- Possible Board Closure Discussion: Please Read and Respond!
- Elizabeth Word Association #47: Season - Summer - Hot
- Liz's last letter game #35: SweeT - TalL - Living
- Elizabeth ABCs #42: Generous - Happy - Intelligent
- Elizabeth Anti-ABCs: Nobody - Odd - Poor
- The Person Below Me #19: TPBM is ready for a new thread?
- The Person Above Me #6: TPAM loves Liz
- Off-Topic Thread #26: We won't stop talking
- Wannabe Agents #2: Any show would benefit by having Liz in the cast.
- Elizabeth Word Association: #46: LOST - Actress - Liz
- 2016 Fan Art Holiday Competition Voting: Elizabeth Mitchell
- Elizabeth ABCs #41: Dynamic - Easy going - Fine
- Elizabeth Mitchell - Moderator Opening Announcement
- Holiday Fan Art Competition 2016
- Board Recustomisation
- Elizabeth Anti-ABCs: Kenyan - Loser - Martian
- Low Post Count Warning – Please Read
- The Person Below Me #18: TPBM is ready to answer more questions?
- Elizabeth Italian Thread #3 ~ No matter how much Italian you know, you can join the chat at any time.
- S/J #7: Time doesn't matter - they are still in our hearts
- Dead of Summer Season Finale Discussion: 1x10 - She Talks to Angels
- Elizabeth Word Association #45: Summer - Camp - Deb
- Liz's last letter game #34 EnticinG - GreaT - TalenteD
- Dead of Summer Episode Discussion: 1x09 - Home Sweet Home
- Dead of Summer Episode Discussion: 1x08 - The Devil Inside
- Dead of Summer Episode Discussion: 1x07 - Townie
- Dead of Summer Episode Discussion: 1x06 - The Dharma Bums
- Dead of Summer Episode Discussion: 1x05 - How To Stay Alive In The Woods
- Elizabeth ABCs #40: Actress - Blonde - Cute
- Dead of Summer Episode Discussion: 1x04 - Modern Love
- Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
- Dead of Summer Episode Discussion: 1x03 - Mix Tape
- Dead of Summer Episode Discussion: 1x02 - Barney Rubble Eyes
- Dead of Summer Episode Discussion: 1x01 - Patience
- Elizabeth's Anti-ABCs: Harmful - Idiot - Junk
- Elizabeth Word Association #44: Elizabeth - Lost - Juliet
- Elizabeth Mitchell 300 Word Story #7: The power of imagination. And randomness.
- Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
- Deb | Dead of Summer S&S #1: First loves, first kisses - and first kills.
- Elizabeth ABCs #39: Blonde - Hair - Long
- Off-Topic Thread #25: "How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice. "You must be," said the Cat, "or you wouldn't have come here."
- Liz's last letter game #33: MesmerizinG - GenerouS - SublimE
- Elizabeth's Anti-ABCs #40: Enemy - Fool - Glacial
- Elizabeth Word Association #43: One - Only - Original
- Juliet Burke #8: "One of the most compelling reasons to stay with the often maddening series during its six-year run." - MSN
- Liz Mitchell Photoshoot Survivor (New Game see post #225!)
- Elizabeth's ABC's #38: Powerful performances - Quite amazing - Real deal
- The Person Below Me #17: TPBM is ready to enjoy the holidays?
- Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
- Elizabeth's Anti-ABCs #39: Blank - Cruel- Divide