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  1. Message Board Closure Notice
  2. Schitt's Creek - Moderator Opening Announcement - Possible Closure
  3. Gif Conversation Thread #2 ~ Who gifs a Schitt?
  4. Word Association #3: Moira - Rosé - Drunk
  5. 300 Word Story #3: One day at the shop.
  6. Schitts Creek ABC's #3 ~ Brave, Cake, David
  7. David & Patrick #2 ~ Because "You're My Mariah Carey'.
  8. What Are You Doing (Besides Watching Schitt's Creek)? #3: Obviously Sunrise Bay bébé!
  9. What time is it #2: it's Schitt o'clock
  10. Rosebud Motel [General Appreciation Thread] #2: Best Wishes, Warmest Regards!
  11. Cafe Tropical [Off Topic] #3 ~ Because we're all ready to get out and start doing things again.
  12. Anti-ABCs of Schitt's Creek #2: dangerous - evil - fight
  13. David Rose [Dan Levy] #2 ~ "I could not be more at one with nature. I do Coachella every year."
  14. Standard Avatars - Schitt's Creek
  15. Schitts Creek ABC's #2 ~ Dead bodies, Entertaining, Funny...
  16. 300 Word Story #2 ~ because we love making up stories!
  17. What Are You Doing (Besides Watching Schitt's Creek)? #2: like we'd watch anything other than this show..LOL
  18. Word Association #2: Alexis - School - Degree
  19. Schitt’s Creek Birthday Thread ~ Because David was offended when his family forgot his special day.
  20. What time is it #1
  21. Gif Conversation Thread #1 ~ Because this show is just so quoteable.
  22. TPBM #1 ~ The Person Below Me Loves Schitt's Creek.
  23. Please Welcome lost in stereo As Your New Moderator!
  24. Cafe Tropical [Off Topic] #2: I want to be cremated as it is my last hope for a smoking hot body.
  25. Schitt's Creek - Moderator Opening Announcement - Extended
  26. Alexis & Ted #1 ~ "You're wearing a little tie with your short-sleeved shirt. My little Galapa-guy."
  27. The Jazzagals #1: May I just proclaim that...I've never felt more buttress than I have in your company, dear gals.
  28. Homage [Canadian Embassy] #1: Paying tribute to Schitt's Creek being Canadian
  29. The Schitt Family #1 [Roland, Jocelyn, Mutt & Roland Jr.] ~ Because their ancestors founded our dear town.
  30. Rosebud Motel [General Appreciation Thread] #1: Room 4 is reserved for our VIPs!
  31. John and Moira Rose | Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara #1
  32. The Levy Family #1
  33. David and Alexis Rose | Dan Levy and Annie Murphy #1: "Ew, David! "
  34. The Rose Family #1: "We will get through this.. as a family"
  35. Eugene and Dan Levy | David and John Rose #1 Best father and son due out there !
  36. Jocelyn Schitt [Jennifer Robertson] #1 ~ "I've been on a real Dorito casserole kick lately."
  37. Roland Schitt [Chris Elliott] #1 ~ "What I wear under my own sheets is my business."
  38. Twyla Sands [Sarah Levy] # ~ "you know my thing with ghosts? ...she didn't seem angry like the other ones."
  39. Ted Mullens [Dustin Mulligan] #1 ~ Because he's cute in that nerdy type of way.
  40. Patrick Brewer [Noah Reid] #1 ~ "He's a business major who wears straight leg, mid-range denim."
  41. Stevie Budd [Emily Hampshire] #1 ~ "I'm wearing my maroon plaid hoodie. And I'm feeling very uncomfortable."
  42. Johnny Rose [Eugene Levy] #1 ~ "Talk to the hand, son, because the ears are no longer working."
  43. Moira Rose [Catherine O'Hara] #1 ~ "Gossip is the devil’s telephone. Best to just hang up."
  44. Schitt's Creek Award Show Thread #1 ~ Because they keep racking them up!
  45. Schitt's Creek Icon & Fanart Thread ~ Because we need to flaunt our wonderful show!
  46. Schitt's Creek TPAM #1: TPAM is happy to have a board!
  47. Schitt's Creek *Season Six* Appreciation Thread #1
  48. Schitt's Creek *Season Five* Appreciation Thread #1
  49. Schitt's Creek *Season Four* Appreciation Thread #1
  50. Schitt's Creek *Season Three* Appreciation Thread #1