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Old 11-14-2003, 07:51 PM
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Queer As Folk Spoilers #6 - Still mourning The Hair.

Spoilers and speculation about season four -

i just took most of the posts from the end of the last thread and slapped them together. a lot of this stuff originally came from the Brian and Justin Spoiler group on Yahoo, or the QaFTalk board.

check out the last page of the last thread for anything not posted here.

some of this is confirmed, some is just rumors, so take what you read with a grain of salt. or a margarita!

posted by will_witch:
Rumours for s4 - Collected from boards I visit:

Just to let everyone know. I got a message from Thea Gill that they have not been cancelled after season four its just that season five has not been confirmed. Hope that puts some minds at ease.

- Rachel on

ALL the main actors have signed contracts for 5 years. So no one is leaving. On a side note the vibe of all the actors is very positive.

A decision on season 5 will be made in the spring of 2004. Word is everyone is very optomistic. The new president of Showtime has gone on record as saying he loves the show, and statisticly the show is Showtime's number one rated show.

- Blakesboy on


Lindsay discovers Mel's mother suffered Post Pardom Depression after Mel was born and the circumstances around it give Linds great concern.

Gus will stun Brian and Lindsay with his first complete sentence

News of the big event sends Mel into a deeper depression for missing it.

Leda forms an interesting friendship with Brian that makes Lindsay jealous.

Hunter connects to another teen with HIV.

Michael makes a change that blows everyone away.

Em's Aunt LuLu blows into Pittsburgh with an agenda

Ben confides something shocking to Vic.

Brian gets a surprise from his past.

Justin sets out to prove his own identity.

Debbie suspects the baby may have a birth defect.

Ted's guilt over keeping Blake as his counselor a secret from Em looms over their reconsiliation.

The long awaited confrontation between Em and Blake will be explosive

- Various

Brian loses the loft because of his financial crisis, but he and Justin will get a new, cheaper place together mid-season.

Brian gets hired back at his old job, although not without reservations from Gardner Vance, but this means we will see significantly more of Carlo Rota. Because Vance is keeping close tabs on Brian, he (Brian) feels extremely stifled, causing continuing
problems at work.

- Brian will start his own firm
- A guy from Brian's past will come back...that can be a triangle


Michael gets a call from Lori, David's ex wife that David dies in a fatal car crash . Michael goes to Portland to attend the funeral, but Ben doesnt go. Also, supposedly David leaves something in his will to Michael that stuns everyone

David is killed off is because Chris Potter has no interest at all in coming back. He is starting a new tv series and Cowlip does not want to recast the role. Apparently if their were tense feelings between Chris and the Qaf crew, there isnt anymore since supposedly Brad Frazier went on record saying that they only wanted Chris back for the role for some type of closure. It is said if he would have came back, they wouldnt have chosen the option to kill him off.


Ben - It is rumored Ben will have a student develop a crush on him. It will start off very innocent, but becomes serious towards the end of the season. Also we supposedly will meet Ben's parents and Hunter will still be around, but it isnt specified for how long.

Brian - It is rumored Brian will begin to see himself, Justin and all his friends in a new light. Also we will supposedly see him trying to get closer to Joanie and Claire. Next season is suppose to be a life changing period for Brian. Although it is said he wont be hearts and flowers, but we will see a major change.

Justin - It is rumored Justin will finally put the mistakes he made in the past behind him. He will discuss openly how both Chris and Ethan affected his life and how Brian has always been the one that was always there for him. He too will try a reconsiliation with Craig, but now that he and Brian are back together, it will be difficult. Also, the previous rumor of a family tragedy has been changed to a family delima. Something will happen in the Taylor family that is emotional, but not fatal.

Mel and Linds - Not much detail here except Mel will have the baby, but to look for major changes in both their lives, especialy a major change in Lindsay. Supposedly Brad and Del are going to focus alot more on them next season.

Ted/Blake/Emmett - All that was mentioned here was to just sit back and watch the fireworks, cause their will be alot. These three are in for a very intense season.

Debbie and Vic - All that was mentioned here is they will finally have more major issues to deal with, mainly with their signifigant others. Looks like Carl and Rodney will be around for awhile.

