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  1. Taylor's ABC's #25: Open, Pretty, Quirky
  2. Letter Ending Game #8: Singer, Real, Lovely
  3. Taylor Anti ABC's #21: Lame, Mean, Nasty
  4. TPAM #16: TPAM has all of Taylor's albums!
  5. Taylor & Meredith #3: Because Taylor is a cat person, and now so are we!
  6. Taylor Lyric Hangman #14: Guess the Lyrics!
  7. Taylor Fashion Thread #5: Because she always experiments and always looks flawless!
  8. Besides Taylor, Who Else Do You Listen To? #22 ♪
  9. Taylor Video Thread #6: Because her videos are all differently amazing
  10. Taylor's General Friendship Thread #5: Because her friends tweet more than she does!
  11. Superstars {M&T} #7: Because we miss them!!!
  12. Taylor Swift 300 Word Story #7: Because whats better than making up our own stories?
  13. Taylor Swift [The Album] Appreciation #7: Because once a favorite, always a favorite.
  14. The Hot Seat #5: Come in and get to know each other!
  15. TPBM #11: TPBM likes the Both of Us Video?
  16. TSwift Post Count #12: Because we're posting maniacs!
  17. What Taylor song are you listening to now? #28 ♪
  18. Country Family #2: Because we love that her and Tim McGraw are on the same label!
  19. Taylor Anti ABC's #20: Idiot, Just bad, Klingon
  20. ♫TSwift General Music Appreciation #6: Whether acoustic or pop, we can't get enough of her songs!
  21. Taylor's ABC's #24: Lovely, Magnificent, Nice
  22. Letter Ending Game #7: Superstar, Radiant, Talented
  23. Taylor Word Association #28: Love Story - Song - Music
  24. General Tour Thread #5: [spoilers] The album's not even out yet, and we're dreaming about the tour!
  25. Fearless Leaders #32 [OT]: Because we love to talk!!!
  26. Taylor Hug Thread #3: Because the hugs never really end!
  27. Taylor Art Thread #7: Because there can never be enough Taylor art!
  28. TSwift News Thread #24: We love to hear about Taylor!
  29. Long Live (Tay&Band) #2: Never forget the essence of your sparkle!
  30. The Freshmen [T&A] #6: Because they'll be friends no matter what!
  31. ♫Speak Now Appreciation #6: Between the album and the tour, you can't go wrong!
  32. Taylor Twitter Appreciation #2: Because she follows more and more people everyday!
  33. Taylor Icon Thread #8: Even in icons, Taylor's beauty shines!
  34. Movie & TV Roles #2: Because we love all of Taylor's roles!
  35. Taylor's General Friendship Thread #4: Because Taylor is friends with EVERYONE, and we love that!
  36. Besides Taylor, Who Else Do You Listen To? #21 ♪
  37. Taylor Picture Thread #16: Because we love seeing all of Taylor's stunning pictures!
  38. Taylor Lyric Hangman #13: Guess the Lyrics!
  39. What Taylor song are you listening to now? #27 ♪
  40. Taylor Swift 300 Word Story #6: We have our own little stories.
  41. Taylor Anti ABC's #19: Ferret, Gross, Hag
  42. Taylor & Meredith #2: Because we want MORE, MORE, MORE of Meredith!
  43. TSwift Post Count #11: Because we love talking about Taylor!
  44. Taylor THIS or THAT #8: Speak Now Tour or Fearless Tour?
  45. TPBM #10: TPBM likes the Safe and Sound video?
  46. Taylor Word Association #27: Dear John - Songs - Lyrics
  47. Letter Ending Game #6: Grateful, Luster, Riveting
  48. Fearless Leaders #31 [OT]: The one thread WITHOUT Taylor!
  49. Taylor Swift Hair Appreciation Thread #5: Because her straight hair looks so grown up, though we all miss her curls!
  50. Taylor Hug Thread #2: Because we can't help but hug each other, no matter how far apart we are!