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Old 12-21-2003, 07:37 PM
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Radio Free Roscoe #1 Spoilers & Speculations: Tune into the Underground (Update 1/18)

Main Character Profiles:

Lillian Randall
Age: 14
Grade: 9
Alter-Ego: Shady Lane
Likes: Playing guitar, writing songs, music
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Group: Can't decide . . . maybe No Doubt, The White Stripes or The Donnas . . .
One Thing She'd Like to Change: Needs to stop thinking that she needs to change herself
Greatest Ambition: To write songs that change the way people see the world around them
Most Prized Possession: Guitar, because it's the tool she uses to help her express on the outside what she's truly feeling on the inside.
Would Like to Meet: John Lennon because he was a phenomenal musician and songwriter who used his voice not to speak to the world, but to try to change it.
Resolution: Make it big in rock & roll
Happiness is: Using her wah-wah pedal
Voted: To become a rock star

Lily's an opinionated and inquisitive girl about the world around her. However, Lily's opinions may be contagious when she's too honest. Lily lives with her mom, dad (Philip) and sister (Simone). She likes to express herself through music, especially with her guitar. Lily's very friendly, and offers helpful advice. She's the innocent one out of the whole gang and has intentions that are pure. Lily's almost perfect in every way, except in the ways of love. This rocker loves to play in front of her friends, but when it comes to audiences she's like a deer in front of the headlights.

During Radio Free Roscoe, Lily expresses herself through music as Shady Lane. She originally got the name from Robbie. 'Shady Lane' is an actual song by Pavement, which inspired her to play guitar. Shady Lane also has her own segment entitled 'Ask Shady' where the callers ask for advice. She's usually the one with the right answer. Shady Lane is a true alter-ego, only louder.

Raymond Brennan
Age: 14
Grade: 9
Alter-Ego: Pronto
Likes: Lily, humor, sports, music
Favorite Color: Yellow
One Thing He'd Like to Change: Needs to improve vertical leap
Greatest Ambition: To be the first professional athlete to win both a World Series and the Indy 500. Either that, or become a world famous comic prop.
Most Prized Possession: His sense of humor because no one has one quite like it!
Would Like to Meet: 'Babe Ruth because with a little work, I think I could have helped him perfect his swing. And then we could go out for burgers and fries, on him of course.'
Resolution: Get a girlfriend
Happiness is: Making milk come out of someone's nose
Voted: The joker

Some people may confuse Ray as a kid stuck in a teenager's body. He's truly a class clown and his humor is genuine, but when used wrong it can backfire. Ray's also talented in PE but lacks in academic subjects. He's a dreamer and has talent, but doesn't take himself seriously to refine it. Although Ray does have a lot of heart, he's sensitive at times, especially when other guys catch Lily's eye. Ray loves having all the glory, and gets impatient when the going gets tough. Ray digs the deepest to express his feelings.

Pronto is the comedian during RFR. Ray got the name 'Pronto' from Robbie. Since Ray always waits until the last minute, Pronto is the exact opposite. He usually entertains the fans with his humor, and home life.

Robert McGrath
Age: 14
Grade: 9
Alter-Ego: Question Mark
Likes: Girls, knowledge, journalism, music
Favorite Color: Orange
One Thing He'd Like to Change: Trusting his instincts
Greatest Ambition: To make a deep and lasting change, somehow.
Most Prized Possession: 'A pocket watch my grandfather gave me. Because he told me that time's passage is the only thing that is certain. Everything else should be questioned.'
Would Like to Meet: Guglielmo Marconi and Nikola Tesla to thank them for inventing a medium that cames ideas around the world.
Resolution: Question the truth
Happiness is: finding a cool radio station
Voted: Most likely to succeed

Due to his grandfather's gift (a pocket watch), Robbie's a very curious guy. He's also a natural born leader and has a love for radio. Robbie and Ray are very much alike, but Robbie's mature when it gets down to business. Although many of his crushes never work out, his confidence always overcomes the heartbreak, continuing to find 'the one'. Robbie lives with his mother, who is an artist. His father died from a car accident. However, Robbie never wants to let anyone down, which is why he expects much of himself. He's usually the one who wants to have control over situations. RFR will help Robbie develop a side that doesn't want to be a control-freak.

"What if you try ending your sentences without a question mark everytime?" That quote from Ray sparked up Robbie's name, Question Mark. Due to his curious nature, Question Mark's certainly the one to ask the questions others dare not to. He usually starts off with his catchphrase, "I'm Question Mark, and I'm wondering..."

