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  1. Cookie Body Appreciation #13: Brand new colors are nothing but a secret
  2. David on Twitter #2: Twitter is the devil!
  3. Undercook [David/Carrie] #9: Because he said "I love that girl to death"!
  4. What David Song Are You Listening To? #13 - While we keep rocking to the old music, the countdown to new sounds begins!
  5. David Pictures #22 - Excessive amounts of hotness in here! Enter at your own risk!
  6. David Cook Word Association #23: David - Neal - Andy
  7. David Cook Hangman #15: The best quotes and lyrics from the Word Nerd book
  8. Happy Birthday Paula! - October 5th
  9. David Cook ABCs #13: The Word Nerd's ABC
  10. The Anthemic (David's Band a.k.a. BOUH) #12: It's a heavy concentration of talent and hotness!
  11. Cookmann [David/Neal] #5: Because they wear guns and roses
  12. RAVE [Ryan/Dave] #2: "Breathe... Just Breathe."
  13. David Cook Word Association #22: Love - Friends - Band
  14. Cookson [Cook/Clarkson] #10: Because David totally stole his secret girlfriend's sunglasses when she wasn't looking!
  15. David on Twitter - I hate you but I love you... will we ever know what he ate at 12:34?
  16. David Pictures #21: David + Beanie = Adorable X 2
  17. DC Post Count #7 (Updated 3-07-10 & with February count)
  18. Mavid [Mikey/Cookie] #51: Because Mavid is more epic than any other Idol couple!!!
  19. The Blank Slate (Off Topic) #23: Since this is a Blank Slate do we even need a title?
  20. David Cook Anti-ABCs #7: Lions and Tigers and Bears... he's none of them.
  21. David Cook ABCs #12: Analog Heart, Barbasol, Come Back To Me
  22. Undercook [Dave/Carrie] #8: She's a little bit country, He's a little bit rock n' roll
  23. David Cook Hangman #14: His banter makes finding quotes unbelievably easy
  24. David Cook Word Association #21: Duet - Kradam - Awesomeness
  25. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  26. The Wrong Answer Game #2 - Because Cookie is always the right answer!
  27. David News/Appearances #8: "I am available... for an interview."
  28. David Pictures Thread #20 - Cause if Looks Could Kill... oh wait, his already do!!
  29. David Fashion Thread #8 - One man buys a pair of skinny jeans... thousands of fangirls flail
  30. What David Song Are You Listening To? #12 - It's my declaration so tell me you can hear these words tonight
  31. David Cook Anti-ABC's #6 - Only post what he's not. So don't post the words sexy or awesome!
  32. David Cook Word Association #20: Sport - Baseball - Fanboy
  33. David's Band (BOUH) #11: Because they touch each others... guitars every night! *winkwink*
  34. David Cook ABC's #11: Creative, Daring, Eclectic
  35. Cookie Keepers Thread #2 - I think we forgot that we kept so many Cookie things!
  36. Declaration Tour #5: It's the coolest job on the planet
  37. Cookie Body Appreciation #12: Sweet eyes and devilish lips
  38. Cookmann [David/Neal] #4: Because Neal is the one blonde that will always be in Dave's life.
  39. Happy Birthday Ana! (Tugi) - July 4th
  40. Undercook [David/Carrie] #7: Because she's his safe haven
  41. David Pictures Thread #19: ATTENTION! The hotness of the pictures in this thread may cause drooling and fainting
  42. Cookson [Cook/Clarkson] #9: Because they both have the same ideal date (so why don't they just go on one already?!)
  43. The Blank Slate (Off Topic) #22 - When it comes to titles we really are a Blank Slate!
  44. David Cook One Year On Fan Forum
  45. David This or That #3: Hot singer or Hottest singer ever?
  46. David Cook Word Association #19: Tie - vest - SEXY!
  47. David Appreciation Thread #6: David Cook, that's why, who and what.
  48. David Cook Hangman #13: More songs in the catalogue to choose from!
  49. David Cook ABC's #10: Hot, Intelligent, Joey's friend!
  50. David Cook Anti-ABC's #5 - He's not a Zebra, right? So post it!