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  1. HIMYM Follow The Last Letter #9: Umbrella - Alyson - Neil
  2. HIMYM Question and Answer game #6: "Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer." - William S. Burroughs
  3. Blue French Horn Lovers|Full Circle|Endgame [T📯R] #19: Because Cobie cried when she read about Ted and Robin's reunion in the finale script!
  4. Post Count #15: Our post counting is awesome!
  5. Besides HIMYM what are you watching/listening to? #1
  6. Anti-ABC's #27: Death - Erased - Failure
  7. HIMYM Hangman #18: Ted should've hung up the phone instead of calling Robin after 2 AM.
  8. HIMYM This or That #6: Halloween or New Year's Eve rooftop party?
  9. The Person Above Me #23: TPAM can rock and roll all night!
  10. HIMYM 300 word story #15: A long limousine ride...
  11. HIMYM Word Association #37: Playbook - Quinn - Radnor
  12. MacLaren's pub OT #55: Our newest mod is still practicing!
  13. HIMYM Tell a lie #6: Barney didn't want to see Lily's breasts.
  14. HIMYM I Have Never Game #11: I have never taken the Broath
  15. HIMYM ABC's #30: Aldrin - Brunch - Columns
  16. HIMYM The Person Below Me #8: TPBM wants to gamble with Barney in Atlantic City?
  17. MacLaren's pub OT #54: Our newest mod is practicing!
  18. Do you know which HIMYM episode this was?
  19. HIMYM Follow The Last Letter #8: Boats - Suits - Slaps
  20. Please Welcome Your Temporary Moderator!
  21. Host (Neil/Barney) #24: "A lie is just a great story that someone ruined with the truth." - Barney Stinson
  22. HIMYM Question and Answer game #5: "Judge a man by his quesitons rather than his answers." - Voltaire
  23. Please Welcome Ropetuned as your New Moderator
  24. Anti-ABC's #26: Boring - Crazy - Divorce
  25. HIMYM Word Association #36: Umbrella - Tracy - Ukulele
  26. HIMYM Hangman #17: Barney has a lot of suits hanging in his closet.
  27. HIMYM This or That #5: Something Borrowed or Something Blue?
  28. How I Met Your Mother - Moderator Opening Announcement
  29. It's time for another finale...
  30. Wisdom Walkers [Ted/Josh] #6: Ted Mosby - Master of the tricycle
  31. HIMYM Tell a lie #5: Ted told his kids a very short story.
  32. MacLaren's pub OT #53: We can never come up with any good titles. LOL
  33. HIMYM Hangman #16: Let's hang out with The Captain on his boat!
  34. HIMYM Character Elimination Game #9: We're counting down Ted's Top Five girlfriends!
  35. HIMYM ABC's #29: Rebound - Slapsgiving - Tailgate
  36. Post Count #14 - Still doing fantastic...
  37. Blue French Horn Lovers|Full Circle|Endgame [T📯R] #18: Because Ted and Robin kept their 40 year pact!
  38. HIMYM 300 word story #14: A wedding in Atlantic City!
  39. The Person Above Me #22: TPAM wants to watch the Super Bowl at Ted, Marshall, and Lily's apartment!
  40. HIMYM Hangman #15: Hang out at Atlantic City for Marshall and Lily's wedding!
  41. HIMYM I Have Never Game #10: I have never snuck into a prom.
  42. HIMYM The Person Below Me #7: TPBM wants to borrow Robin's bikini shirt?
  43. Blue French Horn Lovers|Full Circle|Endgame [T📯R] #17: Because this is the true story of how he met Aunt Robin!
  44. Mr&MrsღLegenmarried (BR) #59: B/C Barney didn't need his Playbook after he fell in love with Robin.
  45. HIMYM Word Association #35: Farhampton - Goat - Harris
  46. Anti-ABC's #25: Xray - Youth - Zzz
  47. MacLaren's pub OT #52:
  48. Hangman #14: Will you be hanged?
  49. HIMYM Follow The Last Letter #7: Pineapple - Ericksen - Nora
  50. HIMYM/Jane the Virgin January Posting Challenge