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  1. Message Board Closure Notice
  2. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  3. ABC's of Dawson and HIS Creek #7 - Andie, Bessie, Capeside...
  4. James Word Association #20
  5. The ABC's of James #14: Quality movies, Ripped body, Smile ;)
  6. 22 Movie Nights (D/Jo)- Because all she could think about was the fact that he had held her hand.
  7. Low Post Count Warning - Please Read
  8. JVDB Anti-ABC Thread #6: Kidnapper, Lucifer, Madman? Not a chance ;)
  10. HAPPY 35th BIRTHDAY JAMES! (March 8)
  11. The JVDB Brick Throwing Society #4 - We've used all the buildings on the block!
  12. Post Count Thread - Celebrating 80,000 posts!
  13. Dawsons Creek rewatch because we can't get enough of Dawson and Joey and because Rachel misses her girls
  14. OT #35 - the place to catch up on each other's lives....and for other celeb gossip!
  15. JVDB Away Thread #4 - Dear Life, Please stop being so busy. Love, JVDB fans
  16. Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 Thread #1: Starring James as himself...sort of!
  17. JVDB Holiday Art Thread - Posting seasonal prettiness, old and new!
  18. James Word Association #19
  19. Jack McBradden - "Jodi Picoult's Salem Falls" Appreciation thread #1
  20. JVDB News Thread: With a new show and a new baby on the way, the news is always coming!
  21. Dawson's Creek Season 4 Episode Survivor - Final round! Cast your vote!
  22. The Official James Hussies Thread #3: 'cus he puts the X in s..... you get the point ;)
  23. OT #34 Because Luke still needs a place to talk about Katie Holmes ;)
  24. 21 Movie Nights (D/Jo)- He'll find his way back, and in the meantime she'll be daydreaming for the both of them
  25. Nathan Collins Appreciation Thread: Franklin & Bash's latest client!
  26. JVDB Anti-ABC Thread #5: Hamster breeder, Idiot, Justin Biebers #1 fan? None of the above...
  27. James Word Association #18
  28. Rex Tamlyn ('Law & Order CI') Cuz it's the Series Finale and they saved the best for last.
  29. 9 Cupcakes for James and Katie: Because we have their next role together planned out for them!
  30. James♥Kimberly♥Olivia♥Joshua! #3 - Hollywood's cutest family!
  31. ABCs of Dawson and HIS Creek #6 - "HIS" is capitalized cuz some people forget
  32. OT #33 Because Luke needs a place to talk about ~ Katie Holmes ~
  33. Standard Avatars: James Van Der Beek
  34. James icon thread #5: a picture paints 100x100 words ;)
  35. Happy 34th Birthday James!! (March 8th)
  36. The ABCs of James #13: Natural talent, Obviously gorgeous, Papa James ;)
  37. Post Count Thread: Celebrating 75k posts!
  38. James Word Association #17
  39. JVDB News Thread: ABC picks up Apartment 23!!
  40. 20 Movie Nights (D/Jo) - Because she blossomed and he found it amazingly sexy
  41. ABC's of Dawson & Joey #14: Kisses, Lingering glances, Movie nights...
  42. Happy 2011!
  43. JVDB Hangman #14
  44. Dawson's Creek Season 4 Episode Survivor - The beginning of the end? ;)
  45. "Winning" News & Discussion: Because victory is only real when shared
  46. JVDB Anti-ABC Thread #4: Junkie, Killer, Little? None of the above...
  47. Dawson's Creek Season 3 episode survivor/discussion #2
  48. Dawson's Creek S3 episode survivor/discussion #2: Isn't it over yet? The season & the game.
  49. James Word Association #16
  50. OT #32 - Because the "slow thread" went faster than usual