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  1. Shadowhunters Episode discussion thread 2x03 - Parabatai Lost
  2. TPAM #10: TPAM is eagerly awaiting the next SH ep!
  3. Shooting Sparks | ♥ Malec #7: Magnus: When things get crazy, dont push me away.
  4. ABC's #9: quack - rose - sweet
  5. w e i r d o s | [Matt ♥ Esther] #3: Because they are the cutest couple! <3
  6. Please Welcome Heidsdk as your new Moderator.
  7. Word Association #9: What's the first thing that comes to mind?
  8. Shadowhunters Episode discussion thread 2x02 - A Door Into The Dark
  9. This or That #4: Cow or Llama?
  10. Shadowhunters | [Season 1] #5 : Cause we cant get enough of the rewatches of season 1
  11. Shadowhunters Episode discussion thread 2x01 - This Guilty Blood
  12. Anti ABC's #8: Failure - Gross - Hinge
  13. Matthew + Fashion | #3: Matt needs a cow suit.
  14. Last Letter Game #7: Tough - Heart - Trained
  15. Matthew Daddario 50,000 posts celebration!!
  16. Matthew Daddario December Posting Challenge #9: Nutty cows for the win y'all!!
  17. TPAM #9: TPAM is a posting cow
  18. Cuteness Overload | [ Matthew + Animals ] #4: We became cows to please Matt.
  19. Training Room | [Off Topic] #10: We are all nutty cows.
  20. Matthew Daddario December Posting Challenge #8: We are a nutty crew! Join us and be a nut.
  21. ABC's #8: nice - open - price
  22. Post Count #9: We are posting like shizzle!
  23. Word Association #8: What's the first thing that comes to mind?
  24. TPBM #5: TPBM likes posting?
  25. Anti ABC's #7: Over, Poor, Quatz
  26. sarcasm & giggles | [Social Media] #4: Because Matthew and social media is a match made in heaven!
  27. Last Letter Game #6
  28. 300 Reasons we love Matthew - What's not to love?
  29. Matthew Daddario December Posting Challenge #7: Let's do this shizzle!
  30. Training Room | [Off Topic] #9: For all the nonsense!
  31. This or That #3: Alec or Matthew?
  32. 50,000 posts preparation: We have been posting like crazy and our next milestone is fast approaching!!
  33. TPAM #8: TPAM's fingers hurt.
  34. Making Connections | [ Alec + Others ] #3: Because S2 will bring new characters and more relationships for Alec!
  35. Post Count #8: Cause we post like crazy!
  36. Word Association #7: What's the first thing that comes to mind?
  37. Matthew Daddario December Posting Challenge #6: If we ain't bleeding, we can keep on posting :lol:
  38. Picture Perfect | [Matthew Pictures] #4: He's too perfect for a title!
  39. Besides SH, what are you watching? #5
  40. ABC's #7: Kind - Lovely - Man
  41. too much stuff | [ News & Appearances ] #4: Because we love seeing Matthew different places and hearing good news.
  42. Alec Lightwood Spoilers & Speculation [S3] #5: Because less than a week the new season 2 starts, and we get goodies to speculate about :D
  43. Anti ABC's #6: Lame, Mutt, Nothing
  44. Last letter game #5: truth - home - event
  45. Matthew's smile #3: Because his smile is contagious AF! <3
  46. TPBM #4: The Person Below me is posting fast!
  47. Training Room | [Off Topic] #8: Once joining and you never want to leave!
  48. Alec Lightwood Appreciation| [Shadowhunters] #6: "Family is everything to me. You have to know that."
  49. Matthew Daddario December Posting Challenge #5: Posting our fingers off!
  50. TPAM #7: TPAM is the best!