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  1. Message Board Closure Notice
  2. Possible Board Closure Discussion: Please Read and Respond!
  3. The Twilight Saga Appreciation thread #36 Because we'll never have enough to say about this series!
  4. Rob's Anti-ABC's - #53
  5. Stepping down but not leaving....<3
  6. Moderator Opening Announcement - Extended
  7. Rob Mob Musings [OT] #57 Because we have so much to talk about don't even notice when a thread is up!
  8. Maps To the Stars Spoiler Thread #4 Because we're trying to patiently waiti for our release date this flick
  9. Rob Gif Appreciation #13 because we love animated Rob and all the cute things he does
  10. Robert Body Appreciation Thread #43 Because we will never be over how friggin sexy this man's body is
  11. ✮Secluded Soulmates✮[R/K]#82 Because they're both so busy with new projects we can barely keep up!
  12. Edward Cullen BAMF #70 ღ Because he really knows how to rock a peacoat!!! ღ
  13. Robert Pictures Thread #77Because we can't decide what's sexier - Rob in a suit or Rob in a tux
  14. Robert Dream Thread #8 Because we long to have dreams about our Brit
  15. Eric Packer thread [Cosmopolis] #14 Because he's a bad ass and we love it.
  16. Rob News & Appearances #51 Because we can never hear enough about our Rob and what he is up to!!!
  17. The Cullens (E♥B)#79 "Dream happy dreams. You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours. Sleep,my only love.”
  18. JacobღMarlena [WFE] #9 "I love you, Marlena. I love you with my heart and soul, and I want to be with you."
  19. 'LIFE' Movie Spoiler thread #2 Because we are more than ready for a trailer for this film!
  20. Rob's ABCs - #85
  21. Post Count thread #50 Cause we've hit Fifty threads and we're ready to hit Fifty more
  22. Writing an article, need volunteers...
  23. The Rover Spoiler Thread #6 So many great reviews we are happy for Rob he deserves all the praise!
  24. Rob Mob Musings [OT] #56 Because...well just because!!!
  25. Robert & Taylor #6 Because we'd love to see these two together again.
  26. RobHusband thread #16 - Because he is deliciously handsome in every way!
  27. ✮Secluded Soulmates✮[R/K]#81 Because they are perfectly awkward together.
  28. Rob's Hot Seat #7
  29. Robert Hair Flip Appreciation #23 - Because we flip our lids when he flips his hair!
  30. Robert's Lurker Thread #2 Because we're always eager to welcome new posters! Come join us!
  31. Robert Fan Picture thread #9 Because with all these new posters have lots more pics to show
  32. Robert Keeper Thread #9 Because He Really Is The King Of Cannes!
  33. Robert Quotes #20 Because looks are great but it was his words that won us over.
  34. Rob's Last Letter Game #8
  35. Robert Music Appreciation Thread #21 Because if he ever came out with an album we'd be first in line to buy it!
  36. The Twilight Saga Appreciation Thread #35 - ღ Because we will love Twilight forever ღ
  37. Edward & Jasper Appreciation Thtread #20 Because Eclipse was EJ/Jasper Heaven there was so much!
  38. Robert/Cedric #30 Because we can't believe the Gilly water is blue!
  39. Rob Pattinson 400K Celebration Thread! Because holy crap we posted a lot and we're damn proud of it!
  40. Rob Dirty Thread # 31 - Because we must keep this PG-13 but our minds are in the gutter!
  41. Rob News & Appearances #50 Because were still riding the high from all he news and craving more.
  42. Robert Funny Faces #29 - Because his priceless facial expressions lights up our day
  43. Rob/Tyler [RM] Becuase he left a great impact on those he left behind.
  44. Rob's Anti-ABC's - #52
  45. Post Count #49 Because we're so close to 400K we can taste it!
  46. Robert Pictures Thread #76 Becuase we got us a new photoshoot and we're trying not to drool to death
  47. Robert/Jacob Thread [WFE] #9 Because he's Jacob Jankowski, the only one.
  48. Rob Mob Musings [OT] #55 Because we never run out of things to talk about!
  49. Edward&Emmett Thread #9 Because they are happy go lucky having fun goofing around!
  50. Maps To the Stars Spoiler Thread #3 Because our man got a standing O in Cannes and we couldn't be prouder!