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  1. Catching Fire Movie Discussion S&S #9 ~ The Capitol Couture site is up and running again and that means new pics!
  2. Boy With The Bread {Peeta/Josh} #18 ~ Peeta Comes Back To The Big Screen On November 22nd!
  3. Hunger Games Introduction | Birthdays | Board Guide #4 ~ Every revolution begins with a spark!
  4. HG Word Association #19: Strawberries - Madge
  5. Please welcome our new affiliates Welcome to District 12 and Josh Hutcherson Web!
  6. Please Welcome our new affiliate Quarter Quell.org!
  7. HG ABC's #18
  8. Star Crossed {P♥K} #82 ~C'mon Panem. You can show people dying on TV but you can't show a little nookie? Prudes.
  9. Catching Fire Movie Discussion S&S #8 - The trailer is here! *insert fangirl scream*
  10. Allies {Haymitch♥Maysilee} #5~ They are the orginal starcrossed lovers of District 12
  11. The Hob [OT] #26: Because we seriously can't think of a title right now..
  12. {Fire&Fire} GaleღKatniss #5 ~ Because they understand each other without words
  13. Strawberries {Gale♥Madge} #8 ~ Because we're sure Gale was thinking that pretty dress was on also on a pretty girl
  14. Star Crossed {Peeta♥Katniss} #81 ~ *thud* *thud* *thud* The promo pics for Peeta and Katniss *thud* *thud* *thud*
  15. Playful Kittens {Josh&Jennifer} #18 ~ Josh was so proud of Jen when she won her recent awards!
  16. Queen Fierce {Katniss/Jennifer} #14 ~ We can't wait to see "Academy Award Winner Jennifer Lawrence" at the CF trailer!
  17. boy with the bread {Peeta/Josh} #17 ~ Peeta looks so handsome in his new portrait!
  18. Book Recommendations Similar to HG #10 ~ Why sleep when you can be reading!
  19. EverMellarks {PK&C} #5 ~ Because in the end everything will be okay as they have each other
  20. The Hob [OT] #25: 25 threads of pure randomness!
  21. Star Crossed {Peeta♥Katniss} #80 ~ "What I want...what I want is to have him back."
  22. Catching Fire Movie Discussion S&S #7 ~ Because every day is a day closer to the movie being out!
  23. Hunger Games Pictures #4: Because a beautiful cast = beautiful pictures
  24. Hunger Games 2 Years Celebration!
  25. Queen Fierce {Katniss/Jennifer} #13 ~ She was smart enough to quote First Wives Club after she beat Meryl at the GG!
  26. Playful Kittens {Josh&Jennifer} #17 ~ So many pics from PCAs of them *thud* *thud* *thud*
  27. Hunger Games 2 Years Preparation!
  28. The Hob [OT] #24: Reminiscing about Dawson's Creek brings back good TV memories
  29. Star Crossed {Peeta♥Katniss} #79 ~ "I remember everything about you."
  30. Post Count #7 - Our post counts keeps on going higher and higher!
  31. Book Recommendations Similar to HG #9: Behind every great book is a great reader.
  32. HG Word Association #18 ~ THG - Awesome
  33. HG ABC's #17
  34. boy with the bread {Peeta/Josh} #16 ~ "The more likable he is, the more deadly he is." -Katniss
  35. Bronze Beauty {Finnick Odair/Sam Claflin} #7 ~ We love Finnick related tweets from Sam!
  36. Catching Fire Movie Discussion S&S #6 ~ Every Revolution Begins with a Spark.
  37. Peeta&Finnick ♥ Josh&Sam {Peetnick/Jam} #2: "They are in love. It’s a full-blown bromance and it’s really...adorable"
  38. The Hob [OT] #23: 2013 will be the year for book adaptations!
  39. Queen Fierce {K/J} #12 → Something I am proud of. Like, I don’t get annoyed when ‘May the odds be ever in favor' is said
  40. Hunger Games 300 Word Story #7
  41. Star Crossed {P♥K} #78 ~ "Peeta loves Katniss and can’t help himself from loving Katniss." - Josh Hutcherson
  42. The Hob [OT] #22 - Each week we talk about TVD because we can't stop watching the show!
  43. Indivisible {Finnick♥Annie} #7: "Nothing can compete with the beauty of this couple"
  44. Hunger Games This or That #10 - Catching Fire or Mockingjay?
  45. Playful Kittens {Josh&Jennifer} #16 ~ Because Josh would walk naked through Times Square for Jen!
  46. Miss Perfectionist [Effie Trinket/Elizabeth Banks] #5: THAT IS MAHOGANY
  47. {boy with the snares} Gale/Liam #5 ~ "He’d have this quiet, strong attitude exactly how Gale would be." - Willow Shields
  48. Annie Cresta/Stef Dawson #3 ~ Our reaction to not having Annie cast in CF: "WHERE IS SHE?"
  49. boy with the bread {Peeta/Josh} #15 ~ "[Peeta's] good and nice in a world that’s harsh and unkind." - Jen Lawrence
  50. The Hob [OT] #21: Because our shows are back, and we're loving them!