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  1. Emma Style Appreciation #7: Because we hope this is the start of a very stylish rest of the year with our girl!
  2. The Stoners [OT] #25: Because summer is almost over which means all our favorite TV shows are almost BACK! *JUMPS UP AND DOWN*
  3. Emma Word Association #9: Emma - beautiful - face
  4. Emma Stone Post Count #9: Because we keep on going higher and higher, nothing can stop us now!
  5. Soulmates {Hannah ♥ Jacob} #5: Because they are each other's one and only soulmate, each one's true love.
  6. Emma TPBM #6: TPBM loves Emma's red hair?
  7. Moderator Opening Announcement
  8. Emma Icons #3: We NEED icons!
  9. Wolverine & His Fair Lady | STONEFIELD | #9: "I will write a book one day about how I feel about every aspect of Emily Stone." - Andrew
  10. Irrational Man S&S #1: We know pretty much nothing about this
  11. Emma Anti-ABC's #8: Egoistic, Fake, Ghastly
  12. Emma TPAM #10: TPAM wants to win the posting challenge!
  13. Gwen Stacy (The Amazing Spiderman) #5: Because Emma is the only one we can picture as Gwen now!
  14. The Stoners [OT] #24: It's summer time! The season of heat, storms, allergies and oh yeah....getting sick! #funtimes
  15. Emma ABC's #8: Delightful, Energetic, Fun
  16. Emma Word Association #8: Joke - Funny - Emma
  17. The Stoners [OT] #23: We would all marry Tom Hiddleston if we could...
  18. Emma Animations #6: She's even better in motion!
  19. Emma Stone Post Count #8: We forgot to open a thread. Again.
  20. Emma Stone VS Taylor Swift June Posting Challenge
  21. Emma Three Word Post #4: Emma is beautiful
  22. Emma Hair Appreciation #6: She's got bangs!
  23. Milemma [Emma + Mila] #4: Because our wish for 2014? To get new Milemma pics!!!
  24. Emma News & Appearances #7: We can never have enough news!
  25. Emma Picture Thread #9: Because the more pics we get of her, the merrier we are!
  26. Emma Anti-ABC's #7: Bitchy, Cruel, Damaged.
  27. Havoc Reigns!
  28. Grace Faraday {Gangster Squad} #5: Because "Where have you been all my miserable life?"
  29. Emma TPAM #9: TPAM can't wait for TAS2!!
  30. Gwen ♥ Peter {TAS} #4: Because we are ready for new GP adorableness in the sequel!
  31. Emma 300 Word Story #4: Once upon a time...
  32. The Stoners [OT] #22: Because forever upset over Teen Wolf, the end.
  33. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  34. Emma Smile Appreciation #5: ♫When you smile, the whole world stops and stares for awhile, 'cause you're amazing...♫
  35. Emma TPBM #5: TPBM wants new Emma to start promoting The Amazing Spiderman 2?
  36. Queen Of Everything [Emma Appreciation] #5: Because there isn't anything she can't do! I dare you to say otherwise!
  37. The Amazing Spiderman 2 Spoilers & Speculation #2: Because we can't wait for more trailers and more pics and just everything in between!
  38. Emma ABC's #7: Adorable, Beautiful, Creative
  39. EMMA STONE MOVIE REWATCH #2: Because we all love Emma and wanna rewatch her flawlessness in her movies!
  40. Kayla (Friends With Benefits) #4: Because she was the best 2 minutes of the whole movie!!
  41. Olive ♥ Todd (Easy A) #4: "If I promise not to tell anyone, could I kiss you right now?"
  42. The Stoners [OT] #21: Because Sara finally saw TMI and she is dying of feels!!!
  43. Emma/Anyone #4: Because Emma plus anyone makes a perfect pairing in our eyes!
  44. Wolverine & His Fair Lady | STONEFIELD | #8: "It was like I woke up when she came in." - Andrew
  45. Who would you like to see Emma work with? #2
  46. Jerry ♥ Grace [Gangster Squad] #1: Because he calls her his "Gracie"!
  47. Wichita {Zombieland} #3: Because "Have you never played the quiet game?"
  48. Two years of Emma!
  49. 2013 Fan Art Holiday Competition Voting: Emma Stone
  50. Emma Style Appreciation #6: Because we hope 2014 brings us more amazing style from our flawless princess!