it as a turn on.
Quote: "Do not fear the dark, for it was with you before the light." -Me!
Played By: Johnny Depp

Taken By: Shempy
Name: Peter Terra (meaning: Rock Land)
What they Control: Earth
Personality: Peter is rather quite but not timid. He's not only storng physically but, emotionally and mentally. He has a very strong personality and tries to bring it out of those who think they are weak. You can usually find him in the forest walking around, with his cloak on, he's a lot like a hermit, secluding himself most of the time, but that doesnt mean he doesnt like to have company around him...just not a lot. He can be very protective, and even dangerous, for those he cares for and for what he stands for. Overall he's a good guy, frank, sarcastic, and every emotion he makes is always toned down. You will never see him burst out in laughter, burst out in tears or burst out with anger. With strength yes, but never to cause unwanted harm. When it comes to sensitive things, now that he has a hard time with, his hands are rough and his grip is tight naturally, so its hard for him to be the delicate type, physically, as for emotionally....well lets just say that's one thing he even finds mysterious.
Relationships: Peter also gets along with everybody, but the ones he gets along with the most are Marcus and Diago. He finds Lindley to be very attractive, but he respects her as a friend only. The one he feels something special for is Liana he's still not sure if its something more than just admiration of her personality and will, but he just feels different and happier when she's around. He also likes to be there for Marissa he feels like he has to protect her from anything, she's just to sweet of a person to have something bad happen to her.
Quote: "..It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in people's minds."
-Samuel Adams

Played By: Viggo Mortensen

Taken By: StarliteParadise
Name: Marissa Winters
What the Control: Weather
Personality: Marissa is an all around nice person that tries to keep a lot to herself. She’s not very good as an independent woman and would much rather be around friends at most times. But then again, there are times where she’d much rather be alone, like on her angry days where all she feels like doing is just raining down on someone else’s parade. But most days, she’s full of sunshine, and a happy smile to go along with herself feeling just great. She can easily change moods within seconds, but sometimes it’s just to hard for her to get over it.
Relationships: Being she’s quite the friendly, she has many friends within everyone. It’s hard to tell who would be the best out of each gender since they all have something special connection that makes them all different, but yet alike. She can really talk to them all, mostly Lindley, Liana, and Night. Those three have always been there to just talk about the random things, and with Lindley, she just seems to have the most fun with talking about the latest happens and what not. But Night wouldn’t be the only guy she has a friend within, like Peter, she finds him a great deal of help whenever she feels down. But she feels a bit more then a friendship brewing between both of them, and would like to try and discover what else there is. Also Marcus has been such a good friend to her, and can trust him to be there for her, she finds him amazing in more than one way.
Quote: Thou, sun, art half as happy as we,
In that the world’s contracted thus;
Thine age asks ease, and since thy duties be
To warm the world, that’s done in warming us

John Donne
Played By: Liv Tyler

Taken By: Starvixen1000
Name: Marcus Chase
What the Control: Water
Personality: Calm, cool, and collected. Three words have never been so true. He is the levelheaded one. He sees both sides and looks at all possibilities. He is quiet and intelligent, he is the one in which the others turn to for strengthen and understanding. He is loyal and trustworthy. Once he considers you a friend his love for you will never be shaken. His real strengthens is strategy he plans things out never one to jump headfirst.
Relationships: Marcus is a really friend with everyone. He has real no stride with any of the other’s hero’s. He thinks of them as his family and has no qualm about putting himself in danger for them. He is close to Night and Peter. He trusts their judgment. He sees Diego as a younger sibling. He is always looking out for young Larke because he is afraid of what can happen to her. He is attracted to Liana he finds her strong and beautiful. Never backing down. And Marissa just makes him happy, he sweet nature has always been what has attracted him to her. He doesn’t understand the some of the people who are evil but feels sympathy for them and wants to save them.
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Played By: Karl Urban