Jennifer will meet a new man Molly and Justin wont like, and their will be a good reason for their reservations.

Daphne will meet her dream man, at first Justin will be a little jealous, but he eventualy excepts it. Towards the end of the season Daphne agree to marry.


posted by ~ Liz ~

Woo! Thanks to the fabulous Keira we got to witness our first outdoor taping today. It was on Church Street, opposite side of Woody's. The taping involved Thea, Michelle and Randy. My, my....he looks fabulous. A little bit shorter hair, which is actually a lot better IMO. Anyway, they were walking (Lindsay pushing Gus in the carriage, same Gus from last year) and they're talking. Mayzeywill have a post later with some dialogue I believe. Taping continued on after I left with Gale and Randy and some others. I know, I know, I left???????????? I believe the trio's scene pertained to Brian and what he lost and Justin seemed to be upset that the girls seemed so un-sympathetic to B's situation. Also, we saw the Corvette parked right across from Woody's, it looked quite dirty. I have 5 pix available.

posted by katerin:

it's like christmas! yay! some additional spoilers. very minor, from the yahoo group
We saw five scenes, of varying degrees of interest, from 301.

1) The one Sandstorm mentioned, with Mel, Lindsay and Randy. There was some dialogue at the beginning that none of us could catch very well, though we think we heard Justin saying, at one point, "I don't know what to do" and at another point, "I tried to give him money but he wouldn't take it." Then:

Justin: ... you're just going to stand there and watch Brian lose *everything* ?
Lindsay: Wellll ... it was his choice.
Justin: His *choice*? [stops and stares at them] That's it? I thought you cared about him!
Lindsay and Mel walk on. Justin walks morosely behind.

2) Gale and Randy walking along Liberty and up the steps to Woody's. The sign on the wall outside Woody's says "Benefit Tonight".
Justin: My mom said someone might be interested in buying the loft.
Brian looks very unthrilled at the news. Then I *think* he says something like, "A couple of designer fairies ... " (I could be wrong about that.)

The rest of the dialogue we couldn't hear. As they walk up the steps, Brian hangs back, looking over to the side. Justin puts his hand around Brian's neck, tries to pull him up the stairs. Brian resists, doesn't seem to want to go in, pulls back and looks off to the side again. Then Justin goes on up the stairs into the bar, and Brian follows.

3) Hunter and Ben in front; Michael, Mel and Lindsay behind; all walking down the steps from Woody's and along the street.
Hunter: The night's young - what do you say we hit a couple of after-hours bars?
Michael: Ex-cuse me??
Ben: It's a school night.
They walk along, seem to be all in good spirits.

4) Debbie and Emmett in front; Vic and Rodney behind; walking down the stairs from Woody's and along the street.
Debbie: I knew I'd live to see gay marriage, but I never thought I live to see Brian Kinney ... [we couldn't hear the rest]
They walk on - after a minute Vic reaches up to give Emmett a friendly punch and says "What about you?"
Emmett looks back at him unhappily. Debbie says something to him, puts her hand up to his face. Vic gives him some kind of paternal lecture from behind, possibly ending with "Damn straight!" Emmett doesn't say anything, looks morose, walks on ahead.

5) None of the principal actors are in this one. It's a fight scene in an alley. A lone man - carrying a dress in a plastic cover and a make-up case, so presumably a drag queen on her way home - turns into the alley, and is attacked by three men, one with a crowbar or something. He falls down, the three thugs run to their car, jump in, and back out of the alley. They were still doing takes of this scene when I left, after 1:30. But one of the crew told us none of the regular cast would be involved - that the only actor involved was a new character being introduced this season. So we left.
Clothing for scene 1 was different from clothing in the subsequent scenes.

