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Old 08-03-2004, 06:57 PM
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The Last Express- Invite Only

Anyone and everyone who I have pmed in regards to this rp on any level is invited just so you know (Shempy, Against_All_Odds, that includes you too).

Before I get started I want to say that I take no credit for the story concept and almost no credit for this first post even. Most of what’s in here is coming straight from the cheat book of the game from which is rp is based on by the same name. You don’t need to have played the game to join since the game itself is very much unknown to most of the world. In fact I think it’s better if you haven’t played it so that you’re not influenced. So read on!


The world is getting faster. Much faster. And yet, as much as technology has changed the world, the times in which we live are not all that much unlike the world our grandparents (and great-grandparents) may have embraced in the days before the first world war. The days leading up to The Great War were a time of confusion, anxiety, and change. The few individuals who boarded the most famous train in Europe stepped into an international community; a vehicle moving faster than their imaginations could have ever envisioned, a world moving faster toward a fate they could hardly imagine.

On July 24th, at 7:14, the Orient Express made its departure from Paris and began its twelve day journey across France, Germany, Austria, and Serbia until it would finally make its last stop in Constantinople on Asia Minor. Twenty minutes later, an intruding passenger named Robert Cath jumps from a motor scooter onto the moving train where he is to meet an old friend of his, Tyler Whitney. Upon finding his compartment, however, Cath makes a startling discovery. Unknown to crew and passengers alike, Tyler has been gruesomely murdered in his compartment. The motives are endless, for, on this journey, few people are guilty of nothing. Welcome to the most scandalous train ride in history.

Other Information: PLEASE READ!!

I’m naming this part “Other Information” because I think what’s here is actually more important than the real rules of the game. No boy/girl rule for now, but please be open to playing BOTH genders if it becomes necessary. Here’s how I’m doing PYOC this time around. Pick two people, and wait for me to okay those characters. If I okay it, you’re good to go, and I’ll probably be PMing you with more info on at least one of your characters. If not, you have two options. You may either pick another two characters and wait for me to okay it, or I can recommend a pair to you. I will however let you tell me which of your first two characters you’d rather have. I might ask you to take a third character if we don’t get enough people to join. In this game there will be a lot of secrets being kept and almost everyone has a hidden agenda. During the beginning of the game especially I’ll be PMing many of you depending on which character you have to give you additional information regarding your character’s own secrets and agendas. Also, here’s a big thing. A lot of what will make this an interesting rp rests on your characters actions. This is a semi-plotless rp in a sense in that there’s a technical sort of plot going on in the background which you as the characters can choose to follow or “screw up”, it makes no difference to how well the rp will go, but the majority of this is what comes from the actions that your characters make, so feel free to eavesdrop, steal, engage in light combat (or that of the more romantic nature), plot, scheme, whatever! We’ll save actual killing until later in the game, and even then you cannot kill someone unless you have their approval first over pm. So let’s get started!!!

The Orient Express

In 1914, the Orient Express was the very epitome of class, luxury, and grandeur across Europe. Here is a brief description of the train, going from the first car of the train to the last (You can read this now or later when we get closer to starting).

The Locomotive
Very self-explanatory. Two engineers are stationed there to keep the train going and make it stop at its designated stations.

The Coal Tender
Even more self-explanatory. The engineers need coal to stoke the engine’s fire. ‘Nuff said.

The Baggage Car
This is one of the two baggage cars on the train. Trainmaster Verges’ office is stationed up here where he can make sure that no one is able to access their luggage, as is policy. However, he’s often out of his office announcing the train’s stops in the other cars, so…

The Restaurant Car
This car is made up of three different sections, the salon, the dining room, and the kitchen. The salon is often used as a place to relax, read the morning paper, and perhaps order a drink or two, or you might strike up a conversation or a game of chess with one of the other passengers you should meet there. The dining room, more formal than the salon, is open all day, though service hours only last as long as breakfast, lunch, and dinner. A wall-length red curtain separates the dining room from the kitchen. Passengers are allowed through here only to contact the trainmaster.

The Red Sleeping Car
This is the first sleeping car on the Orient Express. The hall extends along the right side of the car (facing the back of the train) with compartments A-I along the left side. The conductor has a chair placed at the far end of the corridor where he can monitor and answer concerns of the passengers including locking doors. The car is called the Red sleeping car because of its red Persian carpeting.

The Green Sleeping Car
This is the second sleeping car on the Orient Express. The layout is identical to the Red sleeping car except that these compartments are numbered 1-9, and the carpeting here is green.

