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  1. Joseph Gordon-Levitt Music #04: What are you listening to?
  2. Possible Board Closure Discussion: Please Read and Respond!
  3. JGL word association #38: Transportation - Car - Engine
  4. hitRECord #3: "Less scrolling. Less clicking. More creative writing." ~ JGL
  5. JGL Post Count #18: Keep posting, y’all!
  6. Wilee (Premium Rush) #3: Jessica wants to see this because Aaron’s in it, too!
  7. JGL Anti-ABC’s #36: Quitter, Rat, Stinks
  8. JGL TPBM #16: TPBM loves the summertime?
  9. JGL ABC’s #35: Great, Hottie, Incredible
  10. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  11. Joseph Gordon-Levitt Last Letter #27: run - jogging
  12. Besides Joe, what are you watching? #9: Netflix? Awesome. Hulu? Great! Any other streaming? Double awesome!
  13. Joseph Gordon-Levitt - Moderator Opening Announcment
  14. JGL word association #37: Travel - Planes - Transportation
  15. JGL The Person Above Me #11: TPAM likes to sing
  16. Joseph Gordon-Levitt Anti-ABC #35: Nauseating - Odd - Petty
  17. Joseph Gordon-Levitt ABC #34: Dad - Elegant - Friendly
  18. Joseph Gordon-Levitt Last Letter #26: marathon - run
  19. Joseph 300 Word Story #10; One day at the studio..
  20. Facebook, tumblr & twitter #5: More random facts!
  21. JGL The Person Below Me #15: has a fav movie
  22. Besides Joe, what are you watching? #8: Netflix is dangerous.
  23. JGL word association #36: road - trip - travel
  24. Joseph Gordon-Levitt Anti-ABC #34: Kook, Lies, Mean
  25. Off Topic #27: Nobody can ask for Steph on her day off.
  26. Joseph Gordon-Levitt ABC #33: Actor - Brave - Character
  27. JGL Hangman #14: Game on.
  28. Joseph Gordon-Levitt Last Letter #25: race - marathon
  29. JGL The Person Above Me #10: TPAM goes to the cinema often
  30. Joseph Gordon-Levitt Music #03: What are you listening to?
  31. JGL word association #35: car -drive - road
  32. Joseph Gordon-Levitt ABC #32: Father - Grateful - Handsome
  33. Joseph Gordon-Levitt Anti-ABC #33: fight- gun- hurt
  34. JGL The Person Below Me #14: is good at multitasking ?
  35. Besides Joe, what are you watching? #7: Our watchlists keep growing.
  36. 100k at the JGL board, let's celebrate!
  37. Joseph Gordon-Levitt Last Letter #24: car - race
  38. 2018 Holiday Fan Art Competition Voting: Joseph Gordon-Levitt
  39. Joseph Gordon-Levitt Terrible Actor
  40. Holiday Fan Art Competition 2018
  41. JGL word association #34: Movie - Star - Sky
  42. Arthur (Inception) #03: "I say: don't think about elephants. What are you thinking about?" "Elephants."
  43. Cameron James (10 Things I Hate About You) #3: "Just 'cause you're beautiful, that doesn't mean that you can treat people like they don't matter."
  44. Joseph Gordon-Levitt Anti-ABC #32: Cruel - Dull - Evil
  45. Joseph Gordon-Levitt ABC #31: Cast - Don Jon - Esther
  46. JGL The Person Below Me #13: TPBM watch the news?
  47. News & Media #9: After 84 years he's finally shooting another movie.
  48. Untitled Henry Joost/Ariel Schulman Sci-Fi Project #1: Finally a new project!
  49. Low Post Count Warning - Please Read
  50. Facebook, tumblr & twitter #4: We love his random answers!