Taken By: Summernights
Name: Liana Burns
What the Control: Fire
Personality: Liana has a temper on her, she’s very easily angered but also very quick to get over it. She has a habit of jumping into things before thinking about them. She’s also loyal, proud, considerate and Friendly. She has moments when she can be a pain but she’s also loving, romantic and she doesn’t have a seductive bone in her body. When it comes to flirting she stinks. But she’s a 1005 romantic. She can often be found lost in her day dreams. She’s addicted to romance novels.
Relationships: Her best friends are Lindley and Marissa. She's closest to them then almost anybody else. Diago is like a brother to him. She's protective of him even though she knows he can handle himself. She looks up to Night and even has a little crush on him but she know nothing will probably come of it. She gets along okay with Larke but their relationship is not the best. but she trusts her and that's all that matters. Now when it comes to love she's torn between Peter and Marcus each for their own reasons. Both guys have a way of making her feel special and both cause alot of emotions in her and neither now how she feels about them. Why would she tell them when she's unsure about her feelings. It wouldn't be right to tell one that you care for them when you might also care from someone else.
Quote: Never give all the heart, for love
Will hardly seem worth thinking of
To passionate women if it seem
Certain, and they never dream
That it fades from kiss to kiss;
For everything that lovely is
But a brief, dreamy, kind delight.
O never give the heart outright,
For they, for all smooth lips can say,
Have given their hearts up to play.
And who could play it well enough
If deaf and dumb and blind with love?
He that made this knows all the cost,
For her gave all his heart and lost.

Never Give All The Heart By: W.B. Yeats
Played By: Kate Winslet

Taken By: x*Brooke*x
Name: Diago Montgomery
What he controlled: Animals
Personality: He's a very quiet and reserved person. He doesn't like speaking his opionins very often. Though he's a very kind and generous person towards the enviroment and his animals. Some people tend to be brutally rude towards him because of his caring attitude. He didn't mind it that much when people made snide remarks toward him personally. But when they said or did something towards the animals he spoke up, which was rare. His parents both were enviroment friendly and taught him why and how he should take care of the animals. So since he was brought up that way he likes who he is. He was a only child so he got alot of attention from his parents and found friends in the animals.
Relationships: He doesn't have much friends since he's so quiet to be around. He'd rather be by himself sometimes but he has got some friends. His best friend is Larke. And even he knows what her feelings are towards him. He likes her alot but he's not the kind to say anything towards her or anyone else. The other person that's closest to him is Liana . I guess he thinks girl's are easier to get along with, theres no competetion between him and them. Though he only likes Liana as a friend, a sister. His only guy friend is Peter because they've known each other the longest.
You can discover what
your enemy fears most
by observing the means
he uses to frighten you.

Played By: Orlando Bloom

Taken By:Summernights
Name: Larke Orion
What the Control: Stars
Personality: Larke mainly has her head in the stars. She's always got this sort of dreamy look on her face. Saying she's eccentric would be putting it mildly but when she comes down to earth she's smart and witty. She's also perceptive. She's sees what's going on even though people don't know it. She's flirty and sarcastic. Fun loving and outgoing. She likes to think that she's artistic even though others think she doesn't have any talent. She doesn't really care what other people think. She's going to do what make sher happy and if drawing little stick figures makes her happy the dang it she's drawing little stick figures. She's also kind and cares about her friends. Sometimes she's a little bit lonely.
Relationships: When it comes to friends Larke considers all the good guys to be her friends, if not an extended family. Though they'd be more like just family and not extended since she doesn't havea family for anybody to extend from. Her best friend out of the group is the same person that she's been in love with for decades, centuries or whatever and that's Diago, she's not shy about her feeling when it comes to him. She hasnt' out right admitted them to him of course but it's pretty obvious since she flirts her butt up with him. Night is the second person she's close to and he's more like a father figure to her. He sort of looked out for her when all her family died. Now there's also that attraction she has for Kayvon that would lead to nothing but trouble. She can't help but think about him sometimes though.
Quote: "Enjoy life. There's plenty of time to be dead." (Don't know who said it either. Got hers and Demon's quote of this really funny side full of sarcastic quotes.)
Played By: Jessica Alba
Icon by bittersweet_art over at livejournal

Last edited by SummerNights; 08-13-2004 at 07:59 PM
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Old 08-10-2004, 12:29 AM
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The Evil