For scene 2: Justin is in black shoes, blue jeans, brown pullover with white vertical stripe, black jacket, and hair the "perfect" length (just a little shorter than the end of season 3 - more like the beginning of season 3).
Brian wears black shoes, black jeans, black leather jacket, and his hair is standing up a little.

posted by ~ Liz ~

The car is parked in a driveway next to the loft. Brian stands beside the car, Michael in front of the door of the loft apartment building. Brian is wearing the same beautiful blue pinstriped suit, white shirt and dark tie he was wearing when Sandstorm and Nora saw him this afternoon.
Brian stands with one hand in his pocket, an attache case in the other, surveying the car disgustedly, then turning to give the disgusted look to Michael.
B: Well, at least it's still in one piece.
Michael says something I can't hear, walks over dangling the car key. Brian snatches the keys away, turns to the car, runs a couple of fingers over the dust on the car door, turns back to look at Michael.
B: Did you use premium? [Hee!]
B opens car door, tosses in briefcase, pulls out a crushed juice carton. Shows it to Michael annoyedly.
B: What - is - this?
Michael shrugs, says something.
B: You ATE in my car?!
M: We were trying to get home, we didn't want to stop.
B: So you turned my car into a recycling bin! Christ!
Brian turns back to the car, then back to Michael and says a lot of stuff - he is pissed. Holds up fingers, pointing at Michael, enumerating all the problems.
B: ... the fender was crushed, the seats were ripped ...
M: I got hit by a BUS!
B (pointing angrily at car): This is the LAST time I lend you this ...
Michael grabs Brian, pulls him up and plants a kiss on his mouth to shut him up. (Various passersby who have stopped to watch the shoot invariably gasp.)
Brian pulls back, looks very unimpressed. Michael says things, Brian sort of turns away but Michael has an arm on his and holds him. Brian turns back, listens some more, then pulls away, says something to Michael (still looking annoyed). Then Brian turns back to Michael, straightens his jacket, holds out his hands in classic "how do I look" position, says something to Michael (maybe "How do I look?") and I think something like "I'm supposed to ... " [be somewhere or do something]. Michael says something. Brian gets in car. Michael leans on roof of car and talks to Brian through open window. Brian eventually gives Michael one of those tongue-in-cheek, fake-smiling kind of smirks. Michael says something else, Brian grabs a crushed coke can from inside the car and throws it at him. Brian guns engine and drives out of parking lot.
They did this scene a bunch of times, then moved the car away and shot it again from the other direction (with the camera where the car used to be and aiming towards Michael). This means that Gale has to mime getting into the car - they put some wooden boxes for him to sit on - and Hal has to mime leaning on the roof. It's funny to watch. I swear that in the rehearsal Gale made a littlle "vroom!" noise when he was supposed to be starting the engine.
After that there was one more scene where Gale drives the car out of the driveway and up the street. He did the driving himself, and it was very fun to watch him gun the car up the street, brakes squealing ... then turn it around and drive back. He seemed to enjoy that. (I kept waiting for him to keep going with the car and not come back again!)
There was another scene being filmed after that, but it was inside a building so we didn't stick around. We understood that it was a courthouse custody scene. As they finished the previous scene, Bobby Gant arrived, so I think we can all guess who is involved in the courthouse scene.
I believe Nora was told that the scene they saw earlier, at the banquet place, involved Gale, Hal, Bobby and Michelle. (Please correct me if I'm wrong, guys.)
posted by will_witch:

Ted is done with rehab by 402 which starts filming on Tuesday. Apparently, Emmett and Ted check out some kind of "Fairy Cult."

Further on the fairie spoiler.

Plot: Emmett and Michael arrive up the hill entering the commune. they are welcomed by an actor I've never met by the name of Pumpernickle or Perrywinkle. Emmett is afrid of the place. Michael says it was Emmett's idea and they are staying. Emmett does get naked and joins in the volleyball game.

From the same poster, Paul (B/J spoiler group) :

My friend had that opportunity the week before...filming what must be the Babylon scene for Episode 401...because the dialogue refered to "Todd" who is usually in the backroom in the first episode of each season. He spent a lot of time with Gale and Randy in the hallway going to the backroom, because he was supposed to spin his partner around and slam him against the wall with a hot kiss right after they passed...but Randy kept screwing-up his lines....something about "You always have to have you always have to be on-top," to which Brian replies "Sure, well, yes" and apparently bends Justin over for penetration (out of view of my friend.)
posted by katerin:

We got notices at work today that QAF would be filming at 66 Fraser Ave. (near King and Dufferin in Toronto, of course) between 11am and 2am on Thursday Nov 13. They will be shooting interiors and "there will be gunfire effects associated with these scenes"

and there's another post by a toronto fan, maybe an explanantion for why possible gunfire?

