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  1. 10TIHAY Series Finale Airs 05/24/10 Discussion Thread
  2. Mr. Lee, Mr. Lee. Oh, Mr. Lee.
  3. Give them hell!
  4. 1x18 "Changes" Episode Discussion Thread [Airs 05/17/2010]
  5. "Just One Kiss" Episode Discussion Thread Airs 05/10/2010!
  6. Don't Stop Promoting
  7. Save 10 Things! Save our show! Save the Naked Mole Rats! Join the Campaign!
  8. Episode 1.16 Too Much Information Discussion Thread [airing 05/03/2010]
  9. Kat && Bianca #2: Because they save naked mole rats!
  10. petition?
  11. News & Appearances #6: Because we can give you 10 Things ABC Family did wrong!
  12. promotion
  13. [ Sex Hair ] Ethan / Patrick Thread #18: Because Mr. Sex Hair likes to save naked mole rats too!
  14. Rebels {KღP} #24: Because they're the sexy hair couple
  15. Rebels {KღP} #24: Because they're the sexy hair couple
  16. Episode 1.15 Winner Takes All Episode Discussion Thread (airing 4/26/2010)
  17. Alkies [Sparkles+Watermelon] #3: Because they equal funtimes
  18. 10 Things Letter Ending Game #3
  19. 1x14 Meat is Murder Episode Discussion Thread (4/19/2010)
  20. Post Count #5: Because our post count is now amazeballs!!
  21. ****Save 10 Things!****
  22. News & Appearances #5: Because ABC Family might not care about the show, but we do!
  23. Kat S./Lindsey S. #10: Because we can name more than 10 things we love about her
  24. Kat, Patrick, Joey, Bianca!
  25. 10 Things Word Association #5
  26. 1.13 - Great Expectations (April, 12th) Discussion Thread.
  27. {Sex Hair} Patrick/Ethan #17: Because when he says babe, we swoon
  28. Rebels {K♥P} #23: Because people love their Katrick!
  29. Everyone Watch April 5th Episode-1.12!!!!!!!!- Important!!!
  30. 1X12 Don't Trust Me Episode Discussion Thread (4/5/10)
  31. Rebels {K♥P} #22: Because dems da rules!!!!
  32. Cast Photo Thread #3: Because new season = new pictures!!!
  33. 1x11 "Da Repercussions" Episode discussion thread (03/29/10)
  34. Rebels {K&P} #21: Because it's finally here!!!!
  35. [Sex Hair] Ethan/Patrick Thread #16: Because according to Lindsey, Ethan has soft lips! *fan girls swoon*
  36. 10 Things Anti-ABCs #5: Moron, Nasty, Offensive
  37. Lindsey & Ethan #8: Because they have a "wonderful" time during the make-out scenes
  38. {The Dreamers} Joey & Bianca #3:Because they're make-out sessions are more important than history.
  39. Padua Coutryard {OT} #5: Because GO PENGUINS!!!
  40. News & Appearences #4: Because March 29th...nuff said
  41. 10 Things ABC's #5: In Love, Jocks, Kiss
  42. Rebels {K&P} #20 Because "You've been wanting to do that all day" (Patrick)
  43. 10 Things Board Guide #2: Thread Guide/Birthdays/Intros here!
  44. 10 Things word association#4
  45. Board Customization
  46. [Sex Hair] Patrick/Ethan #15: Because his perfect deep voice just adds to the hotness scale!
  47. 10 Things Letter Ending Game #2
  48. Standard Avatars
  49. Rebels {K&P} #19 because who doesn't love Katrick???
  50. 10 Things Anti-ABC's #4 Jerk, Kooky, Loser