Travis Strong
Age: 14
Grade: 9
Alter-Ego: Smog
Likes: Reading, famous historical figures, turntables, music
Favorite Color: Green
One Thing He'd Like to Change: Needs to lighten up
Greatest Ambition: To find "the answer"
Most Prized Possession: 1) Collection of rare comic books, because art comes in many forms, most of them unappreciated and
2) Bonsai tree, because it understands him
Would Like to Meet: Mohandas Gandhi. Because Gandhi was able to change the face of a nation and the world armed only with the power of an idea and the force of conviction.
Resolution: Learn to levitate
Happiness is: an illusion
Voted: Most likely to become a Buddhist monk

Due to his father being a diplomat, Travis travels to a lot of places, such as London and Hong Kong. He's never had the perfect idea of home, until he came to Roscoe. Travis is used to being alone, and covers his real self with quotes or through books. He never expresses himself straight out, which makes him the silent, mysterious type. Friendship is the only thing Travis can't figure out. Trust is the ultimate element with him, and with his strong friendship with Robbie and Lily, he learns it's not always him against the world everytime.

Travis got his alter-ego name after Ray called him 'Smirkdog'. He used the 'best of both worlds' combination, making it Smog. Travis is the one with all the equipment. Without him, RFR literally wouldn't exist. He's got some good talents such as working on the one's and two's. Even though Smog doesn't say much on air, it's usually helpful or intellectual whenever he does. Smog develops his true alter-ego in season two, making him an outrageous character that will knock your socks off

All character information retrieved from

Here's a compilation of spoilers for RFR...
[img]smilies/star.gif[/img] [img]smilies/star.gif[/img] [img]smilies/star.gif[/img] All old spoilers removed for sake of size ^_^

[img]smilies/star.gif[/img]Episode #121 "Zen and the Art of Bicycle Maintenance"
It's "To Catch a Bicycle Thief", when Ray plays a cat and mouse game with a bicycle bandit who is stealing bicycles from Roscoe residents. Ray's mission is personal as one of the thief's heists was Robbie's prized bicycle, which Ray had borrowed when the theft occurred. The bike thief, who even has the nerve to call into RFR to gloat, constantly foils Ray. Ray calls on the town to work together to get to the bottom of the case and at the same time gains some notoriety of his own. Lily thinks Travis' claim that he doesn't celebrate his birthday is not genuine. When she discovers that his birthday is coming up she decides to go against his wishes and plans a surprise birthday party for him at Mickey's. When Travis walks out of his party she realizes she might have miscalculated. Now Lily has her own mission -- to get to the truth of why Travis is so anti-birthday.

[img]smilies/star.gif[/img]Episode #122 "The Boxer"

Principal Waller becomes Ray and Travis' substitute history teacher for the week. The topic being covered, The Boxer Rebellion, is one Travis is well versed in, due to his many years living in the far east. When Waller's version of events doesn't sit well with Travis is goes on a mission to prove to Waller that history is a messy complicated affair with more than just the victor's side of the story. Waller and Travis become entrenched in a rebellion of their own. While Waller is playing teacher, Kim Carlisle is trying to sell Cougar Radio calendars to raise money for the station. Robbie gets caught in the middle when he takes a stand as Question Mark against the calendars but as Robbie does his best to help Kim sell them.

[img]smilies/star.gif[/img]Episode #123 "Bad Boy"

Robbie is dismayed when Principal Waller assigns him to star in a video based on "day in the life of a model student". How can Robbie be perceived as such a goody-goody when his alter ego is Question Mark? Robbie tries to change his reputation when he realizes that his partner on the project is an attractive, artsy and rebellious media student by the name of Sydney. Ray finds and then loses his lucky charm and goes on a bad luck streak. Travis tries to convince him it's all in his head, but suddenly, he's incredibly lucky. RFR is devoted to the subject of luck and superstition. When Travis plays a mean joke on Ray, their fortunes reverse. Ray finds his lucky charm and Travis believes he's cursed by bad karma.

[img]smilies/star.gif[/img]Episode #124 "More Than a Single"

Travis convinces Lily to let him produce one of her songs. Travis is really tough but Lily realizes that he is bringing out the best of her musical talents. The song is an instant hit in Roscoe but Lily freaks out when he releases the single was aired under her own name as opposed to "Shady Lane. As the accolades roll in, Lily learns to trust Travis and they grow closer than ever. Robbie and Kim realize they have great chemistry when they're debating issues against each other. Kim sees the on-air potential and asks Robbie to join her in a funny Cougar Radio segment. But it is hard to keep things light and funny when the gang has certain expectations of Robbie, and Kim's peers have certain expectations of her. Will the two of them be able to put aside their differences and concentrate on their shared love of radio?

[img]smilies/star.gif[/img]Episode #125 "The Awful Truth"
Romance and relationships are the buzz at Henry Roscoe High. Lily tries desperately to talk to Travis about their 'moment' together but Travis isn't opening up and the tension between Lily, Travis and Audrey is getting really thick. In the meantime Ray is trying to make up to Travis and Lily and continually apologizes for accusing them of secretly dating and Robbie is going a little crazy about what he knows about the situation. Everything blows up on the air in a truth-telling session like never heard before and when it is over, RFR will never be the same. With all of the drama at Radio Free Roscoe, Robbie has his own drama with Kim Carlisle that neither of them is able to fully understand. Will RFR survive secrets, love and betrayal?

