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  1. Message Board Closure Notice
  2. Peter B./John Slattery Love #12: "This 'Mad Man' is in Demand!"
  3. Off Topic #21: "Fagerstrom! I know you're in there!"
  4. Marcus Ride/Edwin Hodge Appreciation #2!
  5. Peter/John Slattery Love #11: Amazingly Talented & Incredibly Sweet!!
  6. Jack McCallister/Matt Long Appreciation #3
  7. Bobby McCallister/Logan Lerman Appreciation #2
  8. Grace/Christine Lahti #5: She's the coolest pot smoking professor ever!
  9. Word Association #9
  10. ABC Game Thread #7
  11. Bradley Cooper/Tom Wexler Graham #8: This trust fund baby is a scholar!
  12. Off Topic #20: Oh, doctor! Give me a full body cavity search.
  13. Peter/John Slattery Love #10: A Date with Destiny: March 18!!!!!
  14. Peter/John Slattery Love #10: A Date with Destiny: March 18!!!!!
  15. Off Topic #20: Oh, doctor! Give me a full body cavity search.
  16. Word Association #9................
  17. Peter/John Love #9: "John's Girls Love His Curls!!"
  18. Off Topic #19: Your hands are shaking cold, these hands are meant to hold...
  19. Hangman #6: Can you solve?
  20. Grace/Christine Lahti Appreciation #5: She's the coolest pot smoking professor ever!
  21. ABC Game Thread #7
  22. Peter/John Love #8: "Back To Broadway!!"
  23. Please Welcome your new mods - jsrocks and Em17sK!
  24. Moderator Opening Announcement
  25. Casting Sides from nowcasting.com
  26. anyone know if's it's gonna be shown in UK?
  27. Off Topic #18: Wanna go to J.R.'s and split a milkshake?
  28. Word Association #8: Jack & Bobby - Masterpiece
  29. Peter/John Love#7: What in the world will John do next?
  30. J&B Birthday Thread #2: Close your eyes..make a wish..
  31. Tom/Grace Adoration #15: They're proof that people can be brilliant AND beautiful.
  32. ABC Game Thread #6
  33. Off Topic #17: Some people say cucumbers taste better than pickles
  34. Word Association #7: Soft - Skin
  35. Fill in the blank
  36. Create your own...
  37. Off-Topic Thread #16: We have a saucer of milk for ya
  38. Peter/John Love#6: We'd pay money just to hear him read the phone book!
  39. 300 Post Story #3: Easier than Tom's thesis paper!
  40. Bobby McCallister/Logan Lerman Appreciation Thread #2
  41. Hangman #5: Would you like to buy a vowel?
  42. Off-Topic Thread #15: Summer school sucks.
  43. General Show Discussion Thread: #1
  44. Official News: Jack and Bobby Cancelled!
  45. ABC Game Thread#5
  46. Hot Seat #2: Can you handle my truth?
  47. Off-Topic Thread #14: Are we ever ON-topic?
  48. You know you're obsessed with Jack & Bobby when...
  49. Tom Wexler Graham/Bradley Cooper Appreciation #8: This trust fund baby is a scholar!
  50. J&B Trivia: "You know I'm going to quiz you now." "Try it."