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  1. Brent Spiner/Data appreciation #7:What I want is for Data is for him to get more human as time goes on, by the end be be almost human, but still not
  2. Celebrating 23 years at the Star Trek board! December 3, 2001 - 2024
  3. Star Trek ABC's
  4. Star Trek Word Association
  5. 2024 Holiday Fan Art Competition
  6. Request Regulars/Off Topic #299: B/C Chris and Dave Find Great Deals at the Store
  7. TNG General Discussion #26: It showed us "The Measure of a Man"
  8. Strange New Worlds #6: "The next great age of exploration starts with us"
  9. Stamets & Culber #4: "I've loved you ever since I can remember"
  10. Star Trek Word Association
  11. Janeway & Chakotay #18: Intensity was their trademark
  12. Star Trek ABC's
  13. Request Regulars/Off Topic #298: Summer is almost over
  14. Deep Space Nine #11: Because they knew how to deal with Trials and Tribbulations
  15. Voyager Thread #19 - "I've never actually landed a starship before."
  16. Picard/Crusher #16: "I was beginning to feel like you were part of my uniform"
  17. Besides Star Trek TV Shows and Movies What Else are You Watching #5; because we can't watch Star Trek all the time:
  18. Request Regulars/Off Topic #297: B/C We Are Looking Forward to Summer Events and Sales
  19. Star Trek Word Association
  20. [Discovery] Captain/Emperor - Philippa Georgiou {Michelle Yeoh} #10:News Alert - Terran Emperor wins Medal of Freedom
  21. Star Trek ABC's
  22. Spock/Leonard Nimoy appreciation #8: There's a certain inefficiency in constantly questioning me
  23. [Discovery] 5.10: Life, Itself (series finale)
  24. [Discovery] 5.09: Lagrange Point
  25. [Discovery] 5.08: Labyrinths
  26. [Discovery] 5.07: Erigah
  27. [Discovery] 5.06: Whistlespeak
  28. [Discovery] 5:05: Mirrors
  29. [Discovery] 5:04 - Face the Stranger
  30. (Discovery) Hugh Culber/Wilson Cruz #2: "Emotionally overwhelming" is what I do best.
  31. Request Regulars/Off Topic #296: We Hope for Nice, Sunny Spring Weather For the Most Part
  32. [Discovery] 5:03 -Jinaal
  33. Odo/Kira [ST: DS9] Appreciation # 14: You know, Nerys, observing humanoid relationships ... and being in one are very different things.
  34. TOS Appreciation thread #15: "Thank pitchforks and pointed ears"
  35. What You Leave Behind: Acknowledging those who have gone beyond the Final Frontier
  36. [Discovery] 5:02 - Under The Twin Moons
  37. [Discovery] 5:01 - Red Directive
  38. Enterprise General Discussion #6: The ship that started it all'
  39. Star Trek: Picard #9: "We all long for connection. All just a little bit alone, aren’t we? Stars in the same galaxy but lightyears between us. "
  40. Star Trek Word Association
  41. General News #2: Warp Factor 9....
  42. Star Trek ABC's
  43. Kate Mulgrew/Kathryn Janeway Appreciation Thread #11: "Any consequences of this decision will be my responsibility"
  44. Original Kirk/William Shatner thread #2: because where Kirk comes from, size, shape or colour make no difference
  45. Quark/Armin Shimerman Appreciation #2: All I ask is a tall ship, and a load of contraband to fill her with
  46. TNG General Discussion #25: "There was a young lady from Venus...."
  47. Request Regulars/Off Topic #295: we've had enough winter, it's time for spring!
  48. Deep Space Nine #10: Take Me Out to the Holosuite
  49. 2023 Holiday Icon Set Competition Voting: Star Trek
  50. [Discovery] #10: "It's about a vision and all those who believe in that vision." - may contain spoilers