The Main Evil Guy/The Evil Leader
Taken By:Summernights
Name: Demon (Nickname given to him a long time ago.)
Power: He has many powers and that's why he's the leader but hid favorite is going invisible. He's learned a great many things when he was invisible
Personality: Demon getting get his name by being a sweet little school boy. He's cold, cruel, distant. He doesn't let anybody get close to him. He's also greedy, pwer hungry and very quick to get pissed off. You do not want to stand in his way when he's got his mind set on getting something. He doesn't care who you are or how innocent he will take you down. He's determined and unforgiving, you betray him once you'll be lucky to live to do it again. Not that those who live feel the need to do it again or that he'd even give them a chance to do it again. He doesn't really trust or like anybody, not even himself. Especially not himself. He can be seductive when he wants to be. He's a prefectionist and focused when it comes to women. Women are is weakness and they're the ones most likely to see any soft side he has. He has a feeling though that a woman could be his downfall.
Relationships: Trust isn't a word or feeling Demon believes in. Though the group of people he leads have all come as close as possible to making him trust them. If he was to ever trust anybody it would be this group of people. He's closest to the women that he fights beside more then the guys. Del is the one you can usually find him around, he will tell you in a heartbeat that she's his second in command. If he's not around then you better believe she's the one he'd want in charge. When he's in the mood for a good argument he knows he can always count on Red to give him what he wants. Most people think that he's sleeping with Lor but that's not true. He does find her attractive but they just talk. After Del, Lor's another person you can always find him around. Chasity is very importan to Deom, she's like a daughter to him an dif he catches you messing with her you won't live to tell about it. When it comes to the guys he likes them. He goes out and has fun with them but he's not as close to them as he is to the women. Though he does value Lennon who had proving to him many times that he'd never betray him like he might do the others. Love isn't an emotion he feels but he gets close when he sees Marissa. She makes him feel thinks that have long been dead in him. He's not going to delude himself thought into thinking that somebody like her would ever feel anything but hate towards him.
Quote: No one is a virgin, the world screws us all" (Lol I don't know who said it but it cracked me up and seemed like something Demon would say)
Played By: Guy Pierce

Taken By: Shempy
Name: Del Lofty
Power: Shape shifter and mimic voice (like Mystique)
Personality: Del doesnt really talk verbally, should could, but she doesnt like to, she speaks a lot with her eyes and facial expressions. She's seductive, and dangerous. she will never mimic anybody else unless its necessary. She's more of a follower than a leader, but still a very strong asset.
Relationships: Del keeps her feelings to herself and finds that it also works as a tease to guys to do so, she always finds it entertaining to be secretive about things, but shes also like that because....she just is. Now, with Del she one thing is that she gets along with them, but the other is that she's still not open with them. She is a very good listener though and when she does give her opinion you KNOW its gotta be good. She'll usually be found standing aside of Demon, since he is their leader she feels that she owes him her respect. She can also be found aside of Chastity every now and then, and likes to tease Kayvon and Ian. She doesnt have a "crush" on anyone and certainly not in love with anyone, so she's still open for anything.
Quote: "Whose the more foolish, the fool? Or the fool who follows you?" -Obi Wan, yay!
Played By: Angelina Jolie

Taken By: Summernights
Name: Ian Pane
Power: Ian’s power is that he can hit a target from any distance
Personality: Ian is cold and bitter but he’s also strong and loyal. When he does let somebody into his heart they’re there for good. Nothing they do can make him hate them. The same thing goes for his hate though. If he hates you, you don’t stand a chance in getting close to him. He’s got a wild side, can be a little unfeeling at times. He’s confident and passionate. He’s strong, doesn’t mind a good fight but prefers not to. He’s dangerous though when he sets is mind to it. He’s quiet, mysterious and doesn’t like to talk about his past.
Relationships: With Ian he doesn't let people get close. He hasn't to be sure about them and he has to believe he can trust them. Just because the people he hangs around with are evil doesn't mean he shouldn't be able to trust them. Lennon wouldn't be one of those people. He sees through him but he doesn't mind hanging out with him from time to time. he just doesn't let him get close and he especially doesn't believe a word he says. Now Red is a woman he finds asexy as He!! but doesn't spend much time around. He'll admit that when she's pissed off he's afraid of her. He's not ashamed anybody who's seen her angry would understand. He's also drawn to Del and Lor, Del because of her mystery and Lor because she like to live dangerously. Now his best friend and somebody he has no problems with trusting is Kayvon. Ian finds that they share smiliar oppinions on trust and betrayal. he is of course loyal to Demon he wouldn't be here otherwise. Now the one person who actually makes him feel, the one person who stirs that emotion love in him is Chasity. He wished he could protect her from the rest of the world and hurt anybody who dared to even talk about her.
Quote: And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With old odd ends, stol'n forth of holy writ;
And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.