[img]smilies/star.gif[/img]Episode #126 "All or Nothing"
The gang is reeling from secrets, betrayal, love and hurt feelings. Nobody but Question Mark wants to be at Radio Free Roscoe anymore. Like a lone wolf, Question Mark continues on his own trying to keep things together and hoping that everything will go back to way it was before it all fell apart. Travis is trying to keep things together with Audrey and Lily is just trying to figure out how she feels about everything and everyone. As RFR falls apart on the air, Principal Waller and Kim Carlisle come up with a plan that will take down Radio Free Roscoe once and for all and Robbie must make one of the biggest decisions
of his life.


The cast is currently in the process of filming season three so look forward to it!

These spoilers and pics were gotten and

[ 01-18-2004: Message edited Spikes_slayer ]

"Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy."-Charlie McCarthy

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Old 12-21-2003, 07:56 PM
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Thanks for starting a RFR spoiler thread. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

I definitely sense a Travis/Lily hookup! So exciting.
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Old 12-21-2003, 08:00 PM
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Yep, it's super exciting... [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]

"Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy."-Charlie McCarthy

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Old 12-22-2003, 04:43 PM
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Travis and Lily grow closer than ever...? Maybe the shippers will get what they hope for! But what about Ray, are him and Lily going to go out or what?
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Old 12-22-2003, 05:27 PM
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It doesn't really sound like anything happens with Ray/Lily, does it? Or at least it's not mentioned in the spoilers.

One of the commercials leads you to believe that Lily tells Ray she doesn't like him like that, so...hmm.

Who do you think is the one member that wants to continue to be at RFR? My guess is Robbie.
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Old 12-22-2003, 05:44 PM
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i think Robbie would want to stay too, because wasn't he the one who came up with the whole idea? And he always seems so enthusiastic while Ray or Lily will leave if they have something better to do. Could be Travis though, because Robbie was the first to accept him and he asked him to join RFR. Travis has really grown close to the other three and it's the first thing he knew when he moved from China...that was it wasnt it? Well anyway, he's always at the station after-hours and stuff. So I think it will either be Robbie or Travis.
furious flutter
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Old 12-22-2003, 07:41 PM
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I'm thinking maybe it will be Robbie as well, because of the Ray/Lily/Travis storyline. I'm sure none of those three will want to be hanging out at RFR together after whatever secrets and betrayals become known to them.
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Old 12-22-2003, 10:59 PM
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thanks so much for starting the thread... [img]smilies/thumbs_up.gif[/img]

lily/travis?! [img]smilies/nono.gif[/img] what happened with lily/ray? [img]smilies/bawl.gif[/img]

sundaesmile:: nice avvie! [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]
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Old 12-23-2003, 06:14 PM
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wow...we are moving up look at us, we have a spoiler thread!!!!

Yea it's Robbie, I think that wants to stay RFR. Because everyone else is probably angry about the love triangle that is going to happen.
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Old 12-23-2003, 07:05 PM
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Nice topic [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img] . Hmm...Imagine if they did a Degrassi/RFR crossover one day. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] (Even though the guy who plays Ray played another guy in Degrassi in one episode)
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Old 12-23-2003, 09:52 PM
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Riberty...for some reason i find that image very frightening...

Can you see Travis hanging with Spinner?
Lily anywhere NEAR MAnny without bashing her in the head?
Robbie with Marco?
Ray with Toby?

For some reason...i REALLY can't see it as anything but scary... [img]smilies/tongue.gif[/img]

"Ambition is a poor excuse for not having sense enough to be lazy."-Charlie McCarthy

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Old 12-24-2003, 12:02 AM
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Just wanted to let you all know here that this board will be assigned to me, so I'll be the one moderating it. Please see Official Fan Forum Rules thread for more information. Of course, if you have any questions, feel free to email/PM Bel or I. Thanks, and have fun. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]
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Old 12-24-2003, 06:04 PM
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Posted by Riberty:
(Even though the guy who plays Ray played another guy in Degrassi in one episode)
I knew he looked familiar somehow!!! Do you remember the episode?

[img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] Thanks for the info Nik!!
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Old 12-24-2003, 11:13 PM
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Wow Travis and Lily? I was hoping that those two didn't hook up. I'm all for the Ray and Lily pairing. Well, those two seems to have a lot in common and Travis isn't as stupid as Ray, but that is shocking. Robbie and Kim are just about the worst couple I have ever heard. Kim is so annoying and she gets on my nerves and Robbie is another annoying person...come to think of it, they both deserve each other. Why did I waste my time saying that? O well guess I'm bored!
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Old 12-24-2003, 11:51 PM
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Originally posted by i just want to write my name here:
I knew he looked familiar somehow!!! Do you remember the episode?

[img]smilies/wave.gif[/img] Thanks for the info Nik!!</STRONG>
It was "Mirror in the Bathroom." It's the episode when Terri begins working as a plus-size model. Ray is the guy who teases Terri about her weight.
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