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  1. Nate & Sports #1: Soccer, Lacrosse and Sailing, Oh My!
  2. Chace/Leona Lewis #1: Because he is in her music video 'I Will Be'
  3. Nate Archibald S&S #8: Because his SLs aren't as fortunate as his face.
  4. Modern Fairytale [NateღJenny] #5- The most important things are the hardest to say, because words diminish them
  5. Post Count #3: We're aiming high for our next goal: 50k!
  6. The Non-Judging Breakfast Club [NSCB] #3: Because all they're missing are their Chevy Impalas.
  7. Blue-Eyed Babes {ChaceღTaylor} #3- Because they simply light up around each other!
  8. Chace/Ed/Jessica #1: Because they are three musketeers in real life too
  9. Nate Archibald Appreciation #5: Because for the sake of television, we need to see more Nate.
  10. {Betrothed} Chace&Jessica#3 Because Chace thinks she's stunning, - a terrific smile and just a great girl inside and out
  11. Nate Archibald S&S #7: Because foiler or spoiler?! What the heck is going on here?!
  12. Nate/Vanessa #4: Because Nate Is Vanessa's Candyman.
  13. Carrnal Knowledge (2x17) - Episode Discussion Thread
  14. Please Welcome Rebel_Diamond As Your New Moderator
  15. GG Season 2 [Nate Archibald] Discussion Thread #3: Because *poof* went his story lines.
  16. Dirty Riders {Nate ♥ Blair} #9: You're a NB killer. You're lucky to be feeling anything below the neck.
  17. Blair/Nate/Serena # 2: We have so many scenes we can't pick a title!
  18. Introduction / Board Guide #2: Your key through the Chace board
  19. Modern Fairytale [NateღJenny] #4- Because absence makes thy heart grow fonder
  20. Nate Archibald S&S #6: Because don't blink or you'll miss him!
  21. Nate Archibald Airtime Guessing Game #1
  22. Chace Pictures #4: Who could focus on homework when you have pics of Chace to drool over?
  23. Moderator Opening Announcement - Chace Crawford
  24. Goodbye FunSizeKristy
  25. Modern Fairytale [NateღJenny] #3- Because here it is folks, straight from Nate's mouth to our ears: "She's with me."
  26. The Non-Judging Breakfast Club [NSCB] #2: Because we'd take breakfast with the UES over dinners in Brooklyn anyday.
  27. GG Season 2 [Nate Archibald] Discussion Thread #2: Because the dawn BETTER be coming.
  28. Nate&Chuck #2: Nate+Chuck+Mary Jane = OT3!
  29. Nate Archibald Appreciation #4: Nate Archibald: sexing up your screen and mom since 2007.
  30. Dirty Riders {Nate ♥ Blair} #8: Because Earth to Nate: you can come back to the UES anyday now.
  31. Chace/Penn/Ed Thread #1- Because three hot guys for the price of one!
  32. Nate Archibald S&S #5: Oh hey Nate, didn't SEE you there.
  33. Modern Fairytale [NateღJenny] #2- Because where's a masquerade ball when you really need one?
  34. [Nate ♥ Serena]#6: Because they stood next to each other! It's a sign from the heavens!
  35. Nate♥Vanessa #3: Because she never felt this way before and it matters to him
  36. Dirty Rider {Natie Poo ♥ Blair Bear} #7: Because Josh is just a mad dog. We want whoever took him off the leash.
  37. Chace Anti ABCs #3
  38. Chace/Leighton #2: Because they both have the same views on life.
  39. {Betrothed} Chace & Jessica #2: Because he wants to marry her!
  40. Nate Archibald S&S #4: No matter what the writters come up with we love Nate
  41. Nate Archibald Appreciation #3: Because say all you want you effing haters, but we still love Mr. Archibald oh so much.
  42. Nate Archibald S&S #4: Because Nate must be really good at trigonometry by now.
  43. Chace Fanfic Thread: Cause he ignites our imagination
  44. CupCakes {Chace|Blake} #4: B/c their chemistry onscreen shines althought the don't get any scene
  45. GG Season 1 [Nate Archibald] Discussion Thread #1: Because he had us at the promo
  46. Nate Archibald in {2x12} "It's A Wonderful Lie" Discussion
  47. Nate♥Vanessa #2: Because she is the one he wants to be with
  48. GG Season 2 [Nate Archibald] Discussion Thread #1: Because He's More Than A Pretty Face This Season.
  49. Happy Thanksgiving!
  50. Dirty Riders {Nate ♥ Blair} #6: Because anything Josh can do we can do better!