Kronos Private Car
This car is special in that it is not a typical car on the Orient Express, but belongs to one of the characters in the game. It is inaccessible except by invitation by this character.

The Baggage Car
This is the second baggage car located on the end of the train. With the private car blocking access to this car, there is no getting in here.

The Characters
Everyone on the train has to see their story from their point of view. In each character’s mind, he or she is the hero… –Jordan Mechner, Creator of The Last Express

These descriptions came directly from the cheat book, but the comments in italics are my own. Some of these characters are not necessarily needed and won’t be used should we not get the maximum amount of players to join, but I guarantee that you can work all of them into a plotline.

Red Sleeping Car

Conductor Coudert
Born in Algeria, Jacques Coudert came to Paris at age 18 to seek his fortune. A longtime employee of the Compagnie Internationale des Wagons-Lits (C.I.W.L.), his face is well known to regular travelers on the Orient Express. Now just a few months from retirement, he has saved his money and looks forward to returning to Algiers, where he can live like a pasha on his pension.
Taken by: Pelefina

Compartment A
Vassili Alexandrovich Obolensky

Russian count. For many years an important advisor of Czar Alexander III, and his son Nicholas II after him. Owner of vast estates in the Ukraine. Old and in failing health, he remains highly religious, an ardent monarchist, and a despotic aristocrat whose one affection is for his granddaughter, Tatiana. Take notice of the fact that this guy is in failing health. He’s already had one stroke in his time, and he often lingers on the verge of Alzheimer’s disease which in some cases has led him to be rather spookily prophetic.
Taken by: FAIT_Accompli
Vassili Alexandrovich

Compartment B
Tatiana Obolenskya

Sixteen-year-old granddaughter of the count. She has been at school in Paris and is now returning to Russia, probably to be married off to an appropriate member of the nobility. Fragile and innocent (but an excellent chess player), she still cherishes a childhood love for Alexei Dolnikov, the son of a neighboring aristocratic family outside Odessa. However, she has not seen Alexei for many years now and does not know of his current “political intrigues”.
Taken by: Sundance Kid

Compartment C
Claude Boutarel

French geologist and engineer. Monsieur Boutarel is more interested in science and developing technologies than in politics, so he sees no problem in working for the Anglo-Persian oil company at the first oil refinery in Abadan. He encourages the scientific learnings of his son, Francois. A generally inverted person, it’s safe to say that he’s not looking forward to sharing his compartment with Mr. Abbot.
Taken by: In Fair Verona

George Abbot
British commercial agent. A last-minute addition…., his name doesn’t appear on the passenger list. Abbot is a frequent traveler on the Orient Express as he conducts his business across the continent. Behind his garrulous, overly inquisitive persona is a sharp, capable mind; he has an odd way of knowing a great deal of private and personal information and of being in the right place at the right time. He talks. And he talks. And he talks. And he NEVER SHUTS UP!!!
Taken by: Sundance Kid

Compartment D
Francois Boutarel

Precocious boy of 7. Young Francois has an interest in scientific experimentation and a special passion for insects, in which his father indulges him. He’s no more obedient to his mother than other boys of his age, and makes authoritative comments on everything he sees – comments ignored, of course, by his parents and other adults. Though perhaps not entirely unimportant…
Taken by: Untouchable

Camille Boutarel
A practical Frenchwoman, largely and benignly ignored by husband and son. Madame B. maintains a keen sense of the properties and disciplines of family life, as well as her position and ambitions in society. The game does not give Madame B. an actual first name, so I’m just naming her Camille. Camille is a woman to hold grudges, and is one to start arguments and then not back down until she wins. Oh, and did I mention she HATES dogs?
Taken by: Old Wolf

Compartment E
Rebecca Norton

A young upper-class Englishwoman. Rebecca has escaped from a stifling London environment and is on her first adventure abroad with her dashing friend Sophie. Although naïve and inexperienced, Rebecca is observant and intelligent; she keeps a diary and will one day become a famous journalist. Okay. Now, in the game, it turns out that Rebecca and her friend Sophie are lovers, so when you take these two characters you can decide whether you want to play them in that aspect or not.
Taken by: Pelefina

Sophie de Bretheuil
A young, attractive Frenchwoman. Sophie is a provocative, spoiled girl living a privileged and indolent bohemian life. She’s indifferent to politics; only personal intrigue interests her. Her intelligence is of the highly practical and social kind; for the moment she’s happy to be with Rebecca, but she keeps an eye out for other excitements. Ironically, although Rebecca is destined to become a great writer, it is Sophie who will achieve success first in the 1920s by writing a best-selling gossip book under a pseudonym. Again, lovers with Rebecca, and you can choose whether you want to play her in that aspect.
Taken by: AngelDevil