By: William Shakespeare
Played By: Colin Farrell

Taken By: x*Brooke*x
Name: Loretta *Lor* Tequila
Power Persuasion. She can persuade the toughest critics to like something that they are agaisnt.
Personality: She's fun-loving and dangerous. With her power she finds it more fun to be on the side of danger. She likes to be on the edge and finds that it's hilarious to see the good people to go down. She'd rather be living on the edge then being on a good side and trying to be the hero around this place. Thoes it's not only fun and games. She's full of vengance, since both her parents wern't in either the good nor evil they got killed as innocent people. Though it was the good who decided to end their lives because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. She likes intimidating people but she loves being in the spotlight. She's always striving for the attention. She's honest but tends to be brutally honest. She hates being ignored and has a short attention span as well as a short temper.
Relationships: She's feisty so she doesn't have alot of girl friends. Though her best friend is Red. Other than that the other girls around her are just there, she's friends with them but people tend to get intimidated by her. Well she's a bit of a whore in a sense, she's honest and loyal to Demon, People tend to believe that they screw around but they just hang out together, theres nothing more in her eyes. Though she's attracted to Ian, But she knows that he likes so many girls that she's just one of them. She doesn't like just being 'one. of. them.' So that leaves her with the one that takes her breath away every time she sees him. And thats Lennon, she talks to him a bit but she's scared of him. She's scared becasue she knows his personality and she's scared that he's going to break her heart. Expecially since she's never had her heart broken before.
I know indeed what evil I intend to do,
but stronger than all my afterthoughts is my fury,
fury that brings upon mortals the greatest evils.

Played By: Elizabeth Hurley

Taken By: x*Brooke*x
Name: Kayvon Derisha
Power: Honesty. He can tell when someone lies to him.
Personality: He's trustworthy and dark. He doesn't like people knowing all about him so he doesn't like talking about himself at all. He'd rather just do business and talk about the weather. He defnietly doesn't like to discuss his past. When he fights, he fights with everything he's got. He would rather die trying then be a coward and go and hide, or worse yet, go to the other side. He absolutly hates people who betray him or his friends. He has trouble trusting people because of that and only after knowing people for quite a while he considers them friends.
Relationships: He's friends with alot of people. He'll be nice to them as long as they dont ask alot of questions right away, then he knows to stay away from them. But his best friend is definetly Ian, He knows about his past but only because he didn't ask about it earlier on. He trusts him completley. As for the girls? He has a physical attraction to Del but he thinks that she's too good for him. He thinks that even if she found out about this, she wouldn't talk to him again. Then theres Larke He really wished that he didn't think about her all the time, then things would be alot easier.
Inside myself is a place where I live all alone
and that's where you renew your springs
that never dry up.

Played By: Steve Burton

Taken By: Shempy
Name: Taly *Red* Towers
Power: Makes you see your worst fears
Personality: Red is a b*tch. She does what ever she wants, when she wants. She hates just about everything she comes in contact with and will kill you if she feels that she has to or if she just feels like it. She can make you suffer a lot with her power and does not have pitty on anybody, ESPECIALLY the goodie goodies who are out to save the day, psshh yeah right. She also likes to tease people then yell at them.
Relationships: Lets just say Red isnt the type to get all lovey dovey, if she likes someone she'll make something of it, but the one thing she doesnt like is, commitment. Also, the way I could put it with Red, is the people that DONT get on her nerves are Chastity and Lor. She considers Lor to be a friend to her, which is a word that Red hardly EVER uses. Out of the guys she just sees them as tag alongs and could get annoying sometimes, which she will be so nice to point out to them in a very practical way. Like Lennon she sees like a baby, Kayvon, he's too much of a "pretty boy", now Ian, there you go, now thats what she calls a hot man, she finds him very sexy and is not affraid to let him know. Lastly, Demon, she understands Demon very well...they get pissed off a lot so, she just nods to his anger, I mean everybody is just so stupid that who wouldnt get pissed off! Yeeesh! So she likes to stay on Demons good side because she knows all to well how he could get, that doesnt mean she wont yell at him it just means she watches carefully what it is she yells at him.
Quote: "Dont bug me punk!" -Red
Played By: Rose McGowan

