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  1. Keanu & Friends/Castmates #2: Because we love seeing who he is friends with
  2. John Wick [Franchise] #3: "Whoever comes, whoever it is...I’ll kill them. I’ll kill them all.”
  3. Last Letter #5: Actor - related - rescued
  4. 300 word story #5
  5. Word Association #7
  6. Keanu Reeves Post Counts #4: We are here awaiting more new projects from our man Keanu
  7. Keanu Movie & TV Appearances #2: Keanu has done so many different projects
  8. Counting to Infinity with Keanu #2
  9. General Body Appreciation #2
  10. Anti-ABC’s #8: quit - ridiculous - scared
  11. Hand Gestures [ Keanu's Hands ] #2: He always has high enthusiasm levels
  12. Three Word Post #6: I hate winter
  13. What time is it where you are #11
  14. Keanu Reeves Birthday/Celebration Thread #2: Time to celebrate crash_landing on Feb 2nd
  15. Besides Keanu, what are you watching? #7
  16. Keanu Hug Thread #4: who wants a hug?
  17. Keanu ABCs #7: Man, Neo, Online
  18. What time is it where you are #10
  19. The Person Below Me #4
  20. 2020 Holiday Fan Art Competition Voting: Keanu Reeves
  21. Off Topic #4: 2020 is a year for the record books, here's hoping 2021 is much better of a year
  22. The Person Above Me #4
  23. Besides Keanu, what are you watching? #6
  24. Last Letter #4: Keanu - uplifting - grateful
  25. Word Association #6
  26. What time is it where you are #9
  27. Anti-ABC’s #7: grumpy - hurt- injury
  28. Keanu Hug Thread #3: We all need hugs lately
  29. 300 word story #4
  30. Keanu Pictures & Gifs #3
  31. Three Word Post #5: we love keanu
  32. What time is it where you are #8
  33. Keanu ABCs #6: Awesome, Brave, Cute
  34. Holiday Fan Art Competition 2020
  35. Besides Keanu, what are you watching? #5
  36. Keanu General Appreciation #2: Because Keanu always manages to look good
  37. Keanu Reeves Post Counts #3: We don't get tired of talking about Keanu
  38. What time is it where you are #7
  39. Anti-ABC’s #6: danger- evil - fight
  40. Keanu Reeves News & Media #2: Come for the latest Keanu news
  41. Word Association #5
  42. Please Welcome crash landing as Your New Moderator!
  43. What time is it where you are #6
  44. Ted "Theodore" Logan (Bill & Ted Franchise ) #2: "be excellent to each other"
  45. Last Letter #3: talented - dedicated
  46. Keanu Hug Thread #2: lots of hugs to around
  47. Besides Keanu, what are you watching? #4
  48. John Wick [Franchise] #2: "Yeah, I'm thinking I'm Back"
  49. Keanu ABCs #5: Star - Tempting - Unique
  50. Three Word Post #4: totally excellent dude !!