Compartment F
Anna Wolff

Concert violinist. The daughter of an Austro-Hungarian military commander, she’s been touring the concert halls of Europe and the United States, where her brilliant playing and striking appearance have won her great fame – as well as a perfect excuse to travel widely through the most influential levels of European society. Though very dignified and lady-like, Anna can be quite vicious when duty calls, and she can be rather cold-shouldered to those who she does not know or has not been introduced to… or has reason to be suspicious of.
Taken by: Dimaranwen

Max (or ”Maxl”) is a large Siberian husky and companion of Anna Wolff. He is fiercely protective of his mistress, but can be won over if you give him respect and know where to scratch. And yes, the dog does sleep in the compartment with Miss Wolff. Scandalous!

Compartment G
Milos Jovanovic

A young Serbian commander. Milos is a charismatic, self-educated rebel with a good combination of fighting skills, idealism, and practical cunning. Under the banner of General Georgevich, he fought many successful campaigns in the Balkan League’s 1912-13 wars against Turkey. Faithful to his friends and fierce in battle, Milos is a good friend of Tyler Whitney’s, and passionately committed to the cause of Serbo-Croatian unity.
Taken by: Shempy

Vesna Savin
At the age of 12, Vesna saw her family slaughtered by the local Turkish militia. A Croatian, she fled into Serbia and joined a Bosnian irregular fighting unit. Since then, Vesna has lived in the mountains and honed herself into a merciless fighter. Suspicious of all outsiders, she’s a humorless, dedicated soldier and a loyal comrade to Milos. Basically, Vesna is your typical country girl turned assassin. Nothing unusual there, right?
Taken by: StarliteParadise

Compartment H
Ivo Biskupovic

A taciturn Bosnian Serb farm boy turned soldier. Unusually tall and broad, Ivo feels awkward in the confined spaces of the train. Like Vesna, he’s fiercely loyal to Milos and a very good fighter… but he’s never been in a restaurant before, and would much rather be in the hills than on a luxury train. Ivo may look and act like a dumb cluck, but he’s extremely powerful and just as capable of killing as Milos or Vesna.

Salko Popivoda
Twenty-year-old Bosnian Serb and Ivo’s shadow. During the Balkan Wars, Salko slipped across the border to Montenegro, and from there to Serbia, where he joined an irregular army unit. He and Ivo became friends and have been inseparable ever since. The little bells sewn onto the sleeve of Salko’s jacket are his attempt to add a touch of splendor to his apparel, as befits a client of the Orient Express. Salko is a bit hickish as is Ivo, but Salko has a bit more common sense, and he’s more knowledged as to how to use his strength.

Compartment I

Green Sleeping Car

Conductor Mertens
This is young Rene’s fifth run on the Paris-Constantinople route. Although he believes he’s working hard, he’s too lax to make a really top-notch conductor. His job is made more difficult by the ever-watchful eye of his uncle, the Trainmaster, to whom Rene owes his rapid promotion to this position.
Taken by: Dimaranwen

Compartment 1
Tyler Whitney

American freedom fighter, philanthropist, and gunrunner. Tyler and Cath met at Yale, where Tyler – idealistic and wealthy son of Southern landed aristocrats – developed a passionate interest in the Wobblies workers’ movement. He eventually left the U.S. and joined the Zapatista revolt in Mexico and Cuba, helping raise funds and run guns and munitions, before lending his support to Serbia in the 1912-13 Balkan Wars. Tyler is a non-playable character simply because… he’s dead.

Robert Cath
American doctor, age 29. Barred from medical practice in the U.S. because of his unorthodox methods and interest in ancient and esoteric forms of medicine, Cath has been living quietly in Paris. He and Tyler Whitney have been friends since college, and shared many adventures, but Cath hasn’t seen Tyler in several years. Unlike Tyler, Cath does not have any pull towards the activist way of life, but he does have one secret besides the fact that he snuck on the train without a ticket. Now I’m not going to tell you what it is, but, umm, if you happen to be in the salon reading the daily paper, and you find an article about an American doctor having killed an Irish policeman and being wanted as far as France and Germany for first degree murder, that wasn’t me. Nope… not me…. (walks away hurriedly)
Taken by: Old Wolf