Taken By: StarliteParadise
Name: Lennon Drub
Power: Able to tap into other’s knowledge for his own good. Kind of a mind reading, but not reading what’s on his mind at the moment, but things that he may want to know able to person, maybe not to much, but things he’d need to know.
Personality: Lennon is actually someone that could easily befriend a person, and later just stab them in the back without that person noticing anything. He’s just about that sneaky with the things he does and the things he knows about different people. Getting to know him, you’d think, oh he’s a nice guy, but he’s actually a total opposite, he’s pretty dark and he doesn’t do well with some friendly people. He’s really all about learning peoples intentions, and finding a way to make them all have this kind of living hell type of thing.
Relationships: Lennon would have to say, he doesn’t like the kind of idea of friends, if you get to close, and you could get hurt, and why hurt yourself when there are others that can have that pain beside yourself? But he has made some colleagues, like Ian, there might not be much trust between these two, but he finds a great deal of help with some things he might not be able to do himself. There is also Chastity, a good person to be around, he know that for some reason she trusts him, and he doesn’t understand why, but it’s fun to hang out with here and stuff. Maybe the only person he wouldn’t dare betray would have to be Demon, he holds a great deal of respect towards him and maybe is the only person he can trust. Then there is Lor, there is something about her that he finds just magnificent. Of course, he’s afraid of getting close, and to lose someone, and he finds that she might not trust his intentions, and he tries to stay alone at times.
Quote: Thy soul shall find itself alone—
Alone of all on earth—unknown
The cause—but none are near to pry
Into thine hour of secrecy

Edgar Allan Poe
Played By: Dominic Monaghan

Taken By: Starvixen1000
Name: Chastity Emerson
Power: Empathy, she can control your feelings, She can make you feel fear so powerful that you want to curl up and die and then feel happiness o great that you forget everything. She can also take away certain feelings like pain and bliss.
Personality:. She was taken in when she was very young and taught in the ways of hate and cruelty. She has no real value for herself, she sees her body as a vessel, one that has been scarred to many times to count. She thinks everyone has a motive and you can never trust anyone. On the outside she is bitter and hardened. But inside she is still that young child looking for someone to love her. She doesn’t get attached, it’s hard for her, but for the few who actually make it through all her walls it is still hard for her to show her feelings for them. . She has never really known love at all. She has only been shown the worse side of people.
Relationships: Because of her past it takes her awhile for her to be actually be able to trust anyone. She has had no real experience of being happy. But she seems to be opening up more and more to her group. She trusts and is very loyal to Demon. She likes to think she loves him but knows it’s not true. She sees him more as a father figure, because he has only been the person to teach her. Even though she knows she shouldn’t trust Lennon she does anyway even though it goes against every fiber in her being. Even though they are both different she allows Del closer to her then some others are. Red she admires because she is not afraid to allow others to see how she really feels. The only person she has no clue how she feels about is Ian he invokes feeling inside her she has yet to understand. One being is that maybe she can feel love, and wants to protect him with everything she has.
A wretched soul, bruised with adversity,
We bid be quiet when we hear it cry;
But were we burdened with like weight of pain,
As much or more we should ourselves complain.
William Shakespeare
Played By: Sarah Michelle Gellar
Icon by bittersweet_art over at livejournal

Last edited by SummerNights; 08-13-2004 at 08:04 PM
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Old 08-10-2004, 12:36 AM
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Oh, can I join? I'll take the people played by Liv Tyler and Dominic Monaghan please?
<3 Jen <(^.^<)

"My junk is you."
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Old 08-10-2004, 12:39 AM
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ignore please! sorry I'm not good with scifi stuff like this.
What a long strange trip it's been in Forman's Basement
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Old 08-10-2004, 12:45 AM
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I'll Join, Karl Urban and Sarah Michelle Gellar
"This is so not life at all
Help me out-out-of this nightmare".