"Isn't it rich? Aren't they a pair?"--Is exactly what you will be saying when you see a new character, Cody and Justin Taylor together. Early in season 4, Justin obtains a very short haircut. Poor Daphne Chanders will probably never get over the shock!
In episode No. 401, a drag performer is brutally assulted after exiting Woody's. No doubt in response to this unprovoked and vicious attack, a group of young gay youth has been galvanized to form a volunteer militia unit that patrols Liberty Avenue with the intention of making it a safer place for all who live and visit there.
Actor Mitch Morris plays one of the group's more strident members, Cody. Described elsewhere as an up-and-comer, Mitch Morris' acting may prove to be outstandng. However, it is most certainly his strong resemblance to Randy Harrison that led to his being cast in this role. It is no small coincidence that he, too, is sporting a very closely cropped do
My money is riding on an upcoming misidentification and accusations being wrongly leveled against Justin Taylor for crimes committed by his doppelganger. No doubt Detective Carl Horvath will be instrumental in helping Sunshine clear his good name. Debbie Novotny will be eternally grateful and, rather than pay simple lip service, she will show her appreciation to the fine, upstanding officer.
This, not so merry band of self appointed, protectors roams tthe streets dressed identically in tight hot pink tee shirts and beige and brown camouflage patterned cargo pants. those with matching blonde brush cuts are not obliged to wear the standard issue berets worn by others in the pack.
In reality, rather than resemble the "Guardian Angels", they look like the "Deputies of Mayberry"! Just like Barney Fife before them, each is diminutive in stature and weighs no more than 130 pounds, soaking wet! It is certain that their individual physical size is not intimidating. They are further undermined by their choice of attire. The wardrobe choice is something that might have been worn by Ralph Furley in "Three's Company". Perhaps the reason for this latent homage to characters portrayed by American actor, Don Knotts will later be revealed. However, when I clapped eyes on this gang, all I could say was "Well, gol-ly, Andy".
[ 11-14-2003: Message edited Brian Kinney's Muffin O'Love ]

"Hold on. Where the hell is my uterus?"
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Old 11-14-2003, 09:49 PM
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yay for new threadness!

and the title. wah!!! *cries crocodile tears*

we need spoilers people. more than i need air. or water. or shelter. [img]smilies/biggrin.gif[/img]
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Old 11-14-2003, 10:06 PM
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hee. considering the spoilers we've been getting, i don't think we need more. or, you know, we'd all have to have nervous breakdowns. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

"Hold on. Where the hell is my uterus?"
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Old 11-15-2003, 08:49 AM
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Great! Another season of fun....MOT!

Justin a vigilante?
Ted & Blake? [img]smilies/puke.gif[/img]
A fairy cult????

Please let the season be a's the only way i'll accept any of it.

I still want to know if Scott kept the longer,curlier look on him.but not Ted i guess.

And Scott singing? i'd love to see/hear that!

OWNER of Ted Schmidt!
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Old 11-15-2003, 05:49 PM
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Bringing this from the last thread. [img]smilies/smile.gif[/img]

Randy in action with the vigilante group (originally posted on the BJ yahoo spoiler group by Morag).

We caught one more scene from episode 403 last night.

They were working on Front St. and it was closed to traffic for about a block. It was dressed to look like Liberty Ave - there were rainbow flags and benches everywhere. There were many extras and cars driving through the scene, so I guess it was supposed to be a busy evening (this was after dark).

Randy and Cody are with a whole group of vigilantes, all dressed in the exact same outfit - maybe 7 or 8 of them. They're standing on the sidewalk in a group when a car drives by and the driver yells out "Hey fag - why don't you suck my dick!" (In real life, it was always amusing when well-dressed theatre-goers walking out of the nearby theatre were greeted with that line.)

The car stops (we assume at a red light) and Cody, Randy and the other vigilantes all run over to it. End of scene 1.

