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  1. Farewell and adieu to you Edtopian Ladies... And gentleman?...
  2. Message Board Closure Notice
  3. @EdWestwick Twitter & Instagram #3: Pushing energy tea like a Boss!
  4. Kent (Wicked City) S&S #2: Coming to you in October, Ed on the small screen!
  5. Ed ABC's #19 - For the non-alphabetically challenged
  6. The Kitchen Sink (Noward Namllen Vamp) S&S #2: TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. We have something.
  7. Bone In the Throat S&S #2: This movie exists! Seriously!
  8. People Magazine Article
  9. Ed Westwick Three Word Posts #3: Three words Isa
  10. Ed Pictures #73: HE HAS PICTURES?! #ctwillneverknowanything
  11. Edtopia (OT) #157: "Tough luck cause we need to learn German! I dug the tapes! I even found Muzzy in German for you!" "Terrific." Chrissie muttered.
  12. N-JBC (CBNS) #9: With friends like these, who needs armies?
  13. The thumbEDward Survivor #2: It's all thumbs up here!
  14. Ed News #73: Ed has stuff going on. In other news, Isa has no face.
  15. Ed Westwick en Español #16: Hola que pasa?
  16. Ed Anti-ABCs #18: Not, Very, Good (this is CT's alphabet)
  17. Chuck Bass #27: It's been years but he'll never go out of style
  18. Standard Avatars 2015
  19. Low Post Count Warning - Please Read
  20. Kent (Wicked City) Spoilers & Speculation #1: Here we go again..
  21. Ed Post Count #24: No Face doing everyone's work for them and keeping us going!
  22. Basses (Chair ♥ Bluck) #97: Years later, people can't get over them. Years later, they're going strong.
  23. Romeo & Juliet #12: No Face finally saw the movie and she was hit by waves of feels.
  24. A Conspiracy on Jekyll Island S&S #2: We're conspiring about a possible movie filmed on Jekyll Island.
  25. Better Than You {Meester ♥Westwick} #107: ALL GLORY TO EL AND THE HYPNOTOAD
  26. Edtopia (OT) #156: Winky was excited by the evidence. "It's a free knife! And it comes a free note! You will die by sunrise! Ooh, a free threat!"
  27. Dream Roles & Co-Stars #5: We want Ed and our OP to start together. Oh, wait...
  28. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ISA!![11.19.2014]: We love you, yeah, yeah, yeah
  29. TPAM #21: has some explaining to do....
  30. Charles|Bart (Father And Son) #13: Bart's last appearance was really a test for Chuck to be a man! #denialisariverinEgypt
  31. Six Degrees of Ed Westwick #2 - #ItsNotAllConnected The No Gossip Girl Edition!
  32. "Last Flight 3D" Spoilers #3: I've been a pilot for 14 years...
  33. Edtopia (OT) #155: Title? Titulo? Titolo? Titre? Titel? Avdelning?
  34. @EdWestwick Twitter & Instagram #2: Football and selfies and EDorableness, oh my!
  35. Happy 27th Birthday, Ed!
  36. Italian ObsessED #03: Mangiare, Cibo, Dolci
  37. The thumbEDward Survivor: It's all thumbs up here!
  38. Happy Birthday Chris {June 23rd} Because she be getting older but not necessarily wiser!
  39. Take Down S&S: Well, they're filming and there's that.
  40. Hot Seat (QoTD) #36: Today's question: what is Isa's role in CT's book? :P
  41. Chace and Edward {Batman & Batman} #14: Obviously they're building the anticipation...
  42. TPAM #20: loves Ed Westwick
  43. Chunkey { Chuck & Monkey} #8: Because he will never be BLACKLIST-ed from our hearts
  44. Mr & Mrs Bass {Husband & Wife} #96: Because Chuck and Blair could never be boring
  45. Bone in the Throat S&S Thread: Tommy or Will we will love him either way.
  46. Havoc Reigns!
  47. Hangman #26: -e'- ---ew-e-e, f-nd --- -le--e.
  48. Ed Westwick in Magazines Survivor Número Cuatro - The bloodiest battle since the Ascot Survivor!
  49. Ed ABCs #18: Gorgeous, Handsome, Individual
  50. Ed Accent Appreciation #5: Everyone wants Ed's voice with a side of fries and a bag of chips.