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Old 08-02-2004, 05:35 PM
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Anderson High~New RPG~Come Join!


This is just a normal highschool drama RP, plus I'm too lazy to post a long description cauz I just made up all these profiles. Anyways, yes there can be made-ups if ya want, but you cannot take more than one person I have created. No boy/girl rule YAYAYA!


Name:Razha(Bernie Conners)
Stereotype:The Goth Chick
Info:In middle school Razha was probably considered the dorkiest girl in school. She was a *band geek* and was picked on almost daily. She wasn't really happy about being treated like crap and being considered *uncool* by others. Especially because she had a huge crush on her brother's best friend Jamie. Jamie always saw her as a little kid so the summer before high school she completely changed her image into a *hot goth chick*. Everyone was surprised and she completely changed as a person as well, she started to hang out with a different crowd and became a sort of mean person, even though she has the Goth image, since she is very pretty she is popular and hangs out with the popular crowd. She's been pursuing Jamie for a long time, but he doesn't seem to have any interest in her and that furstrates her.
Relationships:Used to be best friends with Betty but dumped her after she changed her image, now she's friends with Christina and Jasmine. Her brother is Andy. Doesn't particularly *like* Ariana, but only hangs out with her cauz she's smart and friends with Jasmine.

Name:Jasmine Barin
Stereotype:The Ice Princess
Info:Jasmine is kind of a dreamy girl, she doesn't really live in the *real world*. She's always walking through the hallways of the school not really paying any attention to anyone else. Just in her own little world. She doesn't particularly like or dislike people, but she doesn't care to be around a lot of people a lot of the time. She likes to be alone and have her own space. She was new to the school in the middle freshman year and since the first day she walked in, everyone has been completely enamored with her. She doesn't even understand why she is popular and doesn't particularly like it, but there really isn't anything she can do about it, so she just goes with the flow. She is also a writer, which is probably the reason her head is always in the clouds, she's always either thinking of a story she wants to write, a story she is writing, or a good story she just read.
Relationships:Jasmine is dating Ryan, she's been dating him practically since she got to the school. She cares about him, but isn't quite sure she's in love with him, she finds herself more drawn towards Nate. She is friends with Christina, Razha, and Ariana.

Name:Christina Rossetti
Stereotype:The B*tch
Info:Christina was always the most popular girl in school, ever since she was a little girl. She was always good at everything, and everyone always idolized her. She was also always mean, selfish, and very greedy. She doesn't particularly care about anyone other than herself. She had a reputation of being mean and willing to steal anyone's boyfriend and crush anyone's confidence if they got in her way. That all changed when Jasmine came to the school. Everyone flocked around Jasmine and left Christina in the dust and that made her mad. So she started to act like a nice person to get on Jasmine's good side and they became fast friends. Christina actually found out she rather liked Jasmine and has been friends with her ever since. Jasmine has changed Christina somewhat for the better, she's still kind of a b*tch, but not as much of one.
Relationships:Christina is friends with Jasmine, but also is hiding the fact that she might have feelings for her as well, which really freaks her out so much that she would never admit it. She is also friends with Razha and is dating Corey. She absolutely despises Ryan but would never say anything about it to him.

Name:Betty Anderson
Stereotype:The Dork
Info:Betty used to be best friends with Razha. They had been friends since they were babies because they live right next to each other. They were both *band geeks* until Freshman year when they went their separate ways. The girl Betty knew as Bernie Conners became Razha and completely left Betty in the *dorky girl* image. Betty is still in band and is still picked on. She's very sad that they are no long friends and misses Razha very much. Recently she told Razha that she wants to be friends again, but was completely rejected. Betty doesn't have really any close friends, she's alone most of the time and feels depressed. She recently tried to commit suicide but was stopped by Razha's brother Andy, he's been hanging around her a lot and she started to go see a psychologist. She is very sweet and shy.
Relationships:Doesn't really have any friends besides Nate and hangs out with Andy. She occassionally hangs out with Ariana.

Name:Ariana Norielle
Stereotype:The Overachiever
Info:Ariana is one of the smartest girls in school. She supposed to be a freshman but skipped two grades and is now a Junior. She's a perfectionist and very organized. She gets straight A's and is in a lot of different clubs. Her father is the pastor of a church and she has a lot of pressure put on her to be perfect. She's very sweet, kind, and somewhat naive. She has a lot of stress put on her, because she is taking so many college-level classes and she has so many responsibilities. She feels overwhelmed by everything, but feels that giving up is a sign of weakness. She's pretty popular at school because she knows practically everyone and is nice to everyone, especially since she's president to dozens of clubs and class president. She's the girl that everyone goes to for help on any school work. She spends most of her time at the school, getting there very early and leaving late everyday, trying to get everything done as best and as fast as she possibly can.
Relationships:She's friends with everyone in the school pretty much. She's hangs out with Jasmine, Razha, and Christina. She also hangs out with Betty sometimes. She has a crush on Nate, but wouldn't do anything about it. She doesn't particularly like Jamie, she thinks he's a jerk, but kind of in a cute way...


Name:Andy Conners
Stereotype:The Overprotective Brother
Info:Andy has always been overprotective of his little sister. Before AND after she became *Razha*. He loves her very much and cares about her, but he doesn't like the way she's turned out. He's an all around good guy, your classic all-American guy who is very sweet and kind and cares about others, he's very into doing charity work and is in clubs that involve saving the environment, helping animals, and human rights. He's your all American good guy. He takes care of Betty especially after he stopped her from trying to commit suicide. He finds himself falling for her though and doesn't know how to handle it. He doesn't want to overwhelm her.
Relationships:Is Razha's brother, is best friends with Jamie. Also takes care and watches over Betty, he has a slight *thing* for her.