Icon Credit to angel_1stdegree
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Old 08-10-2004, 01:02 AM
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Thank you both for joining. i added both of you.
Icon by bittersweet_art over at livejournal
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Old 08-10-2004, 01:57 AM
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Charlize Theron and Elizabeth Hurley

Orlando Bloom and Dominic Monaghan

Take me like that, ruin it all
Then build it again by the light in the hall
He drops to his knees says please my love, please
I'll kill who you hate, take off that dress, you won't freeze
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Old 08-10-2004, 02:31 AM
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I have one profile done. Here you go. Other tommorow.

Taken By: Starvixen1000
Name: Chastity Emerson
Power: Empathy, she can control your feelings, She can make you feel fear so powerful that you want to curl up and die and then feel happiness o great that you forget everything. She can also take away certain feelings like pain and bliss.
Personality:. She was taken in when she was very young and taught in the ways of hate and cruelty. She has no real value for herself, she sees her body as a vessel, one that has been scarred to many times to count. She thinks everyone has a motive and you can never trust anyone. On the outside she is bitter and hardened. But inside she is still that young child looking for someone to love her. She doesn’t get attached, it’s hard for her, but for the few who actually make it through all her walls it is still hard for her to show her feelings for them. . She has never really known love at all. She has only been shown the worse side of people.
Relationships: TBA
A wretched soul, bruised with adversity,
We bid be quiet when we hear it cry;
But were we burdened with like weight of pain,
As much or more we should ourselves complain.
William Shakespeare
Played By: Sarah Michelle Gellar
"This is so not life at all
Help me out-out-of this nightmare".

Icon Credit to angel_1stdegree
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Old 08-10-2004, 03:11 AM
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Taken By: x*Brooke*x
Name: Lindley Knight
What She Controls: Light
Personlity: She's a very outgoing person. She loves people who are open-minded about their views. Probably because then she'll tell them all about her views. She's very stubborn and likes to get her way. She's always been spoiled as a little girl so she's never been through the hard life. She's seen the hard life and feels pity on them but has no real compassion for saving them. She's loving to people who love her. Though she's very generous. She'll try to give people what they want as long as it doesn't include doing something that she doesn't want to herself. She yearns attention from everyone, that is probably caused by her parents. She was always in her older sisters shadow and was in a constant battle for their attention. She even one time jumped off the garage to break her leg so her mother would look after her.
Relationships: Something with Dark but TBA
Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps,
for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference
between what things are and what they ought to be.

Played By: Charlize Theron

Taken By: x*Brooke*x
Name: Diago Montgomery
What he controlled: Animals
Personality: He's a very quiet and reserved person. He doesn't like speaking his opionins very often. Though he's a very kind and generous person towards the enviroment and his animals. Some people tend to be brutally rude towards him because of his caring attitude. He didn't mind it that much when people made snide remarks toward him personally. But when they said or did something towards the animals he spoke up, which was rare. His parents both were enviroment friendly and taught him why and how he should take care of the animals. So since he was brought up that way he likes who he is. He was a only child so he got alot of attention from his parents and found friends in the animals.
Relationships: Tba
You can discover what
your enemy fears most
by observing the means
he uses to frighten you.

Played By: Orlando Bloom

Taken By: x*Brooke*x
Name: Loretta *Lor* Tequila
Power Persuasion. She can persuade the toughest critics to like something that they are agaisnt.
Personality: She's fun-loving and dangerous. With her power she finds it more fun to be on the side of danger. She likes to be on the edge and finds that it's hilarious to see the good people to go down. She'd rather be living on the edge then being on a good side and trying to be the hero around this place. Thoes it's not only fun and games. She's full of vengance, since both her parents wern't in either the good nor evil they got killed as innocent people. Though it was the good who decided to end their lives because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. She likes intimidating people but she loves being in the spotlight. She's always striving for the attention. She's honest but tends to be brutally honest. She hates being ignored and has a short attention span as well as a short temper.
Relationships: Tba
I know indeed what evil I intend to do,
but stronger than all my afterthoughts is my fury,
fury that brings upon mortals the greatest evils.