Compartment 2
Alexei Dolnikov

Russian student. The idealistic son of an aristocratic family, Alexei left school in St. Petersburg and went to London, where he became deeply involved in the Anarchist movement. Renouncing his heritage, he dedicated himself to the abolition of the tyrannical system in which he was brought up. Alexei is rather surprised to be traveling now with the Obolenkys, not only because Tatiana is his childhood playmate, but also because he has a deep hatred for the count do to socio-economic diversities.
Taken by: AngelDevil

Compartment 3
August Schmidt

German industrialist. From humble beginnings, August Schmidt has built an empire from metal and arms manufacturing. One of the rising industrialists of the new Germany, he follows political developments very closely, and looks forward to prosperous times. He’s also a gourmand and an appreciator of beauty in all its forms. With a rather repulsively perky attitude about things, I like to compare August to that one really geeky kid in high school whose main objective is to make people like him (in August’s case, those people are women) but ends up being really annoying instead. He’s very persistent and, if he feels he’s being taken advantage of, can become rather hostile. Though he’s not the most attractive person with the most attractive personality, he plays a big role in the background plot, so please someone take him!!
Taken by: Shempy

Compartment 4
Mahmud Makhta

Persian Eunuch. Mahmud is charged with the safe conduct from Paris to Cairo of a four-woman harem belonging to a certain unnamed personage who anxiously awaits their arrival. The trip has been a tense and frustrating one for Mahmud, who must reconcile the logistical difficulties of a long European train journey with his employer’s strict requirement that the women not show themselves in public. Nope, he’s not the nicest guy in the world, and his limited English and French make it hard for him to communicate with those along on the trip. But at least he knows how to wield a sword.

Compartment 5

At 45, Fatima is the harem’s oldest member. Though in a position of authority with respect to the younger women, she has seen enough in her life to take things in stride, and is generally willing to turn a blind eye to Hadija’s and Yasmin’s high jinks.

Compartment 6

Age 20. The most educated of the group, Yasmin keeps the others entertained at night with stories and songs from literature and her own imagination. She is spoiled and, along with Hadija, is a little bit of a troublemaker.
Taken by: Brienchen

Compartment 7

Age 19. Rebellious and high-spirited, Hadija is impatient with the tight discipline and boring routine imposed by travel. She’s always inciting Yasmin to mischief, and on trips in the past has occasionally skirted disaster. However, on this trip Mahmud’s vigilance subdues even her. For gameplay reasons, perhaps it doesn’t subdue Hadija that much.
Taken by: Untouchable

Compartment 8

Age 15. Alouan is the latest addition to the harem. This is her first time in Europe. Yasmin and Hadija tease her because she has brought her baby doll along and sleeps with it at night, but Fatima is protective of Alouan, who is really still a child.
Taken by: FAIT_Accompli

Compartment 9

Baggage Car
Trainmaster Verges

In 1876, at age 16, Verges got his first job washing the exteriors of the train cars. As a pioneer of the railway, he has gradually risen in the ranks to the position of Trainmaster. A lifelong bachelor, Verges keeps a firm eye on his nephew Rene, and tries to instill his own sense of responsibility and discipline into this unlikely bottle.
Taken by: StarliteParadise

Kronos Private Car: The Saturn
Prince Kronos

A wealthy and mysterious art collector. Prince Kronos’s origins are obscure. Believed to have come from North Africa, he has amassed an enormous fortune. He is said to command a private army, and have a fortress in the Pyrenees, but rumors about him contradict each other. When in Europe, he travels in his lavish, eccentrically outfitted private rail car, the Saturn. This is another guy that makes a lot of difference to this story. People may only see him by invitation, and, like Mr. Abbot, he seems to know everyone and everyone’s business a bit more intimately than most. If something happens, he WILL know about it.
Taken by: In Fair Verona

Proud and taciturn, Kahina is the last of an ancient Matabele tribe of female warriors who were defeated and driven from their Southern African homeland. Kahina owes her life to Kronos, and her loyalty to him is total and unswerving. Her command of English, French, Ndebele, and other languages makes her an ideal secretary, bodyguard, and general factotum to Kronos wherever he travels. Not to mention the ideal henchman – er, woman. His Excellency, Prince Kronos, cannot afford to ruin his reputation by committing some heinous act, so, when there’s dirty work to be done, it’s Kahina who gets the job.
Taken by: Brienchen

Okie dokie folks! Take the characters of your choosing, and, depending on who you choose, I may be contacting you with further, more interesting info about your character!
Somebody told me....
That you were so stupid....
But I didn't believe them....
But now I believe them...
-Strong Bad

Last edited by Old Wolf; 08-09-2004 at 03:05 AM
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Old 08-03-2004, 07:47 PM
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Urgh, Bob! I don't know who to choose! *heavy sigh* I'll just take.. Hadija annddd.. Francois. How's that?
a bird may love a fish, signore, but where will they live?
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Old 08-03-2004, 07:56 PM
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I want...Anna Wolff and Conductor Mertens.