The next scene starts with Cody and Justin running up to the car, with Cody yelling "Mother****er!" He runs up to the passenger door and starts hitting it or kicking it, saying, "Get out of the ****ing car!" The driver and passenger get out; the driver runs around the front of the car to where Cody is standing, yells something like "Stop hitting my car!" Cody says something like, "How would you like it if I did that to you?" At this point, only Cody and Justin are standing by the car. I believe Justin says something like, "Calm down" - to Cody. Then one of the guys from inside the car goes after Cody and the other one goes after Justin. Justin is thrown up over the trunk of the car, at which point all the other vigilantes rush to his and Cody's aid. Justin kind of worms out from under the guy as that scene ends (we're not sure if this is just before or just after the scene is

The final scene we only saw once and seemed to involve the guys from inside the car on the ground being attacked by all the vigilante guys. There seemed to be some cheering from the vigilante guys at one point.
Justin: I thought you wanted to get even.
Brian: I'd rather get laid.
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Old 11-16-2003, 01:08 AM
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thanks, Anna! i started to post everything from the last thread, but dude. that's a lot of copying and pasting. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

and hee. Rick used the vomit smile. ewwww!

"Hold on. Where the hell is my uterus?"
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Old 11-16-2003, 06:01 PM
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Originally posted by TeddysBear:
<STRONG>Ted & Blake? [img]smilies/puke.gif[/img]
Finally! Someone other than me who doesn't like Ted and Blake. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img]

If I have to witness a Ted/Blake reunion (and thus breaking my poor Em's heart) on top of Randy losing his beautiful hair, CowLip's gonna get one angry freaken letter. [img]smilies/mad.gif[/img]
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Old 11-16-2003, 06:08 PM
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Geez, did you have to quote the puke smilie? Yuck.

Love the title. I'm mourning the blonde, really. I don't think I'd mind the shortness so much if it were still blonde. Cause brown hair+Justin just isn't right.
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Old 11-17-2003, 04:14 PM
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i'm hanging on to the hope that they'll lighten it for the show. they have the last three seasons, right? Randy's hair isn't that light, no matter how long it is. so maybe it'll still be blond. **crosses fingers** i agree, a brunet Justin is just wrong.

though... a blond crewcut... ack.

i am very glad that Blake is back on the show, and like that Ted and Blake are together. Ted and Emmett just never seemed right to me.

also, i hate the vomit smilie with a violent, all-consuming passion. [img]smilies/wink.gif[/img] like, eww.

"Hold on. Where the hell is my uterus?"
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Old 11-17-2003, 06:25 PM
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Originally posted by Brian Kinney's Muffin O'Love:
<STRONG>i'm hanging on to the hope that they'll lighten it for the show. they have the last three seasons, right? Randy's hair isn't that light, no matter how long it is. so maybe it'll still be blond. **crosses fingers** i agree, a brunet Justin is just wrong.
If they don't I won't be too crushed. IMO, it won't make the cut any better. Randy looks excellent with long hair that frames his face. That's all I care about. Any color works with him just as long as the hair is rockin'.
~~Happy 20th Birthday, BTVS~~
"The most important thing to me is that I have had people come up to me and say the show made me feel different about what they could be, about what they could do, about how they respond to problems, about being a female leader." - Joss Whedon
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Old 11-18-2003, 05:17 AM
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Oh! what a explosive season!! [img]smilies/eek.gif[/img]
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Old 11-18-2003, 08:37 AM
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Does anyone have a picture of Mitch Morris? I have been trying to find his picture but I can't find it.
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Old 11-18-2003, 01:02 PM
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Old 11-18-2003, 07:06 PM
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Originally posted by JasonMorganGirl:
<STRONG>Does anyone have a picture of Mitch Morris? I have been trying to find his picture but I can't find it.</STRONG>
There's one at the BJSpoiler Group. I believe there's a link in the intro post. Then when you get there just go to the photos section.
~~Happy 20th Birthday, BTVS~~
"The most important thing to me is that I have had people come up to me and say the show made me feel different about what they could be, about what they could do, about how they respond to problems, about being a female leader." - Joss Whedon
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Old 11-18-2003, 07:22 PM
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yeah, here's the picture from the B&J spoiler group:

and i just looked the name up at, and a lot of names came up, but no Mitch Morris. pah.

[ 11-18-2003: Message edited Brian Kinney's Muffin O'Love ]

"Hold on. Where the hell is my uterus?"
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