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  1. Post Count #10: Keeping the flowing of posts going
  2. Season 3: All Episode Discussions: [ 3x01 - 3x12]
  3. Season 3 Episode Discussion #1: Blood Red and Going Down [3x01 - 20th July]
  4. Nicole Haught | Kat Barrell #7: Downing the Stetson and stepping up her saucy wear
  5. Waverly Earp | Dominique Provost-Chalkley #8: More cheerleader scenes please!!
  6. Shorty's [OT] #11: We take no responsibility for the weird and sometimes wonderful of this thread
  7. TPAM #4: Will do a rewatch before S3 starts
  8. Word Association #3: Haught - Stetson - Uniform
  9. Post Count #9: More posts about wynonna, more posts about Hannah & Sam's wedding.
  10. Last Letter #3: Sister - Rozon - Nicole
  11. Apart from the WE soundtrack, what are you listening to? #2
  12. TPBM #2: Tpbm is excited for S3 to arrive?
  13. Besides Wynonna, what are you watching? #3: Feed us all with plenty of recommendations.
  14. Icons #4: Icons, banners or gifs, our cast look beautiful in all.
  15. ABCs #3: All - Beautiful - Creatures
  16. Doc Holiday | Tim Rozon #2: Tacheslinger. You know, tache and gunslinger
  17. Wayhaught [Waverly ♥ Nicole | Dominique & Kat] #8: "I couldn't imagine a better person to be on this crazy ride with. We love you" - Kat
  18. Shorty's [OT] #10: Dork's, Poppet's, Pea-brain's and Esmerelda's you're all welcome here
  19. Ladies of Wynonna #2: Idiots doing idiot things, because they’re idiots (lovable idiots, but still idiots)
  20. Post Count #8: Slowly but surely for the little board that could
  21. Waverly Earp | Dominique Provost-Chalkley #7: On a scale from one to gay it’s pretty gay.
  22. Season Three Speculation #2: Gonna die if Season 3 doesn't happen soon
  23. Shorty's [OT] #9: Welcome to A&E, where we like to share not only secrets but germs too
  24. Nicole Haught | Kat Barrell #6: "Kat is cut and coloured which means only one thing.....welcome back Officer Haught"
  25. TPAM #3: Has a wishlist as long as their arm for S3
  26. Fanfiction #2: Because sometimes we like to tell the story our way
  27. Board Customization
  28. Wayhaught [Waverly ♥ Nicole | Dominique & Kat] #7: 'What I really want to do,...is you'
  29. Icons #3: Pt 2... We tried smashing them out daily
  30. Post Count #7: 2018 means 2018 extra posts
  31. Shorty's [OT] #8: Merry Christmas ya filthy animal....and a Happy New Year
  32. ABCs #2: Always - Bloody - Crackers
  33. Word Association #2: Wynonna - Fierce - Strong
  34. Waverly Earp | Dominique provost-chalkley #6: "I really did hit the jackpot this year, thank God I touched the goo!"
  35. Last Letter #2: Wayhaught - Timeless - Soulmates
  36. Standard Avatars
  37. Shorty's [OT] #7: Xmas songs on the radio right now is seriously annoying
  38. Wayhaught [Waverly ♥ Nicole | Dominique & Kat] #6: "Do I look at you?" "You always look at me"
  39. Post Count #6: This is a post
  40. Wynonna Earp | Melanie Scrofano #2: Our leading lady is utter filth
  41. Besides Wynonna, what are you watching? #2: What show has you hooked? Square eyes central.
  42. Apart from the WE soundtrack, what are you listening to? #1
  43. Earp Sisters [Waverly & Wynonna | Dominique & Melanie] #3: Mel would like to thank doms boobs for the ratings.
  44. Nicole Haught | Kat Barrell #5: When she see's something she likes she doesn't want to wait
  45. Shorty's [OT] #6: Love is in the air.
  46. Wynonna Earp Rewatch #1: Season One Rewatch Starts November 1st.
  47. Waverly Earp | Dominique provost-chalkley #5: Waverly, purgatory's nicest person. She got a sash and everything
  48. Post Count #5: 10k already down in just a month.
  49. Please Welcome Broony & Indigo Five Alpha as you new Moderators!
  50. Wayhaught [Waverly ♥ Nicole] #5: "I have never loved anyone the way I love you."