Played By: Elizabeth Hurley

Taken By: x*Brooke*x
Name: Kayvon Derisha
Power: Honesty. He can tell when someone lies to him.
Personality: He's trustworthy and dark. He doesn't like people knowing all about him so he doesn't like talking about himself at all. He'd rather just do business and talk about the weather. He defnietly doesn't like to discuss his past. When he fights, he fights with everything he's got. He would rather die trying then be a coward and go and hide, or worse yet, go to the other side. He absolutly hates people who betray him or his friends. He has trouble trusting people because of that and only after knowing people for quite a while he considers them friends.
Relationships: Tba
Inside myself is a place where I live all alone
and that's where you renew your springs
that never dry up.

Played By: Steve Burton
Take me like that, ruin it all
Then build it again by the light in the hall
He drops to his knees says please my love, please
I'll kill who you hate, take off that dress, you won't freeze

Last edited by x*Brooke*x; 08-10-2004 at 08:51 PM
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Old 08-10-2004, 01:35 PM
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Thanks for joining Brooke. I'll add you to all of them but Dominic since he's already been taken. But there are other guys to choose from.
Icon by bittersweet_art over at livejournal
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Old 08-10-2004, 03:47 PM
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Sorry! I didn't notice. I'll take Steve Burton
Take me like that, ruin it all
Then build it again by the light in the hall
He drops to his knees says please my love, please
I'll kill who you hate, take off that dress, you won't freeze
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Old 08-10-2004, 04:32 PM
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Ok I think Ill take Viggo and Angelina
"Not all treasure is made of silver and gold mate."
~Jack Sparrow~

Last edited by Shempy; 08-10-2004 at 04:38 PM
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Old 08-10-2004, 04:38 PM
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Mari thanks for joining. I added you for your guy now I just need you to pick a girl.

After that there's still 2 spots open.
Icon by bittersweet_art over at livejournal
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Old 08-10-2004, 04:40 PM
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Taken By: Shempy
Name: Peter Terra (meaning: Rock Land)
What they Control: Earth
Personality: Peter is rather quite but not timid. He's not only storng physically but, emotionally and mentally. He has a very strong personality and tries to bring it out of those who think they are weak. You can usually find him in the forest walking around, with his cloak on, he's a lot like a hermit, secluding himself most of the time, but that doesnt mean he doesnt like to have company around him...just not a lot. He can be very protective, and even dangerous, for those he cares for and for what he stands for. Overall he's a good guy, frank, sarcastic, and every emotion he makes is always toned down. You will never see him burst out in laughter, burst out in tears or burst out with anger. With strength yes, but never to cause unwanted harm. When it comes to sensitive things, now that he has a hard time with, his hands are rough and his grip is tight naturally, so its hard for him to be the delicate type, physically, as for emotionally....well lets just say that's one thing he even finds mysterious.
Relationships: TBA
Quote: "..It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brushfires in people's minds."
-Samuel Adams

Played By: Viggo Mortensen

Other in a bit
"Not all treasure is made of silver and gold mate."
~Jack Sparrow~

Last edited by Shempy; 08-10-2004 at 08:45 PM
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Old 08-10-2004, 05:11 PM
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Taken By: Starvixen1000
Name: Marcus Chase
What the Control: Water
Personality: Calm, cool, and collected. Three words have never been so true. He is the levelheaded one. He sees both sides and looks at all possibilities. He is quiet and intelligent, he is the one in which the others turn to for strengthen and understanding. He is loyal and trustworthy. Once he considers you a friend his love for you will never be shaken. His real strengthens is strategy he plans things out never one to jump headfirst.
Relationships: TBA
Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Played By: Karl Urban

"This is so not life at all
Help me out-out-of this nightmare".

Icon Credit to angel_1stdegree
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