Heh...Milos is hot.
too little too late but we can't say no, it's too much to feel, tie my right hand to the bible.
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Old 08-03-2004, 08:01 PM
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Untouchable: Hmm, Mily.... I debated on your pick a little bit, but I think it's safe enough that you can have it.

Dimaranwen: Good pair. They're yours.
Somebody told me....
That you were so stupid....
But I didn't believe them....
But now I believe them...
-Strong Bad
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Old 08-03-2004, 08:04 PM
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Uh oh. Are the little boy and the harem girl secretly linked? O_O Are they having a dirty affair?

Ew. I just grossed myself out. xD Ok, thanks Bob.
a bird may love a fish, signore, but where will they live?
All hail Em, The First of her name,
Queen of Chris Evans' heart,
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Old 08-03-2004, 08:07 PM
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Wow, that actually got me laughing pretty hard for some reason. No, no, you'll see once we get started.
Somebody told me....
That you were so stupid....
But I didn't believe them....
But now I believe them...
-Strong Bad
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Old 08-03-2004, 08:08 PM
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Well, I'm glad I made you laugh, Bob.

*Is sorta scared now*
a bird may love a fish, signore, but where will they live?
All hail Em, The First of her name,
Queen of Chris Evans' heart,
Mistress of the Marvel Universe
and Roleplaying Board's fairest and kindliest Mod ever!
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Old 08-03-2004, 11:00 PM
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ROFL!! That made me laugh too!.......Does that make me a weirdo o_O psh what else is new in the world right? lol.
Anywho, this looks awesome, and sorry I answered your pm so late Bob (you can call me Mari), but Im checking it everyday now ^_^

Can I take August and Milos?
"Not all treasure is made of silver and gold mate."
~Jack Sparrow~
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Old 08-03-2004, 11:03 PM
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Sigh, this is hard to figure out, but I think I know who I want, but you can choose whatever, I don't care but my picks would be Trainmaster Verges and Vesna Savin, is that ok? I feel like I'm making a life or death decision.
<3 Jen <(^.^<)

"My junk is you."
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Old 08-04-2004, 07:05 AM
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Exciting. I would like....errr...ehh....ehmm....Tatiana Obolenskya and....errr....George Abbot?
Makes it kind of quiver down in the core
'Cause you're dreamin' of them Saturdays that came before
And now you're stumblin'
You're stumblin' onto the heart of Saturday night
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Old 08-04-2004, 07:57 AM
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So many CHOICES!


Okay, I'm going with first instinct.... Alexei and Sophie.

Lesbian lovers rock socks.
I chose a road of passion and pain
sacrificed too much and waited in vain
Gave up my power ceased being queen
Addicted to love like the drug of a fiend
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Old 08-04-2004, 08:06 AM
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Haha, I love your enthusiasm.

Cool. I added everyone; your combinations I believe will all work well. I think.

I'm waiting for a couple people to get back to me as to whether or not they will join, so actually we may start sooner than I had previously thought. In the mean time, I think I'll start pming you on your characters. Be sure to check your pm boxes here in the near future.
Somebody told me....
That you were so stupid....
But I didn't believe them....
But now I believe them...
-Strong Bad
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Old 08-04-2004, 10:06 AM
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I think I'll go with Yasmin. I am not really keen on takin too much characters, but if anybody important is left and needs to be played I'll do it.
For the little girl inside who won't just hide
Don't let me see mistakes and lies
Let me keep my faith and innocent eyes
My innocent eyes
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Old 08-04-2004, 10:38 AM
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I'd like Rebbeca and Coudert, please.
Ewes not fat!
Ewes just fluffy!
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Old 08-04-2004, 03:26 PM
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Pelefina- Umm, would you mind at all switching one of your characters? Not that that isn't a good pair in regards to each other, but I'd like it if everyone had at least one important character on them for now. You can keep one of your first characters and then if the other one is left over after everyone's picked you can take it as a third character.

Brienchen- If you'd like I can pick out another character that doesn't have a lot to do. That way you wouldn't be as boggled down with keeping up with two characters, and you'd still be taking two.

For both of you I can recommend Kronos, Kahina, and Count Vassili. The Count is the one I would highly recommend to Brienchen. Hope it's not too much of a problem.
Somebody told me....
That you were so stupid....
But I didn't believe them....
But now I believe them...
-Strong Bad
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