Name:Nate Morrow
Stereotype:The Artistic Guy
Info:Nate is pretty much a loner. He's considered the deep-thinking *artistic* guy. He's usually found in the art room or alone somewhere reading a book. He doesn't really pay much attention to people, he's off in his own little world, much like Jasmine is. He is very drawn to her, because they're very much alike. They're both artistic and dreamy. He daydreams a lot, most of his daydreams involve Jasmine. He hangs out with a few people but doesn't really have any close friends because he is very aloof.
Relationships:Is friends with Betty, Ariana, and Andy. Has a huge crush on Jasmine..
TB:California_ here_ I _come

Name:Jamie Nichs
Stereotype:The Rebel
Info:Jamie is a total rebel. He failed two years in a row, but he doesn't really give a crap about that. He doesn't really attend school that much and when he does he doesn't usually go to class, he just hangs around. He would drop out but he doesn't feel like it, there would be nothing else to do. Plus he likes going to high school parties and messing around with high school girls. His favorite pastimes are getting drunk, getting high, and girls. Although he has a terrible reputation he's very charming and many girls want to go out with him. He's good at getting what he wants, and if he can't get it...he'll find a way. Although he finds Razha attractive, he just doesn't have any feelings for her or anything. Before and after her transformation. He thinks of her as a little sister. He's been trying to get Ariana to like him, but she's a very hard catch, but he thinks he can achieve anything he wants. He decided to make her his tutor, thinking that will somehow get her to fall for him after spending time with him. Despite what most people would think he's actually a really smart guy.
Relationships:Has a thing for Ariana and is pursuing her. He thinks he might really like her but would never admit it. Is best friends with Andy. He also thinks that Jasmine and Christina are hot.

Name:Corey Capelli
Stereotype:The Jerk
Info:Corey is the resident jock jerk. He thinks he's God's gift to all womankind. He's a manipulator a complete jerk. That is why he and Christina made such a great couple. They were both evil. Corey feels that he can have any girl in the school, and basically has. He's cheated on Christina multiple times without even a tiny bit of guilt. If its female he'll go after it, unless the girl is unattractive. He's also a big bully and loves to make people's lives a living h*ll namely Nate and Betty who he teases to no end. He has a thing for Razha, he thinks she's hot and has been trying to pursue her.
Relationships:Is dating Christina but would rather be going out with Razha. Best friends with Ryan. Deep down he actually kind of likes Betty for some odd reason.

Name:Ryan Blake
Stereotype:The Popular Jock
Info:Ryan is considered the hottest guy in school. Girls love him, guys want to be him. Most people think that Ryan is a conceited jerk, kinda like Corey but he's not like that. Though he thinks pretty highly of himself he's actually a pretty decent guy. He's been popular practically since birth and playing sports just as long. Sports are his life, he loves sports so much and is good at pretty much any sport he tries. He doesn't pay much attention to the academic part of school, but his teachers give him a break because he's the school sports hero. The only other thing that he considers more important than sports is Jasmine. Since the day he met her he fell madly in love with her. He loves her more than anything else in the world, he would die for her, he would do anything to keep her as his girlfriend. They've been dating a long time and he's already made up his mind that she's the girl that he wants to spend the rest of his life with. He plans to propose to her, even though they're only still in high school. He envisions Jasmine being the housewife type with a huge family in a nice suburban neighborhood, kind of like his home life.
Relationships:Dating Jasmine and is completely in love with her. Best friends with Corey.

Last edited by ~*Heaven*~; 08-07-2004 at 11:02 PM
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Old 08-02-2004, 06:44 PM
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You can show up at my house
Completely unannounced
We'll have that movie kiss we talked about
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Old 08-02-2004, 07:13 PM
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Is there MYOC?
Take me like that, ruin it all
Then build it again by the light in the hall
He drops to his knees says please my love, please
I'll kill who you hate, take off that dress, you won't freeze
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Old 08-02-2004, 08:04 PM
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Betty please
"Not all treasure is silver and gold mate"- Pirates of the Carribean

"The cool points are out the window and you got me all twisted up in the game"-Bringing Down the House
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Old 08-02-2004, 11:13 PM
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I will take Ryan!!!please!!
no need to ask, I got you ♥
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Old 08-03-2004, 09:00 AM
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I'll take Betty!! please.
I'm glad I'm not a genius cause then I can sleep until noon
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Old 08-03-2004, 01:25 PM
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What a long strange trip it's been in Forman's Basement
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Old 08-04-2004, 09:39 AM
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sorry didnt see betty was already requested can i get jasmine then please.
I'm glad I'm not a genius cause then I can sleep until noon
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Old 08-04-2004, 04:18 PM
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Actually Jasmine is already taken
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Old 08-04-2004, 06:34 PM
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Nate, please & thank you!
"He a storm."
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Old 08-06-2004, 01:59 PM
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Hey, don't mind me... HEAVEN!! Check your PMs hon!
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 08-06-2004, 03:37 PM
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Putcha on the list, and I'm looking at the rp right now MoonSwirl.
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Old 08-07-2004, 11:02 PM
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Christina, Andy, & Corey are left, I took Ariana unless someone wants her
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Old 08-12-2004, 04:58 PM
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Sweetie, check your PMs! We've started! Where are you?
We’re all stories, in the end… just make it a good one, eh?
Do you remember that cave? We should have stayed in that cave.
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Old 12-23-2004, 02:18 AM
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Christina and Corey puhleaze!
Ginnifer: Where do you think Tad is right now?
Rosalee: I bet he's in church
Pete: (gahing in the background)
Rosalee: How's modern grocer treating you Pete?
Pete: Heaven is just a mouse-click away!
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